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Are these pairings good?


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Chrom x Sumia

Cloud(MU) x Cordelia

Lon'zu x Olivia

Gaius x Tharja

Frederick x Panne

Donnel x Lissa

Vaike x Zercher

Ricken x Maribelle

Stahl x Sully

Libra x Miriel

Kellam x Nowi

I don't care much about skills inheritance, galeforce team, OP sorcerer of doom etc I just want children who are good in their classes range, and still useful when the hard DLCs will come out (Tson... Ugh, ages before it comes out in europe).

Oh, I want to keep Owain as Mirmidon, Lissa's magic is too low to make him a good sage.
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I'd say all those work. Also, I don't think it'll be THAT long before the ultimate DLC comes out in Europe... But that's just me, since Europe already got the first of the series 2 DLC.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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They're OK but not great. I would at least advise having more Armsthrift utilization -- use Gregor, let Vaike have a daughter, and have your Avatar marry someone who is not Cordelia/Olivia.

I don't think he really cares about that.

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but it's not even out in america :( Japan got it at the end of november, we'll have to wait a similar date because Europeans DLCs got shuffled around a bit...

Now that I'm checking, on another note, Level 12 Lissa with 8 MAG it's awfully awful. That's why I can't hope to reclass Owain.

EDIT yeah I don't care much about Armshift, I can just switch to my Lunatic playthrough I'm planning to do for DLCs, there I'll make the best possible pairings with Galeforce galore.

Im not using Gregor, and probably I ain't even touching Henry when he comes. But I can reconsider Miriel x Libra. Is Ricken x Miriel so much better than Libra x Miriel? My Ricken has great Defence(!) and Mag, but so-so speed.

Edited by cloudropis
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TBH, you need to grind if you want to do DLC(particularly the challenges)

Children are not going to put up a lot of work during main game anyways

That being said Laurent only gained Priest from Libra over Ricken's Cavalier, and has simmilar mods overall

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Yeah, I can imagine about Cordelia... But speaking about Mu Unit, I choose his partner ONLY focusing about the characters. I can play God-breeder with the others, but not with myself :D

I heard Vaike x Zercher gives a whooping +7 Strenght to Gerome, while my Stahl has good enough defence to help Kjelle. I can reconsider this in future level ups though.

.. You know, I'm browsing the usual inheritance faqs, but there's a thing I can't seem to understand: does the parents actual stats count something? Like, if I have a Def blessed Ricken, will his son (with Miriel) have somehow better defence then usual too?

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The parents stats affect base stats when they joined, so yes

As for Vaike X Cherche, usually I go with Cherche X Frederick because of Dual Guard +. Both Vaike and Frederick produced nothing more than Supporter Gerome, with Vaike being the offensive version with 7 STR and Axefaire, while Frederick gives DG+. Note that Frederick's Gerome is a bit better at supporting and fighting on the front thanks to the acess to Pavise + Aegis + Sol, and Palladin on the class selection.

Form your current set ups, switching Sully(go with Vaike) and Cherche(go with Stahl) IMO produced a better overall team.

Edited by JSND
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The parents stats affect base stats when they joined, so yes

As for Vaike X Cherche, usually I go with Cherche X Frederick because of Dual Guard +. Both Vaike and Frederick produced nothing more than Supporter Gerome, with Vaike being the offensive version with 7 STR and Axefaire, while Frederick gives DG+. Note that Frederick's Gerome is a bit better at supporting and fighting on the front thanks to the acess to Pavise + Aegis + Sol, and Palladin on the class selection.

Form your current set ups, switching Sully(go with Vaike) and Cherche(go with Stahl) IMO produced a better overall team.

Well, now I have to think. I read Zercher's best support being either Vaike or Virion (my virion is turning out good, I might even consider him. What does he bring to the table anyway?), and I like Stahl's supports with both. I don't like reclassing much, so Stahl's skills availability may not be too important. I have to think about this. Does any other have something to say about this?

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Virion for Gerome is a bit weird. You get Bowbreaker, which is pretty cool, and Mage.

However, Gerome will lack a proc skils

Virion can only be called a real good parent when paired with Olivia because Inigo already have an amazing base class sets and Virion gives the Mage Option and Omni Breaker Acess

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Virion for Gerome is a bit weird. You get Bowbreaker, which is pretty cool, and Mage.

However, Gerome will lack a proc skils

Virion can only be called a real good parent when paired with Olivia because Inigo already have an amazing base class sets and Virion gives the Mage Option and Omni Breaker Acess

VirionxOlivia is good, but Lon'quxOlivia is even better, great speed caps, access to Thief and the Draco class as opposed to the meh Mage and Archer class options.

Also I recommend go for VaikexCordelia and do MUxCherche. Much better IMO.

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So I guess Virion is not getting laid, all that remains is choosing Vaike x Sully or Stahl x Sully. I think I'm almost at the point of throwing a coin lol.

Go with Vaike. Armsthrift and Sol can be appreciated by anyone, and he can pass down Axefaire for even more oomph. Kjelle will have a lot of options that way, a lot more than with Stahl, who only passes down one class that Sully doesn't (Archer, IIRC), and that doesn't help Kjelle much.

Either way, Kjelle will turn out OK, as Aegis + Pavise is nothing to scoff at, but Vaike gives her a lot more than Stahl. I went with Stahl|Kjelle my first game, and was not very happy with it.

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Perhaps we should have a special pairing topic since I've seen a lot of those lately.

I considered that myself, but these topics attract a lot of responses really quickly, and I would hate to juggle the responses to three different people asking at once in the same topic. It's bad enough with separate topics, but everything jumbled together would be a nightmare, for me at least.

Of course, it's not my decision. If it were, I'd go with a single pairing guide, so that the benefits of each possible pairing are clearly laid out, and people won't have to ask about nearly as much.

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