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Quick Burn and Slow Burn


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Whether or not you're grinding, Quick Burn is amazing on units like Panne, Sully, and Lon'qu, all of whom have high Spd. Avoid-stacking is extremely imbalanced on any difficulty setting below Lunatic+.

I agree that Slow Burn is terrible, though.

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Yes, I'm also rather fond of Quick Burn though I can't say I really use it much... or well, get that skill much. But I think it has its uses too.

Can't say the same about Slow Burn, but eh. Maybe it's not so bad for easier modes where you can kill crap quickly.

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I dunno what to think - while I don't really make use of either, I think other classes got shafted with worse in terms of level 5 skills (Berserker and Assassin, anyone? Sorcerers didn't exactly get a gem of a level 5 skill either...).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I dunno what to think - while I don't really make use of either, I think other classes got shafted with worse in terms of level 5 skills (Berserker and Assassin, anyone? Sorcerers didn't exactly get a gem of a level 5 skill either...).


Vengeance is one of the better skills in the game

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Vengeance is one of the better skills in the game

"what" is right, because I see practically zero use in a skill that requires you to have one foot in the grave to have any real effect

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Vengeance Noseferatu, Vengeance Vantage + a thing that can kill enemy before retaliation (ex. if you have high-ass str/mag and a reliable dual partner), etc etc it stacks nicely with things and also has a ridic high activation rate

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'll just say that Vantage+Vengeance was absolutely golden on the spikes in Death's Embrace

and Nosferatu+Vengeance is probably the most used combo for the skill? The lower you are on HP, the more you heal with Vengeance; sounds pretty intuitive

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I'll just say that Vantage+Vengeance was absolutely golden on the spikes in Death's Embrace

and Nosferatu+Vengeance is probably the most used combo for the skill? The lower you are on HP, the more you heal with Vengeance; sounds pretty intuitive

You do have a point there, though once I'm off the spikes, I'd heal.

Vengeance Noseferatu, Vengeance Vantage + a thing that can kill enemy before retaliation (ex. if you have high-ass str/mag and a reliable dual partner), etc etc it stacks nicely with things and also has a ridic high activation rate

Well, I concede that Vengeance has a good activation rate, but unfortunately for it, that's about its only real positive quality, since in the context of a game like this that has permanent death, a skill like Vengeance is not welcome in my book. I'd rather use Luna or Ignis for attack skills anyhow.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Quick Burn is pretty good for people that can't get Lucky 7, like Cherche. What does everyone think about putting both on a character? On my most recent file I gave Nah both but I haven't really used her much.

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the only thing I could possibly think of for Slow Burn is the final DLC, seeing as it stretches over several waves so you will almost certainly pass turn 15

that's about it though, while quick burn actually has ingame use

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Quick Burn is pretty good for people that can't get Lucky 7, like Cherche. What does everyone think about putting both on a character? On my most recent file I gave Nah both but I haven't really used her much.

Sounds like a plan. Avoid is a number with increasing returns. A 100-HP character can survive ten attack attempts from an enemy who deals 10 damage at 100% accuracy, and adding (say) +20 Avoid allows that character to survive 12.5 attack attempts on average (increase of 2.5). If we add +20 more Avoid, that character now survives 16.67 attacks on average (increase of 4.17). The more Avoid you have, the better it becomes.

Edited by Redwall
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I know I can get both on NPC Nah for Future of Despair 1... and it'd probably be a good idea to AVO stack her.


Donnel's her father, put HP +5 on her? (lol I have no idea, maybe Axebreaker)


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Donnel's her father, put HP +5 on her? (lol I have no idea, maybe Axebreaker)


Nope, Vaike's her dad. Hence why she can inherit Lucky Seven.

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i'm saying that for my playthrough (then again the enemies will probably go for Kjelle, since I don't use either of her parents)


Uh, well she's boxed in a corner by Mercenaries (though if you train her parents enough they probably will miss or tink).

Reinforcements could go for her and really mess her up, though.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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oh don't worry, Lucina and Severa will tear up the map on FoD3 (both will have over 40 speed I think, and Severa will have 39 str/def)

yay for a derail on the Future of Despair series!

Edited by shadykid
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oh don't worry, Lucina and Severa will tear up the map on FoD3 (both will have over 40 speed I think, and Severa will have 39 str/def)

yay for a derail on the Future of Despair series!

They'll be blocking the stairs instead.

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You do have a point there, though once I'm off the spikes, I'd heal.

Well, I concede that Vengeance has a good activation rate, but unfortunately for it, that's about its only real positive quality, since in the context of a game like this that has permanent death, a skill like Vengeance is not welcome in my book. I'd rather use Luna or Ignis for attack skills anyhow.

Did you even look at my examples

Vengeance is a sorc skill and sorcs have Nosferatu and Nosferatu heals you based on the damage you do and Vengeance augments the damage you do you get to heal more every time you take damage

Without Vengeance you take the same amount of damage except you heal yourself back less so there is literally no downsides to using Vengeance with Nosferatu

Vantage activates on low health so if you set it up to guaranteed KOs before enemies can retaliate (especially using that extra damage from vengeance) Vengeance-Vantage makes you hit first and harder and your pairup partner should be able to finish

It's not the skill's fault if you don't know how to use it well

anyway on topic Quick Burn is nice because most maps wouldn't last more than 7 turns anyway

Slow Burn is terrible because by the time it's useful the map's over

At least in storymode + nogrind anyway I haven't played the DLC or know what those are like turnwise so maybe Slow Burn would have some use there? But afaik most of my turncounts during the story did not exceed double digits per chapter

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Did you even look at my examples

Vengeance is a sorc skill and sorcs have Nosferatu and Nosferatu heals you based on the damage you do and Vengeance augments the damage you do you get to heal more every time you take damage

Without Vengeance you take the same amount of damage except you heal yourself back less so there is literally no downsides to using Vengeance with Nosferatu

Vantage activates on low health so if you set it up to guaranteed KOs before enemies can retaliate (especially using that extra damage from vengeance) Vengeance-Vantage makes you hit first and harder and your pairup partner should be able to finish

It's not the skill's fault if you don't know how to use it well

anyway on topic Quick Burn is nice because most maps wouldn't last more than 7 turns anyway

Slow Burn is terrible because by the time it's useful the map's over

At least in storymode + nogrind anyway I haven't played the DLC or know what those are like turnwise so maybe Slow Burn would have some use there? But afaik most of my turncounts during the story did not exceed double digits per chapter

That first one was a good example, but the second... Yay for combos with very limited access (since only Avatar and Morgan can get it disregarding inheritance)???

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I never understood using Nosferatu with Vengeance. D: Isn't the point of Vengeance to be at low health for extra power? Wouldn't healing that damage...I don't know, kinda reverse the results?

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I never understood using Nosferatu with Vengeance. D: Isn't the point of Vengeance to be at low health for extra power? Wouldn't healing that damage...I don't know, kinda reverse the results?

The utility of Vengeance is entirely defensive; for example, it combines with Nosferatu to act as a failsafe from enemy crits. Other users have brought up the Vantage+Vengeance+Nosferatu combo for the Est recruitment map.

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