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Your Favorite Map themes

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Footsteps of Fate, Eternal Bond (Ascent and Conviction too), Crimea Attacks (and the Oliver map theme too), Disturbance in Agustria (and Chapter 5's map theme too).

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It took twenty-five posts for Beneath a New Light (number 13) to pop up? I guessed it would have been more popular, I absolutely loved it when I first heard it. It always struck me as particularly motivating and uplifting, which fits really nicely with the end of the game as it signals the player reaching the end of a long but rewarding journey.

It's a shame the awesome FE2 "map theme" remix (number 120, original from Gaiden number 227) in Fire Emblem 10 was never used. It would be so easy to start going through all the music and compiling a massive list, but regretably I don't have six hours to spare tonight so I'll say Eternal Bond is an obvious choice, and I really like the Greil Mercenary theme (number 5) in Fire Emblem 9, but Beneath a New Light would be my favorite as of this posting.

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Favorite map themes huh...

Shadow Dragon: "A Hero's Destiny"
Gaiden: "With Mila's Divine Protection"
New Mystery of the Emblem: "Liberation"
Genealogy of the Holy War: Prety much all of them, but if I were to choose a Top 3, I'd say: "Girl of the Spirit Forest", "Disturbance in Agustria", and "The Last Holy War", order irrelevant
Thracia776: "In Search of Victory - Leif"
Binding Blade: "Beneath a New Light"
Blazing Sword: "Companions"
Sacred Stones: "Rise Above", "Determination", and "Truth, Despair and Hope"
Path of Radiance: "Congregation of Ambition"
Radiant Dawn: "Bearer of Hope" and "Ascent"
Awakening: "Destiny", "Don't speak her name!", and "Duty"
EDIT: Doh, I had forgotten that one...
Edited by Acacia Sgt
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FE2: With Mila's Divine Protection

FE4: Lion King Eltoshan/Eldigan

FE7: Companions.

FE8: Truth, Despair, and Hope

FE9: The First Fight, Greil Mercenaries

FE10: Proud Fight, A Grasping Truth

FE11: To Liberate

FE12: One Who Carves a New History

FE13: Storm Clouds, Don't Speak Her Name, Chaos

Didn't list FE6 because I don't really like any of its map themes, didn't list FE1 or FE3 because of the remakes, didn't list FE5 because I don't know the music well enough.

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