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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eleven: Unleash


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Giving the pieces of Rizen's tack and armor a quick cleaning was fast and easy since it entailed going over each piece haphazardly with the brush and beating a few of the larger pieces a couple times. Whenever he finished with one piece, he'd put it back onto Rizen, so her tack had been the first bit he'd taken care of. Once they were by flowing water or something and had more time he'd worry about washing them more thoroughly.

Tch. When am I going to feel comfortable enough to actually wash these properly, though? We're being actively hunted... It was true. Even though they'd made camp, he still felt like a band of enemies could pop up out of nowhere at the drop of a hat so the need he felt to be ready for combat at all times was prominent in his mind. I can't put this off forever, but it's almost worse in Europa. And the closer we get to it, the more the danger from the Wrathites increases... He sighed as he mulled his predicament over.

Rizen was happy to be clean again, but what she'd eaten since stopping was far from enough to satisfy her. Still, this process of getting those things onto her was important. It was a lot safer with them on than off for one and it was a lot easier to guard the things with them on her for another. Bad things happened when she lost them. Like being unable to fly... But really, this was taking so long and her stomach felt so empty! She gazed longingly at that field off to the side she'd been grazing in before this delightful cleaning transpired.

Merz, what's going on over there? Norbert sighed as he cast a glare back to the fire. That was another thing on his mind. Now it sounded like Shadrak was yelling something and there were more people over there now, one of which he recognized as the white-clad healer they'd apparently picked up out of nowhere earlier. And that was another thing altogether. Should I even bother talking to Raquel about just letting whoever wants into our group in? It's dangerous but she might not even care... His frown deepened as an alternative crossed his mind. I hate to admit it but talking to Veronika about this might be more effective...

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Campfire of Stuff

"So that makes it okay to practice killing me on the side? Really, Gar? And let me guess, I'm the only one in this entire group either of you ever bother with, right?" Shadrak shot back at both of them. Ayano ignored him for the moment since Veronika's comment was more important to her.

"What I do has nothing to do with this meeting. Your alliance, if there is one, is with him, not me," Ayano began, pointing at Thanatos.

"So I guess you aren't one of his people then ...?" Raquel asked, becoming confused. She was just starting to make sense of things too ...

"Oh, I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm by it," Hypnos chimed in positively. "After all, she's been hiding in plain sight for weeks apparently. It seems to me like she simply found a way to stay sharp and deal with the boredom at the same time."

"I don't consider anyone an ally. I just do what I'm told," Ayano answered Raquel.

"Is that so? Then would you kindly stop practicing your 'approach and kill tactics' on me?" Shadrak firmly stated. He knew that wouldn't work ... deep down he knew, but he had to try. Instead of answering right away. Her gaze went over to Thanatos.

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A Man Called Gar

Gar wondered how Shade Drake would react if he said yes. So he said yes. "Oh yeah it totally makes it okay." Gar answered with his head tilted to the side. "Hot damn-okay even. Why it's so super-duper okay it cross the line over to double-okaytastic." He let out a laugh. "Though for the back-half of your question, well I suppose you've already made up your mind on that front, but what if I say I didn't? What if I said that everyone was once in my sights?" Gar looked deceivingly serious for those lines. "Or this was all a joke and you're too damn easy to provoke. I mean, seriously, if she and I were both stalking against we probably woulda ran into each other. Literally." Gar leaned back with a yawn. "Pft, if she really wanted to deal with boredom I woulda invited her to one of my poker games." Gar absently added at the end.

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"Oh come now, I've told you before, your opinion is welcome. Though, maybe you should hold off on practicing for a bit, or use someone more willing," Thanatos said to Ayano, before turning back to Veronika."Now why would I issue a death threat, ignoring the fact that I am basically the gods' hitman, given that I did help some of your group survive the incident at the fortress? This was a relatively harmless thing as Hypnos suggested, moreso because she's well aware that I am ready to intervene at a moment's notice, should an accident occur. Anyways, this is Ayano, one of my officers and the 'Hidden' mentioned by Burke. She's a bit... eccentric, I suppose it could be said, but given her previous job, it's understandable. The other officers go by the titles the Impregnable, the Unlimited, the Immortal, the Seeker, the Legion, the Destruction, and the Uniter. They and their men assist me with my duties, gather intelligence, and perform missions that vary from hit jobs to guarding people. The reason I'm interested in the emblem is simple: I do not want it to be used by anyone, at least, when fully assembled. That medallion can apparently match or surpass the power of a god, given how Wrath has his eyes on it. Power like that has no place in anyone's hands, and especially not his or those of the organization."

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Campfire of Acknowledgement

Thanatos' explanation made sense to her, though Raquel was surprised he and Lilith weren't already working together ... thankfully. "Well, I can't help but wonder how an alliance between your people and ours would even work. You seem leagues above us, especially with names like Unlimited, Immortal, and so on. Are we really just bait to keep them distracted ...?"

Fortunately for Shadrak's sanity, he'd figured out that he was being messed with when Gar got around to some of his stranger phrases such as 'super-duper' and 'double okay-tastic'. "Yeah, pretty sure you're just trying to get your kicks by being an ass right now. Suit yourself, then. I'm done," Shadrak replied, crossing his arms and turning his head away. For the time being, he decided to do a bit of thinking. He had a feeling this new information would help piece together at least a couple of things that didn't make sense before. He would have pulled out his notes to make things easier on himself, but he didn't want to inadvertently keep Gar's attention. He already felt as if one last annoying quip was on its way, so best to just look like he was done with the conversation and not give the man anything else to work off of.

"Understood ... but ... it would be easier to just not tell anyone. What they don't know won't hurt them ... unless I make a mistake," Ayano noted.

"Why are you even here?" Shadrak asked, having been distracted from his musings by her response. "What's the point, really?"

She looked slightly uncomfortable naming names, but at this point, it didn't make much of a difference unless people started putting old information together. "... ... Burke-sa- ... Burke ordered me to keep an eye on you. I'm also here to summon him in case you wanted to challenge him for information ... though that seems like a bad arrangement now," she explained. She turned to Thanatos and said, "I think you ruined his game plan, master."

Hypnos had apparently caught Ayano's slip up when mentioning Burke and said, "Oh, I just love hearing those neat little Kigenese honorifics. What would you call Thanatos here besides master? Thanato-dono? Thanato-kun~?"

"... Than-sama," she quietly answered, looking away from the phantom as she did. She could tell he was highly amused by that. "I simply say 'master'; I'm speaking common, not Kigenese."

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"So, a defensive magician, eh? Well, if she can reduce her power-draw she can expend the same amount of effort over a longer time or wider area! Come, Mushirah, tell me about your casting!"

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"At this point if you want to view it as that, you may," Thanatos said, looking away. "But I do not believe mere 'bait' would be able to go head to head with Sardis and emerge alive. Your group is a force to be reckoned with, especially compared to how you did at the estate. Even still, you all have room to improve, and now, while the organization is busy with their vain efforts to emotionally destroy you, Valcyn, is the time for that. If your group develops as I expect it will, you will not be vexing the organization so much as putting them on the defensive. Besides, I expect you will be emblem hunting in the near future, correct? Better you, for survival, than someone else, out of ambition. "

Then, he turned to Ayano, with a slight frown on his face. "Yes, well, I think I need to remind Burke about how much a hammerne staff costs these days. That, or personally spar with him a few rounds. I told him not to go and engage this group, especially not for his own sadism. As for unaware targets, I would suggest Seeker, but she's still out of it, so, probably not her. Gentleman in the red armor who's wandering about, perhaps?"

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A Man Called Gar

Oh oh, can I become an officer and go by the name the Pretentious? Gar amused himself in thought. "Yeah, something like the Emblem evening the plain between man and divine is just wrong." Gar rolled his eyes. "Get someone nice and trustworthy so when it's all back together so you can pull a round two of making it break itself."

He glanced over at Shade Drake. "Of course I get my kicks by being an ass. It's totally the best way to get them. If I wasn't being a startling jackass every minute of every day I just wouldn't find life worth living."

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"Couldn't she practice her assassination techniques on a training dummy or something? Or at least not people in our group?" Veronika asked. These people are strange...

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Campfire of Quips and Threats

"Maybe. We did get out of that last battle without any casualties ... somehow," Raquel admitted.

"Just don't let these things go to your heads," Hypnos chimed in again. "Sardis' men were usually trying to capture you, not necessarily kill. Samael's may be more thorough ... assuming he employs any."

Shadrak tried to ignore Gar's comment but ended up saying, "You're depraved."

"If my target isn't alive and a threat to me, then it's useless," Ayano explained to Veronika in the meantime.

Hmm, so I'm a threat to her ... that does makes sense, Shadrak mused. "You know, on second thought ..." By the time his pause came, Ayano had glanced at him to see what he was getting at, and the two made eye contact. "If I'm your preferred target, then go ahead and keep practicing on me. It seems to me like you like a challenge and so it should be much more challenging now that I know to keep an eye out for you."

"Not really. You're one of the easier ones; easily distracted, you have an effortlessly exploitable casting rate, and are completely oblivious while talking to certain people in this group. You couldn't detect me unless I allowed you to. I won't allow you to," she replied flatly.

A little embarrassed and quite annoyed, Shadrak argued back. "But you just said, if your target isn't a threat to you, then they're useless for training," he countered. "That means I must be a threat of some kind."

"You have enough power to hurt me in battle, that's all. I mainly come for you because you rant a lot. It's annoying." Not waiting for a response to that, she turned her attention to Thanatos again but didn't say anything. How long am I to stay here?

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"It is more like from what I have seen so far, if any party gets the complete emblem, genocide will follow," Thanatos said, to Gar. "With Wrath, it would be the avians, the fallen, and the dragons, along with anyone who breaks the law or defies him. With the organization, it would be anyone who does not fit their definition of 'good'. I am not sure about you, but I would rather not have either of those groups win, and I hardly see any alternatives other than just keeping it separated."

Then, Rusayev asked if Ayano could practice on a dummy, or just on people not inside the group. "That could also be arranged, though training dummies aren't exactly as unpredictable as humans are. Though, perhaps you should focus on straight up combat, Ayano. If a target has a magic seal, stealth will not work, so developing your hand to hand further can help circumvent that problem. That or pickup a crossbow, but that would mean giving up the blade, which I know you will not do." At least until they get back to the estate. I want to keep an eye on Seeker for the time being, and Uniter isn't exactly as free to move as you are. Also, you definitely should continue your assassination practice on him, to avoid problems like that.

The Angel of Death's gaze moved over to Gabriella in the distance, who was trying to sleep. "Samael coming after this group alone would be tantamount to suicide, on his part. No, you will probably see more teams being sent after you before he comes personally, despite what he said."

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Wait, he wants invisible people to practice stealth and killing techniques on him? Why do I even bother... she thought to herself, before tuning in more closely to what Thanatos was saying. "Why don't you just work to keep it separated then? Seems like if no one is responsible enough to handle that level of power, then no one should have it," she reasoned.

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"Yes, and considering how your society was merely reset as opposed to 'cleansed', I think it was lucky that Wrath did not own those hands," Thanatos said, without moving his gaze. "And I am working towards that. Just, it will be easier to play keep-away from Wrath if we do not have to worry about third parties, so I am focusing on the organization, first. The emblem hunting is just to secure various parts of the whole, and move them to places that are much more difficult to reach."

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A Man Called Gar

"I suppose burying them deep underground or dropping them off in the middle of the ocean are out of the question for some reason. Is Leviathan acting uppity too?" Gar blandly asked.

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Campfire of Complications

"If we just put them in some remote location, someone will probably just come and find them eventually. Lilith travels so far so fast it's ridiculous and Thanatos ... warps in and out so I'm pretty sure Wrath won't have any trouble gathering them. I vaguely remember Lilith mentioning something about having trouble with the pieces but I don't remember exactly what the problem was," Raquel mused aloud. The more she thought about it, the more the answer eluded her.

"Maybe we should ask Lilith about that ourselves," Shadrak chimed in. "We could get some clarification on all this."

"Just don't call her here right now. There's plenty of time to figure this all out and there's ... enough going on at the moment," Hypnos noted.

Shadrak half expected that and replied, "That and you want to stay hidden for some reason." Crossing his arms yet again, he continued. "Shouldn't we all be working together on this? I mean it doesn't seem like much since Raquel and the rest of us have to do pretty much all the work, but you trying to stay hidden until who knows when is just strange. What are you so afraid of?"

"I don't trust her with the knowledge of my activities. I'm only telling you, because today's events were influenced by them and secrecy between us is beginning to do more harm in this matter than good. Discovery was the only one I ever planned on sharing this with, originally."

"So you feel guilty about all of this, then," Shadrak concluded.

"Not one iota," Hypnos replied with a teasing grin.

Ayano meanwhile began scanning the area to remind herself who was around and who wasn't. She didn't say anything else for the time being and just surveyed the camp. After a moment, she began to slowly disappear again as she was engulfed by little white lights. Shadrak looked over worriedly as she did and wondered what was in store for him.

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A Man Called Gar

"I still don't see how ass-end of nowhere is better than in the hands of someone but whatever. Hell, combine the two for best of both worlds. Or not." Gar shrugged. Shade Drake got a little prissy with the Not-Head. But controlling information was a key point of war, so Gar couldn't fault him for it. Though he could twist a knife. "Well, think of it this way Shade Drake, you--and all of us--now hold over his head revealing him to Lilith in case he does anything we don't agree with. Doesn't that just sound peachy?" Gar gave a full smirk. Little Ms. Invisible was going invisible again so Gar felt the need to add something for Shade Drake. "Watch for footprints."

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"Leviathan does what he wants if th' sea's anathin' t' go by. Always t' be r'spected n' never t' be trusted," Gytha mentioned in response to Gar's maybe rhetorical question.


With Rizen's gear taken care of and his own supplies put away, Norbert considered putting the supplies he'd taken from the Dauntless away. He ultimately decided against it since leaving the trough, bucket and covered water barrel out would make them just that much easier for others in the group with equines to water their steeds. That business was concluded so he let Rizen wander back over to the field to graze some more. The rider himself briefly considered returning to the fire to pick up some more on the happenings there but, again, decided against it. He really didn't know whether the guy over there from the dream training was a foe or an ally and enough people were around him that he didn't want to bother with it. That left another matter that needed seeing to.

So, Norbert began looking around camp for Faatina.

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"Leviathan would much rather be trying to take over the land, Gytha," Thanatos said, without moving his head. "He no doubt has some plan as well, and even if he did not, I don't trust him. The remote location idea is to force Wrath to waste his time chasing the pieces down without putting people at risk of his namesake. Regardless, that part doesn't come along just yet, so there's still time to try and improve it."

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"So if we split up these pieces, we make Wrath spend slightly longer trying to obtain them- that doesn't seem too helpful in and of itself," she commented. As if this organization wasn't enough, we're apparently responsible for stopping a god?

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Campfire of Camping

"I'd rather not be that underhanded about things to be honest," Shadrak replied to Gar. He immediately looked at the spot where Ayano had been standing when Gar followed up with some advice to watch out for footprints. Why hadn't he thought of that before? The answer to that was simple, he only learned a few minutes ago that he was being stalked by an invisible woman on occasion. He didn't see any new ones show up or any disturbances in the grass nearby where Ayano had disappeared, and so he began to wonder if she could fly or ... if she was still standing right there. Then Leviathan came back up for some reason but only seemed to be a bit of back and forth between Gytha and Thanatos. Raquel commented on the scattering of pieces before he even got the chance, though.

"This is the same thing Lilith was suggesting. Sort of. I mean she wants to delay Wrath for as long as possible even if that means just spreading the pieces out and attacking him to stall for time."

"You know, Griffin wasn't too thrilled with that plan," Shadrak noted. "If I remember right, he said there aren't enough pieces out there. If that's the case, you vasili are all just going to get slaughtered by Wrath and he'll get the pieces anyway."

"I'm not going to get slaughtered by anything. I'm going to stay right here until an end comes of all of this," Hypnos declared in an almost somewhat defiant tone.

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A Man Called Gar

"I still don't see how having them with people is harder to find than dropping in the ocean and letting tides carry them whichever. Considering we just had a giant flare-up battle of took-at-me-using-the-Emblem that could be seen by a eyeless man." Gar offered his opinion. "But hell, the ways and whys are beyond me apparently."

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"Lord Leviathan controls th' sea. That includes how th' water moves n' what's in it. All Wrath would have t' do is have him bring up th' pieces n' that would be that," Gytha replied to Gar, "Sounds t' me like onla one piece should be entrusted t' him at th' most. He does what he wants so there's no reason I can see fer him not t' just give th' pieces t' Wrath if asked."

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