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Ana Evaluates the Characters!


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You forgot how Frederick recited Sheeda's freaking amazing speech that she made back in FE1/11(please tell me you did not miss this speech. Its awesome. Really)

That alone is worth 40/10

Also hes basically like FE7 Marcus in a many ways, but thats a positive for me

The only thing I hated about Frederick is how he is OBSESSED with training in some supports(by obsessed I mean, not in a Training as i need them, more in "OMG WE SHUD TRAINING BECAUSE TRAINING" kind of obsessed which is pretty damn stupid)

Also he mocked Stahl in one of his support. Thats unforgivable >_>

Also Frederick means Peaceful Ruler

Serena and Tiamo means Love and Peace

Totally canon

Edited by JSND
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Also Frederick means Peaceful Ruler

Serena and Tiamo means Love and Peace

Totally canon

Actually, Tiamo is Italian, from "ti amo" which means "I love you". At least I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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I don't know, Kellam fits the Tanky part pretty well. I didn't really used Frederick in my first party. Now, I will pair him with Zelcher, because I thought they will make a perfect couple.

Also, Freddy can't support with Donnel. So Kellam end up beating him for this part too...

But I really have to give more chance to the guy, because the few I saw of it was pretty cool.

...So, if it wasn't apparent for my post.... Don't forget Kellam in you evaluation ! Please...

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I don't know, Kellam fits the Tanky part pretty well. I didn't really used Frederick in my first party. Now, I will pair him with Zelcher, because I thought they will make a perfect couple.

Also, Freddy can't support with Donnel. So Kellam end up beating him for this part too...

But I really have to give more chance to the guy, because the few I saw of it was pretty cool.

...So, if it wasn't apparent for my post.... Don't forget Kellam in you evaluation ! Please...


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Also he mocked Stahl in one of his support. Thats unforgivable >_>

Excuse me while I grab a nice forged Arcthunder tome... Kidding, kidding

Frederick's growth rates despise me, so he usually doesn't last in my group past the timeskip or when I start getting Master Seals. I do like his design though, and his supports are fun.

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Fred growth rate is actually one of the best in the game, at the very least better than Chrom

You can 15 GK > Reclass Palladin though, and he make a damn good daddy for a lot of characters, at least if you have moved over the stage where you think that Freddy is some kind of 0/10 garbage father, just like how it was when only Japan have this game.....

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You forgot how Frederick recited Sheeda's freaking amazing speech that she made back in FE1/11(please tell me you did not miss this speech. Its awesome. Really)

That alone is worth 40/10

Also hes basically like FE7 Marcus in a many ways, but thats a positive for me

The only thing I hated about Frederick is how he is OBSESSED with training in some supports(by obsessed I mean, not in a Training as i need them, more in "OMG WE SHUD TRAINING BECAUSE TRAINING" kind of obsessed which is pretty damn stupid)

Also he mocked Stahl in one of his support. Thats unforgivable >_>

Also Frederick means Peaceful Ruler

Serena and Tiamo means Love and Peace

Totally canon

I never knew about that Caeda speech thing. Interesting.

Also, what are you talking about? Frederick can't support with Stahl. :/ He can only support with Chrom, Virion, Henry, the women he can marry, and the kid he has.

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Sheeda speech vs Frederick


General Lorenz! My name is Shiida. I hail from Talys. My father has told me quite a bit about you.

Princess Shiida! My, look what a lovely young woman you've grown into. Your father was a good friend to me, many years ago.

General, I heard you opposed Grust forming an alliance with Doluna. Why didn't you try to stop it?

You think I did not try, Princess? Our king is meek; in the end, Doluna proved better at cowing him than I did.

But sir, surely you know that Doluna intends to use Manaketes to conquer humankind! You must act now- for Grust's sake, if not the world's! Join us, General Lorenz. We can put an end to this battle right now.

Hmm...What you say makes sense enough, but I serve Grust. I cannot simply betray my country.

Ah, but what makes a country?


Is it one man- your king? Or is it the countless innocent people who make their home here?

Well, that's- Hmm...

My father has a saying: "A kingless country is a country still; but a king without subjects rules naught but hills." If you disobey your king to ensure his subjects' safety, how is that a betrayal? You are protecting his reign.

Protecting his reign? ...Aha ha ha, ha ha! Ahh, that mad logic! I feel as though I've shed twenty years and I'm talking to your father again. You win, Princess. I yield! I will join you, in the interests of king and country. Har!

- Frederick

Ah, Cherche. Perfect timing.
Do you know where I might find Virion?

No. And wouldn't bother trying to look for him, either.
Knowing him, he's probably off whispering sweet nonsense into some poor maid's ear.

But we are to be marching soon! Will he be ready in time?

Oh, probably. I'm getting his equipment ready as we speak.

That is very loyal of you, especially considering what a cad he is.
I think you could teach me a thing or two about serving one's lord!

I told you, he is no longer my lord.
And besides, you are the very paragon of loyal and chivalrous knighthood.
None can compare to you when it comes to knightly virtues.

You are far too kind.
Yet when I see how devoted you are, it humbles me somehow.

How so?

Hear me, Cherche. For a knight, loyalty is the primary virtue.
But to what--or to whom--should it be directed?

To the realm, I suppose. Your liege lord's domain.

And if that realm is destroyed?

Well, er...

The knight's vow of loyalty still holds, but it is directed not to the land.
Nor is it to a castle, or to a town, or any particular place.
The vow is to the people who make up the realm.
As a knight, you owe fealty to Virion and the smallfolk of his domain.
You understand this and act accordingly. It is an honor to fight alongside you.

Well, well! High praise indeed, coming from the famous Frederick!
But in all seriousness, thank you.
And I may say, it is an inestimable honor to fight in the same army as you.

Then that we may both continue to fight bravely, and until victory!

Shoulder to shoulder!

Can I say OTP?

As for mocking Stahl, which just happen to exist in one of Fred's worst support convo

Frederick: HIYARGH! GARH!

Henry: Working up quite a sweat there, eh, Frederick?

Frederick: Ah. Hello, Henry. Have you come to train at long last?

Henry: Oh, no! Just to watch.

Frederick: Such an attitude ill serves a Shepherd. Come, let us train together.

Henry: Why did you spend so much time training, anyway? It looks exhausting!

Frederick: Because I know that anything can happen on the battlefield.
I do not want my dying thought to be "if only I had trained a little harder."

Henry: I want my dying thought to be about blood! ...Or maybe ichor.

Frederick: Enough chitchat! Fetch a wooden shield, and take some swings at me.

Henry: No need. I'm not going to die anyway. But good luck with that!

Frederick: HALT! You shall not escape my watchful gaze today!

Henry: Whoa, easy there, Frederick! You're bruising my arm!
...Oooo, look at the colors!

Frederick: Enough dillydallying! Let's train! One, two... together! HIYARGH! GARH!

Henry: ...Aw, man. I knew I shouldn't have come here.

Frederick: What did you say?!

Henry: Oh, nothing.
But I suppose a bit of practice won't hurt.

roughtly five minutes later

Stahl: Ungh... If only...I'd trained harder... Made myself...stronger...

Clearly, IS run out of Idea when his supports consists of 3 sets of training obsession.....

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Frederick's problems are his bases (and internal level), not his growths. His growths are quite decent.

Ah, now we get to how Freddy performs in battle. People seem to look at him and go "oh, he's the Jagen, better avoid using him, since he'll end up sucking later." Which is honestly pretty stupid since past Jagens like Seth and Titania have actually been very good even at the end of their games. They're not even giving poor Fred a CHANCE here. And there's nothing wrong with using Jagens at all, really. In fact, they're often placed in high tiers on tier lists, and Frederick is no different. He's also required for lunatic mode.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Fred is worthless late, but comparing him to Seth and Titania (especially Titania) is a little bit lollerskates. They are legit excellent lategame characters. Frederick is not going to get there without babying and grinding. Someone like Titania just need resources (Knight Ward and forges in FE9, forged Hand Axes and a Speedwing in FE10). By comparison, Fred needs a complete makeover.
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I always compared Freddy to an in beetwen of FE6 Marcus and FE7 Marcus

But considering just about everyone think Freddy is better than FE7 Marcus, I need to re-evaluate that

As far as Jeigan goes, hes my favorite because hes pretty damn well designed. He is kinda comparable to Jagen in that he can baby a broken unit(Marth and MU) and make them curbstomp the game easilly

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Frederick's problems are his bases (and internal level), not his growths. His growths are quite decent.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Fred is worthless late, but comparing him to Seth and Titania (especially Titania) is a little bit lollerskates. They are legit excellent lategame characters. Frederick is not going to get there without babying and grinding. Someone like Titania just need resources (Knight Ward and forges in FE9, forged Hand Axes and a Speedwing in FE10). By comparison, Fred needs a complete makeover.

Ah. So maybe that's why he kinda lags behind in my playthrough. Now that I think about it, yeah, when he does level up he'll usually get a boost in 1-2 stats not including HP. The RNG is weird to me, I've gotten quite a few perfect or close to perfect level-ups (Lon'qu's gotten a perfect level-up asdfg) but Frederick, Chrom, and poor Libra get really unlucky.

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I always compared Freddy to an in beetwen of FE6 Marcus and FE7 Marcus

But considering just about everyone think Freddy is better than FE7 Marcus, I need to re-evaluate that

As far as Jeigan goes, hes my favorite because hes pretty damn well designed. He is kinda comparable to Jagen in that he can baby a broken unit(Marth and MU) and make them curbstomp the game easilly

since when

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Sheeda speech vs Frederick



General Lorenz! My name is Shiida. I hail from Talys. My father has told me quite a bit about you.


Princess Shiida! My, look what a lovely young woman you've grown into. Your father was a good friend to me, many years ago.


General, I heard you opposed Grust forming an alliance with Doluna. Why didn't you try to stop it?


You think I did not try, Princess? Our king is meek; in the end, Doluna proved better at cowing him than I did.


But sir, surely you know that Doluna intends to use Manaketes to conquer humankind! You must act now- for Grust's sake, if not the world's! Join us, General Lorenz. We can put an end to this battle right now.


Hmm...What you say makes sense enough, but I serve Grust. I cannot simply betray my country.


Ah, but what makes a country?




Is it one man- your king? Or is it the countless innocent people who make their home here?


Well, that's- Hmm...


My father has a saying: "A kingless country is a country still; but a king without subjects rules naught but hills." If you disobey your king to ensure his subjects' safety, how is that a betrayal? You are protecting his reign.


Protecting his reign? ...Aha ha ha, ha ha! Ahh, that mad logic! I feel as though I've shed twenty years and I'm talking to your father again. You win, Princess. I yield! I will join you, in the interests of king and country. Har!

- Frederick


Ah, Cherche. Perfect timing.

Do you know where I might find Virion?


No. And wouldn't bother trying to look for him, either.

Knowing him, he's probably off whispering sweet nonsense into some poor maid's ear.


But we are to be marching soon! Will he be ready in time?


Oh, probably. I'm getting his equipment ready as we speak.


That is very loyal of you, especially considering what a cad he is.

I think you could teach me a thing or two about serving one's lord!


I told you, he is no longer my lord.

And besides, you are the very paragon of loyal and chivalrous knighthood.

None can compare to you when it comes to knightly virtues.


You are far too kind.

Yet when I see how devoted you are, it humbles me somehow.


How so?


Hear me, Cherche. For a knight, loyalty is the primary virtue.

But to what--or to whom--should it be directed?


To the realm, I suppose. Your liege lord's domain.


And if that realm is destroyed?


Well, er...


The knight's vow of loyalty still holds, but it is directed not to the land.

Nor is it to a castle, or to a town, or any particular place.

The vow is to the people who make up the realm.

As a knight, you owe fealty to Virion and the smallfolk of his domain.

You understand this and act accordingly. It is an honor to fight alongside you.


Well, well! High praise indeed, coming from the famous Frederick!

But in all seriousness, thank you.

And I may say, it is an inestimable honor to fight in the same army as you.


Then that we may both continue to fight bravely, and until victory!


Shoulder to shoulder!

Can I say OTP?

You can and you should !

Actually Frederick as a Wyvern Rider surpassed zelcher everywhere except, paradoxically in Str.

Thanks to reclass, he can be both a Jeigan and a Pseudo-Est. That's pretty great.

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I think the characters in this game are very 1 dimensional and not very fleshed out at all. The Tellius characters, on the other hand, were brilliant. In this game I gave up reading the support convos as they were predictable and it's hard to really care about what they have to say when they are so shallow.

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JSND: Ah, that is really neat! I don't see the parallels between Frederick's dialogue and Caeda's though. o.O

Also, seems Stahl said his line AFTER Frederick did. Frederick couldn't have known Stahl would say something so similar. Also, training as much as he does is just what Frederick is about! I think it shows just how dedicated and devoted he is. <3

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since when

Its not?

@Ana: The content is basically: You serve the well being of the Lord/country of sorts. Although after i think about it, the context of Fred's speech is more Lord oriented while Sheeda's speech is more people and the land oriented

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