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It had to happen eventually...


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Well after a long time spent lurking I'm finally introducing myself. Wow... Probably doesn't help that I'm unversed in the way of forums.

Anyway I'm a Fire Emblem fan/buff despite no one I know (personally) playing or knowing of it. I started playing Fire Emblem with Shadow Dragon and being my first time playing I sucked (as in if no more than two people died I'd go onto the next chapter). Shortly after I got Blazing Sword and eventually all other available games while restarting if anyone died (except when getting the gaidens in Shadow Dragon. Man that was dumb). Currently playing Awakening which has kept me occupied from its release to now. I blame Lunatic mode because why Chapter 18? Why!?

I've recently discovered that I am a huge Mark fan. I don't know why but with Blazing Sword being the first Fire Emblem game I played correctly I guess I was bound to find a favorite there.

I've always liked RPGs, strategy games, and pretty much things that are playable on Nintendo systems. If you're interested it's generally Golden Sun, Pokemon, FF, FE, Mario, TLoZ, and EO. Recently started playing PS2 and PS3 games like Disgaea, Breath of Fire, and Tales of games because... Well I don't have a reason actually. Maybe it's because they have an interesting story. I've always preferred story over graphics; something that is foreign to my friends. I'm also a sucker for classic games.

In short I'm pretty much a video game nerd even though I play sports like football. Isn't that a contradiction?

If for some reason you find me interesting don't be afraid to ask. I only bite when I'm hungry so for you're own safety bring snacks.

See ya!

Edited by Harkas
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