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Japenese or English voices


Japanese or English voices?  

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  1. 1. What voices do/will you use?

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English is massively better because it doesn't have the Japanese Lissa.

EDIT: Plus, female Morgan's voice is delicious and bonerriffic ~~~

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Actually, I had another interesting thought about the Japanese overall higher pitch vs the English changes. Remember how Lyn was, I think, 15 years old in Japan and 17 in the localizations? This is just one example but I feel like Japanese gamers tend to prefer younger protagonists as opposed to Western gamers. To me the Awakening characters seem younger with their Japanese voices... like, take Tharja, how old is she supposed to be? For some reason her Japanese voice gives me the impression that she is a teenager, but in English she seems to be a little older, 20-something I would say. Same with Olivia. This is true for me for most of the female characters and some of the males. I dunno if this is just me personally (or because I'm in North America) perceiving the high pitch as more "childish" per se, but I'm pretty sure even Japanese audiences would see it that way. I guess this is also why I prefer the English "older-sounding" voices, in most cases it seems more believable that the parents are the parents and the kids are the kids even though they aren't that apart in age. Even with Olivia/Inigo (he doesn't sound 40, not at all...lol).

I think the Lyn thing was about issues with statutory rape...

Lissa's voice was perfect in both languages as they both captured her personality. I think what I have the most beef with the localization is the voices lack of link with their characters, rather than voice acting prowess. I'm fine with complete changes to some of the characters' characterization (not on how it violates on the original game's intent), i.e. on how Tharja ages 10 years from Japanese to English because both voices somehow fit her, despite their differences.

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Currently playing this game in Japanese right now just cuz. Henry's voice sounds like a little kid.

That's what his character is supposed to sound like, at least from what I read from his dialogue last year.

His little "Heeeeeh" makes him... what's the word... a little awkward to interact with. "To seem childlike" with his views of right and wrong twisted to normal people... and yet he grows on you.

Henry's English voice sounds to me... again because I got used to the Japanese voices... like when I heard Richt/Ricken, a little off with how much less... "enthusiastic" on the pitch.

He's the happy go lucky "let's kill people" guy.

Ricken doesn't sound like the shota he looks like. The first thing I thought of was "oh frick, he sounds like Sonic the Hedgehog".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Rey you better not be hatin on Yuri Lowenthal because there will be consequences if I find out you are. :|

Are you kidding? I like Yuri Lowenthal's work... it's just he doesn't fit Ricken, at least IMHO.


It's like how Annie love Karen Strassman's work for Anna, but doesn't really say she fits Olivia.

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in that case you are bad and should feel bad for having bad opinions

*Ojousama laugh*

It's like I should feel bad for being weeb having the same preferences as my other Asian friends.

It's like... it's a crime or something to prefer something OTHER than English.

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It's like... it's a crime or something to prefer something OTHER than English.

c'mon, rey, you know i'd make it that way if i could. <3

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c'mon, rey, you know i'd make it that way if i could. <3

English Master Race. Haha, the worst part is the mainsite admin lives in the UK.

are you saying i'm not asian now >|

No, I'm saying like 70% of the Asian friends who have this game in the game room use Japanese voices and just prefer them. They're not dissing the English voices.

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honestly i don't care if you prefer them, i just hold people who say things like they "don't fit" the characters in a modest amount of scorn.

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honestly i don't care if you prefer them, i just hold people who say things like they "don't fit" the characters in a modest amount of scorn.

Err... I would think that's why people hold their opinions for using the other?

I'd think that's a common... you know... reason for preferring one.

You know, I don't think you'd be complaining if someone says "HENRY'S JAPANESE VOICE DOESN'T FIT"... which honestly someone has said here already.

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except that people really like to tout those opinions around if not as LITERAL FACT, then extremely aggressively.

it's reaction to that that's most of why i'm a dick about it, to be honest.

EDIT: the other big thing is there's a fairly prevalent notion that the inverse to their stance is not true: they can not like the english voices because they don't fit, but it would be weird for somebody to not like the japanese voices because they don't fit, you dig?

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Well obviously, I don't take it as fact. xD

The definition of "cute" is so damn subjective to each individual person, trying to convince someone else to change their stance acting all elitist is FREAKING POINTLESS.

For example, here's Lumi's take on it:

[11:13 AM] Lumi: you're gonna hate me for this but

since cute is so subjective

I find Chris Hemsworth and Thor everything about them cute

so cute voice for me would Chris's Thor voice

so when people are saying "Japan Oribe voice is cuter" I immediately imagine her with Chris Hemsy's Thor voice instead


since that's like my ideal qt

[11:15 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): hahahahawut


just... okay


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You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and are horribly exaggerating based on your pre-conceptions of the Japanese voices. Please know what you're doing before you try to judge something. Inigo's voice is amazing and, ironically, Cynthia's voice is arguably the worst of them all...

Dis post. <3

But i like Cynthia's voice. Save for her "dadadah!" thing occasionally when she victories.

Inigo's voice is great. He sounds young enough to me. He sounds like a 17 to 19 year old trying to be suave. lol

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Ehh. I agree with everything shadowofchaos has said so far. D8 I don't think it's a bad thing to say the English voices don't fit the character. Because some of them, in my humble opinion (despite my admittedly silly exaggerations), REALLY do not fit at all. Inigo doesn't sound that young at all in English. To me, it was the same problem Jack Frost of Rise of the Guardians have. Find some YouTube clips if you haven't seem the film. Basically, Jack Frost is supposed to be (physcially) 14, but he sounds MUCH older than that. That's how I feel about Inigo's English voice. He sounds WAY too old compared to how he looks. Maybe not 40s, but certainly not 17-18. Maybe if HE had Yuri Lowenthall's voice, it would make sense.

I'm also glad shadowofchaos brought up Licht instead of me. 8U Because as much as I love Yuri Lownethall's voice, it REAAALY doesn't suit Licht at all. he doesn't sound like an adorable shota anymore. And Henry is especially too weird and not young enough.

I fail to understand how saying "this voice doesn't match this character" is such a bad thing.

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I fail to understand how saying "this voice doesn't match this character" is such a bad thing.

Because most of the time when people say that in this kind of situation the real reason is only because the person is used to the Japanese voices and hearing the English voices sounds awkward not because they're bad or unfitting, but because the person is used to the characters having a different voice. As seems to be the case here. Virion a couple posts up is spot on about how Inigo sounds. No, I wouldn't say he sounds 14, but I don't really care. I mean, is that an official age, or something? The kids largely seem older than that to me, more like 17-20.

Ricken looks and sounds like a kid to me. So he sounds fine. Henry never looked to me as young as his Japanese voice sounds, so I also prefer the English one there.

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No, I wasn't saying Inigo was 14, the totally unrelated character Jack Frost is. 8U; I think Inigo is like 17-20, and his voice sounds too deep for me. I don't think any character has official ages except for Emmeryn.

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No, I wasn't saying Inigo was 14, the totally unrelated character Jack Frost is. 8U; I think Inigo is like 17-20, and his voice sounds too deep for me. I don't think any character has official ages except for Emmeryn.

People around that age tend to have varying voices. Who is to judge if one sounds too old unless its a raspy old man's voice? Which from what I've heard is not.

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For the record I've been mistaken as a guy before (if nobody sees my face) with how deep my voice is

It doesn't tell you much

(generally it's through some medium where sound quality isn't very high though, like a phone or something, but I do have a deeper voice than half the guys I know)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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You know, I don't think you'd be complaining if someone says "HENRY'S JAPANESE VOICE DOESN'T FIT"... which honestly someone has said here already.

Assuming you mean me, I didn't actually say his voice didn't fit. I was just pointing out that he sounds like a little kid, even more so than the English version.

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