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MercuryHg34's FE: Awakening Playthrough (Hard)

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The purpose of this run is to help gather data for the hard mode tier list, which means I will generally be following the guidelines of the tier list. Here is a list of the things I will be testing.

-Stahl (I have some experience with him already, should be easy)

-Panne as WR (plenty of experience here, also easy)

-Train Ricken (never used him before, and for good cause apparently)

-Lon'qu as a combat unit (done this before as well, shouldn't be too hard)

Unit List by partner

AvatarF x Chrom

Stahl x Cordelia

Kellam x Sully

Lon'qu x Cherche

Ricken x Maribelle

Lucina x Morgan (Siblings)

Nowi x Gregor

Panne (WR) x Gaius

Prologue: The Verge of History

Hooray, let's get started!

This is probably old news by now, but Michelle (the Avatar) took most of the experience. I had her paired with Chrom the entire time, and Lissa with Fred. Michelle mostly fought at ranged combat with her tome, with Lissa healing twice and Fred cleaning up so I could keep moving. Fred got more kills than I would have liked, but I gave Chrom the boss kill and Michelle is level 3 by the end so I'm fine with that.

Turns: 6/8

Heroes: Michelle & Chrom

Michelle 3.10 21 6 7 4 7 8 7 5 E Sword, E Tome None
Chrom 1.77 20 7 1 8 8 5 7 1 E Sword None
Frederick 1.44 28 14 2 12 10 6 14 3 D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe None
Lissa 1.40 17 1 5 4 4 8 3 4 E Staves None

Chapter 1: Unwelcome Changes

This was another typical chapter, Michelle dominated again. I made sure to get other units some exp, namely Chrom and Sully. First I had Michelle pair up and take to the east, handling a couple of barbarians and mercenaries. As with Interceptor, this pair up allowed me to attack on my turn at ranged while taking minimal damage on enemy phase. She gained one level this chapter.

Chrom took to the southern fort with Lissa standing right next to him. Yes, the fort has an event tile, but I felt that the fort was too important not to use this time. I would have thrown away whatever I got to follow the tier list guidelines, but Chrom got exp instead. He ended up at 99exp to the next level, but considering he was at 70 before that he was going to level up on his next kill anyway so I let it slide. Lissa got a couple of chances to heal this chapter as well. Chrom gained an excellent level up (+5 in total or something like that).

I paired Sully with Virion so that Chrom could hold the fort and attack on enemy phase. Sully led the entire time since I'm not using Virion, but he did get a bonus attack once or twice which helped her alot. Sully got the boss kill after Michelle and Chrom weakened him, gaining a decent level up. Michelle gained D in tomes, Chrom got D in swords, and Sully managed D in lances within this chapter too. Overall I was pleased with the results, looking to be a good start. *Enjoys time without having to train Ricken while it lasts*

Turns: 5/13

Heroes: Michelle & Fred

Michelle gained C support with Fred.

Chrom gained C support with Lissa.

Lissa gained C support with Fred.

Not the best combination of supports to start with (I would have preferred MichellexChrom C, but oh well).

Michelle 4.70 22 7 7 4 7 8 8 5 E Sword, E Tome C Fred
Chrom 2.99 21 7 1 9 9 6 8 2 D Sword C Lissa
Frederick 1.56 28 14 2 12 10 6 14 3 D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle & Lissa
Lissa 1.60 17 1 5 4 4 8 3 4 E Staves C Chrom & Fred
Sully 3.33 21 8 1 9 8 7 8 2 E Sword, D Lance None
Virion 2.10 19 6 0 9 5 7 6 1 D Bow None

Chapter 2: Shepherds

Now I have my first test subject, Stahl. As we all know he starts with mediocre speed compared to Sully, so in order to remedy this I paired him up with Michelle. Unfortunately he still wasn’t doubling anything, but I figured that he might if he leveled up this chapter (which was likely). Virion became support for Sully again since I figured he doesn’t have anywhere better to go.Fred teamed up with Chrom, and Lissa ran solo. Once Vaike got his axe back I threw Miriel onto him since there’s no-one else around and Miriel can’t really fight in this chapter anyway.

My objective is Rout, so I started off by having Chrom and Fred ride up the center and start tanking everything so the others could finish them off. Stahl, Sully and the others waited in the forest to the right for the barbarian there. Chrom got an incredible level up, earning +6 in total. By turn 4 I had Chrom and Fred in boss mode on the bridge, while Stahl finished up the last soldier and got a decent level up (too bad he didn’t get speed). Lissa had plenty of moments to heal, and the vulneraries were traded left and right as well.

I probably ended up with one or two extra turns, but there was a moment where I had to so some tricky transfers in order to get Fred to Stahl while leaving Michelle exposed to kill on the enemy phase. It paid off though, because almost everyone got a level out of it, and many of them were +5’s. So I am happy with that. Boss kill went to Stahl, and that got him fully caught up to Sully and close to Chrom and Michelle. He got his D in swords too, so he’s ready to go iron on the next chapter. I just pray to Nowi that he isn’t somehow speed-screwed.

Turns: 9/22

Heroes: Chrom & Fred

Chrom gained C support with Michelle and Fred.

Sully gained C support with Virion. (This onedoesn’t really matter since I’m getting Kellam in the next chapter)

Michelle 5.00 23 8 8 5 8 9 8 5 E Sword, D Tome C Chrom & Fred
Chrom 5.19 24 9 2 9 11 8 9 3 D Sword C Michelle, Fred, Lissa
Frederick 1.64 28 14 2 12 10 6 14 3 D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
Lissa 3.20 17 2 5 6 5 10 4 4 E Staves C Chrom & Fred
Sully 4.33 22 9 1 10 9 7 9 2 E Sword, D Lance C Virion
Virion 2.10 19 6 0 9 5 7 6 1 D Bow C Sully
Stahl 4.23 24 10 0 8 6 7 9 2 D Sword, E Lance None
Vaike 3.50 24 9 0 8 6 4 5 0 D Axe None
Miriel 1.15 18 0 6 5 7 6 3 4 E Tome None

Chapter 3: Warrior Realm

The objective was to defeat the commander, but since I don’t plan to use Sumia I pretty much had to kill everyone in order to get to the boss safely. That said, I only went over by maybe 2 turns what I would have if I did use her.

Chrom and Vaike recruited Kellam, and then Sully joined up with him. Everyone else went the other way. I kept Kellam’s javelin out and let the enemy come to him; he tanked everything and made use of the enemy phase to weaken archers while Sully and Chrom finished them off on the next turn. Meanwhile, Fred paired up with Stahl to give him the defense he needed to tank the right side. This worked beautifully, and as a result he gained two levels (both in speed, yay!)

Sully and Stahl took down the boss together, though Sully got the final blow. Chrom is slowly turning into a monster, and Michelle has stayed ahead as always. I’m slowly going to start dropping characters like Virion and Vaike as more of my test subjects appear. Fred is useful as a support bot for now, but he’ll eventually fall off the team as well.

Turns: 7/29

Heroes: Chrom & Vaike

Chrom gained C support with Vaike.

Michelle gained C support with Sumia.

Sully gained C support with Kellam (the only useful one in the long run)

Gold: 3800 (I bought some vulneraries and tonics after the chapter ended)

Michelle 6.60 23 9 9 6 9 10 8 5 E Sword, D Tome C Chrom, Fred, Sumia
Chrom 6.93 25 9 2 10 11 8 10 3 D Sword C Michelle, Fred + Others
Frederick 1.74 28 14 2 12 10 6 14 3 D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
Lissa 3.80 17 2 5 6 5 10 4 4 E Staves C Chrom & Fred
Sully 5.53 22 9 2 11 10 8 10 2 E Sword, C Lance C Kellam & Virion
Virion 2.10 19 6 0 9 5 7 6 1 D Bow C Sully
Stahl 4.23 26 10 0 10 8 9 10 2 C Sword, E Lance None
Vaike 3.60 24 9 0 8 6 4 5 0 D Axe None
Miriel 1.15 18 0 6 5 7 6 3 4 E Tome None
Kellam 5.50 21 10 0 7 5 3 12 2 D Lance C Sully
Sumia 1.21 18 6 3 11 11 8 5 7 D Lance C Michelle

Chapter 4: Two Falchions

Since I can only bring 6 units I brought the ones that I intend on using in the long run, plus Fred. I left Lissa behind in favor of Fred for better coverage and pair-up bonuses for the units I amd training (mostly Stahl this time). To compensate for this I stocked everyone with at least one vulnerary; however I only needed to buy 2 to accomplish this.

This one was nice and quick. The main strategy is to lure them out with ranged weapon users or those with good durability, and then finish them off/heal on your turn. Sully and Kellam employed this strategy very well on the right side. The mages were dealt with by Michelle and Chrom, and Stahl was able to double the knights with support from Fred. Stahl defeated Marth as well. His speed is starting to come along, which is a good sign.

Turns: 5/34

Heroes: Sully & Kellam

No supports

Gold: 3800

This time I only included the units that I still plan to really use in the near/distant future.

Michelle 7.45 24 10 9 7 9 11 9 6 E Sword, D Tome C Chrom, Fred, Sumia
Chrom 7.23 26 9 2 11 12 8 11 3 C Sword C Michelle, Fred + Others
Frederick 2.04 29 14 2 12 10 7 14 3 D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
Lissa 3.80 17 2 5 6 5 10 4 4 E Staves C Chrom & Fred
Sully 6.38 22 10 2 12 11 8 10 2 E Sword, C Lance C Kellam & Virion
Stahl 7.35 27 10 0 10 8 9 11 2 C Sword, E Lance None
Kellam 6.00 22 11 0 7 6 3 13 2 D Lance C Sully

Paralogue 1: From Sickle to Sword

I wish I didn’t need to do this one, and for one good reason: Donnel. I had to spend ten extra turns to recruit a character that is pretty bad, and all I got out of it was a Killer Lance and a Rescue Staff… Sorry, I should have said “at least” I got a rescue staff out of it. I’ve never abused the rescue staff before outside of “ordinary use”, but there’s a first for everything so we’ll see.

Recruiting Donnel took three turns for me. I know this isn’t LTC, but I am trying to keep the pace reasonable. I gave Donnel a DEF tonic, had Fred pair up with him, and then moved Donnel onto the forest immediately to the right of his starting tile. SullyxKellam went north and weakened the barbarian (and the theif on the enemy phase) to the north. Everyone else made a rush for the chest keys, chests and boss. On the enemy phase, the weakened barbarian rushed at Donnel and ran himself through Donnel’s spear. The theif did the same on the next turn, and on turn three he finished off the archer for his level up.

The rest of the chapter involved StahlxLon’qu clearing out the south-west to reach the theif with the chest key, while MichellexChrom took care of the rest. Lon’qu ended up with the boss kill, and I could have done it at least two turns sooner if I didn’t try getting the chests. I figured since I was doing this paralogue anyway I may as well walk away from it with Rescue. My core units all got decent exp, so that was cool too.

Turns: 10/44

Heroes: Michelle & Chrom

Michelle gained B support with Chrom.

Sully gained B support with Kellam.

Gold: 3800

Michelle 9.39 26 11 10 8 9 12 9 6 E Sword, D Tome B Chrom; C Fred, Sumia
Chrom 8.40 27 9 2 12 12 8 12 3 C Sword B Michelle; C Fred + Others
Frederick 2.21 29 14 2 12 10 7 14 3 D Swd, A Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
Lissa 4.61 18 2 5 7 6 11 5 5 D Staves C Chrom & Fred
Sully 7.82 23 11 2 13 11 8 10 2 E Sword, C Lance B Kellam; C Virion
Stahl 7.45 27 10 0 10 8 9 11 2 C Sword, E Lance None
Kellam 6.50 22 11 0 7 6 3 13 2 D Lance B Sully
Lonqu 6.29 22 6 2 13 13 8 7 2 C Sword None

Chapter 5: The Exalt and the King

Enter: Ricken. I can actually say I was surprised with his performance, in a good way. He was mostly taking kills from weakened foes that the others had hurt during the enemy phase, and I could have cleared much more quickly if this chapter wasn’t so important for training Ricken. The fliers everywhere helped him grow quite quickly since he scored easy kills on them. He is still rather fragile, so it is important to remember the cardinal rule of Awakening: Fight on the enemy phase. Let the enemies come to you, and you’ll be able to survive long enough to score a kill and still be relatively safe.

I had Maribelle pair up with Ricken in order to build their support as soon as I could; that’s going to be extremely important later on if he starts to fall behind statistically. The entire fight was mostly ChromxMichelle with StahlxFred blocking the entrance to the narrow path near the start, with Ricken behind them finishing off most foes they walled. Fliers were the only direct threat in this case, and with Elwind he blows them off the map in one round. Lissa was always close by to heal.

Meanwhile, Kellam backed up Lon’qu as he took to the west and camped near the fort in the corner. The rng gods had it out for him, as he kept getting hurt my moves that should really have missed (dark magic, axes). Luckily Kellam could switch in to buy time while Lissa came to heal Lon’qu, and one or two vulneraries were used as well. Sully’s partner this time was Sumia since I had an extra slot and nobody else warranted being deployed. She allowed Sully to double almost everyone on the map, so the two of them were my bouncers that ran around got rid of unexpected or immediate threats.

Ricken’ levels were pretty good. He got speed on both levels, and some other key stats improved as well (Mag, Def, etc.) Maribelle saw little to no action, but I am going to begin actively using her and replace Lissa as my healer. For that reason I’m leaving Lissa out of this chapter’s table since it’s no longer relevant to track her progress.

Turns: 8/52

Heroes: Michelle & Chrom

Sully gained C support with Sumia.

Gold: 5695

Maintenance: I sold a Bullion M, bought a bunch of iron swords for the characters that were running low on their swords, another heal for Maribelle since Lissa used up most of the other one, and forged a thunder I gave to Ricken for extra offense. The tome has been rightfully renamed “Rickenstorm”. I still have plenty of funds to spare.

Michelle 10.47 27 12 11 9 10 13 9 6 E Sword, C Tome B Chrom; C Fred, Sumia
Chrom 9.68 28 10 2 12 13 9 12 3 C Sword B Michelle; C Fred + Others
Frederick 2.32 29 14 2 12 10 7 14 3 D Swd, A Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
Maribelle 3.20 18 0 5 4 6 5 3 6 D Staves None
Sully 9.36 25 12 2 13 13 10 10 2 D Sword, C Lance B Kellam; C Virion, Sumia
Stahl 8.52 28 10 0 11 9 10 11 2 B Sword, E Lance None
Kellam 7.28 23 12 0 8 7 3 13 3 D Lance B Sully
Lonqu 8.02 24 7 2 14 14 8 8 2 C Sword None
Ricken 5.87 22 3 9 6 7 10 8 3 D Tome None

Paralogue 2: The Secret Seller

This chapter was most beneficial to Sully and Stahl. After following GJ’s advice I took this chapter to get Stahl’s lance rank up to D, so he can at least wield iron now. He also got +1 str, which is also nice. Sully and Kellam both got a decent amount of exp as well. Lon’qu hitched a ride from Sumia and rushed the boss solo, which worked pretty well since I had the rest of my units focused on reaching Anna and killing the rest of the enemies. Maribelle got a few heals in and leveled up too. There’s not much to say about this chapter on my end honestly, everyone kind of just did what they usually do and fought primarily on the enemy phase. Lon’qu is going to need a replacement for his Killing Edge soon… a myrmidon using iron is not a pretty sight.

Turns: 7/59

Heroes: Sully & Kellam

Michelle gained A support with Chrom.

Ricken gained C support with Maribelle.

Gold: 5135 (bought a weapon or two)

Maintenance: I earned a Goddess Icon from the boss, and that went to Michelle. I want her to pass down high luck to Lucina and Morgan for better activation rates on skills.

Michelle 11.15 28 12 11 9 11 16 10 7 E Sword, C Tome A Chrom; C Fred, Sumia
Chrom 9.73 28 10 2 12 13 9 12 3 C Sword A Michelle; C Fred + Others
Frederick 2.34 29 14 2 12 10 7 14 3 D Swd, A Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
Maribelle 4.03 19 0 6 5 6 6 3 6 D Staves C Ricken
Sully 10.09 26 13 2 13 14 11 10 2 C Sword, C Lance B Kellam; C Virion, Sumia
Stahl 9.76 29 11 0 12 10 10 11 2 B Sword, D Lance None
Kellam 8.38 24 13 0 8 8 3 14 3 C Lance B Sully
Lonqu 10.12 24 8 3 14 16 9 9 2 C Sword None
Ricken 6.70 23 3 9 7 7 11 9 3 D Tome C Maribelle

Chapter 6: Foreseer

I got stuck with 1-extra-spot syndrome again, so Sumia joined in once again to provide Lon’qu with a partner. He and Ricken blocked up the right staircase and I let the enemies run to their deaths. Ricken gained more speed, and I’m now convinced he is speed blessed. Stahl gained strength too, so any worries about him falling behind are gone now. He and Sully stood guard with Marth and ambushed everyone coming through the center. Chrom and Michelle took to the left in order to recruit Gaius, who I then paired up with Panne. I gave the boss kill to Panne so that she could gain lots of exp since she needs to reach level 10 when I get the second seal.

Lon’qu broke his killing edge, but even with iron he was still dealing good damage due to his awesome speed. In other words, he is still capable of functioning as a primary unit even without a killing edge. Ricken is coming along as well, he’s still a bit fragile but as long as Maribelle is right next to him and he attacks on enemy phase he should be able to survive from turn to turn. His blessed speed is really going to help in the long run, but so far he still isn’t doubling anything yet. He makes up for that with his strong attacks, since the forged tome I made for him lets him deal 14-16 damage on average per hit.

Turns: 6/65

Heroes: Panne & Gaius (somehow)

Sully gained A support with Kellam.

Gold: 3935 (bought 4 vulneraries for the chatacters that used theirs up or needed one)

Maintenance: I gave the Secret Book to Ricken for the reasons Interceptor pointed out.

Michelle 11.34 28 12 11 9 11 16 10 7 E Sword, C Tome A Chrom; C Fred, Sumia
Chrom 10.53 29 11 2 12 14 10 13 3 C Sword A Michelle; C Fred + Others
Frederick 2.39 29 14 2 12 10 7 14 3 D Swd, A Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
Maribelle 4.73 19 0 6 5 6 6 3 6 D Staves C Ricken
Sully 11.21 27 13 3 14 15 11 10 2 C Sword, B Lance A Kellam; C Virion, Sumia
Stahl 10.75 30 12 0 13 10 10 12 2 B Sword, D Lance None
Kellam 8.58 24 13 0 8 8 3 14 3 C Lance A Sully
Lonqu 11.28 25 8 3 15 17 9 9 3 B Sword None
Ricken 7.60 24 3 10 10 8 11 10 3 D Tome C Maribelle
Panne 8.27 30 9 1 9 11 8 8 4 - Stone None
Gaius 5.20 22 7 0 13 15 6 5 2 D Sword None

Chapter 7: Incursion

Possibly my best chapter yet as far as efficient play goes. I got Gaius some levels, Panne is just about level 10, ChromxMichelle reached S, weapon levels increased on several characters, and most of my core party is no lower than level 7, mostly at 11. And I cleared the chapter in 4 turns. Now I have everyone I need save for GregorxNowi (summing up very soon) and Cherche (Lon’qu is still just awesome enough that he is least impacted by a lack of support at this point).

Turns: 4/69 (My next chapter is going to be lucky!)

Heroes: Panne & Gaius

Michelle gained S support with Chrom!

Ricken gained B support with Maribelle.

Panne gained C support with Gaius.

Gold: 7675

Maintenance: Sold the Bullion (M), then forged Lon’qu’s Steel sword to give it some crit so he at least has the chance to use his Myrmidon powers.

The table has been rearranged so that pairs are next to each other.

Michelle 11.58 28 12 11 9 11 16 10 7 E Sword, C Tome S Chrom; C Fred, Sumia
Chrom 11.83 30 11 2 13 14 11 13 4 B Sword S Michelle; C Fred + Others
Sully 12.01 27 13 3 14 16 11 10 2 C Sword, B Lance A Kellam; C Virion, Sumia
Kellam 8.83 24 13 0 8 8 3 14 3 C Lance A Sully
Stahl 11.05 31 12 0 14 11 11 12 2 B Sword, D Lance None
Cordelia 7.05 25 9 3 13 12 9 8 8 C Lance None
Ricken 8.20 25 4 11 11 9 11 10 3 C Tome B Maribelle
Maribelle 5.33 19 0 7 6 7 7 3 7 D Staves B Ricken
Lonqu 11.81 25 8 3 15 17 9 9 3 B Sword None
Panne 9.85 31 10 1 9 12 8 8 4 - Stone C Gaius
Gaius 7.25 24 7 0 15 17 7 5 2 C Sword C Panne
Frederick 2.42 29 14 2 12 10 7 14 3 D Swd, A Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa

Paralogue 3: A Strangled Peace

I used this chapter to get Cordelia started, and to build some supports. Panne and Kellam are also now ready for their Second and Master Seals, respectively.

Now it’s time for the chapter analysis. Cordelia took Stahl to the south, and RickenxMaribelle joined them. Unfortunately by the end only one villager survived, but I tried my best with heals and such. It’s not my fault they insisted on running to their deaths, and at least I got… a log. And a Seraph Robe. Stahl gave Cordelia pretty great strength and defense, and she was able to double nearly everything on the map except for the other fliers. Stahl could have done the same; I looked just out of curiosity but didn’t actually attack with him much if at all.

PannexGaius took care of the enemies in the north. I made sure she got past level 10 so she could reclass as soon as the seal is available. Gaius got some exp as well, and helped clean up the enemies to the west with Cordelia and Ricken.

I have discovered a pattern that works very well for my team regarding Maribelle. Instead of just tacking her on to Ricken constantly it is better to have her take Ricken where he needs to go and then separate. She can support him from an adjacent space and still heal whenever she wants, and this is quite effective for keeping your party healthy at all times. I may have been late with that revelation, but not everyone is perfect.

Sully and Kellam went after the village and the boss, but this time Kellam got the kill. This was to ensure he would be ready for a master seal as soon as I get one, and Sully is already really good right now. ChromxMichelle played cleanup and didn’t really do much.

Turns: 6/75

Heroes: Sully & Kellam

Sully gained S support with Kellam!

Stahl gained C support with Cordelia.

Gold: 4195

Maintenance: I forged the Log I got and named it “2x4 of Death”. A fitting name, if I do say so myself. I also bought javelins for all my lance wielders so they will always have an answer for archers/ranged attacks. I also don’t have an axe user yet, so the hand axe I have is useless.

I'm now only listing supports that actually matter.

Michelle 12.20 29 13 11 9 11 17 11 7 E Sword, C Tome S Chrom
Chrom 12.47 31 11 2 13 15 11 13 4 B Sword S Michelle
Sully 13.14 28 13 3 14 16 12 11 2 C Sword, B Lance S Kellam
Kellam 10.09 26 14 0 8 8 3 14 5 C Lance S Sully
Stahl 11.14 31 12 0 14 11 11 12 2 B Sword, D Lance C Cordelia
Cordelia 8.58 26 10 3 14 13 9 8 9 C Lance C Stahl
Ricken 8.70 25 4 11 11 9 11 10 3 C Tome B Maribelle
Maribelle 6.18 20 0 7 7 8 7 3 8 D Staves B Ricken
Lonqu 11.81 25 8 3 15 17 9 9 3 B Sword None
Panne 11.00 33 12 3 10 13 10 10 5 - Stone C Gaius
Gaius 7.98 24 7 0 15 17 7 5 2 C Sword C Panne
Frederick 2.42 29 14 2 12 10 7 14 3 D Swd, A Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom

Chapter 8: The Grimleal

Before I started, I claimed a Second Seal from renown and used it to change Panne into a Wyvern Rider. The reason to do this for those of you that don’t know is because she gains flight and a big improvement in the growths of key stats like Strength and Defense. Gaius provides the speed she needs to become a great damage-dealing unit and is the primary reason she is considered an S Tier unit.

Now it’s time to get started with my future wife Nowi’s training. Gregor paired up with her and they kept the left village safe as enemies were drawn to them. Cordelia and Stahl were the main focus in terms of offensive power while Ricken and Maribelle followed for heal support. Everyone else slowly followed and cleaned up the enemies left behind. The only setback for me completing this chapter was the fact that I only had 3 units who could move freely and at least four who were stuck with 2 move the whole time.

Turns: 6/81

Heroes: Stahl & Cordelia

Stahl gained C support with Cordelia.

Nowi gained C support with Gregor.

Panne gained B support with Gaius.

Gold: 3095 (bought some speed tonics)

Maintenance: I promoted Kellam to General with the Master Seal I got in this chapter. This is because he’s mostly a support unit anyway and he would be giving Sully a huge defense boost. He’ll mostly be sitting behind Sully and providing frequent dual guards for the rest of the game. I have one Second Seal left over, and that one will be for either Chrom to become a cavalier when he reaches 20. Or somebody else for another reason I haven’t come up with yet. Give me suggestions, guys.

I have added the Class Route for each Character, so that you don't have to keep track of who's what.

Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support Class Route
Michelle 12.54 29 13 11 9 11 17 11 7 D Sword, C Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 12.51 31 11 2 13 15 11 13 4 B Sword S Michelle Lord
Sully 13.47 28 13 3 14 16 12 11 2 B Sword, B Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 1.00 36 18 0 11 10 3 18 8 C Lance, E Axe S Sully Knight 10 > General
Stahl 11.54 31 12 0 14 11 11 12 2 B Sword, D Lance C Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 11.61 28 12 4 15 16 12 10 10 C Lance C Stahl Pegasus Knight
Ricken 9.70 26 4 11 12 10 11 10 4 C Tome B Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 7.21 21 0 8 7 9 8 3 9 D Staves B Ricken Troubadour
Lonqu 11.81 25 8 3 15 17 9 9 3 B Sword None Myrmidon
Panne 1.74 34 17 3 12 13 10 15 3 E Axe B Gaius Taguel 11 > Wyvern Knight
Gaius 8.08 30 7 1 15 17 7 5 2 C Sword B Panne Theif
Nowi 5.86 20 6 1 4 3 9 3 3 - Stone C Gregor Manakete
Gregor 10.30 30 12 0 13 11 8 10 2 C Sword C Nowi Mercenary

Chapter 9 & Paralogue 4

I forgot to update before going on to Paralogue 4, so I’ll just do them both at once since not much happened.

In chapter 9 I basically rushed through with my high mobility units (Cordelia, Panne and Ricken) and took out almost everyone in my way, the slightly slower units like Chrom helped clean up, and I left Lon’qu at the start to take care of the wyvern reinforcements. I gave Ricken the boss kill, now he’s about caught up with everyone else in terms of experience. I recruited Tharja and Libra as well.

Turns: 8/89

Heroes: Ricken & Maribelle

Stahl gained B support with Cordelia.

In paralogue 4 I had Maribelle rescue Anna right at the start so she didn’t hog exp or get herself killed. After recruiting her I marched everyone north, scouting ahead with Panne to get Gaius to the chests quickly and with Cordelia to dispatch the mages (who can deal chunks of damage to most other units). I got all of the chests, successfully lured Vincent out without getting anyone badly hurt, and finished him off at ranged combat over a wall. My entire party got some good exp this chapter.

Turns: 7/96

Heroes: Stahl & Cordelia

Ricken gained S support with Maribelle!

Panne gained A support with Gaius.

Nowi gained B support with Gregor.

Lon’qu gained C support with Sully.

Gold: 11515

Maintenance: Between both chapters I gave Gaius the robe from before and a Draco Shield. These two buffs will significantly increase his survivability, and he should be able to withstand two hits from most things before dying. I gave the Talisman I earned from Vincent to Stahl because later on he’s going to face trouble against mages and it’s good to have a bit of res in case he hasn’t reached paladin yet or ends up res-screwed somehow.

Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support Class Route
Michelle 14.04 31 14 13 10 11 18 12 8 D Sword, C Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 13.41 32 13 3 14 16 12 13 4 B Sword S Michelle Lord
Sully 14.70 29 14 3 15 16 12 12 2 B Sword, B Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 1.00 36 18 0 11 10 3 18 8 C Lance, E Axe S Sully Knight 10>General
Stahl 13.81 33 14 0 14 13 11 14 4 B Sword, C Lance B Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 14.28 31 14 4 15 18 13 11 10 B Lance B Stahl Pegasus Knight
Ricken 13.02 30 4 11 16 12 13 12 6 C Tome S Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 8.75 22 1 9 7 9 8 3 10 C Staves S Ricken Troubadour
Lonqu 13.21 27 11 3 17 19 11 10 4 B Sword C Sully Myrmidon
Panne 4.38 37 19 3 14 15 12 17 4 E Axe A Gaius Taguel 11>W.R.
Gaius 10.16 31 7 1 16 19 8 8 3 C Sword A Panne Theif
Nowi 8.86 23 9 3 4 6 12 4 3 - Stone B Gregor Manakete
Gregor 10.70 30 12 0 13 11 8 10 2 C Sword B Nowi Mercenary

Chapter 10: Renewal

This chapter was pretty fun. Panne rushed to kill off the thieves while Stahl and Cordelia rushed the boss. Everyone else mainly just got exp from fighting enemies along the way. Chrom drew enemies away from Panne as he followed behind her, which was a good way to earn him exp while moving at a brisk pace. Ricken actually doubled several enemies, mostly the barbarians and wyvern riders. Still, it’s something. My team has gotten to a point where there really aren’t any bad units anymore. The only one who could use some help is Lon’qu, but Cherche is right around the corner so that’s not an issue.

Turns: 5/101

Heroes: Stahl & Cordelia

Stahl gained A support with Cordelia.

Gold: 15595

Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support Class Route
Michelle 14.34 31 14 13 10 11 18 12 8 D Sword, C Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 14.41 33 14 3 15 16 13 13 5 B Sword S Michelle Lord
Sully 15.70 29 15 3 15 16 12 13 2 B Sword, B Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 1.16 36 18 0 11 10 3 18 8 C Lance, E Axe S Sully Knight 10>General
Stahl 14.92 34 14 0 14 13 11 15 4 B Sword, C Lance A Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 15.53 32 15 4 16 18 14 12 10 B Lance A Stahl Pegasus Knight
Ricken 14.22 30 4 11 16 12 13 13 7 B Tome S Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 8.94 22 1 9 7 9 8 3 10 C Staves S Ricken Troubadour
Lonqu 13.61 27 11 3 17 19 11 10 4 B Sword C Sully Myrmidon
Panne 6.48 39 21 3 15 16 12 18 4 D Axe A Gaius Taguel 11>W.R.
Gaius 10.99 31 7 1 16 19 8 8 3 C Sword A Panne Theif
Nowi 11.40 27 9 3 6 7 14 4 6 - Stone B Gregor Manakete
Gregor 10.80 30 12 0 13 11 8 10 2 C Sword B Nowi Mercenary

Chapter 11: Mad King Gangrel

Three words, everyone: Stahl and Cordelia. I’m not joking when I say they single-handedly took out Gangrel and two thirds of his army. I had Cordelia fly out a bit on turn 1, Olivia danced for her and let her move out more, then I switched to Stahl equipped with a javelin and he handled everything from there. This is due to the fact that he’s already great defensively, and since the mages are all off to the right he was able to tank everything in his way. When Gangrel went after him I was pleasantly surprised that Cordelia’s res boost combined with the Talisman I gave to him earlier made him able to withstand 3 hits from Gangrel. Cordelia would have done just as well against Gangrel, but her defenses are too low compared to Stahl to withstand attacks form all the enemies around them (especially since this is an axe-heavy map).

I made sure Panne went for the left chest first since the elwind mages were to the right and the left chest has a better treasure anyway (Large Bullion, compared to a Goddess Icon). Following Interceptor’s strategy, I had Nowi distract the mages while everyone else rushed to occupy forts to hinder reinforcements. This worked beautifully. Sully stayed up in the northeastern corner in case those reinforcements showed up, but they never did so she got nothing from this chapter. That’s fine with me because she was already my leading unit in terms of experience anyway.

I could have beaten this chapter in 4 turns, but the thief tried to run away instead of attacking on the enemy phase so he was the only survivor on turn 5. I didn’t feel like restarting to try saving that turn, so instead I did some crafty transfers to get Gaius from the left chest to the right in one turn, and then I finished off the thief. And so concludes the Plegia Arc.

Turns: 5/106

Heroes: Stahl & Cordelia

Panne gained S support with Gaius!

Nowi gained A support with Gregor.

Gold: 25595

Maintenance: Sold the Bullion, gave Chrom the Icon, and Maribelle got the Spirit Dust from the sage and a Seraph Robe. This is because she still isn’t safe to leave in the enemy territory, hindering her healing asset to the team. So these items allow her to take more than one hit (I hope) and heal some extra HP.

Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support Class Route
Michelle 15.97 32 14 14 10 11 18 12 9 D Sword, C Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 14.04 34 14 3 16 17 16 13 6 B Sword S Michelle Lord
Sully 15.30 29 15 3 15 16 12 13 2 B Sword, B Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 1.16 36 18 0 11 10 3 18 8 C Lance, E Axe S Sully Knight 10>General
Stahl 17.42 37 17 2 16 14 12 17 4 B Sword, B Lance A Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 16.89 32 16 5 16 18 14 12 10 B Lance A Stahl Pegasus Knight
Ricken 14.72 30 4 11 16 12 13 13 7 B Tome S Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 9.26 27 1 12 8 10 9 3 10 C Staves S Ricken Troubadour
Lonqu 14.27 28 11 4 18 19 12 10 4 B Sword C Sully Myrmidon
Panne 7.37 40 22 3 16 16 13 19 5 D Axe S Gaius Taguel 11>W.R.
Gaius 10.99 31 7 1 16 19 8 8 3 C Sword S Panne Theif
Nowi 14.26 30 12 4 7 9 15 6 7 - Stone A Gregor Manakete
Gregor 11.19 31 12 0 14 11 8 11 2 C Sword A Nowi Mercenary

Chapter 12: Seacomers

Not much to this chapter at all. Play defensively here, and advance slowly. The enemy is almost entirely cavalry, so they will be coming fast and in numbers. Nowi and Chrom acted as a wall on the right side since they are great defensive units and Chrom’s Rapier eats through everyone on the map and Nowi was actually doubling many of them as well. My fliers took to the west and switched in to their partners to lure out the bow knight and take him out. Beast/armor slaying weapons and 2-range weapons are the key to success in this chapter, because the paladins and bow knights will give your party trouble if you aren’t running promoted units yet (which you likely aren’t if you’re not grinding).

Turns: 8/114

Heroes: Chrom & Michelle

Stahl gained S support with Cordelia! (And it was epic, my favorite proposal so far)

Gold: 26675

Maintenance: OK, time for some drastic changes. Now that I have access to Master Seals, it’s time to start promoting units and arm those who are near promotion with seals as well. Stahl and Cordelia are holding masters and Chrom is holding a second. My plan is to change them into a Paladin, Falco Knight and Cavalier, respectively.

Gregor got promoted to a Hero, vicariously turning Nowi into the truly unstoppable monster she’s known as. Gaius became an Assassin, granting him access to bows for better support vs. fliers and a huge boost to every stat to make him a great combat unit and give Panne some good bonuses in speed and strength. This means Panne will be doubling or ORKOing almost everything for the rest of the game. Finally, Maribelle is now a Valkyrie because that’s her only decent option by a long shot and waiting for her to reach 20 is a waste of time. She now provides better buffs to Ricken in general and the two of them can actually start dual striking now. This enables them to ORKO most enemies because of the nature of magic in this game (and the fact that most physical enemies take at least 20 damage from it at this point). I gave Maribelle a forged Thunder to start with as well, naming it “Sassy=Classy” to fit her character.

Lastly, I changed the table slightly. Now the Class route just shows the current class. The first number is the level they changed class at; the second is their current level.

Michelle 16.53 33 15 15 10 11 19 12 10 D Sword, B Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 19.02 38 16 3 17 20 20 14 6 A Sword S Michelle Lord
Sully 15.80 29 15 3 15 16 12 13 2 B Sword, B Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 1.16 36 18 0 11 10 3 18 8 C Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/1
Stahl 18.74 37 17 2 16 14 12 18 4 B Sword, B Lance S Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 18.40 34 17 6 17 19 16 12 11 B Lance S Stahl Pegasus Knight
Ricken 16.75 31 4 12 17 13 15 13 8 B Tome S Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 1.00 30 2 14 11 14 10 5 14 C Staff, E Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/1
Lonqu 16.23 30 12 4 20 19 13 11 4 B Sword C Sully Myrmidon
Cherche 13.14 32 15 1 13 12 9 17 2 C Axe None Wyvern Rider
Panne 8.30 41 23 3 17 17 13 19 5 D Axe S Gaius W.R. 11/8
Gaius 1.00 38 14 2 24 25 10 12 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/1
Nowi 16.47 33 14 5 8 9 16 6 8 - Stone A Gregor Manakete
Gregor 1.00 35 15 1 17 14 8 14 5 C Sword, E Axe A Nowi Hero 11/1

Chapter 13: Of Sacred Blood

I made this a quick one, and it could have been even shorter if I remembered one small detail… I’ll get to that soon.

Cordelia and Panne flew their husbands up to the north to confront the boss while everyone else took to the south to fight the group of risen down there. Stahl took out the archer in the north, leaving Panne safe to remain in front during the enemy phase. On turn 2 I set her up to kill the boss in one round, but I forgot to have Gaius equip his silver sword so the support attack wasn’t enough to let Panne double. I ended up bleeding over to a third turn because of this, and so I used that turn to get some extra exp. where I could.

Turns: 3/117

Heroes: Chrom & Michelle

Nowi gained S support with Gregor!

Lucina gained C support with Chrom & Michelle (recruited)

Gold: 26675

Maintenance: OK, I knew a big mistake would happen eventually, but at least it’s not game-ruining. Before chapter 13 I forgot to rearrange Michelle’s skills so she can pass down Veteran to Lucina, and I saved over my file so I can’t go back. Now Lucina has Solidarity instead. This will hinder her catching up for a few chapters until I get my hands on a second seal to reclass her.

Also, Child Paralogues have appeared, 6 of them to be exact. The only one I’m missing that I intend to include is Gerome’s since Cherche and Lon’qu are not married yet. Yarne, Nah and Brady’s won’t be done for a while either, but I intend to get Morgan, Kjelle and Servera soon. I am waiting until I can get their parent’s skills to be more ideal (having Servera with Aegis, Sol and Relief would be badass, for example).

Michelle 16.78 33 15 15 10 11 19 12 10 D Sword, B Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 01.00 39 17 3 18 20 20 15 7 A Sword, E Lance S Michelle Cavalier 20/1
Sully 16.43 30 16 3 15 17 13 14 3 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 1.34 36 18 0 11 10 3 18 8 C Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/1
Stahl 19.25 38 18 3 17 15 12 19 4 B Sword, B Lance S Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 19.23 34 18 7 18 20 17 12 12 A Lance S Stahl Pegasus Knight
Ricken 17.55 32 4 13 17 14 15 14 8 B Tome S Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 1.20 30 2 14 11 14 10 5 14 C Staff, E Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/1
Lonqu 16.23 30 12 4 20 19 13 11 4 B Sword C Sully Myrmidon
Cherche 13.14 32 15 1 13 12 9 17 2 C Axe None Wyvern Rider
Panne 8.44 41 23 3 17 17 13 19 5 D Axe S Gaius W.R. 11/8
Gaius 2.13 39 15 2 25 26 11 12 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/2
Nowi 16.77 33 14 5 8 9 16 6 8 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 1.09 35 15 1 17 14 8 14 5 C Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/1
Lucina 10.00 32 14 6 15 16 17 12 6 C Sword C Parents Lord

Chapter 14: Flames on the Blue

This was my fastest chapter so far. On turn 1 I flew Panne and Cherche up toward the boss wielding hammers, everyone else formed a defensive wall on the left bridge with Chrom and Nowi in front and Ricken and Maribelle in the rear. Then on turn 2 I got some more exp where I could and slaughtered the boss.

I have a few reasons for rushing this chapter. Firstly, it is just an annoying chapter to deal with. It’s hard to make use of the mobility on anyone other than flyers, and I find it easy to be overwhelmed on all sides by a lot of enemies. Also, you have practically no options on player phase other than to heal on your turn, maybe toss out a javelin or thunder at ranged foes. This makes the chapter drawn out very easily, and then certain units can break their weapons to soon or gain too much exp and get dragged down by everyone else trying to catch up. Secondly, I didn’t bother to check what was in the chests but I have enough money that any second seals that might be in there won’t be missed in 2-3 chapters anyway, and my army’s resources are currently quite plentiful as it is. Finally, I rushed this chapter because despite Lucina’s rapier being able to demolish almost everyone on the map, her survivability when faced with this many foes is too low to put her on the front lines and wall the enemy phase like Chrom and Nowi can. Eventually she’ll be the most badass tank ever, but currently I am simply saving myself frustration trying to feed her kills when she’ll have plenty of time in the near future to do so anyway.

Turns: 2/119

Heroes: Ricken & Maribelle

Lon’qu gained C support with Cherche.

Gold: 26675

Michelle 16.83 33 15 15 10 11 19 12 10 D Sword, B Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 02.14 40 18 4 19 20 21 16 7 A Sword, E Lance S Michelle Cavalier 20/2
Sully 16.91 30 16 3 15 17 13 14 3 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 1.34 36 18 0 11 10 3 18 8 C Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/1
Stahl 19.25 38 18 3 17 15 12 19 4 B Sword, B Lance S Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 19.23 34 18 7 18 20 17 12 12 A Lance S Stahl Pegasus Knight
Ricken 17.78 32 4 13 17 14 15 14 8 B Tome S Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 1.62 30 2 14 11 14 10 5 14 C Staff, E Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/1
Lonqu 16.28 30 12 4 20 19 13 11 4 B Sword C Cherche Myrmidon
Cherche 13.14 32 15 1 13 12 9 17 2 C Axe C Lonqu Wyvern Rider
Panne 10.31 44 25 3 19 18 15 20 5 D Axe S Gaius W.R. 11/10
Gaius 2.31 39 15 2 25 26 11 12 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/2
Nowi 17.57 34 15 5 8 9 16 6 8 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 1.19 35 15 1 17 14 8 14 5 C Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/1
Lucina 10.70 32 14 6 15 16 17 12 6 C Sword C Parents Lord

Chapter 15: Smoldering Resistance

This chapter was SO annoying. The annoying part of this chapter is that there’s almost only one way to do it efficiently, and even then I took 11 turns to win since I had to play safe. Most of my party is still pre-promoted, so I struggled to keep everyone safe until I figured out my strategy. The dark knights gave me the most trouble because Nowi and Cordelia were pretty much the only units that could take a hit from them while still dealing decent damage. For that reason, Cordelia got to promote to Falcon Knight mid-chapter. I left Panne and Gaius behind in favor of Lucina and other units to train them, though that proved to be very difficult on this map because of the immense amount of mounted enemies and the dark knights.

So here’s what I did. First, Nowi and Ricken tanked the first entrance to the left of the stairs (Yes, I said Ricken. He’s just that much of a boss right now). Maribelle stayed behind to draw enemy ranged attacks away and heal them. Second, I had Cordelia, Cherche and Chrom take to the north to save Say’ri and draw one of the dark knights away from my tanks. Lucina and Sully waited near the start to take out the beach enemies. This time Chrom went solo and Michelle paired up with Lucina. This allowed me to draw the enemy in with Michelle’s ranged magic and finish them off with Lucina’s rapier since they were mostly armored or cavalry. This worked wonders on the beach’s dark knight. Finally, Kellam and Lon’qu got to see more action than usual and gained some levels as a result. By the end of the next chapter, most of my units will be ready for promotion.

Turns: 11/130

Heroes: Nowi & Gregor

Gold: 32445

Maintenance: I bought silver weapons for everyone who needed them. This is going to make a big difference between ORKO’s and 2HKO’s for many units on my team, allowing me to play more aggressively on player phase.

Michelle 18.43 34 16 16 12 11 19 12 10 D Sword, B Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 03.11 41 18 4 19 21 22 17 7 A Sword, E Lance S Michelle Cavalier 20/3
Sully 17.94 31 17 3 15 17 13 14 3 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Cavalier
Kellam 2.07 37 19 1 11 10 3 19 8 B Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/2
Stahl 19.65 38 18 3 17 15 12 19 4 B Sword, B Lance S Cordelia Cavalier
Cordelia 02.15 40 22 8 22 24 18 16 15 A Lance, E Staff S Stahl Falcon Knight 20/2
Ricken 19.65 33 4 14 18 16 16 14 9 B Tome S Maribelle Mage
Maribelle 3.16 32 2 16 12 16 11 6 16 C Staff, E Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/3
Lonqu 17.59 31 13 4 21 20 13 11 5 A Sword C Cherche Myrmidon
Cherche 14.48 33 16 1 13 13 10 18 2 C Axe C Lonqu Wyvern Rider
Panne 10.31 44 25 3 19 18 15 20 5 D Axe S Gaius W.R. 11/10
Gaius 2.31 39 15 2 25 26 11 12 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/2
Nowi 20.85 38 17 6 11 12 19 7 11 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 1.69 35 15 1 17 14 8 14 5 C Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/1
Lucina 12.74 34 15 7 16 17 18 13 7 C Sword C Parents Lord

Paralogue 8: A Duel Disgraced

I knew it was a good idea to come back to this one. I attempted this chapter before 14 and had difficulty with it, now I was able to handle it very easily. Ricken and Stahl both promoted during this chapter, and Lon’qu is close behind. Up until now Lon’qu has actually been really unlucky with dodges, making me hesitant to use him as much as I should. But now he is starting to build support with Cherche and is more durable as a result, so he should be seeing a lot of action from now on. Sully jumped in level and maxed out at 20, forcing me to switch to Kellam for the remainder of the chapter so as not to waste exp.

Now, the general strategy: Do not linger, keep pushing with your strong units through the middle and wall off the reinforcements with durable characters. Sully, Chrom & Lon’qu went up the middle (Cherche took care of the general with her hammer) while Ricken, Michelle and Stahl moved along the sides and blocked entrances. This map is crawling with archers, and the indoor nature of the map discourages the use of fliers anyway. For this reason I left Panne and Gaius out again. Panne is a ridiculous powerhouse anyway and Gaius can hold his own as well, so the only thing I missed out on in this chapter were the chests, which I likely wouldn’t have gone for anyway since they’re so far off the main path. Lon’qu came through in the end and 2HKO’d the boss, taking advantage of the boss’ poor accuracy. Lucina also got some training in, which will help later on when I decide what to do with her.

Turns: 8/138

Heroes: Ricken & Maribelle

Lon’qu gained B support with Cherche.

Lucina gained B support with Michelle.

Kjelle gained C support with Kellam and Sully.

Gold: 23745

Maintenance: Gave Maribelle the Draco Shield (because she really needs it), bought some master seals for those near promotion and restocked on javelins since I am running low. I won’t be using Kjelle, but the Kjelle I got has discipline so she can more easily reclass and work through that class’ weapon. She appears to be best off becoming a cavalier, but I could see a case for Wyvern Rider as well. I’ll play around with that in post-game.

Michelle 19.72 35 17 16 13 11 20 12 10 c Sword, A Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 4.17 42 19 4 20 22 23 17 8 A Sword, E Lance S Michelle Cavalier 20/4
Sully 1.00 41 21 5 18 21 14 19 11 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Paladin 20/1
Kellam 2.57 37 19 1 11 10 3 19 8 B Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/2
Stahl 1.56 46 22 4 20 18 12 22 10 B Sword, A Lance S Cordelia Paladin 20/1
Cordelia 3.38 41 23 8 22 24 18 16 15 A Lance, E Staff S Stahl Falcon Knight 20/3
Ricken 3.48 45 9 17 22 18 18 22 11 A Tome, E Sword S Maribelle Dark Knight 20/3
Maribelle 3.75 32 2 16 12 16 11 6 16 C Staff, E Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/3
Lonqu 19.82 33 13 4 22 22 14 12 5 A Sword B Cherche Myrmidon
Cherche 14.75 33 16 1 13 13 10 18 2 C Axe B Lonqu Wyvern Rider
Panne 10.31 44 25 3 19 18 15 20 5 D Axe S Gaius W.R. 11/10
Gaius 2.31 39 15 2 25 26 11 12 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/2
Nowi 23.64 42 20 7 13 13 21 10 13 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 1.89 35 15 1 17 14 8 14 5 C Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/1
Lucina 14.80 36 16 8 18 18 20 15 7 C Sword B Michelle Lord

Paralogue 12: Disowned by Time

Here’s another fast and easy chapter, and I get to finally recruit Morgan. I got to pull of something really crafty as well, which I’ll get to in a minute.

First, Maribelle rescued Morgan and Lucina paired up with him. Panne flew to the first chest to bring Gaius over, and I got a bullion (m) for it. Cordelia and Cherche made straight for the boss, and I utilized Cordelia’s rescue staff to extend the Cherche’s movement as well. They reached the boss on turn 3 or so, but there was a bit of a problem. The boss has ridiculous avoid for some reason, so Lon’qu was the only unit able to even touch him out of the four I had there. Lon’qu had just promoted to sword master, and Cordelia literally just got Rally Speed on the previous turn. So the crafty part came in here: I used rally speed on Lon’qu, and then attacked the boss with a silver sword afterward. This was the only way I could guarantee killing the boss in one round.

I didn’t get to use Morgan much if at all, but as usual he started out with Veteran and Solidarity, and inherited Rightful King. I don’t know exactly what I want to do with him yet… mostly because I don’t know what to do with Lucina either. I could just promote them both, but I feel like there are reclass options that may produce better results in the long run. Then again, I’m starting to think that maybe Servera may be more of an asset to my team if I recruit her inheriting Aegis than Lucina, who at this point is just a worse Chrom. And to further support that, Servera would actually be able to get an S support with Morgan as well as the bonuses from her family. I will see what happens when I recruit Servera, but I am putting that off until Stahl gets Aegis.

Turns: 4/142

Heroes: Stahl & Cordelia

Morgan gained C support with Lucina, Chrom and Michelle.

Gold: 26245

Michelle 19.72 35 17 16 13 11 20 12 10 c Sword, A Tome S Chrom Tactician
Chrom 4.29 42 19 4 20 22 23 17 8 A Sword, E Lance S Michelle Cavalier 20/4
Sully 1.00 41 21 5 18 21 14 19 11 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Paladin 20/1
Kellam 2.57 37 19 1 11 10 3 19 8 B Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/2
Stahl 3.24 48 23 4 21 19 13 22 11 A Sword, A Lance S Cordelia Paladin 20/3
Cordelia 5.65 42 24 9 24 24 18 17 15 A Lance, E Staff S Stahl Falcon Knight 20/5
Ricken 3.75 45 9 17 22 18 18 22 11 A Tome, E Sword S Maribelle Dark Knight 20/3
Maribelle 4.65 32 3 16 12 16 12 8 17 C Staff, E Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/4
Lonqu 2.53 38 17 5 26 27 15 15 8 A Sword B Cherche Swordmaster 20/1
Cherche 17.05 36 16 2 15 15 11 19 2 C Axe B Lonqu Wyvern Rider
Panne 1.00 49 29 3 21 20 15 23 8 D Axe, E Lance S Gaius W.L. 11/10/1
Gaius 3.07 40 15 2 25 27 12 12 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/3
Nowi 24.18 43 21 8 14 14 22 11 14 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 2.09 36 16 1 18 14 9 15 5 C Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/2
Lucina 14.80 36 16 8 18 18 20 15 7 C Sword B Michelle Lord
Morgan 10.00 33 14 12 15 14 16 11 10 C Sword, C Tome C Family Tactician

Chapter 16: Naga’s Voice

This map can be a bit tricky because fliers are extremely useful, but you need to be careful of all the warriors carrying bows. I simply had Panne and Cherche carry their partners straight to the boss along the right side of the map, using Cordelia and Maribelle’s rescue staves to help push them along faster at the start. Ricken was particularly good combat wise, and Morgan was gaining full levels every kill. I am a fan of giving Morgan the Levin Sword, and that’s what I did. Other than that there’s not much to this chapter; everyone else performed as expected, though Sully is starting to become greatly overshadowed by Stahl at this point. Nowi gave no fucks and bodied the entire left side of the map single-handedly, also to be expected at this point. I can say for certain that without Nowi I would have to wait much longer to complete the child paralogues, which I’ll be doing next (starting with Severa).

Turns: 6/148

Heroes: Stahl & Cordelia

Gold: 36245

Michelle 1.00 40 20 20 16 14 21 14 13 c Sword, A Tome S Chrom Grandmaster 20/1
Chrom 4.61 42 19 4 20 22 23 17 8 A Sword, D Lance S Michelle Cavalier 20/4
Sully 1.00 41 21 5 18 21 14 19 11 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Paladin 20/1
Kellam 2.57 37 19 1 11 10 3 19 8 B Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/2
Stahl 6.27 51 24 5 23 20 15 24 12 A Sword, A Lance S Cordelia Paladin 20/6
Cordelia 6.13 43 25 10 25 24 18 18 15 A Lance, E Staff S Stahl Falcon Knight 20/6
Ricken 4.15 46 10 18 22 18 18 23 11 A Tome, E Sword S Maribelle Dark Knight 20/4
Maribelle 6.15 33 3 18 13 18 14 8 18 B Staff, D Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/6
Lonqu 4.83 40 17 6 27 29 17 15 8 A Sword B Cherche Swordmaster 20/4
Cherche 17.58 36 16 2 15 15 11 19 2 C Axe B Lonqu Wyvern Rider
Panne 2.34 51 30 3 22 21 15 24 8 C Axe, E Lance S Gaius W.L. 11/10/2
Gaius 3.62 40 15 2 25 27 12 12 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/3
Nowi 25.81 44 21 8 14 16 22 12 14 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 2.29 36 16 1 18 14 9 15 5 C Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/2
Lucina 15.19 37 17 8 19 18 20 16 7 C Sword B Michelle Lord
Morgan 13.01 35 16 14 16 17 21 13 11 C Sword, C Tome C Family Tactician

Edited by MercuryHg34
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Paralogue 10: Ambivalence

This was actually much easier than I thought it would be, however it did take forever to complete. I think it will be well worth it though because my Severa is going to be a monster when she marries Morgan. Gaius really shined on this one as well, since he was able to double some of the assassins and wrecked all of the berserkers on the map. Chrom did well wielding a javelin as well. I mostly just walled the left corridor near the boss with Gaius and Chrom while everyone else cleared the way for Severa to talk to Holland. A great map to train on overall, my army is pretty much set to steamroll through the rest of the game. And the 14 turns I spent training on this map can be made up for easily in Brady’s Paralogue.

Turns: 14/162

Heroes: Gaius & Panne

Chrom gained C support with Gaius.

Nowi gained C support with Ricken.

Severa gained C support with Cordelia and Stahl.

Gold: 35645

Maintenance: Cherche got the Talisman (her res is pathetically low right now), both Michelle and Morgan have a Levin Sword to decimate with now, Morgan used the Seed of Trust I earned from renown to get a head start with Severa, and Severa got the Naga’s Tear.

Michelle 1.54 40 20 20 16 14 21 14 13 C Sword, A Tome S Chrom Grandmaster 20/1
Chrom 9.97 47 22 4 23 24 25 22 9 A Sword, D Lance S Michelle Cavalier 20/9
Stahl 8.57 53 25 5 23 20 15 25 12 A Sword, A Lance S Cordelia Paladin 20/8
Cordelia 6.78 43 25 10 25 24 18 18 15 A Lance, E Staff S Stahl Falcon Knight 20/6
Ricken 5.67 47 10 19 22 19 18 23 11 A Tome, E Sword S Maribelle Dark Knight 20/5
Maribelle 7.11 34 4 19 14 18 15 8 18 B Staff, D Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/7
Lonqu 6.31 41 18 7 29 31 18 16 8 A Sword A Cherche Swordmaster 20/6
Cherche 17.71 36 16 2 15 15 11 19 4 B Axe A Lonqu Wyvern Rider
Panne 4.56 53 30 3 24 22 16 25 8 C Axe, E Lance S Gaius W.L. 11/10/4
Gaius 6.98 42 17 3 27 29 14 13 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/6
Nowi 28.04 47 22 10 15 16 24 14 16 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 2.66 36 16 1 18 14 9 15 5 B Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/2
Lucina 15.19 37 17 8 19 18 20 16 7 C Sword B Michelle Lord
Morgan 14.08 36 16 14 17 17 21 13 11 C Sword, C Tome C Family Tactician
Severa 10.00 42 20 6 22 19 15 17 7 C Sword C Family Mercenary
Sully 1.00 41 21 5 18 21 14 19 11 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Paladin 20/1
Kellam 2.57 37 19 1 11 10 3 19 8 B Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/2

Paralogue 7: Noble Lineage

Speaking of Brady, it’s time to recruit that weirdo. Not that I’m using him ever, but the best skills to throw on him in my opinion were Magic +2 and Rally Resistance, in addition to his Priest skills. So I made this one really quick to make up for the previous one being so long, and also I didn’t want to deal with a map full of snipers with longbows. Cordelia flew Stahl straight at the boss while everyone else blocked the entrances and saved the villagers. By turn 2 I had the boss and every enemy around him stuck to the end on Stahl and Cordelia’s lances, clearing the chapter early and earning all five prizes from the villagers. I’ll decide how to allocate those prizes later, but the robe is likely going onto Maribelle. Cherche could use it too, but when she promotes that shouldn’t be so much of an issue anymore.

Turns: 2/164

Heroes: Stahl & Cordelia

Lon’qu gained S support with Cherche! (This will unlock the last paralogue I need besides Tiki)

Brady gained C support with Maribelle and Ricken.

Gold: 35645

Maintenance: Chrom is now a Paladin and Maribelle got the robe. I also gave Maribelle an Arms Scroll so she can wield the Fortify staff and also pack a stronger tome when more are available. With this she should be a much more rounded unit.

Michelle 2.34 41 20 20 17 14 22 14 13 C Sword, A Tome S Chrom Grandmaster 20/2
Chrom 1.00 55 25 5 26 26 25 25 15 A Sword, C Lance S Michelle Paladin 20/10/1
Stahl 9.88 54 26 5 23 20 15 26 12 A Sword, A Lance S Cordelia Paladin 20/9
Cordelia 7.85 44 26 10 26 25 18 18 16 A Lance, E Staff S Stahl Falcon Knight 20/7
Ricken 5.67 47 10 19 22 19 18 23 11 A Tome, E Sword S Maribelle Dark Knight 20/5
Maribelle 7.25 39 4 19 14 18 15 8 18 A Staff, C Tome S Ricken Valkyrie 10/7
Lonqu 7.31 42 19 8 29 32 18 16 9 A Sword S Cherche Swordmaster 20/7
Cherche 17.84 36 16 2 15 15 11 19 4 B Axe S Lonqu Wyvern Rider
Panne 4.88 53 30 3 24 22 16 25 8 C Axe, E Lance S Gaius W.L. 11/10/4
Gaius 6.98 42 17 3 27 29 14 13 4 B Sword, E Bow S Panne Assassin 12/6
Nowi 28.24 47 22 10 15 16 24 14 16 - Stone S Gregor Manakete
Gregor 2.71 36 16 1 18 14 9 15 5 B Sword, E Axe S Nowi Hero 11/2
Lucina 15.19 37 17 8 19 18 20 16 7 C Sword B Michelle Lord
Morgan 14.15 36 16 14 17 17 21 13 11 C Sword, C Tome C Family Tactician
Severa 10.95 42 20 6 22 19 15 17 7 C Sword C Family Mercenary
Sully 1.00 41 21 5 18 21 14 19 11 B Sword, A Lance S Kellam Paladin 20/1
Kellam 2.57 37 19 1 11 10 3 19 8 B Lance, E Axe S Sully General 10/2

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You'll probably regret training both of VirionxRicken, though at least they both have 2-range.

The best Avatar is Femvatar, paired with Chrom, since that gives you a badass Morgan and Lucina (and the whole family can support each other). Anything else is just a less efficient pair, which is fine if you're aiming to do some particular thing or another.

You can feel free to hit Reply on one of my playlog posts and grab the formatting for a chart; I suggest using a fixed-width text editor for the job (like Notepad or TextEdit), because otherwise you can't line things up correctly.

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Thanks, Interceptor. I'll get to work on that right away, and I was hoping i would get to use FemAvatar. I'll likely drop Virion since he sorely disappointed me in my last run (though the support with Nowi was really cute).

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Perhaps help with a second opinion on Female Avatar and Chrom. Considering this helps keep your unit choices slim early on, it grants you more freedom with your own army choices. I can say at least that it grants a pretty boss Morgan.

As for a partner for Virion, all skills available to him suck except maybe his level 10 skill kinda, so don't think of pairing him for a kid in the least. He would probably prefer an Str support over anything...Problem is, his support list sucks with this in mind since his list is almost entirely female, and one doesn't show up till Cherche. May I suggest pairing him with Vaike until Cherche shows up? Only other Str support is Sully, and Sully I'm sure has better options.

As for Lonqu, this oddly enough comes into a problem with Virion: They both want Cherche. However, prior to that, Lonqu is fine having Kellam be his support buddy. But I suppose you'll have to make that decision between Lonqu and Virion when the times comes. Maybe decide it on Virion's speed if it comes out well. You will be early promoting him, so maybe find him a partner that prefers all the stage time while Virion sits back in their saddlebags.

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Well I decided to drop Virion for this run since Ricken is going to be a hassle anyway, so Lon'quxCherche it is. Kellam end up with someone with good speed support in the long run, like Sumia, Panne or Sully. Could also pair him up with Tharja to make a ridiculous tank even though she's fine without him.

Also, who should Ricken's partner be? His flaws tend to be speed and offense...? (please help me on this). So he wants a fast partner who can also supply good mag, so maybe Anna? I'd like to manage an S though, since I don't care to much for using children beyond Morgan and Lucina.

EDIT: Just realized Kellam can't support with Sumia, so that's out. He and Ricken both support with Sully, Panne, Nowi, Tharja and Olivia. Nowi and Tharja don't need Kellam, and nobody really wants Ricken. Tharja probably wants him the most out of those ladies, not counting Miriel since I don't plan to use her this time.

Also what should I make my stat changes on Avatar? I'm thinking +luck/-skill.

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Well I decided to drop Virion for this run since Ricken is going to be a hassle anyway, so Lon'quxCherche it is. Kellam end up with someone with good speed support in the long run, like Sumia, Panne or Sully. Could also pair him up with Tharja to make a ridiculous tank even though she's fine without him.

Kellam's another one of those sorts where he's great as pure support since being up front he has this bad habit of never doubling things, so don't even worry about him getting too many lvels. Quick 10 and promote to General, and really whoever he's paired with is pretty well set.

Also, who should Ricken's partner be? His flaws tend to be speed and offense...? (please help me on this). So he wants a fast partner who can also supply good mag, so maybe Anna? I'd like to manage an S though, since I don't care to much for using children beyond Morgan and Lucina.

The issue is that those are few and far between since only Tricksters and Dark Fliers give Mag and Speed, and only Anna exists. It can work well though. He has a ton of Mag to give additional Magic with for Anna's Rescue range, and as a Dark Knight he can give a LOT of move to give a fat first turn Rescue pull. His speed is never going to double anything outside of lucky speed procs though, but he does have unaturally good durability despite that. So if he can get his speed going, a durability support wouldn't necessarily hurt either.

I went Mirabel first time I tried him. Horse helped, but the bonuses Troubadour gives, while being Mag and Speed, were a bit underwhelming, and she didn't give a tag attack. That being said, she at least is a support partner that garners from a non-combat exp pool, and the kid they get off it can be a Mag+Res Rally bot (and in a game where you don't necessarily need a huge trained up army, just having a free Libra staff user doesn't necessarily hurt).

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The point of training him in this run is to see what he is capable of as the primary combatant of whatever pair he ends up in. I feel like paring him up with Anna would make him become secondary too quickly, since Anna contributes leaps and bounds more than Ricken ever could that early in the game. So I am willing to give Maribelle a shot, but if that doesn't work out I'll switch to Anna. I'm also going to pair Nowi with Gregor or Gaius, depending on whether I use Anna or not. Panne can probably run solo unless I pick up another character for her, but that's starting to push my party limit.

Just a few more things to look at, such as Ricken's reclass options, and we're good to go.

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The point of training him in this run is to see what he is capable of as the primary combatant of whatever pair he ends up in. I feel like paring him up with Anna would make him become secondary too quickly, since Anna contributes leaps and bounds more than Ricken ever could that early in the game. So I am willing to give Maribelle a shot, but if that doesn't work out I'll switch to Anna. I'm also going to pair Nowi with Gregor or Gaius, depending on whether I use Anna or not. Panne can probably run solo unless I pick up another character for her, but that's starting to push my party limit.

Just a few more things to look at, such as Ricken's reclass options, and we're good to go.

Ricken's reclass options are nothing of note (Archer and Cavalier).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Ricken's best SPD partners with S-rank potential are Panne and Cordelia, with Corde being the better of the two due to having early Dark Flier potential (extremely easy to get her to level 10). It's a waste of a character, but Ricken is garbage for a reason.

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I just came up with an idea, then. I can do PannexRicken, and then use Libra or Anna as my primary healer. THe only problem is that I don't want to hold back Panne by making her a support for Ricken early. I also don't want Ricken to fall behind at all since the point of this run is to see his potential. You know what... I'll stick with Ricken Maribelle to start and once Panne is a WR I'll see if it's worth it to switch partners. in either case that means Maribelle will likely end up my primary healer.

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Hopefully you get enough SPD from Maribelle. She doesn't even give the +1 from her bases, since her SPD is only 6 (and going nowhere fast). Here, by the way, is a nicely formatted chart that was posted in GJ's thread:

UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
Avatar           18.60    31 12 14 12 18 16 10 07 E Sword, B Tome       S Chrom, C Fred
Chrom            13.08    28 13 03 15 17 14 12 04 B Sword               S Avatar
Frederick     ??/08.35    36 17 03 16 13 09 17 03 B Swd, C Axe          S Sumia, C Avatar
Vaike            09.25    35 13 00 13 07 09 08 00 C Axe                 B Sully, C Panne 
Sumia            10.35    29 11 04 15 18 13 08 08 C Lance               S Fred
Miriel           11.62    26 00 15 11 11 13 05 08 C Tomes               C Sully, B Lonqu
Cordelia         08.76    26 11 03 13 12 10 09 08 C Lances              C Kellam
Panne            09.71    31 10 02 11 13 09 09 05                       C Vaike
Gregor           01.87    35 16 00 08 12 08 08 02 E Axe                 C Nowi

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I got a table from your thread, thanks though. I have made my avatar a female with the name Michelle, so that is what I'll be referring to her as. I made her asset Luck and her flaw Skill, and I'm already done with the premonition. Once I finish the prologue I will begin updating the OP with tables in spoilers as you guys have. I don't know how frequently I can update my thread, but I will try to keep it frequent.

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Alright, I've officially started. Prologue is in the OP, but the way it played out isn't too different from GJ and Interceptor. I guess it'll be like that until around chapter 2 or 3 where I start using differing units.

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Just to let you know that I'm watching your playthrough for ideas/strategies and cheering you on. My next playthrough will probably be on Hard so here to both of us not failing spectacularly! (I'm probably going to regardless. :D)

[/waves pom-pom] Go Mercury, go!

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Thanks, Vashiane! This is the first time I've ever done something like this, so I hope you all benefit from this in some way.

Chapter 1: Unwelcome Changes

This was another typical chapter, Michelle dominated again. I made sure to get other units some exp, namely Chrom and Sully. First I had Michelle pair up and take to the east, handling a couple of barbarians and mercenaries. As with Interceptor, this pair up allowed me to attack on my turn at ranged while taking minimal damage on enemy phase. She gained one level this chapter.

Chrom took to the southern fort with Lissa standing right next to him. Yes, the fort has an event tile, but I felt that the fort was too important not to use this time. I would have thrown away whatever I got to follow the tier list guidelines, but Chrom got exp instead. He ended up at 99exp to the next level, but considering he was at 70 before that he was going to level up on his next kill anyway so I let it slide. Lissa got a couple of chances to heal this chapter as well. Chrom gained 2 levels, both of which were excellent one level which was excellent, +5 in total.

I paired Sully with Virion so that Chrom could hold the fort and attack on enemy phase. Sully led the entire time since I'm not using Virion, but he did get a bonus attack once or twice which helped her alot. Sully got the boss kill after Michelle and Chrom weakened him, gaining a decent level up. Michelle gained D in tomes, Chrom got D in swords, and Sully managed D in lances within this chapter too. Overall I was pleased with the results, looking to be a good start. *Enjoys time without having to train Ricken while it lasts*

Turns: 5/13

Heroes: Michelle & Fred

Michelle gained C support with Fred.

Chrom gained C support with Lissa.

Lissa gained C support with Fred.

Not the best combination of supports to start with (I would have preferred MichellexChrom C, but oh well).

                     Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
            Michelle  4.70 22  7  7   4   7   8   8   5   E Sword, E Tome      C Fred
               Chrom  2.99 21  7  1   9   9   6   8   2   D Sword              C Lissa
           Frederick  1.56 28 15  2   12  10  6   14  3   D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle & Lissa
               Lissa  1.60 17  1  5   4   4   8   3   4   E Staves             C Chrom & Fred
               Sully  3.33 21  8  1   9   8   7   8   2   E Sword, D Lance     None
              Virion  2.10 19  6  0   9   5   7   6   1   D Bow                None

EDIT: Say Interceptor, how do you get the tables to stay aligned when you edit your OP? They start fine but when I edit the OP to add a new chapter in they get messed up and I have to re-copy and paste them from notepad.

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And another. I was pleased with everything about this chapter except the turn count, which still wasn't too bad.

Chapter 2: Shepherds

Now I have my first test subject, Stahl. As we all know he starts with mediocre speed compared to Sully, so in order to remedy this I paired him up with Michelle. Unfortunately he still wasn’t doubling anything, but I figured that he might if he leveled up this chapter (which was likely). Virion became support for Sully again since I figured he doesn’t have anywhere better to go.Fred teamed up with Chrom, and Lissa ran solo. Once Vaike got his axe back I threw Miriel onto him since there’s no-one else around and Miriel can’t really fight in this chapter anyway.

My objective is Rout, so I started off by having Chrom and Fred ride up the center and start tanking everything so the others could finish them off. Stahl, Sully and the others waited in the forest to the right for the barbarian there. Chrom got an incredible level up, earning +6 in total. By turn 4 I had Chrom and Fred in boss mode on the bridge, while Stahl finished up the last soldier and got a decent level up (too bad he didn’t get speed). Lissa had plenty of moments to heal, and the vulneraries were traded left and right as well.

I probably ended up with one or two extra turns, but there was a moment where I had to so some tricky transfers in order to get Fred to Stahl while leaving Michelle exposed to kill on the enemy phase. It paid off though, because almost everyone got a level out of it, and many of them were +5’s. So I am happy with that. Boss kill went to Stahl, and that got him fully caught up to Sully and close to Chrom and Michelle. He got his D in swords too, so he’s ready to go iron on the next chapter. I just pray to Nowi that he isn’t somehow speed-screwed.

Turns: 9/22

Heroes: Chrom & Fred

Chrom gained C support with Michelle and Fred.

Sully gained C support with Virion. (This onedoesn’t really matter since I’m getting Kellam in the next chapter)

                     Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
            Michelle  5.00 23  8  8   5   8   9   8   5   E Sword, D Tome      C Chrom & Fred
               Chrom  5.19 24  9  2   9   11  8   9   3   D Sword              C Michelle, Fred, Lissa
           Frederick  1.64 28 15  2   12  10  6   14  3   D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
               Lissa  3.20 17  2  5   6   5   10  4   4   E Staves             C Chrom & Fred
               Sully  4.33 22  9  1   10  9   7   9   2   E Sword, D Lance     C Virion
              Virion  2.10 19  6  0   9   5   7   6   1   D Bow                C Sully
               Stahl  4.23 24 10  0   8   6   7   9   2   D Sword, E Lance     None
               Vaike  3.50 24  9  0   8   6   4   5   0   D Axe                None
              Miriel  1.15 18  0  6   5   7   6   3   4   E Tome               None

Also, still looking for a way to make sure the tables don't shift themselves off center every time I edit a post.

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EDIT: Say Interceptor, how do you get the tables to stay aligned when you edit your OP? They start fine but when I edit the OP to add a new chapter in they get messed up and I have to re-copy and paste them from notepad.

I don't edit the OP, I edit the source document where I have the data. Whenever I "edit", the OP, all that I am doing is copy/pasting from the file.

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I tried what you said and it worked, thanks. Here's Chapter 3.

Chapter 3: Warrior Realm

The objective was to defeat the commander, but since I don’t plan to use Sumia I pretty much had to kill everyone in order to get to the boss safely. That said, I only went over by maybe 2 turns what I would have if I did use her.

Chrom and Vaike recruited Kellam, and then Sully joined up with him. Everyone else went the other way. I kept Kellam’s javelin out and let the enemy come to him; he tanked everything and made use of the enemy phase to weaken archers while Sully and Chrom finished them off on the next turn. Meanwhile, Fred paired up with Stahl to give him the defense he needed to tank the right side. This worked beautifully, and as a result he gained two levels (both in speed, yay!)

Sully and Stahl took down the boss together, though Sully got the final blow. Chrom is slowly turning into a monster, and Michelle has stayed ahead as always. I’m slowly going to start dropping characters like Virion and Vaike as more of my test subjects appear. Fred is useful as a support bot for now, but he’ll eventually fall off the team as well.

Turns: 7

Heroes: Chrom & Vaike

Chrom gained C support with Vaike.

Michelle gained C support with Sumia.

Sully gained C support with Kellam (the only useful one in the long run)

Gold: 3800 (I bought some vulneraries and tonics after the chapter ended)

                     Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
            Michelle  6.60 23  9  9   6   9   10  8   5   E Sword, D Tome      C Chrom, Fred, Sumia
               Chrom  6.93 25  9  2   10  11  8   10  3   D Sword              C Michelle, Fred + Others
           Frederick  1.74 28 15  2   12  10  6   14  3   D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
               Lissa  3.80 17  2  5   6   5   10  4   4   E Staves             C Chrom & Fred
               Sully  5.53 22  9  2   11  10  8   10  2   E Sword, C Lance     C Kellam & Virion
              Virion  2.10 19  6  0   9   5   7   6   1   D Bow                C Sully
               Stahl  4.23 26 10  0   10  8   9   10  2   C Sword, E Lance     None
               Vaike  3.60 24  9  0   8   6   4   5   0   D Axe                None
              Miriel  1.15 18  0  6   5   7   6   3   4   E Tome               None
              Kellam  5.50 21 10  0   7   5   3   12  2   D Lance              C Sully
               Sumia  1.21 18  6  3   11  11  8   5   7   D Lance              C Michelle

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Chapter 4: Two Falchions

Since I can only bring 6 units I brought the ones that I intend on using in the long run, plus Fred. I left Lissa behind in favor of Fred for better coverage and pair-up bonuses for the units I amd training (mostly Stahl this time). To compensate for this I stocked everyone with at least one vulnerary; however I only needed to buy 2 to accomplish this.

This one was nice and quick. The main strategy is to lure them out with ranged weapon users or those with good durability, and then finish them off/heal on your turn. Sully and Kellam employed this strategy very well on the right side. The mages were dealt with by Michelle and Chrom, and Stahl was able to double the knights with support from Fred. Stahl defeated Marth as well. His speed is starting to come along, which is a good sign.

Turns: 5/34

Heroes: Sully & Kellam

No supports

Gold: 3800

This time I only included the units that I still plan to really use in the near/distant future.

                     Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
            Michelle  7.45 24 10  9   7   9   11  9   6   E Sword, D Tome      C Chrom, Fred, Sumia
               Chrom  7.23 26  9  2   11  12  8   11  3   C Sword              C Michelle, Fred + Others
           Frederick  2.04 29 14  2   12  10  7   14  3   D Swd, B Lnc., D Axe C Michelle, Chrom, Lissa
               Lissa  3.80 17  2  5   6   5   10  4   4   E Staves             C Chrom & Fred
               Sully  6.38 22 10  2   12  11  8   10  2   E Sword, C Lance     C Kellam & Virion
               Stahl  7.35 27 10  0   10  8   9   11  2   C Sword, E Lance     None
              Kellam  6.00 22 11  0   7   6   3   13  2   D Lance              C Sully

Should I go do Donny's Paralogue, or should I skip it? I don't have plans to use Donny (thank Nowi) and that leaves it to the value of the chest contents and the extra exp, and whether they're worth slowing down the pace of the game.

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It does say that, doesn't it... Sure then, Paralogue 1 it is. I'll add it later today.

EDIT: After reviewing the rules of the tierlist I failed to remember two things.

1. Exp/support bonuses from event tiles are allowed, but I have been ignoring event tiles completely so far. I will start making use of them where I can, but any items/weapons I find are being discarded without exception.

2. Renown awards are available to use, but only at certain points in the game. At my point in the game I am allowed to claim the first reward, the Glass Sword, to use if I want. Not that it's very useful anyway, but at least I have other rewards coming soon.

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