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Ch 9 and 10...


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My god... This chapter... I completed the game many times but this chapter always makes me cry... and I'm proud of it

And the following chapter is just...perfect.

The soundtrack, even the enemy boss is perfect.

Just wanted to share my views on this chapter. Not really expecting much of a response, just stating what I think is truly magnificent.

Fire Emblem Awakening, the game that made me actually cry

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Wow, I just read through a thread today that dismissed it as not emotional...

I'm glad it affected you the way it affected me; I'm certain that it was what was intended. I feel that FE: Awakening, even if if its not the best story in the series, is certainly a story worth telling. It was especially shown in those two chapters and more down the road. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game! ^_^

edit: Oh whoops, I thought it was your first time through. Never mind that last bit...

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I just don't know why did affected me so much o-o

Like my second favorite game is Bastion and that ALMOST made me cry, but not quite.

But this...

I think it's cause you get so attached to the characters. I don't think I have ever gotten this much attached to the characters in a game before.

Now I'm just ranting about how this game is just so good. But screw it, it's my post and I can do whatever I want >:D

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Chapter 10 was definitely incredibly atmospheric because of music, enemies not being just complete bad guys, shit like that...

Though I felt it kind of weird how you go from "death of a hero" in chapter 9 to "victory and revenge" in chapter 11. Talk about whiplash. Why didn't they kill the Black Knight in Toha as soon as he popped out of the farmhouse?

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I find the story up to Ch 11 overall really generic and uninteresting, but Ch 10 might be the most memorable in the entire game for me. The atmosphere is set up perfectly.

that's funny, most people consider the Valm arc to be the generic and rushed part of the game

Chapter 10 was definitely incredibly atmospheric because of music, enemies not being just complete bad guys, shit like that...

Though I felt it kind of weird how you go from "death of a hero" in chapter 9 to "victory and revenge" in chapter 11. Talk about whiplash. Why didn't they kill the Black Knight in Toha as soon as he popped out of the farmhouse?

his stats were too high, Gangrel's aren't

Edited by shadykid
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Well, thats what your thread is for! :)

I agree, FE games tend to attach you to characters that in similar games would just be generic soldier bots, especially when its not as long as other games; its what sets FE apart. While I feel that every game has its tender tear jerking moments, I think the only other series that attaches me to characters this much is the Tales series, and those happen to be long ass games with lots of hours for character development. Considering how short this game is in comparison, the writing was good enough to make me want to see these characters live on and have fulfilling lives just as much as any other game with good story and characters. That has got to mean something!

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that's funny, most people consider the Valm arc to be the generic and rushed part of the game

I don't consider the Valm arc amazing or anything, but Gangrel was too much of a generically evil and comical villain for me to be invested much in his part of the story.

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that's funny, most people consider the Valm arc to be the generic and rushed part of the game

his stats were too high, Gangrel's aren't

Thats because it is. :P:

The story picks back up after the Valm arc, but in the meantime we have "Lets grab the MacGuffin" instead of actual character development and junk. The game from the beginning to chapter 13 and then again at chapter 21 is the better part of the story for me.

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Isn't there another topic on these chapters...?

I'm pretty sure there is...

I... was kinda ticked off about Ch9/10 honestly.

It was only sad because it invoked memories of Ch4 from FE4.

But in all honesty I was really irked about it. That little arc was handled as tactically well as "Operation: Ouka" (AKA "Operation Cherry Blossom" or "The Original Hive Infilitration".) AKA: Tacticially STUPID.

What's Operation Ouka?

[spoiler=Long Winded Explanation of a Dumb Military Operation from a VN]

Alright, firstly, Operation Ouka is literally the final arc of Muv Luv Alternative- what's That? A VN. It's pretty damn good, and is solid conclusive proof that Westbrick is dumb as his name, aka, a Brick, for his "Cutesy characters and fanservice don't mix with serious settings!OMG!HERRRDURR!" (They mix better than Nuns and Warfare)... But that's beside the point. In short Muv Luv centers around an invaded Earth. BETA, which are alien "lifeforms" (actually they're Mining Bots) have forced humanity to near extinction, forcing the creation of a Superweapon known as the 00-Unit... which turns out to be a girl named Kagami Sumika. Well, the BETA are tactically stupid- they're as smart as... FEA Lunatic AI, really, but can adapt to strategies, so the same strategy used doesn't work more than once, forcing constant tweaking. The 00 Unit can communicate with them, and is used to formulate a direct attack plan... unfortunately, because she can communicate with them, and is a Supercomputer preloaded with every bit of tactical data humanity ever has... the BETA get smart. Which forces Ouka, or the attack on the Original Hive, which will make the BETA stupid by destroying their "supercomputer" aka "Superior". To carry this out, they drop the 00 Unit, who can operate another superweapon, the XG-70d, in said machine into the Primary Hive (a BETA base as it were)... which contains millions of BETA. The problem is that due to some dumb reasons Sumika wanted to Solo this (at least she gets talked out of that)... but what makes it really dumb, is that she ORDERS AWAY THE US SUPPORT BY TRICKING THEM. (And another scene has the main cast throw away more allies for dumb reasons too.) Yeah, brilliant. The XG-70 may be godly, but it's got limited usage time, and limited ammo. Instead of making use of allies, they act brilliantly, and get rid of them. She also ensured her own death by instead of disabling the captured reactor, having it killed... End result of the tactical errors? EVERYONE BUT THE MAIN CHARACTER AND A BIT OF THE SUPPORTING CAST (None of the mains besides the absolute main) DIES.

...No, Ch9 is worse than Ouka. At least with Ouka, the biggest error was justified (because while the plan called for stupidity, no plans survive contact with the enemy, and the stupidity got met with laser fire (AKA the Support was blown up).

Emm's "death"(*) could've EASILY been evaded with, I dunno, "Hey, Flavia, Basilio, Your country sells RESCUE STAVES, which any of our hurdurr staffbots can use, can we get a few?". Nope. The rescue op was centered around Pegasus Knights instead. Range? A Rescue can hit a target at Evans from Jungby. That's pretty damn far. A few hundred feet is nothing.

What? A few unpromoted Risen Archers? A Problem? Reeaallly?

[spoiler=* (Paralogue 20)]

Emm... did she survive? Or was she resurrected? The game never elaborates on what exactly occurs. However, you get a Fortify for clearing her chapter.... and Fortify IS Valkyrie. Guess what? Valkyrie is a rez staff... Gameplay wise, Valkyrie is unnecessary, due to mechanics. All other Holy Weapons were nerfed due to age... It's entirely possible that Emm didn't live, it just so happened that someone bearing Valkyrie saw the events unfold and unlike hurrdurr Chrom's army, used a staff about it, but due to age-nerf, Valkyrie.. didn't exactly bring her back fully.

Me? The Plegians reminded me of Ch4 of FE4.


"Please Spare My Men...."

NOPE, THEY'RE ALREADY DEAD. I'll never, never, never, LTC Ch 10. Why? 1. It's a Sin to Waste EXP. 2. Gotta kill 'em all.

Probably the best writing in the game. Some of the better writing in the series. Good stuff.

If "best writing" includes your "Tactical Genius" being dumb as a brick...

The emotion shown, sure, but at the same time, it wouldn't have happened if ANYONE actually knew what they were doing.

Yes, Emm going back to the capital was stupid, she got called out on it. People thought MU's plan was great. It isn't.

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IMO, Mustafa was the perfect boss for Ch 10. It's already sad enough, but then you have to go and kill a really nice guy. :cry: For me, that was just depressing, even if the death in Ch 9 didn't affect me nearly as much as it did some other people here.

Mustafa would've been a cool Spotpass character...

Edited by Euklyd
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Well for me, the thing that actually got me to somewhat respect how Gangrel was played... was the FE Background website content:


Basically gave more character to the Perezians/Plegians than just "hey mindless soldiers".

Doesn't hurt that Olivia's in it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I agree that these chapters are my favorite in the game, storywise. (Though I wasn't too much of a fan of Ch 11, totally contradicting ideals and not really doing anything for the story in terms of development, as it's just a rather abrupt end to the arc.)

"Don't speak her name," ".......", The Midmire, Mustafa, the cutscene - they're all great in really yanking out heartstrings, in my opinion. I was quite upset when Emmeryn did that, especially considering it was only the Fire Emblem at stake.

Though the first arc was rushed, I feel Emmeryn's character helped drastically improve it. The second arc, without it, seemed almost completely counterproductive towards the first. And the third was 'Oh yeah now that one thing that causes a major character to join really early is finally happening'.

I'll admit that Chapter 10 is definitely my favorite moment in the game, and is definitely up there as my favorite moment in the series.

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a bunch of frustrated flailing and what sounds like a tantrum

Whoa there, meat. What the hell...

You know, i thought it was pretty cool that my self insert Mary Sue could fuck up a plan once in awhile. Not even he/she is perfect. Shit happens and one must face the consequences. Thats why i found it some good writing. The only beef i had was the choice you make ultimately doesnt matter in the long run. D:

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Yeah, I like the fact that we're not completely perfect, even if it was for the sake of the plot. And I like how it also gives us a reason to angst alongside Chrom and the others in the aftermath since Emm's sacrifice doesn't have as big as an impact on us cuz we barely knew her. Angsting over being the partial reason for her demise is better writing than not IMO.

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Funny, te 2 chapters had the exact opposite effect on me. Emmeryn's dead? Looks like her idiotic decisions finally came to back to bite her in the ass. Good riddance, I say.

Also, there's nothing interesting about a character who's introduced in the very same chapter that he gets killed in. Mustafa's just another example of the care needed to make the Camus archetype compelling. You want to see the Camus archetype done right? Look back at the Reed brothers and Selena. Mustafa's an example of what happens when you rush it.The attempt to humanize Mustafa is NES level writing. Atleast Camus got 2 more games and the bonus BS chapters to make him more compelling.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Thats because it is. :P:

The story picks back up after the Valm arc, but in the meantime we have "Lets grab the MacGuffin" instead of actual character development and junk. The game from the beginning to chapter 13 and then again at chapter 21 is the better part of the story for me.

...It's taken me this long to realize that part of the problem with the three arcs is that they aren't connected too well. Each villain gets around eight chapters each, with only a little bit of overlap, so you're telling three stories in a third of the time they usually take to tell one.

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Also, there's nothing interesting about a character who's introduced in the very same chapter that he gets killed in. Mustafa's just another example of the care needed to make the Camus archetype compelling. You want to see the Camus archetype done right? Look back at the Reed brothers and Selena. Mustafa's an example of what happens when you rush it.The attempt to humanize Mustafa is NES level writing. Atleast Camus got 2 more games and the bonus BS chapters to make him more compelling.

OK, fine. You have a good point.

I suppose what I meant was, I wish he had more time to develop, before you kill him. Like, he seems reasonable enough, maybe you ought to meet him earlier and let him act more like a Lorenz, but nope, actually a Camus. Bonus points if the chapter you're forced to kill him in doesn't start with him as the boss.

Mostly this is me trying to justify a poor earlier post, so feel free to ignore me.

EDIT: Actually, why wasn't there any sort of Lorenz in FE13? I like that archetype, even if I never wind up using the unit itself.

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Well for me, the thing that actually got me to somewhat respect how Gangrel was played... was the FE Background website content:


Basically gave more character to the Perezians/Plegians than just "hey mindless soldiers".

Doesn't hurt that Olivia's in it.

Ha, that's funny. I made this after I watched your LP.

P.S. Love your LPs. Too bad you don't make them anymore QQ

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