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It's that play log I said I might do.


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1339 or whatever the number is for the black color with voice 3. Who ever guesses the name correctly gets a cookie.

Why aren't there any good long hair options for the male Avatar anyway?

Asset/Flaw: Luck/Defense because I flipped a coin to choose between it and HP

Spouse: Nowi

Hard/Casual because I'm not a Giant Dad.


Who cares.

Chrom shut up. Just let me play the game without you making me press the start button. This level never even happened in the first place.

I can turn off the tutorial stuff right? *one quick check later* ....Why?


Who Cares 2: Care Harder


Lissa almost died. I'm a good tactician.

Chrom still won't shut up.

Sparkly tiles suck.

Chapter 1

Lissa almost died. Again. I'm SO good.

The sparkly tiles are being bitches and not giving me stuff that's worth while. Just exp and weapon exp.

Virion shut up. I know you're sexy and you know it but just let me play without making me press the start button.

Sully has trouble dealing damage. She's tough alright.

Chapter 2

I pair up Sully and Vaike because Sully can't deal damage.

Dying Blaze get. A strong fire tome for Miriel and her awesome hat. The should be the description.

Frederick and Chrom won't shut up. Why does IS hate people who buy their products.

Also, my DS is dying because my oldest brother was playing that one Castlevania game so I'll have to finish the level later. The second sparkly tile better give me something nice.

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Chapter 2 continued

Continuing from where I left off.

Frederick shut up. I know what a dropped item is. You don't need to tell me it's mine after I KILLED the enemy holding it.

The second sparkly tile gave me a Shockstick.

You have no idea how mad I got when I saw it.

I was this mad. See? See how mad I got?

The Vaike and Sully make a good team.

Chapter 3

Chrom. Don't stand there like an idiot. Move. MOVE!

Sumia has to be all badass and rescue him. I remember when Rescue was a thing. I'm old.

Miriel sits this one out unfortunately.

Frederick Hulks out on the enemies on the right side. Poor bastards.

Kellam get because he is awesome and he will be wed with Cherche this time. I hope that support doesn't suck.

Frederick finds a Celica's Gale on the sparkly tile. I like.

Chrom and co clear out the left side and move in an upwards direction but not before I tell Chrom to shut up about how the Avatar has been around with them forever when it's only been a few days. You forget about Kellam and he's a total bro you douche.

Then more people get owned. Their guys not mine. I'm TOO good at this game.

Second sparkly tile gives me nothing note worthy.

The Vaike is the hammer and Raimi is the nail and the hammer's coming down.

Chapter 4

Chrom is a dumbass who has no idea what the Falchion is.

Who else would have the damn thing other than I don't know. People related to you.

6 man team go.

By this point I have decided that Kjelle Jelly will be the child to have luscious blue hair.

I had to use Vulnaries or however they're spelled because I'm not good at this game.

First sparkly tile was just exp while the second tile gave me a Wilderwind.

I get it game. You want me to use Miriel and her awesome hat gosh.

Sully gets the boss kill.

Outer Realm get.

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Chapter 5

Eh. Don't feel like checking out the gate realm thing.

And I forgot you get Lon'qu after chapter 4.

I am a terrible person for forgetting about him.

Since I keep pairing up Sumia and Stahl I am KIND OF annoyed at Sumia's lack of marriage candidates. I mean, come on. The Maiden is there for a reason isn't she? A Stahlish Cynthia would have been pretty cool. That and they compliment each other fairly well pair up bonus wise. IS you bastards.

I paired up Lon'qu and The Vaike since they compliment each very well too. Strength and Defense for Lon'qu and Skill and Speed for The Vaike.

Ricken and Maribelle pair up and hide in that one tile they can't be attacked at. Frederick goes upwards and starts stabbing people with his Silver Lance.

There's a joke in there somewhere....

Any who. Sully and Chrom continue to be all lovey dovey by killing more people. Fire Emblem is weird.

Overall everything went just fine even if Lissa almost died again. Have I mentioned how good I am at this game?

After the level I realize that Lon'qu and The Vaike can ACTUALLY support. I am not used to the notion that two individuals of the same sex can have supports in this game.

It's weird.

Also, Ricken finds an Orson's Hatchet. Thank you Ricken.

The sparkly tiles must burn. Just saying.

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Kellam get because he is awesome and he will be wed with Cherche this time. I hope that support doesn't suck.

It's the opposite of suck. It's cute, I know from experience.

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I can turn off the tutorial stuff right? *one quick check later* ....Why?

You don't have to in Hard mode... though it still shows up as a one-line text on the top screen... if you mean to get rid of that text, then I have no clue.

and looks like a sorta interesting playlog, but can't really read it at work lol.

Edited by Cordelia
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Chapter 6

I check a skirmish real quick to see if I can even take the Risen safely.

I cannot.

Then I see what a random Anna has to offer.

Iron weapons. hooray

Gauis and Panne time.

I like how Chrom actually has Strength this time. Feels so gooooooooooooood.

Kellam and Lon'qu pair up and handle the right area with Stalh and Sumia's help.

Frederick and The Vaike pair up and wall the middle area while Miriel snipes people with fire. You know, for research.

Chrom and Sully take care of the left area.

That Marth character person dude never engaged in combat which is nice because said Marth person dude has a habit of not dodging anything ever.

He should work on that. oh man reference

I really want to destroy the sparkly tiles but how does one kill that which has no life.

Other than that the level went as smooooooth as a new jar/bottle of peanut butter.

I want to eat some peanut butter and bread but I'm out of bread.


After the level another random Anna showed up and she was selling a Wyrmslayer, Concoction and Master Seal.

Bought the Concoction and Master Seal even though I probably won't ever use said Concoction.


I'm tempted to use the Master Seal already although I wonder how useful a larger than usual seal would be when it's not even near any source of water.


Miriel found a Titania's Axe in the barracks. Too bad I'm not gonna use it.

I know Cordelia's level is up next. I just don't like those class effective weapons. They smell funny.

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Chapter 7

Cordelia get.

There's something about pairing up Kellam and Miriel. It feels so right and their C support after the level was so adorable.

Speaking of Miriel, her Elwind usage made the level a breeze. Very refreshing in fact. I'll stop now.

I'm wondering why Sully got a +9 Speed boost when she paired up with Chrom. Although It might just be the barrack bonus from yesterday.

How do those work anyway?

Lon'qu kind of wrecked face with The Vaike. I just wish The Vaike would have some more speed but he can't really deal much damage... Makes me sad. I'll be sure to level him up as I play.

Panne Knight Gauis were a pretty rad combo. Training Gauis isn't that tough.

The level wasn't too bad other than the Steel weapon users because that damage.

I want some myself. I love Steel weapons ever since FE9 since they weren't the weight of the universe making my little Florina have abyssmal AS and I want Florina to kill as much stuff as possible.

I had to limit my Chrom use since he's already level 11. I need to use Sully more often...

any who

After the level a random Anna showed up with another Master Seal. Bought it and the Iron Lance she had on sell since an extra Iron Lance won't hurt.

Promoting Chrom now seems like a nice idea but I'll wait. I KINDA want a Second Seal for Nowi soon.


I'm not very good at remembering some things that happen. Like how "Marth" is actually a woman and how she fights without her mask in chapter 6. My memory is good.

Chapter 8

Nowi and Gregor.

I think I'll go with Cordelia x Frederick this time since I'm not really fond of either of them and both of them together is like the most perfect duo of tofu.

I don't get it either.

Why does Sully lack the strength to ORKO enemies. Chrom can due to the pair up bonuses from Sully. Dumb Lord pair up bonuses.

Guess she'll be taking the Energy Drop.

And I had forgotten you get a Master and Second Seal here. Which is nice because Nowi and Panne would like that Second Seal. Too bad Panne will have to wait maybe.

If I don't say much about what I do it's because I just take my time and I don't think you wanna read about how I just wait and let the enemy come to me before I wipe them out on my turn and continue to bait them and wiping them out until I'm done with the level. I like to play safe with a bit of NO FEAR thrown in every now and then.

Cordelia and Freddy together is rather formidable though.

I actually brought my level 6 Ein to get some support point built up with Nowi for the playthrough. I'm gonna have the worst Nah ever....

Speaking of my level 6 Ein I think I'm gonna pay the DLC a visit a few times after this to bring some peeps up to speed. Like The Vaike, Ein, Miriel maybe, Gauis, Panne maybe, and Sumia.

Why does Henry have to show up so late...?

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My brother keeps playing his Castlevania game. I wonder if anyone even still cares about this...

Whatevs. I'm having a little fun so that's coolio with me.

I hit up EXPonential growth a few times for Sully, Lon'qu, Miriel, Ein, and Nowi catch up level wise or just for the extra expy.

I ended up reclassing Nowi to a Wyvern Rider because I like flying units. Also for her Speed to catch up which is funny since she keeps getting Strength and Speed after becoming a Wyvern Rider. Speedy Nowi that hits like a truck if a truck were a 1000 year old dragon girl is much love.

Also, Ein and Nowi have their B support.

What's up with the rampant snake murder? For reals.

Oh well. At least Frederick is teaching them the art of cooking.

Chapter 9

The sad chapter. You know why. It's pretty damn sad. At least I can watch her fall to her death IN 3DDDDD!


Terrible joke aside, Nowi and Cordelia were my MVPs this round.

Mostly because Nowi destroys everything while Cord/Fred combo works wonders.

Doesn't help that I still place my flying units in harms way in the form of Archers which a Steel Bow.

I'm pretty good at this strategizing stuff.

Despite that, I ferry Chrom to Libra because I forgot Sully can't move for crap in the sand before Libra goes off on his own to get himself killed.


Those Wyvern Rider reinforcement dudes are jerks. Just saying.

Tharja gets recruited too then the level ends. yay

Now I am conflicted.

I originally wanted Tharja and Lon'qu to eventually get engaged/married but then I saw Libra and Tharja next to each other in the unit screen thingy and they seem to be longing for one another. That and I kinda like the Light and Dark thing. Libra is obviously the Dark and Tharja is the Light in this case.

So it's either blonde Noire or brunette Noire and I kinda like both options. A lot.


What do I do? >_<

In other news. Ein and Nowi reach their A support and more snake killing and she loses her dragon stone. I'm guessing she threw it by accident.

Nowi is pretty good at this wooing thing.

Still haven't decided on any other pairings aside from the following by the by. hinthintnudgenudge






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Tharja/Lon'qu totally. Also, tell your brother to get his own 3DS. A handheld is something I'd hate to share myself, along with pizza.
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Tharja/Lon'qu totally. Also, tell your brother to get his own 3DS. A handheld is something I'd hate to share myself, along with pizza.


I don't mind really. Other than the fact he gets it so dirty....

No Severa? :<

I'll be getting Sevvy.

Unless you mean something else.

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My brother finally beats Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate and he already dirtied up my DS quite a bit.

I can never have nice things that are clean and not marked with random specs of something.

any who

Chapter 10

Now for the other sad chapter. Like holy crap.

It is sad and the music just brings it all much more inward than it should. Or maybe it's supposed to. Hm.

This level was basically just Sully, Nowi, and Cordelia's time to shine with their future husbands.

It's gonna be Waifu with support Husbando once I have access to Master Seals.

My dumb face forgot to bring Tharja to pair her up with Lon'qu. argh

I wanna read their supports for myself already. Their gonna make me feel feels.

I did decide that Libra and Miriel will get better acquainted. Serious mage lady and girly priest dude.

Helps that Miriel is all around adorable during her supports.

After the battle I unlocked Sully and Chrom's S support and holy crap was it all sorts of hnnnnnnnng.

Sully is surprisingly adorbs.

Got Frederick's and Cordelia's B support too. Why does Cordilia suddenly want to know about his love life? She should know he only has eyes for Chrom. Then again she can't stop fanboying over Chrom.... Cordelia and Frederick make for a surprisingly decent couple. I'm actually liking them together.

I'm kinda baffled by how Nowi and Ein still can't get their S support. They fought like 15 times together. Is it so hard for Ein to be successfully wooed by Nowi? It shouldn't.

I have 4 Master Seals now too. They are awfully tempting.

So far I have the following pairings in mind:






Tharja/Lon'qu OTP


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh crapples. I totally forgot about this. EO4 is a hell of a drug. The 6th labyrinth isn't helping although I can barely make any progress through the 2nd floor. 1st floor was hell and the 2nd floor is like super hell. I can only assume the third floor would be mega hell. Which sounds about right. And why does each labyrinth only have three floors? That's kind of bullshit in my opinion. I want my five floors per stratum back damn it.

any who

Chapter 11

Ah.... I totally forgot about this map was kind of a thing thanks to the enemies actually being somewhat of a threat on Hard mode. Like the Hero and the other scumbag Hero that spawns after the first turn because he's a scumbag and I hate him.

Luckily Nowi/Ein, Cordelia/Frederick and Chrom/Sully were able to deal with pretty much everything.

Lon'qu was still able to help out with Tharja.

I didn't bother bringing Gauis for the chests because I forgot they existed and the Thief that picked one of them ran of with the Large Bullion inside it which was kind of annoying but oh wells.

I did lose Miriel and Frederick because I wasn't paying attention but Casual mode.

I'm gonna do terribly on the draft....

Nowi and Ein are now happily married. Those +Luck and -Defense mods.

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