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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eleven: Unleash


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Volga watched as the two that had come to help Katrina hurried off. What was this? Didn’t people usually climb on her back? If this place was dangerous, why were they running on foot? This was something that needed to be rectified. Running off after them, the wyvern caught up to Shadrak first and tried to pick him up by his robes. She needed at least one other person on her back to keep Katrina from falling off like she had earlier, and could easily carry all three of them on the ground.

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Blake had made it to the side of the Dauntless and was stowing away the Weyland employee's weapon when Raquel called for everyone to "come on". Which probably meant leaving. The swordsman propped the mace against a crate for the time being, ran over, picked up his staff, and quickly dashed back to the wagon. After clambering on, he moved both the blunt weapons his further inside, so as to make it easier to get in.


Valcyn responded instead of Strawberry, but since they were leaving, her answer would have to suffice. Grant hurried as directed and got inside the Dauntless. The interior was soggy, and there was a huge gaping hole in the roof. Hopefully it wouldn't rain...

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People were fleeing the fortress and the Dauntless was taken care of. Raquel herself was urging everyone to hurry it up and was already in the driver's seat. A few people were still in the area and on foot. A wyvern was apparently trying to carry some running people out. He wasn't sure if that was normal for wyverns or not, but at least they were on their way. The one that was still the furthest away, though, was Gytha. She'd been running all this time, but it was a big courtyard and she, like the rest of them, had been quite far into it. She was on foot, though, and had delayed heading over a lot longer than they had. It was no wonder she was only just now getting remotely close.

With an exasperated sigh and an irritated mutter, Norbert stood still with his eye on Rizen as she made yet another pass. Once she was close enough, he whipped out his arm, took hold of her tack and as she swooped through the air, he threw his weight, pulling himself into the saddle proper, taking the reins and directing Rizen not towards the exit, but towards the mariner. Of course, the pegasus was triumphantly overjoyed when her rider seemed to finally regain his sense, but when he began steering her away from safety, she had to wonder just what was going through his head. She figured it out quickly enough as they seemed to be headed toward one of the herd members.

Gytha wasn't feeling her best. Running as quickly as you could across a long distance while feeling ill tended to not improve how well you felt. She'd only come about halfway when she saw Norbert of all people flying towards her. Th' crazy pegasus rider? He offered t' help b'fore, but... He's a bit volatile. Maybe he's just mad about somethin'. Can't run ana faster...

When he did arrive, however, his weapons weren't out. Instead, he reached out with an open hand. "Come on! We have to get out of here!" he demanded. He certainly was serious at the moment.

Gytha was rather out of breath so she didn't reject the offer. Instead, she reached out and grabbed his offered arm. Rizen tried using her momentum, but whinnied in protest at the sudden weight increase. Norbert's protests weren't whinnies. "Sweet Mother Mercy you are heavy!"

"'Course I'm heavy!" Gytha puffed, "I'm carryin' a two-handed blade n' I'm built sturdy!"

"Ooooigh! You are HEAVY! I can't lift you!"

"Then stop th' Leviathan-foundered pegasus n' let me climb on!"

As it was, Rizen was flapping her wings wildly, kicking up quite a bit of dust, now facing the exit while she hauled her human cargo, which was very uncomfortably unbalanced. Norbert was gripping Rizen's sides and saddle with his legs and free hand respectively while he kept a firm grip on Gytha's arm. The mariner herself was running as she was dragged along by the pegasus and rider. No one was having fun, though the scene was pretty comical. The result was that they were travelling in the Dauntless' direction at a much faster pace than Gytha could run on her own, but at a much slower pace than Rizen could fly if the two had just been on her back.

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That was more painful than intended, not quite realizing how hard it'd be to lift an armored person up with just one arm. How she managed it, she didn't know, but her arm was hurting and she had to right herself on Hannah again. Speaking of that Pegasus, Hannah wasn't quite used to the weight and neighed, not in pain, but in agitation, riding forth at a slightly slower pace but still keeping up for all intents and purposes. "Bullshit, you wouldn't have been... nnnguh, fine. You said it yourself, or... implied it, we should look out for each other. Don't you go playing hard to get on me." When Marella thanked her, Aneda felt odd. She stayed silent as her mount trotted on, dreading what was in store for her. "... Nothing stays golden forever." she mumbled to herself.

Mushirah's pace picked up but it wasn't going to last as she started breathing heavily pretty quickly, however Volga deciding to try and pick up Shadrak made her almost trip up, forcing her to scramble over to the creature and attempting to mount it after a stupid amount of effort. She immediately tried to right Katrina, if only to feel like she was doing something, doing anything to keep her mind off her failures. Please just go, get out of here! i don't want to be here any more, I want to just go to sleep, wake up in my bed at home, forget this... "Just... not here..."

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Almost no sooner than the human had started making noises to the other human a wyvern had pulled in for a landing. It was a long black beast, almost tube-like in shape with stubby limbs. Still it had doubtless evolved that way for a reason, and even if the breed looked odd to a human, to a horse it was still another overly large carnivore. Snorting her disapproval, Hatsune's ears swiveled back and lay low to her head. She had had just about enough excitement for today. It is a good thing the human wanted her to move away from that beast, because otherwise he'd have been in for a treat. Hatsune increased her pace a little bit, despite the heavy load.

Sensing his steed's unease, Sinbad tried to keep his reply short, "Hmm, reckon I can do that alright, but not sure I can convince her to head back to tha fort. You really need us, try that lightning signal ya'll used earlier. That'd work, right good." After that, he didn't have time to watch Connor and his keeper take off, he had his hands full, literally, with other matters. Synthia had start falling forward a bit, bending at the torso. Clearly just keeping his arm around her waist wasn't doing the job. Repositioning things a bit, he ended up settling for crossing diagonally upward, from her left side to her right shoulder. It was a bit awkward, but if it worked, all the better. No sooner had he finished, but he caught a shifting in the breathing pattern from the unconscious mage, and she squirmed slightly. It was only for a moment though, before she settled back into the peaceful rhythym from before. "Don't you mind, darling. We're getting out of there, you'll be right as rain soon," the cowboy murmured to his passenger.

It was just another reason why the lancer's request had been a sensible one. In addition to the whole 'ride up to the gypsy lady, make sure she don't bolt completely' aspect, it was also accompanied by the convenient fact that he'd be bringing one of the injured to care. While if he'd had his choice he'd have picked anyone else, Sinbad resigning himself to the inevitable, as they closed in on the nomad healer, slowly but surely. While she was still moving away from the fortress, she'd slowed her horse to a leisurely walking pace. After Sinbad judged the distance close enough to call out, he did so.

"Well howdy and all! Dontcha think we can hold up here a bit? We should be well outta range of archers and mages, and the others're gonna have to catch up anyhow? Also..." the cowboy paused a moment here before commiting. "Got someone you should probably take a look at, see if she don't need healing."

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Marella blinked and then shrugged. "I'm used to taking care of others. I'm not so good with the whole 'letting others take care of me' thing." She paused and then continued, "But, you're right. You were able to take me and otherwise I would have just slowed things down. So maybe I should consider letting others help me more. We'll see I guess."

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The situation with the Dauntless had been taken care of, so Veronika hopped in as everyone seemed ready to depart. That could have gone better...but at least we're alive. That's worth something, she consoled herself.


"Maybe whoever sees it will be willing to help us," Connor said, trying to be optimistic. I guess the first thing I'll have to do when I get back to Europa is remake everything I had if the Dauntless doesn't make it... he thought anxiously to himself.


Apparently she was being addressed now, Nadya turned around and didn't see anything that looked like an enemy chasing after them, so she turned Luca around to face the gunman.

"Has everyone come to their senses and decided to leave the place where everyone wants to kill us? That'd be nice," Nadya said, trotting Luca over and examining the passenger he was holding. "Synthia looks kinda banged up, but it's nothin' a little magic can't fix," she said, reaching out her staff and healing the mage. "She should be good enough to travel now at least...where are we goin' anyway?" she asked.

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Sinbad was glad when the gypsy answered his call, and even turned around, bringing her horse closer to his to close the distance. When he gave Hatsune the signal to stop, he let fall the reins, giving him a free hand so that he could wipe the sweat from his brow. Unconscious people were a fair bit of work, and adding on to everything that had happened, the cowboy could really go for a drink right about now. Still that was certainly not in the cards, not for a long ways off.

The nomad healer's immediate query was about the rest of the group, and while Sinbad had an answer for that, he couldn't help turning his head over his shoulder, the one that wasn't currently supporting Synthia anyway. Not much in the way of change yet, it seemed. ...No wait, was that the red-haird horseman coming out the gate? Maybe another couple of mounted folk about to follow after. "Weeell," he drawled, "Seems it was pretty much just confusion after that light show there. Half of 'em seemed ta just plain panic, half of 'em started trying to go about saving that contraption ya'll haul around as got hit and burning up. Far as things go, Reign seemed to have some sorta plan, or at least was keeping it well enough together that I trusted him. Said I shouldn't head in back for him or anything. Not so sure I'd of placed so much importance on that monster wagon myself, but weren't my place ta argue. Looks like just a few got out of there for good, though... seems we're starting ta get more of a stream of people finally managing ta follow us on out."

Sinbad grimaced a bit before tackling the next question, "As far as where you're headed, not rightly sure. Know that I'm heading ta Europa, and I'd done heard that was where ya'll had been planning on going. No idea if everything going up in flames like this changes any of that, but reckon I gotta at least wait till she wakes up here and let her off. Heh, can't rightly just leave like this, now can I, that'd be kidnapping," he forced a bit of a laugh with a wry smile.

Not that you'd let me leave without paying what's due now anyway, would ya? Nosiree, I reckon not, the cowboy thought cynically, as he found himself questioning the gypsy's motive for that question. The most likely case was she wanted to make sure he wouldn't skip out before compensating her for her services, but it wasn't entirely unreasonable she actually weren't that tightly connected to the group herself, and not in tune with the goings on. That might also explain why she'd been so quick to turn tail. It gave him something to ponder, at the least.

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Together We Flee

Raquel leaned out to try and see around the Dauntless. There was no way to tell who had gotten inside already or who was coming unless they were approaching from her five o'clock, seven o'clock, or some other angle that wasn't obscured by the damaged vehicle. The sense of guilt was quickly being replaced by urgency again though and she got Sandrock and Riley moving anyway, though a bit slowly at first in the hopes that anyone sprinting could still catch them and hop in on the way out. Functionally, the Dauntless was perfectly fine still, and now she had a degree of certainty about that as she began driving it out of the fortress.

Reign braced himself as the Dauntless began moving. They hadn't started off going very fast, but the sudden jolt still knocked the unsuspecting magician off balance. He went over to the downed kigenese girl to see how she was doing, but took his time so as not to startle her. Kneeling down directly in front of her, he quietly asked, "Are you awake?" Instead of some kind of verbal response, she stirred a little, and then her body began to fade away behind a swarm of tiny little white lights. Once she was completely out of sight, Reign sighed. The military's still not able to field mages who can do what she just did, and here I am witnessing it first hand on an injured woman. Curiosity began to take root and he put his hand a bit closer to her to see if she was still there. Two amazing things happened. The first was that his hand faded out as it drew to within a few inches of her. The second was that his hand actually did reach her. She hadn't moved, and she hadn't responded to his touch either, apparently. And she may very well be unconscious while doing it ... I wonder who she's with ....

Shadrak had his own problems. While trying to catch up to the Dauntless, Katrina's wyvern grabbed him by his robes. His first instinct was to try and pry them loose from her mouth, but once he was out paced and in danger of tripping, he grabbed the wyvern's head and hung on, pulling his feet off the ground so he could begin the physically demanding task of climbing to her back. Mushirah managed to get on after some doing, but she had the fortune of not having to cling to a spiky lizard head. "Aaaaaaaa-could definitely use a hand here!"

Outside the fortress, Ringo continued to fly around with Connor and Gabbie on his back, wondering when they were going to take a break. He wasn't tired, but he was definitely bored and hungry, a nigh unbearable condition for a young wyvern to find themselves in. Gabbie wasn't sure about how receiving help would work out. "Let's just hope if someone does show up, it isn't the wrathoites. They loike to smack us around with loight magic too," Gabbie bitterly noted.

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Welp. Neither Gytha nor Norbert were happy at the sight of the Dauntless beginning to move. They were still a fair stretch away from it and both humans' arms ached. Rizen wasn't sure how long she would have to keep pulling the woman long and didn't see the Dauntless as a related issue, so she was just miserable by default at the moment. She was also still flying, though she couldn't understand why. She was low enough to the ground that she'd much rather just be running.

That was when it happened. Her rider was signalling for her to slow down. She was partially glad for this and partially incredulous at it. She wanted to get out of there but she also didn't like having to fly -- successfully or not -- with all the human weight on her left with one pulling. So, not only did she slow down, she came to a full stop, landing. The weight evened out on her back and began galloping much faster than she'd been flying. Eventually, they got to that thing Sandrock and Riley pulled around all the time, coming up beside it before slowing significantly. That only lasted a moment, however. The weight on her back lessened and she immediately received the command to take off. Gladly.

Norbert had suggested stopping so she could get on the pegasus properly, then they began riding quite quickly to the Dauntless. That was when he explained he was going to gain some extra distance along side it so Gytha would have time to get off and get into the Dauntless as it traveled. She liked the plan, actually. And so, they executed it. To be honest, neither wanted to be around the other, though Norbert was more opposed to it than Gytha was. The result was Gytha only having to run a little bit to enter the Dauntless and Rizen and Norbert flying on ahead.

When she got into the wagon, Gytha let loose a long, low whistle. "This place's been through a lot," was her observation as she looked around, walking further into the Dauntless. She didn't really want to fall back outside if they hit a bump or something.

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"We're too far from Europa to reach there tonight, so we'll need to decide whether we're goin' to a nearby town or campin' out. There are some towns not too far out and we could use the supplies, but people may not be up for that much travel with their current injuries," she said to Sinbad. Did Raquel have a backup plan?


"Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing- if Raquel doesn't have the emblem anymore they don't have any problem with us right?" he asked Gabbie.

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Some of the others who had escaped were up ahead, which meant that they would be regrouping, most likely. Axel took a moment to turn his head and check to see if there was any enemies in pursuit. From what he could see, that was not the case, and in fact some of the other mercenaries were riding out. Nevertheless, the lancer kept his weapon ready, just in case.


And they were off. Blake nearly lost his balance as the Dauntless jolted to a start, but luckily managed to stay upright. It was moving slow enough that any stragglers might be able to get inside, so he left the doors open, at least for the time being. Instead, he navigated his way over to Reign, who was... missing a hand, or it was becoming invisible at his arm, at least, seeing as the Rexian man didn't appear to be in pain.

"Care to explain?" Blake asked, gesturing to where the addressed man's hand should be.

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Shortly after the healing Synthia climbed from the depths of unconsciousness to the world of the living once more and thanks to Nadya was able to stay there longer than the last time. Her senses were rather fuzzy, but she was coherent enough to figure out that someone was trying to hold her up on an equine. She leaned back to correct for her slumping foreward and tensed a bit when she realized the other person on the horse was not who she had assumed it was. They were out of the fort though, which was good… Or possibly bad, depending on the circumstances. Speaking was beyond her at the moment as attempting to not pass out again was demanding most of her attention.


Looking back over his shoulder, Valter was relieved to see the Dauntless finally heading out. Once out of range of those on the wall, there was no need to hurry until the others caught up so he slowed Phyllis’s pace and continued on towards the two other riders who had stopped.


Well good, at least one of the humans had had the sense to get on her back. The other one was making this much harder on himself than it needed to be. Not to mention, climbing on Volga’s head was not particularly pleasant for her. She lifted her head up and back while letting go of his robes, hopefully allowing him to slide down her neck towards where Mushirah was. Once they were both on board she could take off, or at least go faster than she already was. She was outpacing a human but not much else at the moment.

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"There's no shame in asking for help. You've helped out so fair's fair in my book." Aneda stated, shifting her position on her ride. "I'd say hold on, I'm gonna have miss rude awakening here pick up the pace and get the fuck out of here." Still a little sore but Aneda didn't pay it much mind. Geting out was her top priority, and taking a passenger was right below that. Now that both objectives were fulfilled, she was gonna leave, hopefully Hannah agreed with that decision.

A wyvern neck rearing in front of her and Shadrak yelling for help only pushed Mushirah to action, keeping one arm on Katrina and reaching her other out to Shadrak to try and help get him safely onto the mount's back. "Get on, quick! Here!"

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A Man Called Gar

Some of those mage-types heeded Gar's wonderful advice and put out the flames. Sure it made things cold and wet and damp and the structural integrity of the roof was suspect--moreso with Gar on top of it--but the wagon wasn't on fire which was important. Also important was that they were leaving. This gave Gar one last chance to be a jackass.

He reset his belts and pouches and his brown cloak--switching out his shirt hood for the cloak hood and stood triumphantly on top of the Dauntless and shouted back into the fort, "Lo and behold do we leave with no fatalities, while your dead lay upon the ground, a condescending eye from the wall-guy gazing down truly indifferent to a slaughter he could have averted at any time but choose not to. To use those deaths to his own advantages and ends!" Gar threw his arms out in a welcoming pose. "Look upon thee works of death, ye survivors and realize blame is the burden of all involved, ally and enemy." And then Gar gracefully fell back onto his back without a care in the world.

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Raquel could have sworn she heard Gar making some kind of announcement from the roof, but that didn't seem like him. No wait, it actually did, she realized, when thinking back to a few other times he'd loudly interjected during this very battle. Sewing seeds of discord from the sounds of it. She wasn't able to gauge either him or the effectiveness of that, but as long as it didn't get the Dauntless hit by another inflated aureola spell, she didn't much mind. Besides, he was right, Samael could have stopped this sooner, but didn't. If outright saying he'd kill Jethro, one of their own, wasn't enough, hopefully at least that would get their attention.

As the Dauntless pulled out of the fortress, Raquel pondered solutions to the latest incarnation of her oldest problems. Jethro was technically their enemy now and still needed rescuing. There was an artificial girl who could wield the emblem that managed to steal hers. There was a villain that needed defeating, though not the one she preferred. She couldn't begin to address any of it, though, since she didn't know how to reach Jethro again, she wasn't strong enough to combat the artificial girl, and this new enemy, Samael was way too strong to face just yet, at least under these conditions, but then again, so was Sardis. they hadn't laid a finger on him and he was practically the vanguard of their assault.

Inside the wagon, other stuff was happening. "It's her," Reign explained in just two words at first. "It's that woman." Pulling his hand back, he noticed it was visible again. "You might not believe this but I think she's unconscious right now. Have to wonder where she came from and how long she's been here. If she's not with them then she had to be spying on either them or us ..."

Once Volga had lifted her head up, Shadrak wasn't in the best position to be holding on anymore and felt like he was about to fall off. Needless to say, his legs began flailing reflexively a bit as he struggled not to fall off. Taking Mushirah's had had become a secondary priority for a few seconds. Finally, once he felt he could do this without falling onto the ground and getting trampled by Volga, he reached for her hand, and narrowly grabbed it before falling back onto the saddle with them. It wasn't the best way to land and he was definitely going to apologize to Katrina when he got the chance.

Outside the fortress, Ringo was still flying around. "I don't think they'll believe us until after they've beaten the living crap out of us and searched everyone. I dunno, at least we moight have a chance to get away once or twoice if we play the Weyland card, but I doubt it," Gabbie replied to Connor.

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"Her?" Gytha was rather confused, hearing Reign's reply to Blake as she wandered back over towards them. She didn't see what they were looking at, obviously, and had no idea what they were talking about. "Ye see someone 'r somethin'?" I don't want t' deal with a spy... I just want t' lie down n' rest. Priorities were priorities, though. It wasn't like her belongings weren't further back into the wagon anyway and they made a nice pillow.


"Good to see you're alright," Norbert greeted as he and Rizen flew over towards Gabbie and Connor. He'd lost track of the former in the fighting, so it was a genuine bit of good news. He'd seen Ringo -- kind of hard to miss that wyvern -- but the state of his passenger hadn't been the easiest to tell until he'd gotten closer. He was a bit surprised to see Connor in the air with her, but he supposed he shouldn't have been, what with what happened with the Dauntless.

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All of a sudden, Reign's hand reappeared back in its' place, and he mentioned that it was 'that woman' - the kigenese woman from earlier, probably-, and it made sense, sort of. There was an invisible woman just feet away from where Blake stood, who was apparently unconscious.

"...Well, that explains how she got into the meeting," Blake said, crossing his arms. He was about to continue, but then Gytha spoke up, wondering about what they were doing. "There's a woman right next to Reign, believe it or not. Don't worry about it right now, Gytha."

The swordsman then turned back to the fire mage. "But anyways, if she's unconscious, she's probably wounded. We may as well wait until we're at a relatively safe distance, then have her injuries looked at, as well as ask her a few questions. Alongside who she is and who she's working for, I want to know how she's able to make herself invisible, for one. Lilith was able to make me invisible a while back, but she's a vasilus, so I figured that it would be incredibly hard for humans to do such a thing."

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She was at the meeting ...? Huh. "Hard to have her injuries looked at when we can't even see her," Reign half jokingly pointed out with a light grin and a small shake of his head. "I guess we'll have to talk her down, but she might just slip away when she wakes up; I don't think she really wanted to be exposed per se. Speaking of it being hard to do, that's exactly why I don't think she wanted to be exposed, at least not like this. The ursian military's been trying to pull off this very thing and hasn't had any luck. To think the kigenese may have pulled it off right under everyone's noses ..." Though her race could have nothing to do with it at all, just another possibility, I guess. "Though, I don't see why the kigense would be interested in any of this, so maybe it's something else and she's just a test subject." Honestly, this shouldn't be possible ... forget that she's unconscious for a second and consider that she's lying against a wall and there's nothing strange going on there. This is a pretty damn precise manipulation of light. That alone is ... yeah I don't think we're going to be getting any answers unless she was already planning on coming clean ... and there's not much reason for that ... at least none that I can see.


With Bert's appearance, Gabbie remembered that she had been expecting to see more fliers heading out initially. "Oh hey ... what kept you? Any casualties ...?"

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Gytha grimaced when Blake told her not to worry about it. It was pretty clear that he wanted to handle the situation alone with Reign. She wasn't in a position to argue, feeling ill as she did, though the way he was handling it was a bit disturbing. "Maybe ye should just tell Veronika about 'er," Gytha suggested as she lumbered off to where her bag was stuffed against the wall.

It was filled with a blanket, her hammock and some spare changes of clothes, so as mentioned earlier, she was seeking to make it her pillow. She didn't even bother with pulling out the blanket or taking off her belt as she laid down on it relatively close-by. She continued once she was situated. "She's th' new first mate, after all, n' she's stern enough t' handle ana questionin'. Realla not our place t' handle things like that without orders." Her frown deepened, then she added, "Unless that's another difference I didn't know about..."


"Rizen wanted to get out of there as soon as that light struck, but I wanted to make sure everyone could get out first," Norbert answered her first question before answering the second, "No one got hurt trying to escape as far as I'm aware." His own arm was a bit strained from pulling Gytha around, but he wasn't counting himself. "The Dauntless is pulling out now. It won't be long before we all leave, I think." Frowning, he added wryly, "Unless there are more surprises."

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Gytha suggested that they tell Veronika - who was most likely listening in anyways-, then went and decided to lay down before trying to lecture him on orders. That meant there would probably not be any more executions by pistols, for the time being. Someone still needed to talk to her about the Silvia incident, as well as what she was doing with regards to the Dauntless, later, but now was definitely not the time. The time was right to resume the Reign conversation, and resume Blake did, after answering Gytha.

"She'll step in if she wants to, Gytha. This isn't like a ship," Blake said, before turning to Reign. "As for the injuries, it's no problem. Just have a healer swing around their staff for a while, and eventually we'll get it," he continued jokingly for a moment. Then it was back to business. "Well, I'm not sure how to stop her, since even if we lock the wagon down there's the roof hole. I'm not sure if I would even mind if she took off, given how she seems to be an ally, or at least not an enemy. Regardless, a third party's at play. I doubt that it's a coincidence and she was just testing some new technique or technology when she happened across us."

Edit: I completely misread the previous post.

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Well, of course we're not reaching Europa tonight, that should be hundreds of miles from Sergio Port, and we just left there the day before... Sinbad was confused by the gypsy's response, so he assumed he must have misinterpretted the initial question. "...Right, well, I don't got any more information than that for ya, 'n I'm probably less familiar with tha local countryside, so... Reckon your guess as good as mine, then." The cowboy was starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable, but couldn't rightly put his finger on why. It was almost as if he were waiting for the other shoe to drop. Was it just because he was mostly used to being a loner, and not having to worry about all these coordinating details, or was it something more specific to this situation?

Sinbad didn't have long to contemplate that sense of unease though before, once again, Synthia had commanded his attention. This time though, it was in entirely the opposite situation as last time, and a sign of good tidings. "Well, woulda look at that! Seems that bit o' magic did the trick, I think she's coming 'round," he exclaimed with relief. The mage he'd been supporting had started leaning back against his shoulder of her own accord, so he felt he could loosen up his grip and move the arm supporting her back into a more comfortable and less awkward position. Hopefully that would make her feel a little more at ease or something too, as Sinbad kind of winced when he felt her tense up. Had he been hurting her?

"Probably best we just wait here a bit," the cowboy added on, speaking again to the gypsy. "I told that lancer who'd helped evacuate Connor to have them set off some kinda signal if they needed us ta head back and lend a hand, and without any real direction it might not just be a bad plan ta have them come to us and the sooner the better. Least as long as there ain't no hostile pursuit coming, anyway. We see that, we obviously rethink the situation."

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"Oh right...maybe I should speak up more next time if we run into them again," Connor said, feeling a little guilty. If they knew who I was before, could I have prevented all that violence earlier? he wondered to himself.


"I'll wait here for a few minutes, but we really need to keep movin'. If they decide to follow us, we're pretty much dead if they catch up," she warned Sinbad.


Veronika had been spacing out a bit as she sat, mulling over the results of their last encounter when she heard her name being mentioned. She made her way closer to Blake and Gytha.

"Uh, did I hear you correctly? We have an invisible person on the Dauntless that you'd like for me to question?" she asked them incredulously.

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"What will we do now?" asked Robin, idly, looking down towards the floor of the Dauntless. "We almost died in that last battle and both Connor and I almost ended up being destroyed by a laser. Am I really cut out for this? Are we cut out for this? Can we survive our next fight? If Gytha had not showed up when she did, we would have lost for sure."

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"Yes and no. The Kigenese woman who protected our retreat to the Dauntless is right there," Blake said, gesturing to the empty space in the Dauntless. "Reign can show you. We don't want you questioning her since she's out of it, and since she's an ally judging by her actions. Not to mention now isn't the time to be going around interrogating people. That can wait until we're out of danger, if it is at all necessary." Then, Robin spoke up, wondering what they'd be doing. And mentioned that Gytha had saved them, when really that was not the case. "We're getting out of here, and probably going to Europa. From there, who knows."

Edited by Snike
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