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So, who's excited for Priam?

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I'm curious as to how he'll sound like, his localization mannerisms, how he'll perform in battle, not to mention how hard his chapter will be....I can't wait! (He IS coming out today, right?)

What are everyone's thoughts?

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Once his chapter's out I'm going to have to start a new file so I can marry him. He's definitely one of the better looking men, in my opinion ^.^ Though that means I also need to keep FeMU and Chrom far far away from each other... among other things... /stupid Olivia couldn't be around for more chapters...

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He takes the cake for the most overrated character ever

I agree with this. D: There's really no reason for Priam to be there. I hope he has a VERY good personality to live up to the hype.

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Once his chapter's out I'm going to have to start a new file so I can marry him. He's definitely one of the better looking men, in my opinion ^.^ Though that means I also need to keep FeMU and Chrom far far away from each other... among other things... /stupid Olivia couldn't be around for more chapters...

Well, I might do it on my most recent file, too. But it's on Lunatic+ (I was too stubborn to quit the mode and dragged myself through the first few chapters :v) so that might take a looooong while. I might use my Hard file instead so I can really see what he'll be like before I do anything on a mode that I'll never repeat ever again.

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I'm on it right now, and I can't figure out his VA right now. I'm sure I'll hear more of it, though.

I'm really excited, since getting his confession will mark a milestone for me! :3

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Okay, so he's out, so I should be able to find his English VA on the FEWi--

Waitwaitwaitwait, JAMIESON PRICE. What, whaaaaaaat?!

Also, enemies are dying a lot. I wish my Confession Run file had Gradivus with it...

Oh gosh, Priam's already challenging me. Come on, InferiorSpear, help me out heeenope. Trying again. Maybe put in Rallys this time...

Edited by Tiaramaki
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Okay, so he's out, so I should be able to find his English VA on the FEWi--

Waitwaitwaitwait, JAMIESON PRICE. What, whaaaaaaat?!

Also, enemies are dying a lot. I wish my Confession Run file had Gradivus with it...

So this makes Priam Largo the Black Lion and Duke.

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So this makes Priam Largo the Black Lion and Duke.

Oh wow, that is going to sound awesome! I loved Duke's voice! Fricking hell, I WANT TO PLAY THIS NOW!!!! ....But I'm stuck in Anthropology.... >_<

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Why. Why.WHY AM I NOT GETTING HIS MAP? The fuck? Om pretty goddamn steamed actually cuz i updated my bonus box and Priam's map did not appear. The new DLC appeared (which i cant afford until next week) but no Radiant Hero map. What is this shit. When i updated my bonus box, it didnt say unable to retrieve new data. It said there's goodies but no Priam. im angry.

Disregard the rant above and i cant seem to edit it. (to the mods with ye, above post!) It took a lot of finagling and turning off spotpass and stupid shit but i got Priam's map.

Edited by Balcerzak
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