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I know this would take forever, but hell I'd wait for it.

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Every character has a story, don't you think it would be great to have sidequests for each characters purposes for joining the army/what pushes them to fight?

I mean Ricken wants to reclaim his family's fortune, Gaius has that heart of gold thief thing going on; they could make a sidequest about him redeeming himself. I personally would love to see a side story involving Panne and the extinction of taguels.

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That would be quite a neat undertaking.

Makes me think of Berwick Saga. Most of the characters there have some (usually optional) map where they take on a lead role, and the ones that don't still have events and special scenes otherwise. Granted I'm not quite sure what's actually going on in those maps and how much they actually develop the characters, being not nearly adept enough with Japanese for it. Ah well.

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Hmm, if I tried to avert Aversa's face of being brainwashed by Fauder/Validar, would I just break the possibility of her become a really strong unit in that future, even if the game won't give you alternate Aversa?

Ooh. I just thought up the best custom enemy fights. Cherche vs Minerva may not but feasible, but Paris/Priam vs Bear will be awesome.

Ooh. I want the Walhart chapter to be taking out awesome kings and Walhart establishing himself as inexorable.

I also wanna see some chapter where Kellam battles himself as a sort of self improvement metaphor thing.

Lon'qu's chapter will be sad, but if they didn't go for the tragic death scene, I totally wanna see Ronku vs a female boss. Kappa.png

Gaius' chapter will prolly be challenging due to him being a theif, but prolly in a fun way. Hopefully.

Panne shredding for survival would be kinda moving.

Gregor's merc adventures would be fun.

Cordelia's training would be Greil-esque sadness.

I wanna see Libra defend a church.

Anna should be defending her stash/finding treasure to add to it.

Olivia should have a thing where you dance for a super powerful allied unit to revive them and they destroy the enemies afterward.

Say'ri should have a sparring match against someone.

Yen'fay should be taking out alt-future punks.

Basilio vs Flavia. I wanna see how that goes. No silly tournaments. Just pure axe vs axe(or Flavia using her cheap movepool + swords)

Miriel vs an experiment gone wrong/horribly right.

Stahl/Sol, Soiree/Sully and Frederick all training together.

Virion in a hopeless fight to defend his country from Walhart's forces or epic flirting shennanigans. Though, on second thought, the flirting shennanigans may be better for Inigo. Then again, constant rejection (except for Mia x3).


Vaike vs some gangster boss, defendin' da streets!

Sumia vs a psycho/misguided pegasus knight. (Healing powers, go!)

Kjelle in some tournament, ownin' fools.

Owain meeting someone as hotblooded as he is.

Brady healing an epic warrior and musician.

Yarne getting a cowardly friend.

Laurent studying Risen.

Noire.... being herself.

Severa taking some fool's money/ doing random mercenary work.

Nah meeting some sagely hermit.

Cynthia and Gerome learning to fly and training in battle.

Gerome guarding Lucina/other survivors (poor other survivors though Q-Q)

Nowi around children.

Tiki meeting up with Bantu again/ the fate of Xane.

Finally, Morgan getting a side chapter alone with MU.

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