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New 3DS Nintendo Direct on April 17th at 7AM PST


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^ Because I don't have a Wii U :( I wish it was coming to 3DS as well... But it's great news regardless, hopefully this won't be an isolated occasion and will actually mark the return of the franchise over here, I've always wanted to play it. I'm curious to learn how much they had to change to deal with copyright issues...

Also, Bravely Default looks really good!

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^ Because I don't have a Wii U :( I wish it was coming to 3DS as well... But it's great news regardless, hopefully this won't be an isolated occasion and will actually mark the return of the franchise over here, I've always wanted to play it. I'm curious to learn how much they had to change to deal with copyright issues...

Also, Bravely Default looks really good!

Um, Dude it said earthbound is going to be on VC AND the E-Shop, you know the E-Shop is where you download things for you 3DS. :P

Edited by Opinion Leader Jedi
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I'm just patiently waiting for Ace Attorney 5's localization to be confirmed. I thought for sure they were going to say something about it in this Nintendo Direct.

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