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What other characters would you like to have in Spotpass?


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For me...


We need more stubborn clerics who are a piece of eye candy.


Bravest soldier of the land of Archanea.


Always great to have the messiah complex of Archanea.


She will bring grace to the game! I miss u already. -.-


Would make sense to as Boey talks about her.


She will bring grace to the game.


She needs to be seen in 3D.


She will bring grace to the game! I miss u already. -.-


Bold cleric and having more mage gurls is always a good thing.


Will bring grace to the game. And will actually use since I don't use Olivia.

-Azel(We need more Fala's.)



A famed soldier of the 1st gen.


She has a facinating enough story to be deserving to be in Spotpass.


Same as Silk, etc.


The Thief of Connote will be good to have in the game too.


Same as Feena.

-*Tinny (We need more Tordo's)

Same as Tiltyu.


Great to have He-Man with a brain.

This doesn't means u, Orsin.


Would be nice to add to my ninja for hire for pieces of gold merry band.

-*Tina (Need more mage gurls)



Same as Tina.


Please <3

She makes you <3 by just looking at her.


Like Mycen. Yes.


Would be great!


Same as Shiva.


Same as Feena and Laylea.


We need the famed crimson wings of death that is Guinevere's vessel.






Please. Her mannerism and beauty is deserving for her to be added.


Should be included.


The most graceful gurl in the Elibe universe.


Second to Ninian/Priscilla in gracefulness.


Please. We need another Jaffar. Perfect for my merry band.


Please. Her softness would make the game even more graceful.



We need another He-Man.


Same as Silk. I MISS YOU. -.-




Most interesting character in the Tellius universe.

It would be nice. =)


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All the ones mentioned plus Reyson.

... Okay, okay, maybe that'll just be like having another Dancer class... So.... I guess... Ranulf : D? I would say Ike, but it seems they're already working on that one already.

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Intelligent Systems has put so many condition checks for the children. They couldn't put a check on the "Dance" command to see if the unit they're dancing for is another refresh unit?

...Though I suppose that there's no generic dancer model for battle does kind of justify the omission.

Ninian wouldn't be caught dead wearing something as revealing as Olivia's outfit.

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From FE6:

Dieck cuz badass.

Guinevere cuz important, and I always liked her even if she is a pretty stereotypical damsel in distress.

Fa because Fazilla needs to be in 3D. She would absolutely NEED to have a custom model.

Cath just cuz. She's pretty cool, and one of few female thieves.

From FE7:

Sonia and/or Limstella for being wonderful femme fatales (femmes fatales?).

Ninian as another dancer, but with a custom dance animation.

Rebecca, always liked her.

Sain, also always liked him.

Denning because he's Denning.

From FE8:

Joshua, should've been included in the first place!

Ewan and Ross to complete the trainee representation.

Myhrr because you can never have too many Manaketes! She might not need a custom model though it wouldn't hurt.

From FE9/10:

Jill and/or Haar because they're both awesome characters and units.

Ranulf or Lethe if they were willing to make an exclusive class for them. It would work the same as Taguel/Manakete just with its own stone and model.

Rolf! I love Rolf!

Gatrie for being one of very few Knights I actually like/use (along with Amelia and Kjelle).

Haven't played the other games, except Shadow Dragon but tbh I can't remember many of the characters... Cain and Abel so Sully and Stahl can fight them, though.

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because gamble skill

and I like his hat

Yes. Gimmie Joshua Hat or gimmie death!

FE7 guys:





Also Isadora.

FE9 guys:

No Haar? Wtf.

No Marcia? Get out.

And i dont think we got a Tormod.

FE10 guys:

No Nolan makes me have a sad.

I want Volug.

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His absence is almost as confusing as Eliwood and Hector not being DLC.

Some more people I'd like to see include,

Jagen (I would love to have him solo the final boss with a log)


Dieck (mostly because I would like a localized name for the guy)



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I am so glad this thread has appeared.

Maria. Not only because she's not exactly treated well in her game, but she had way more storyline importance than Ogma/Navarre in both games, and I would have loved to see her bring more personality to the game. Sadly, she didn't get artwork, like the majority of the characters, so couldn't be used.

Elice. Almost same as Maria, I never really got to use her because her playability is so limited, and she's so much more important that some of the characters that made it. This is made worse by the fact that Nyna, of all people, made it when she was never a playable character in Shadow Dragon. But unfortunately, she doesn't have new artwork either.

Erk. Loved him in FE7. So, I'm a little biased, as he isn't really storyline important, but he's the first mage to be recruited overseas, and introduced me to my love of magic users.

Marcia. Don't care from which game, she's arguably the best Pegasus Knight ever, in my frank opinion.

Heres to hoping they release another Spotpass set.

Characters that can get cut, in my opinion:

-Zihark. Seriously, how the heck did he make it? He's not important in the slightest. And we've got too many swordsmen already!

-Karel. Same as Zihark! Though I do summon him to beat him up a lot, as I don't like him at all.

-Serra. Never liked her - and how did she make it when Erk didn't?

-Moulder. Really? He's not even the Lena archetype, selecting him is like using Wrys.

-Brom/Nephenee. Ok, pick one. They both shouldn't have made it.

-Navarre/Ogma. Once again, pick one!

-Athena, Horace, Etzel, Legion, Malice - Even though I love Athena, she is totally not important enough to make it just because they have new artwork and the original characters don't.

Characters I'm thrilled that made it:

-Nyna. Never got to play with her at all, so I'm having fun raising her - even if I don't really like her personality.

-Marisa. Biased favorite from FE8.

-L'Arachel. Literally carried my FE8 runs, am so glad she has the chance to do it again.

-Lyon. Arguably my favorite male character from the whole series, I was really crushed when he was only saveable in the creature campaign. But now I can pretend I saved him the whole time.

...I'll come back if I think of more.

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I wonder if Soren would live long enough to make it into this universe. I wish an older, epic version of him would join up with Priam.

Just a Soren-fangirl wish...

We now know the true identity of Old Hubba. XD.gif

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Ninian wouldn't be caught dead wearing something as revealing as Olivia's outfit.

I'd say the same thing about Tiki too, but then hey, they put her in Nowi's...outfit on the Spotpass version of her. Nothing couldn't REALLY stop putting Ninian in Olivia's outfit, but I digress. As much as I'd like to see Ninian in Awakening, with her whole importance to FE7's story, it's most likely not gonna happen.

My additions from the games I've played:













Ranulf/Naliah (could be a taguel...or maybe not. Wishful thinking)




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1. Anri, Greil, Dheginsea, Harken, Frey, 2. and any character whose name hasn't been localized yet.

1. Honestly, Anri should have his own game, so we know his comrades as well as how his side of the story went that got Medeus to plot his revenge against Marth and his forces. This should be FE14.


2. Yes.

We need to know the truth of what they will be named in our area.

Why the hell wasn't JAGEN in there? Seriously, I am disappoint.

I'm shocked.

also am i disappoint in no Haar, Jill, or Marcia

seriously man why is Brom a spotpass character

It's even worse with Leonardo when Laura or Heather should have took that spot.

Ninian wouldn't be caught dead wearing something as revealing as Olivia's outfit.

With her being shy and the way she dresses really bugs me.

FE10 guys:

No Nolan makes me have a sad.

I want Volug.

I know. wtf

He should have took Eddie's spot.

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FE4 Gen 1:




FE4 Gen 2:
























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