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[FE13] The PALestinians Inherit Ylisse and Don't Reset


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3. Naglfar - Sully+Kjelle, Cordelia+Severa, Stahl, Anna, Tharja+Noire, Virion, Gaius


because bear was the only other person who cared about drafting a good team, watch me suck anyway

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If equally skilled Naglfars team will win. He got 4 first/second round picks. That's pretty strong. 2 early mounts plus a flier for desert and anna who's quite possibly the best rescuer in the game.

I was just stating that he has a pretty cray team.

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I assume the Premonition is counted, yes? So imma start because yes.

Premonition: 5 turns

Iunno, I was being careful okay gosh.

Prologue: 7 turns

Ehhh. I'm slow even in a draft. Event tile! Oh, something I can't use. Avatar went and killed the boss because yes.

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Hey, I might be trying to go fast for once. Sully and Virion weren't qualified enough to make the team, so they went into a corner. Another event tile! And it's something else I can't use. I might ignore them from now on.

Chrom - Lord

Level 3.4

HP: 22

Strength: 8

Magic: 1

Skill: 9

Speed: 9

Luck: 7

Defense: 7

Resistance: 1

Skill: Dual Strike+

Connie(Avatar) - Tactician

Level 4.73

HP: 20

Strength: 8

Magic: 5

Skill: 6

Speed: 6

Luck: 6

Defense: 11

Resistance: 4

Skill: Veteran

Lissa - Cleric

Level 1.8


Skill: Miracle

Frederick - Great Knight

Level 1.71


Skills: Disciplind, Outdoor Fighter

I'm tempted to staff abuse Lissa, but I might promote her early. Eh.

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here I goooooo

AVATAR THE GIRL her name is robin because I'm boring~

+def -lck this'd better work out

Premonition: 2 turns (2)


Prologue: 4 turns (6)

almost used lissa, that's just how long it's been since I last drafted. frederick stole all the experience. shitty jeigan bottom tier

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|01.70|20| 7| 1| 8| 8| 5| 7| 1|
Robin    |   Tactician|01.85|19| 6| 5| 5| 6| 2| 8| 4|
Frederick|Great Knight|01.60|28|13| 2|12|10| 6|14| 3|

Chapter 1: 3 turns (9)

dual attack procs saving turns~

sully and virion did nothing, actually. chrom/robin C

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|03.10|22| 8| 1| 8| 9| 6| 7| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|02.79|20| 7| 6| 6| 7| 3| 8| 5|
Frederick|Great Knight|01.98|28|13| 2|12|10| 6|14| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|02.00|20| 7| 1| 8| 8| 6| 7| 2|
Virion   |      Archer|02.00|19| 6| 0| 9| 5| 7| 6| 1|

Chapter 2: 5 turns (14)

chrom/robin, sully/frederick, stahl/virion pairs. ate a turn to save silver lance charges and get better EXP distribution. hopefully worth it. sully/freddy C

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|03.45|22| 8| 1| 8| 9| 6| 7| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|03.49|21| 7| 6| 7| 7| 4| 9| 5|
Frederick|Great Knight|03.02|30|15| 3|13|10| 7|15| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|03.30|21| 7| 1| 8| 9| 6| 8| 2|
Virion   |      Archer|02.10|19| 6| 0| 9| 5| 7| 6| 1|
Stahl    |    Cavalier|02.10|22| 8| 0| 7| 6| 5| 8| 1|

Chapter 3: 6+5 turns (25)

oh wow this was fucking disgraceful. long story short, I managed to be inattentive enough to get chrom killed. I will withhold my excuses because I mean, fucking seriously? chrom/robin B, whatever

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|03.85|22| 8| 1| 8| 9| 6| 7| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|03.94|21| 7| 6| 7| 7| 4| 9| 5|
Frederick|Great Knight|04.00|31|16| 3|14|10| 7|16| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|03.70|21| 7| 1| 8| 9| 6| 8| 2|
Virion   |      Archer|02.15|19| 6| 0| 9| 5| 7| 6| 1|
Stahl    |    Cavalier|02.86|22| 8| 0| 7| 6| 5| 8| 1|

Gaiden 1: 10 turns (25)

chrom str+def tonics, robin def tonic, sully str+def tonics, stahl str+def tonics

lenient turn restrictions mean plenty of time to put experience where it needs to go, something I really needed. frederick/sully B

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|04.78|22| 9| 2| 8| 9| 7| 7| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|08.19|26|10| 9|10|12| 5|12| 7|
Frederick|Great Knight|04.13|31|16| 3|14|10| 7|16| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|06.58|23| 9| 1|11|12| 6|10| 2|
Virion   |      Archer|03.47|19| 7| 0| 9| 5| 7| 6| 1|
Stahl    |    Cavalier|03.86|23| 9| 0| 7| 6| 5| 8| 1|

Chapter 4: 4 turns (29)

str+def tonics for chrom

chrom stop getting shit levels pls. chrom/robin A what are these conversations

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|06.21|24| 9| 2| 9|10| 9| 7| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|09.09|27|11| 9|11|12| 6|12| 8|
Frederick|Great Knight|04.44|31|16| 3|14|10| 7|16| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|07.33|24|10| 1|12|12| 7|10| 3|
Virion   |      Archer|03.58|19| 7| 0| 9| 5| 7| 6| 1|
Stahl    |    Cavalier|03.86|23| 9| 0| 7| 6| 5| 8| 1|
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My unit: my unit

+speed -skill

Premonition 2:2

Doubled MU with Chrom one rounded Vader.

Prologue 6:8

Chrom with Freddy goes north, MU attacks the myrm Lissa hides in the corner. Chrom killed Garrick on Ep 6

Chrom got




And then Chrom got





MU got




Chapter 1 4:12

Chrom on the southern fort, MU with Fred on northern fort, everyone else's hides in the corner. Fred finishes to get a four turn.

MU got





Chrom got





Chapter 2. 5:17

Would of got a four if vaike didn't miss.

Here I get vaike and bake who saw minimal use. Fred took on the west and Chrom and MU took the east. Fred took the north all of it.

MU got



Fred got





Chapter3. 7:24

Did not recruit Kellam. All units go east. Fred killsRaimi.

MU got



Chrom got





Then got





Vaike got






Edited by Randa
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Chapter 4 5:29

Everyone got a strength and defense tonic.

Paralogue 0(10):29

Vaike and Lon'qu got a lot of exp. not gonna bother with donnel

Chapter 5. 9:38

Vaike got +3 mt, +10 hit iron axe.

Restarted 3 times.

Already at five resets.

So much pain with this one. But I got a healer.

Chapter 6. 8:46

Would have got a 4 but Fred got crit blicked and I wouldn't reset again.

Total count at this point 71

Chapter 7. 4:50:80

MU got a +4 mt, +15 hit thunder.

Restart my, MU sucks.

Everyone but MU is great

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Chapter 5: 6 turns (35)

tonics: chrom str+def, robin def, sully str+def, stahl str+def

chrom is squishy and sully is invincible, seriously what are dragons

also the boss chose to attack forest!thunder!robin over fort!bronze sword!sully, I guess the AI no longer prioritises units that can't counter? speaking of not countering, ricken and maribelle went to powder their noses together. frederick/sully A woohoo~

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|07.14|25| 9| 2| 9|11|10| 8| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|11.85|28|11|11|12|13| 7|14| 8|
Frederick|Great Knight|04.93|31|16| 3|14|10| 7|16| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|11.43|28|12| 2|12|12|11|14| 5|
Virion   |      Archer|03.91|19| 7| 0| 9| 5| 7| 6| 1|
Stahl    |    Cavalier|03.91|23| 9| 0| 7| 6| 5| 8| 1|

Gaiden 2: 7+10 turns (45)

instead of sharing my notes, let's just say that I reset twice for reasons that mostly boiled down to me forgetting how anna's recruitment works. chrom/frederick C, robin/sully C


Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|07.24|25| 9| 2| 9|11|10| 8| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|13.53|29|13|13|13|13| 8|15| 8|
Frederick|Great Knight|05.49|32|17| 4|15|11| 8|16| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|12.46|28|12| 3|12|13|12|14| 6|
Virion   |      Archer|04.55|20| 7| 0|10| 6| 8| 7| 1|
Stahl    |    Cavalier|05.52|25|10| 0| 8| 6| 7| 8| 1|

Chapter 6: 6 turns (51)


chrom, sully, stahl: str+def, robin: def, virion: str

stahl died lul, but at least he hit D lances. virion contributed?! chrom/robin S I AM WAIFU

"coming on like a wyvern in heat" heh

Unit     |       Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |        Lord|09.04|27| 9| 2|11|12|12| 8| 2|
Robin    |   Tactician|14.97|30|13|14|13|13| 8|15| 8|
Frederick|Great Knight|05.57|32|17| 4|15|11| 8|16| 3|
Sully    |    Cavalier|14.07|30|12| 4|14|13|14|14| 6|
Virion   |      Archer|06.08|22| 8| 1|11| 7|10| 7| 1|
Stahl    |    Cavalier|05.72|25|10| 0| 8| 6| 7| 8| 1|
Gaius    |       Thief|05.00|22| 7| 0|13|15| 6| 5| 2|

Chapter 7: 3 turns (54)

guess who forgot to eat their tonics

sully seems to be starting to have speed problems. but apparently this chapter is a joke, so none of that really ended up mattering. frederick/sully S

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|09.75|27| 9| 2|11|12|12| 8| 2|
Robin    |     Tactician|17.83|32|14|15|14|14| 8|18|10|
Frederick|  Great Knight|05.72|32|17| 4|15|11| 8|16| 3|
Sully    |      Cavalier|15.77|31|12| 4|15|14|14|15| 6|
Virion   |        Archer|06.08|22| 8| 1|11| 7|10| 7| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|05.72|25|10| 0| 8| 6| 7| 8| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|05.37|22| 7| 0|13|15| 6| 5| 2|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|07.00|25| 9| 3|13|12| 9| 8| 8|

Gaiden 3: 7 turns (54)

str+def for chrom, sully, stahl and gaius. def for robin and cordelia. str for virion.

only saved one villager, but apparently that's good for a robe. stahl and cordelia died casually.

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|10.60|28|10| 2|12|12|13| 9| 3|
Robin    |     Tactician|18.54|33|15|16|15|15| 9|18|11|
Frederick|  Great Knight|05.91|32|17| 4|15|11| 8|16| 3|
Sully    |      Cavalier|17.25|32|14| 4|16|14|15|16| 6|
Virion   |        Archer|06.74|22| 8| 1|11| 7|10| 7| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|06.64|26|11| 1| 9| 6| 8| 9| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|05.85|22| 7| 0|13|15| 6| 5| 2|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|08.16|26| 9| 3|14|13| 9| 8| 8|
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Sorry I haven't done anything yet my playlog is more important to me and I hate you all!. Simply because I want to get that information out there quickly I have a newly opened file that will work for doing this draft I would do PKL's draft that I'm in but I hate him/her too! so yeah I'll hopefully do stuff soon!

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Chapter 8: 5 turns (59)

so I've already picked up a goddess icon and a secret book, but I just sold those. robe to cordelia! tonics oh boy: str+def+res for chrom and cordy, def+res for robin, str+res for sully, str+def for stahl, str for virion and gaius. 2100 gold on one chapter, SPENDING

nobody likes deserts. a five turn clear means I miss out on a rescue staff and a second seal, but it doesn't look like I'll need those. rather, master seal! meanwhile cordy and stahl begin their quest to catch up, and virion and gaius are a respectable cleanup crew. nowi/gregor C lul

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|11.10|29|11| 3|12|12|13|10| 3|
Robin    |     Tactician|19.24|34|16|16|16|15| 9|19|11|
Frederick|  Great Knight|06.31|33|18| 4|15|12| 8|17| 4|
Sully    |      Cavalier|19.07|33|16| 5|16|14|16|18| 7|
Virion   |        Archer|07.22|23| 8| 1|12| 8|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|07.67|27|12| 1|10| 6| 8|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|05.85|22| 7| 0|13|15| 6| 5| 2|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|09.16|32|10| 3|15|14| 9| 8| 8|

Chapter 9: 4 turns (63)

chrom str+def, sully str+def+spd+res, virion and stahl str, cordy str+def+res, plus she eats the energy drop

stahl seriously doesn't dual attack ever. picked up tharja and gave her the boss kill, and robin barely missed lv20. :(

pretty sure I'll just promote robin. not long until I start getting more master seals anyway. stahl/cordelia C finally

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|11.55|29|11| 3|12|12|13|10| 3|
Robin    |     Tactician|19.97|34|16|16|16|15| 9|19|11|
Frederick|  Great Knight|06.52|33|18| 4|15|12| 8|17| 4|
Sully    |      Cavalier|20.00|33|16| 5|17|15|16|19| 7|
Virion   |        Archer|07.22|23| 8| 1|12| 8|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|07.67|27|12| 1|10| 6| 8|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|05.85|22| 7| 0|13|15| 6| 5| 2|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|10.91|33|12| 3|16|15| 9| 9| 8|
Tharja   |     Dark Mage|10.87|25| 4|11| 5|12| 3|10| 7|

Gaiden 4: 8 turns (63)

practicing a teensy bit of frugality: str+def for cordelia, spd for stahl, spd+def for tharja. aaaaand dracoshield for cordy.

tharja got crit at 2% and died before she could get any training in, directly resulting in virion dying too. gg. also recruiting anna and switching to robin to promote her in the same action, yeah strategy! sully's still maxed out so frederick got to kill some guys. opening all the chests wasn't no thing.

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|13.02|31|12| 3|14|12|14|11| 3|
Robin    |   Grandmaster|03.90|40|22|19|20|18|12|23|14|Tactician 20
Frederick|  Great Knight|07.18|34|19| 4|16|12| 9|17| 5|
Sully    |      Cavalier|20.00|33|16| 5|17|15|16|19| 7|
Virion   |        Archer|07.33|23| 8| 1|12| 8|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|08.40|28|13| 1|10| 6| 8|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|06.98|23| 7| 0|14|15| 6| 5| 2|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|12.51|35|13| 4|17|17|11|12|10|
Tharja   |     Dark Mage|10.97|25| 4|11| 5|12| 3|10| 7|
Anna     |     Trickster|01.39|36|12|17|23|22|26| 8|10|

Chapter 10: 4 turns (67)

'spose sully can have the talisman. shaky res and all. stahl spd, tharja spd+lck. risen were on my strength and defence tonics and oh well.

best fucking music. I kind of feel sorry for the enemies in this chapter, especially since it's such a faceroll. anna died though. I think she might end up dying a lot, just because she needs to go places for rescue to save turns, and, you know, 8 base defence. stahl/cordelia B, tharja/gaius C

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|13.41|31|12| 3|14|12|14|11| 3|
Robin    |   Grandmaster|05.61|42|22|20|22|19|13|24|14|Tactician 20
Frederick|  Great Knight|08.30|35|19| 4|17|12| 9|17| 5|
Sully    |      Cavalier|20.00|33|16| 5|17|15|16|19| 7|
Virion   |        Archer|07.33|23| 8| 1|12| 8|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|08.92|28|13| 1|10| 6| 8|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|07.19|24| 8| 1|15|15| 6| 5| 3|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|13.27|36|14| 4|18|18|12|12|10|
Tharja   |     Dark Mage|12.60|26| 5|11| 5|13| 5|10| 7|
Anna     |     Trickster|02.19|37|13|18|24|23|27| 8|10|
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Chapter 11: 4 turns (71)

sully to paladin! cordelia eats another seraph robe, too. spd tonics for sully and tharja.

ignis is really silly. robin and sully led the charge, obviously. SF says I can get a spirit dust, a bullion (L) and a goddess icon from this map's chests, which is strange because I only see two. plus I see no enemies holding speedwings and one gave me a spirit dust. welp. regardless, there's nothing important enough to lose turns over... which sucks a lot because reinforcements came anyway. stahl procced speed for the first time ever.

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|14.16|31|13| 3|15|13|15|11| 3|
Robin    |   Grandmaster|08.37|44|23|20|23|21|16|26|15|Tactician 20
Frederick|  Great Knight|08.55|35|19| 4|17|12| 9|17| 5|
Sully    |       Paladin|02.48|41|19| 6|20|18|16|23|15|Cavalier 20
Virion   |        Archer|07.45|23| 8| 1|12| 8|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|09.05|29|13| 1|11| 7| 9|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|07.19|24| 8| 1|15|15| 6| 5| 3|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|14.57|42|14| 4|18|19|13|13|11|
Tharja   |     Dark Mage|13.66|27| 5|12| 6|13| 5|11| 7|
Anna     |     Trickster|02.83|37|13|18|24|23|27| 8|10|
Olivia   |        Dancer|01.51|18| 3| 1| 8| 9| 5| 3| 2|

Chapter 12: 5 turns (76)

spirit dust to tharja, and she gets 10 hit forged onto her nosferatu. skl+spd+lck tonics for tharja, too.

this was actually pretty terrible, and I should have been able to pull off a 3-turn clear. tharja used up her whole nosferatu tome and died, and olivia and virion also got killed, but it's nice just not having to worry about that. cherche made out with her wyvern in the corner or something. stahl/cordelia A

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|14.59|31|13| 3|15|13|15|11| 3|
Robin    |   Grandmaster|10.36|46|25|22|24|21|16|28|15|Tactician 20
Frederick|  Great Knight|09.03|36|19| 4|18|12| 9|17| 6|
Sully    |       Paladin|04.67|43|20| 7|21|19|18|23|16|Cavalier 20
Virion   |        Archer|08.48|24| 9| 2|13| 9|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|09.38|29|13| 1|11| 7| 9|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|07.32|24| 8| 1|15|15| 6| 5| 3|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|17.40|45|15| 5|19|20|15|15|11|
Tharja   |     Dark Mage|17.01|31| 5|18|10|15| 7|13| 7|
Anna     |     Trickster|03.93|38|14|18|25|24|28| 8|11|
Olivia   |        Dancer|02.02|19| 4| 2| 9| 9| 5| 3| 2|

Chapter 13: 1 turn (77)

defeat commander? okay. mag+skl+lck tonics to robin.

my guys get to pick up some experience for a whole player phase before robin, with the help of anna and her rescue staff (with the help of olivia), one-rounds the boss. gg scrub

HEARTFELT TEMPORALLY LOPSIDED REUNION let's see what kind of lucy I got me. and of course, chrom/lucina C, robin/lucina C

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|14.66|31|13| 3|15|13|15|11| 3|
Robin    |   Grandmaster|11.00|47|26|22|25|22|16|29|15|Tactician 20
Frederick|  Great Knight|09.03|36|19| 4|18|12| 9|17| 6|
Sully    |       Paladin|04.82|43|20| 7|21|19|18|23|16|Cavalier 20
Virion   |        Archer|08.61|24| 9| 2|13| 9|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|09.38|29|13| 1|11| 7| 9|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|07.32|24| 8| 1|15|15| 6| 5| 3|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|17.70|45|15| 5|19|20|15|15|11|
Tharja   |     Dark Mage|17.31|31| 5|18|10|15| 7|13| 7|
Anna     |     Trickster|04.27|38|14|18|25|24|29| 9|11|
Olivia   |        Dancer|02.19|19| 4| 2| 9| 9| 5| 3| 2|
Lucina   |          Lord|10.00|33|15| 7|18|16|14|15| 6|

golly gosh.

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Finally starting!

MU is Pwnage +speed -luck

Premonition 2(2)


Prologue 4(6)

I failed my positioning...

Chapter 1 3(9)

Horribad levels for Pwnage

Chapter 2 4(13)

Fred gets two amazing levels... Stupid Fred stealing all the good levels..

Chapter 3 5(18)

Fred almost died when I forgot hammerman.

Paralogue 1 it's free!

Sumia got a level that was just hp... SRSLY!

Chapter 4 2(20)

You know what? Screw Sumia I'm going to use her for nothing but ferrying Frederick if she keeps this horrible level up thing.

Chapter 5 4(24)

Gave Sumia a level and it was just luck! Frederick continues to be the greatest of characters!

Paralogue 2 it's free

It's another Paralogue place to train Sumia and Chrom I completed it then realized I should have saved it for Panne!

It was at this point that I realized I drafted Ricken and haven't been using him! :facepalm:

Chapter 6 5(29)

EXP for everyone! This map confirmed that my Avatar will reach level 20 with less than ten magic...

Chapter 7 3(32)

Panne rocks!

Chapter 8 4(36)

I get all the seals! Now then Frederick or Panne for wyvern rider...

Paralogue 3 it's free

Wyvern Panne kills stuff, Chrom kills stuff, Frederick kills stuff. I wish we had first PT renown it would help a lot right now...

Chapter 9 4(40)

Nice! Killed a lot with Sumia!

Chapter 10 3(43)

Kill stuff.

Paralogue 4 it's free!

Panne can now use hand axes! Yay!

Chapter 11 2(45)

Panne and Sumia are ready to promote!

Edited by bearclaw13
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Gaiden 8: 10 turns (77)

secret book to tharja I suppose. lucina reclasses to cavalier and eats an arms scroll. str+spd+def+res tonics to lucina.

so I went slow so people could get their experience. lucina levels at a hilarious rate regardless of veteran. the foreground got in front of chrom's cut-in. it's nice how I can take this chapter slowly. anyway, the armours and reinforcements here are ridiculous. I actually cut this one a little close, but robin and chrom proccing everything solved that problem. kjelle exists. kjelle/frederick C, kjelle/sully C, gaius/tharja B

Unit     |         Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |          Lord|15.66|32|13| 3|15|14|16|12| 3|
Robin    |   Grandmaster|13.11|48|27|23|25|22|17|31|15|Tactician 20
Frederick|  Great Knight|09.36|36|19| 4|18|12| 9|17| 6|
Sully    |       Paladin|06.26|45|21| 7|23|20|20|25|16|Cavalier 20
Virion   |        Archer|08.75|24| 9| 2|13| 9|11| 8| 1|
Stahl    |      Cavalier|09.69|29|13| 1|11| 7| 9|10| 1|
Gaius    |         Thief|07.32|24| 8| 1|15|15| 6| 5| 3|
Cordelia |Pegasus Knight|20.00|48|15| 6|21|22|18|16|13|
Tharja   |     Dark Mage|20.00|34| 7|18|13|17| 8|14| 8|
Anna     |     Trickster|05.65|38|15|18|26|25|30|10|11|
Olivia   |        Dancer|03.72|20| 4| 2|10|10| 6| 3| 3|
Lucina   |      Cavalier|07.71|41|20| 8|20|17|19|18| 9|Lord 10
Kjelle   |        Knight|10.79|30|16| 4|14| 9|13|17| 6|

Gaiden 12: 7 turns (77)

ah, master seals. cordelia to falcon knight! tharja to sorcerer! kjelle to great knight! with any luck the first two will be ready to go as main fighters, and kjelle is just here to give lucina pair up bonuses so whatever. res to robin, str+def+res to cordy, mag+skl+lck to tharja, str+spd+def+res to lucina. dracoshield from the previous chapter to cordelia.

lucina: the movie, now in theatres. she killed the boss with aether, it was beautiful. lucina/kjelle C. also morgan/lucina, chrom and robin C, we don't need that flashing for the whole game. stahl/cordelia S! what am I even going to do with severa?

Unit     |        Class|Level|HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS|History
Chrom    |         Lord|16.25|33|13| 3|16|15|17|12| 3|
Robin    |  Grandmaster|13.32|48|27|23|25|22|17|31|15|Tactician 20
Frederick| Great Knight|09.54|36|19| 4|18|12| 9|17| 6|
Sully    |      Paladin|06.99|45|21| 7|23|20|20|25|16|Cavalier 20
Virion   |       Archer|10.89|26|10| 3|15|11|11| 8| 3|
Stahl    |     Cavalier|10.15|30|13| 2|11| 7|10|11| 2|
Gaius    |        Thief|07.60|24| 8| 1|15|15| 6| 5| 3|
Cordelia |Falcon Knight|04.60|55|19| 7|25|27|20|21|18|Pegasus Knight 20
Tharja   |     Sorcerer|02.11|40| 8|22|16|19| 9|18|11|Dark Mage 20
Anna     |    Trickster|06.96|38|16|19|27|26|31|11|12|
Olivia   |       Dancer|04.74|21| 4| 2|11|11| 6| 3| 4|
Lucina   |     Cavalier|13.30|46|23| 9|23|20|25|19|10|Lord 10
Kjelle   | Great Knight|01.00|38|19| 4|16|12|13|20| 7|Knight 10
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Chapter 12 3(48)

I like being able to have Libra rescue people and then die over and over again it helps me not have to think as much.

Chapter 13 1(49)


Paralogue 12 it's free

Fred hits level 15 and goes griffon, Morgan gets a level or two, Panne gets Deliverer.

Chapter 14 1(50)


Chapter 15 3(53)

Delverer!Panne is the best!

Chapter 16 3(56)

Gogogogo Frederick!

Edited by bearclaw13
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Chapter 8 12:62:92

Nothing to report.

Chapter 9 11:73:108

Vaike is now a barbarian to help speed.


P2 0(7)

Promoted mariebell

Chapter10. 6:79:114

Not to bad

Chapter 11 12:91:126

Hate the prepromotes.

Chapter 12. 9:100:135

I don't even know.

Chapter 13 2:102:137

So much easier with Cherche.

Chapter 14. 2:104:139

Ignored all treasure.

Chapter 15. 9:113:148

Woooooow. I am not doing well with crits. Thoron and vaike dont mix.

Chapter 16 6:119:154

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