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The best Streetpass trolling team

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Honestly, I don't find that streetpass teams will give you that much trouble.

Especially considering how you have pair-up BS dual guards and anti-miracle dual attacks on your side.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Just about yesterday there was a team with four assassins and they all have lethality.

Topic description:

"that doesn't have Miracle/Counter/Lethality."

Give your units forges that spoil the story in their names.

Hahaha. One-two words per weapon. XD

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Go crazy in defense.

Ooh, I know! If you have a Walhart!Morgan as a Great Knight... Conquest, Resistance +10, Pavise, Aegis, Wrath. THAT would piss off someone.

That's what I'm going for with my current streetpass team I'm building! Fred!Nah, +DEF FeMU with Chrom, Lucina, and Morgan are my front lines, everybody has Pavise+Aegis except for Chrom (no Pavise) and forged Short Spears and Brave Lances. Also, everyone is a general, Chrom is a GK.

My buddy has yet to find a strategy that works, especially when Nah has Lifetaker and everyone else is either Sol or Aethering.

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name your weapons something else

like call a forged Celica's Gale Elwind to throw people off, or Noble Rapier as a Bronze Sword or something

that'll get them cool.gif

I'm guessing no one's like me and looks at the actual item icons and description whenever I see blue text on a Streetpass team's inventory? XD

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I'm guessing no one's like me and looks at the actual item icons and description whenever I see blue text on a Streetpass team's inventory? XD

it forces people to actually check instead of just glancing over it though

cause you know, effort dry.gif

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Everyone is a Mire Sorcerer with maxed-out MAG, Tomefaire, and Aggressor. Make sure everyone's movement is very low. Pray your opponent doesn't get enough of them before the first Enemy Phase so they all gang up on a single low-RES unit and destroy them at range.

All Streetpass strategies that don't rely upon trying to force a cheap reset are not going to work.

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MU: "Grima", Grandmaster; Ignis, Limit Break, Anathema, Hex, Idunno Aggressor maybe. Thoron, Steel Sword

Gangrel, Trickster; Vengeance, Wrath, Counter, Anathema, Limit Break. Levin Sword. Killing Edge.

Walhart, Conqueror; Luna, Pavise, Limit Break, Aggressor, Conquest. Wolfberg.

Emmeryn, Sage; Limit Break, Tomefaire, Miracle, Renewal, Rally Heart. Valflame, Goddess, Fortify, Physic, Catharsis

Yen'fay, Swordmaster; Astra, Swordfaire, Limit Break, Lancebreaker, Lethality. Amatsu.

Aversa, Dark Flier; Iote's Shield, Limit Break, Shadowgift, Vengeance, Tomebreaker. Aversa's Night

Priam, Hero; Limit Break, Sol, Luna, Astra, Lancebreaker. Ragnell

Basilio, Warrior; Limit Break, Axebreaker, Counter, Pavise, Axefaire. Hauteclere.

Flavia, Hero; Lethality, Limit Break, Sol, Pavise, Luna. Mercurius

Lucina, Great Lord; Astra, Lethality, Aether, Rightful King, Limit Break. Parallel Falchion


I'll pass that out at con.

I think it'll be a bit of fun. Sure, you may beat the team, or if you're new, dismiss it, but if you ARE new, well, you can't unsee it.

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Start a new game. Get up to Wireless. Use Avatar as little as possible, and give him/her something lame like +Luck/-Spd. Fill your Streetpass with that, and give everyone Bronze weapons.

Now giggle as people can't mine you for experience, can't buy good stuff off of you, and don't want to hire you because your stats are terrible.

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Start a new game. Get up to Wireless. Use Avatar as little as possible, and give him/her something lame like +Luck/-Spd. Fill your Streetpass with that, and give everyone Bronze weapons.

Now giggle as people can't mine you for experience, can't buy good stuff off of you, and don't want to hire you because your stats are terrible.

someone knows what's up

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Have Emmeryn and other characters that were thought to be dead on your spotpass team. Spoilng the game for people who haven't got that far in the game.

Or forged Brave Weapons.

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Give your units forges that spoil the story in their names.









Tries To

Kill You

I'll take the "worst being ever" medal now.

Edited by Perlia
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That'd be my "SPOILER ALERT!" Team, Bro...

...People hate me on GameFAQs for it already, and it's not even out... (Only thing close has been Zelos's "Chosen's Gang" which had him married to Emmeryn (who was on the team), and that got passed to a kid who on his first run just saw Emm "die". That's gonna throw that kid for a loop.)

Wait, that got quoted.

Here's the real trick to it:

No Streetpass Team is ever going to be significantly hard (outside of maybe Counter/Miracle/Lethality/Limit Break/Breaker MU squads when fought WITHOUT Limit Break... on Southtown).

If you are Underleveled, It's an easy thing to "Dismiss" teams or Golden Gaffe+Buy (I SWEAR Ninty should've let you set an option to make your team appear as immediately Hostile (so they function like Risen, not like... Spotpass teams >_<;; (So your Counter/Miracle/Lethality/Limit Breat/Breaker MU squad can camp Ch13 or something on someone's file like the Lunatic Risen do.))

However, if you bump into "SPOILER ALERT" and it's you're first run and you're not at endgame, you're ****ed, and there's absolutely -NOTHING- you can do-- you get spoilers thrown in your face immediately on the Parley.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Can't you also set your character's parley phrase? "SPOILERS LOL" would be pretty good, I forget the greeting character limit. Alternately...

Name your Avatar "Grima" and have their greeting be "Final Boss."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I played against a randomly generated streetpass team which was better than mine. Tried to solo it with dark mage, Aversa night Miriel and brave lance Kellam. First shot I got 21% critted and Miriel died. Soft resetted and tried with more units. Enemy's kept on 4 or 5% critting and killing me and Miriel kept missing. Eventually I won... with just Miriel and Kellam. Thank you newcomer/casual mode

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