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When did the green-haired characters go extinct?


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For me, with friends who dye their hair "exotic" colors, I'm just slightly more used to red/blue/pink than green (nobody seems to go for green). Which is a shame, since I liked having a rainbow-colored army...

And some green-haired characters were my favorites, too...

Didn't FE4 have a lot of green-haired characters? Or was it just Levin, Fury, Fury's kid's, and Sylvia, IIRC?

Huh. I was just playing FE12 today, and I recall Xane saying that Gotoh, Tiki, and himself were all Divine Dragons...

Do you know where this is? I'd love to read it for myself!

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Do you know where this is? I'd love to read it for myself!

Looks like it's Chapter 12: Graveyard of Dragons (a bit more than 1/2 way down):


Yes: Gotoh is a divine dragon. And guess what? So am I.*

Though I agree; looking at Xane, I would think he's a Fire Dragon too.

*I assume that he's saying that he is also a divine dragon, not just a dragon of any sort. I don't read Japanese, so I don't know.

I am so happy I got an imported FE12 for my birthday. Been waiting to play it forever. And the translation project is very good, as far as I can tell.

EDIT: Also in Chapter 13: Frozen Land:


You know, I must admit, I was shocked when you told me that Tiki was the daughter of the Divine Dragon King. And that you and Gotoh were both divine dragons.

Edited by Euklyd
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I always thought Sain had blonde hair and I still do. I consider the in-game portraits to be the accurate versions of the characters and in-game, Sain is a dirty-blonde. So yeah. xP

Also, not every non-green haired character that isn't Chrom or Lucina has a natural hair color. Donnel has purple hair. Ricken's hair is kind of magenta-ish. Olivia has light pink hair. Cherche has darker pink hair. And the list continues. Not to mention the Avatar can practically have any color of the rainbow in his/her hair.

Oh, and while orange is natural, the bright red of people like Cordelia and Sully isn't natural.

I actually know someone with bright red hair.

So yes, it IS natural.

You got many different tones of red, even though it's quite rare.

I actually know like 9 people who are redheads all different tones.

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When 3000 years is mentioned, you make it sound like only Tiki has green hair in the game. Aren't you forgetting that Nowi has green hair? Nah also has green hair in her default artwork...though in-game, it's impossible to attain unless a green-haired Avatar is her father. But still, there's three characters with green hair right there, possibly even FOUR if you count Female Morgan as Nowi's second child.

So it's not like green hair is going COMPLETELY out of style, but in terms of realism, I can see why Yusuke Kozaki wanted to shy away from it. Having green hair ain't so bad, though, especially when you look at past characters like Nephenee, Elincia, Muarim, etc. But I can't say I miss it.

Yeah, Nah has green hair in her default artwork, but if she's supposed to inherit it from her father, where's he?

Nowi's hair however is kinda weird since it looks blond with green highlights. In her artwork it looks greener, but in game it seems to be blonder.

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