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A bad FE13 playlog

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I should probably put this is hard mode here since it doesn't say it anywhere else. Heh.

So uh, I just got the urge to do this yesterday. Originally it was to prove Fred can still contribute solidly, but I decided to focus on some lower rated units: Vaike, Henry and Cherche. As far as my team goes, this is the plan:






Along with the kids if they turn up to snuff (Lucina should, Archer!Morgan might be a bit dicey though) and filler staff users and Lon'qu before Cordelia shows up for Vaike's sake.

Ignoring any occurences of Anna shop, despite how they might help. Using the renown stuff mentioned in the tier list thread. Anyway, enough rambling, let's go.

[spoiler=OLD][spoiler=Premonition - 2/2]Avatar (Maria) is +Mag, -Skl. RNG dictated she has a blue afro.

[spoiler=Prologue - 5/7]

Paired Maria into Chrom and let him take a bit of combat turn 1 while Fred acted as a wall so I could have Lissa be safe to heal. I had him kill off the mage, they're more trouble than they're worth without a +speed Avatar to double them. Maria switched and took some combat, got healed by Lissa (although it was mostly unnecessary) and then Fred lured the last group, nuking the mage. H weakened the boss with Maria's sword and then she stole the kill.

UNIT       CLASS  LV.XP HP ST MA SK SP LC DE RE WEAPON                SUPPORTS                                        
CHROM      LORD    2.10 21  8  1  8  8  6  8  1 SW E                                                                  
MARIA      TACT    3.09 20  8  8  4  8  4  7  4 SW E, TM E                                                            
FREDERICK  GREAT   1.27 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D, LA B, AX D                                                      
LISSA      CLERIC  1.80 17  1  5  4  4  8  3  4 ST E         
Liquid Assets: 5000G

[spoiler=Chapter 1 - 3/10]This went a little faster than I thought it would, without Fred rushing to blitz the boss in one round. Well, he kind of rushed but not that much.

Fred paired into Chrom and Chrom ran straight left to rip through some dudes. Lissa jumped on Maria for the juicy boost to magic (that let her 2hko anything that didn't proc +5, which was thankfully nothing) and they ran to the fort. When Sully and Virion turned up, they paired and Sully nabbed some kills. Chrom opted out for Fred who killed a few enemies on the left, with the Archer on player phase. Maria stood on her fort still, working to chip damage some dudes. Frederick weakened the boss next turn with the Bronze Sword, intending to feed the kill to Chrom, but the boss ended up suiciding on Maria on enemy phase instead, and I kept it.

There's always next map for Chrom. Chrom/Frederick C and Maria/Lissa C materialized.

UNIT       CLASS  LV.XP HP ST MA SK SP LC DE RE WEAPON                SUPPORTS                                        
CHROM      LORD    2.50 21  8  1  8  8  6  8  1 SW E                  FRED C                                    
MARIA      TACT    5.19 22  9 10  5 10  4  9  4 SW E, TM D            LISSA C                                
FREDERICK  GREAT   1.54 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D, LA B, AX D      CHROM C                                       
LISSA      CLERIC  1.80 17  1  5  4  4  8  3  4 ST E                  MARIA C                                         
SULLY      CAV     2.60 20  7  1  8  8  6  7  2 SW E, LA E                                                           
VIRION     ARCHER  2.10 19  6  1  9  5  7  6  1 BW D          
Liquid Assets: 5000G

[spoiler=Chapter 2 - 6/16]
Easy chapter, just trying to feed experience. I didn't get many actual levels since I got two (well, Stahl failed so it should have been three) of my units here, and tried to feed them all kills. Kind of difficult when Vaike doesn't have a weapon, but that's just how it goes. Vaike jumped on Virion to give him the damage boost he needs to pick up kills from Maria!Lissa chip. Frederick runs to the left side to knock the two enemies there out quickly. Chrom paired on Sully but she still missed doubling so Chrom mostly led. He wanted experience anyway so I wasn't fussed. Stahl picked up kills where he could.
I made a pseudo-wall on the road that resulted in about four enemies being within one shot from death by the start of turn 2. Miriel showed up and passed Vaike his axe so I let him get combat in. Chokepointed the bridge and mopped it up pretty quickly thanks to 2 range chip from Virion, Miriel and Maria. Virion with a Fred pair whacked the boss twice, and Vaike snatched the kill.
Chrom supported with Maria and Sully.
UNIT       CLASS  LV.XP HP ST MA SK SP LC DE RE WEAPON                SUPPORTS                                        
CHROM      LORD    3.10 22  9  1  8  8  7  9  2 SW D                  FRED/MARIA/SULLY C                              
MARIA      TACT    5.89 22  9 10  5 10  4  9  4 SW E, TM D            LISSA/CHROM C                                  
FREDERICK  GREAT   1.87 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D, LA B, AX D      CHROM C                                         
LISSA      CLERIC  2.20 18  1  6  5  4  9  3  5 ST E                  MARIA C                                        
SULLY      CAV     2.95 20  7  1  8  8  6  7  2 SW E, LA E            CHROM C                                         
VIRION     ARCHER  3.20 20  7  1  9  6  8  7  1 BW D                                                                  
VAIKE      FIGHTER 3.83 29  9  0  8  6  4  5  0 AX D                                                                  
STAHL      CAV     2.90 22  8  0  7  6  5  8  1 SW D, LA E                                                            
MIRIEL     MAGE    1.63 18  0  6  5  7  6  3  4 TM E                               

Liquid Assets: 5000G

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Kjelle is probably usable, yeah. Dunno if I'd seal her out to Cav or just instantly go Great Knight. Thoughts?

Meanwhile, Chapter 3.

[spoiler=OLD Chapter 3 - 7/23]

Two new units, one of which I'll be using (Sumia), and one of which who'll be perma benched after this map. Chrom grabs Kellam, pairs into him and they run left, and feed Sully a kill (who was boosted by Frederick). Stahl+Vaike goes right and parks outside of the merc's range, with every none Sumia unit nearby for support. She went left, but arrows and stuff aren't good for her, so...

Spent another turn playing cleanup on the right side, then had Rapier!Chrom open the door and beat the knight senseless. Sumia ended up paired with Fred at some point, although I don't remember when exactly. Meanwhile, the right side also played cleanup, albeit a lot slower due to having mostly worse offense. Kellam acted as a lure with a Javelin (still paired with Chrom) while Fred/Sumia and Sully caught up. They cleaned up again (Sumia netting an amazing +HP level on the way) and got the hammer. If Vaike was nearby, I would've chanced it, but I didn't. I probably wasted a perfectly good key on the right door, but experience is experience. Rapier Chrom brought the boss down.

Vaike/Lissa and Maria/Stahl C supports happened.

UNIT       CLASS  LV.XP HP ST MA SK SP LC DE RE WEAPON                SUPPORTS                                        
CHROM      LORD    4.47 23  9  1  9  8  8  9  3 SW D                  FRED/MARIA/SULLY C                              
FREDERICK  GREAT   1.97 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D, LA B, AX D      CHROM C                                         
MARIA      TACT    6.09 23  9 10  5 11  4 10  4 SW E, TM D            LISSA/CHROM/STAHL C                             
LISSA      CLERIC  3.00 19  1  7  5  4 10  3  6 ST E                  MARIA/VAIKE C                                   
SULLY      CAV     4.08 22  8  2 10  9  7  8  2 SW E LA D             CHROM C                                         
VIRION     ARCHER  4.20 21  8  1 10  7  8  7  1 BW D                                                                  
VAIKE      FIGHTER 4.73 30 10  0  9  7  4  5  0 AX D                  LISSA C                                         
STAHL      CAV     4.00 24  8  0  9  6  7 10  2 SW D, LA E            MARIA C                                         
SUMIA      PEGASUS 2.44 19  6  3 11 11  8  5  7 LA D                                                                  
KELLAM     KNIGHT  5.40 21 10  0  7  5  3 12  2 LA D                     
Liquid Assests: 5000G

Edited by Serious Bananas
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[spoiler=OLD Chapter 4 - 5/26]
Bought a Strength Tonic and a Defense Tonic, and fed them to Sumia.
Deployment: Chrom, Frederick, Lissa, Virion, Vaike, Sumia
Chrom and Vaike pair turn 1, and Sumia and Fred do the same. They each lure an axe enemy, and in Sumia's case ORKO, thanks to tonics+Fred. Virion snatches the kill - this makes the mage on the right side attack him on enemy phase to be cleaned up next turn, while Sumia blitzes left, killing another axe user and the mage there. When the armors started to move, I positioned Vaike so that he would be out of Lucina's range, but so both of them would get Hammered. In the meantime, Fred lured Lucina, and Virion ended up snatching the kill.
Chom and Vaike hit C support.
UNIT       CLASS  LV.XP HP ST MA SK SP LC DE RE WEAPON                SUPPORTS                                        
CHROM      LORD    4.90 23  9  1  9  8  8  9  3 SW D                  FRED/MARIA/SULLY/VAIKE C                        
FREDERICK  GREAT   2.03 29 14  2 13 11  7 15  3 SW D, LA B, AX D      CHROM/SUMIA C                                   
LISSA      CLERIC  3.60 19  1  7  5  4 10  3  6 ST E                  MARIA/VAIKE C                                   
VIRION     ARCHER  4.59 22  8  2 10  8  9  7  1 BW D                                                                  
VAIKE      FIGHTER 5.46 31 11  0 10  8  5  5  0 AX D                  LISSA/CHROM C                                   
SUMIA      PEGASUS 3.73 20  7  3 12 12  9  6  7 LA D                  FRED C                                          

MARIA      TACT    6.09 23  9 10  5 11  4 10  4 SW E, TM D            LISSA/CHROM/STAHL C                             
SULLY      CAV     4.08 22  8  2 10  9  7  8  2 SW E LA D             CHROM C                                         
STAHL      CAV     4.00 24  8  0  9  6  7 10  2 SW D, LA E            MARIA C             
Liquid Assets: 4700G

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So I decided that when I was going along I was going to restart this. My experience gain was sloppy, my levels were mostly poor, and primarily fuck Virion is a pain to use.

[spoiler=Premonition - 2/2]
Same as last time as far as build goes, only with an arguably less weird hair style. Team will be mostly the same, with Stahl getting a second chance and me saying screw Virion in favor of Henry.

[spoiler=Prologue - 4/6]
Fred pairs into Chrom (while stealing the Bronze Sword) and Lissa into Jill. Jill Thunders the Myrm and Chrom runs up the left side and smacks a Barbarian silly. Jill clears up the right side, taking some damage from an angry mage who ran towards her instead of Chrom and other dudes on the side, but she never needed to heal. Chrom ended up luring the boss' group turn 2 and ended up playing cleanup on them for slightly longer than expected to help out Jill. Frederick ended up being forced to switch in in order to swat a Mage, then Silver Lanced the boss and Jill stole the kill. Much better with experience this time around too.
CHROM      LORD   01.90 20  7  1  8  8  5  7  1 SW E
JILL       TACT   03.85 21  7  8  5  7  6  6  4 SW E TM E
FREDERICK  GREAT  01.20 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D LA B AX D
LISSA      CLERIC 01.00 17  1  5  4  4  8  3  4 ST E       
Heroes: Jill and Lissa
Liquid Assets: 5000G

[spoiler=Chapter 1 - 3/9]
Paired up my dudes just the same as in the last map, and sent Jill to the fort, which resulted her in getting +25exp right after levelling. Neat. Chrom rushed the left, smacking an archer and the merc before him. Sully killed the Archer on turn 3, while Fred+Chrom whittled the boss down. Jill took the kill, and all of the kills I intended for Sully ended up on Jill instead, haha.
Chrom and Fred hit C, Lissa and Jill hit C. Same as the last time.
CHROM      LORD   02.45 21  7  2  8  9  5  7  2 SW E            FRED C
JILL       TACT   06.79 23  7 11  5  9  7  8  5 SW E TM D       LISSA C
FREDERICK  GREAT  01.25 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D LA B AX D  CHROM C
LISSA      CLERIC 01.00 17  1  5  4  4  8  3  4 ST E            JILL C
SULLY      CAV    02.70 20  7  1  8  8  6  7  2 SW E LA D      
VIRION     ARCHER 02.00 19  6  0  9  5  7  6  1 BW D
Heroes: Jill and Lissa
Liquid Assets: 5000G

[spoiler=Chapter 2 - 4/13]
Paired Jill and Lissa up again. The magic boost is really helpful. Virion jumped on Stahl, and Chrom on Sully. Fred weakened a Merc for Chrom and Avatar did the same for Stahl on a Barbarian. Vaike got his axe and got involved pretty quickly, Miriel paired with him but didn't contribute herself at all, even through duals. Frederick mostly kept the front since him with Silver was the fastest way to break through. Stahl got a mediocre level and Sully got a better one. Jill rolled everything but speed - the stat I kind of wanted the most. Funny, huh? Fred weakened the boss with his silver and Stahl killed him off. Virion stole a kill off of Vaike since he's an ass. Found Eliwood's Blade, shame I'm not using it.
Chrom and Sully got their C.
CHROM      LORD   02.95 21  7  2  8  9  5  7  2 SW E            FRED/SULLY C
JILL       TACT   07.44 24  8 12  6  9  8  9  6 SW E TM D       LISSA C
FREDERICK  GREAT  01.78 28 13  2 12 10  6 14  3 SW D LA B AX D  CHROM C
LISSA      CLERIC 01.00 17  1  5  4  4  8  3  4 ST E            JILL C
SULLY      CAV    03.10 22  8  1  8  9  6  8  2 SW E LA D       CHROM C
VIRION     ARCHER 02.35 19  6  0  9  5  7  6  1 BW D
VAIKE      FIGHT  03.90 29  9  0  8  6  4  5  0 AX D            
STAHL      CAV    03.53 23  8  0  8  6  5  9  1 SW D LA E      
MIRIEL     MAGE   01.00 18  0  6  5  7  6  3  4 TM E
Heroes: Jill and Lissa
Liquid Assets: 5000G
Lissa is way more useful for pairup then for actually being a unit.

[spoiler=Chapter 3 - 5/18]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Lissa, Frederick, Sully, Vaike, Stahl, Miriel
Grabbed Kellam turn 1 and paired Chrom into him. Sumia jumped on Vaike for the Strength boost - she still ORKOes the entire map without Fred's +1 to speed. I wanted her to get more exp for herself this map, since the plan I had in mind wouldn't have got here anything but dual strike exp otherwise. Jill paired with Miriel for massive magic and went right to weaken stuff for the Cavs. Lissa actually got to heal, since she wasn't stuck giving a magic boost the entire time. Stahl and Sully picked up scraps on the side, Stahl netting a much better level up than last chapter. Chrom's party clears out the enemies, with one suiciding on Sumia on enemy phase of turn 2. Fred opened the door and Chrom+Kellam ran through and Rapiered the Knight. Kellam took the lead the next turn for 1-2 range, even though I probably didn't need it (he dropped Chrom to his left.) Thanks to some clever passing of Vaike around, Kellam could still pick up the kill of the guy in the way after Sumia nailed the Hammer guy and Chrom with Frederick's +1 Move pair could Rapier the boss for the kill. He's already faster than my last one - this is good.
Thanks to a tile, most likely, Jill and Miriel hit off their C support.
CHROM      LORD   04.22 23  8  2  9 11  5  7  2 SW D            FRED/SULLY C
JILL       TACT   08.34 25  8 12  7 10  8  9  6 SW E TM D       LISSA/MIRIEL C
FREDERICK  GREAT  02.07 30 14  2 12 11  7 15  3 SW D LA B AX D  CHROM C
LISSA      CLERIC 01.60 17  1  5  4  4  8  3  4 ST E            JILL C
SULLY      CAV    03.90 22  8  1  8  9  6  8  2 SW E LA D       CHROM C
VAIKE      FIGHT  03.90 29  9  0  8  6  4  5  0 AX D            
STAHL      CAV    04.03 24  9  0  9  7  5 10  1 SW D LA E      
MIRIEL     MAGE   01.00 18  0  6  5  7  6  3  4 TM E
SUMIA      PEG    02.11 19  7  3 12 12  9  5  8 LA D
KELLAM     KNIGHT 05.65 21 10  0  7  5  3 12  2 LA D
Bought five of each tonic after the chapter for Sumia, Sully and whoever else ends up needing them.
Heroes: Jill and Miriel
Liquid Assets: 3500G

[spoiler=Chapter 4 - 3/21]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Stahl, Sumia
Chugged a Str Tonic on Sumia.
Fred paired with Sumia (deployed at the rightmost spot) and then took the lead with the Silver to weaken Lucina. Stahl paired with Jill so he could get some exp more easily. He's replacing Virion as his pair, since Virion is an asscabbage and benched. They went left, while Chrom and Sully took the lower right side. Sumia took the Lucina kill which was neat, although she still doesn't have a C with Fred yet. Guess that Vaike time wasn't good for her after all. Oh well, she got strength, and Stahl got a great level too.
Stahl and Jill C support activated.
CHROM      LORD   04.32 23  8  2  9 11  5  7  2 SW D            FRED/SULLY C
JILL       TACT   09.39 26  8 12  8 10  9  9  6 SW E TM C       LISSA/MIRIEL/STAHL C
FREDERICK  GREAT  02.25 30 14  2 12 11  7 15  3 SW D LA B AX D  CHROM C
SULLY      CAV    04.67 22  8  1  8 10  7  9  3 SW E LA C       CHROM C
STAHL      CAV    05.02 25 10  0  9  8  5 11  1 SW D LA E       JILL C
SUMIA      PEG    oops, I forgot

VAIKE      FIGHT  03.90 29  9  0  8  6  4  5  0 AX D       
Heroes: Jill and Stahl
Liquid Assets: 3500G

Probably need a fifth mother to pick up and pair with Henry. Sully, Jill and Sumia are pretty much locked, but Cherche isn't. If it's Cherche though, I'd need another pairing for Vaike.
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[spoiler=Paralogue 1 - 7/28]

Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Lon'qu, Vaike

People jumped on their regular pair options. Sumia flew up and swatted the Archer, Stahl and Jill moved through the trees, while the others made run straight off to the left. Vaike was finally able to get in some action here, stealing some kills off of Sully and chokepointing the close passage, nabbing the kills from there. People took turns luring large groups of enemies, Sully going first, then Stahl who switched to Jill so she could tear open a path through archers. Fred switched in and started to run to the boss, with Jill and Stahl close behind. The others worked on getting the loot, which was made kind of more difficult than it should have been by Avatar having the key for the Rescue chest. Sumia whacked the boss around a bit, and Stahl nabbed the kill.

Chrom and Sully hit B support, Sully and Stahl somehow got a C without being paired, and Sumia and Frederick got their C.

CHROM LORD 05.17 24 9 2 9 12 6 8 2 SW D FRED C SULLY B
JILL TACT 11.04 27 9 14 9 12 10 10 7 SW E TM C LISSA/MIRIEL/STAHL C
FREDERICK GREAT 02.42 30 14 2 12 11 7 15 3 SW D LA B AX D CHROM/SUMIA C
SULLY CAV 05.97 23 9 1 9 10 8 10 4 SW E LA C STAHL C CHROM B
STAHL CAV 06.29 26 11 1 10 8 6 11 1 SW C LA E JILL/SULLY C
SUMIA PEG 04.94 20 9 3 14 14 10 5 8 LA D FREDERICK C
LON'QU MYRM 04.00 20 6 1 12 13 7 7 2 SW C
VAIKE FIGHT 04.63 29 9 0 8 6 4 5 0 AX D

Heroes: Frederick and Sumia (a guess, I missed it)

Liquid Assets: 8500G

[spoiler=Chapter 5 - 5/33]

Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Lon'qu, Vaike, Lissa

Sumia got a Str/Def Tonic, Chrom got a Def Tonic and Lon'qu got a Str Tonic.

Could've gone a turn faster (or two, but four was my aim) but then I ended up a space short of the reinforcements, but my levels were too good to pass up. Lon'qu's tonic helped him to ORKO all enemies on the south side of the map (this was nice since it meant I didn't have to rely on Vaike to hit somewhat shaky hitrates, although he lost a bit of exp). Sumia's had her ORKOing Wyverns with a Fred pair, and Chrom's gave him generally better survivability since he died in one run on turn 3 when a everything managed to hit him. Sumia smacked the Barbarian blocking the north from the side, and Stahl Killing Edge'd the Myrm. If he didn't kill, Ricken could've taken it with Maribelle's movement to get him there. Sully Killer Lance'd the Dark Mage and got some exposure on enemy phase, to ensure that I didn't end up swamped with too many enemies to kill next turn. Sumia whacked the Wyvern who was too far out for anyone else to take down, and got another suiciding on her on enemy phase.

Sully and Stahl made their way to the left, Sully opting out for Chrom to get him in some combat since he was a little bit starved of it. Fred got switched in to do some serious damage to the boss, and almost kill him. Stahl took the kill himself. As soon as he gets enough speed to double, Stahl is going to rock. Right now he's doing fine on the Killing Edge and dual attacks, but he could be doing better, you know. Vaike spent a while missing down south with Lissa healing him once. If I didn't have Lon'qu take dudes out turn 1 instead, he'd probably have died due to bad luck.

Stahl and Jill B, Vaike and Lon'qu C.

CHROM LORD 06.42 24 10 3 9 12 6 8 2 SW D FRED C SULLY B
JILL TACT 11.88 27 9 14 9 12 10 10 7 SW E TM C LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL B
FREDERICK GREAT 02.71 30 14 2 12 11 7 15 3 SW D LA A AX D CHROM/SUMIA C
SULLY CAV 07.10 25 10 2 11 12 8 10 6 SW E LA C STAHL C CHROM B
STAHL CAV 07.69 27 12 1 11 9 7 12 1 SW C LA E JILL B SULLY C
SUMIA PEG 06.97 22 10 5 15 15 11 6 8 LA D FREDERICK C
LON'QU MYRM 04.66 20 6 1 12 13 7 7 2 SW C VAIKE C
VAIKE FIGHT 05.36 31 11 1 9 7 4 6 0 AX D LON'QU C
LISSA CLERIC 01.80 17 1 5 4 4 8 3 4 ST E JILL B
MARIBELLE TROUB 03.25 18 0 5 4 6 5 3 6 ST D
RICKEN MAGE 03.48 20 3 8 6 5 10 6 3 TM D

Sold the bullion.

Heroes: Jill and Stahl

Liquid Assets: 8500G

[spoiler=Paralogue 2 - 5/38]

Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Lon'qu, Vaike, Maribelle, Ricken

Sumia got a Str/Def Tonic, since she needed it to break the chapter in two.

She ran flew right with Fred and Javelin'd the mage, Vaike and Lon'qu went up (Lon'qu leading turn 1), Maribelle and Ricken kept out of range, and Stahl and Sully (and their pairs) moved up. Stahl got speed, which resulted in him being able to ORKO the entire map. With Bronze. I love Stahl. Sumia then flew to Javelin all of the guys who were running for Anna's village, since they're generally a pain to get to and it lets Anna focus on killing off the annoying archers. One of them attacked Sumia though, but she took the hit like a champ and killed it. At that time, Vaike had switched in for Lon'qu to pick up kills (someone explain to me why he has 2 magic...) and the rest headed down. Stahl engaged the enemies near the boss to get the guy to move, and Sully Killer Lanced him and OHKOed him. Sumia backtracked to kill the last guy. I wish Sully could match Stahl's level ups, all she seems to be proccing is res.

Chom and Sully hit their A, and Sumia and Fred got B.

CHROM LORD 07.02 24 11 3 10 13 7 8 2 SW D FRED C SULLY A
JILL TACT 12.15 28 10 14 9 12 11 11 8 SW E TM C LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL B
FREDERICK GREAT 02.71 30 14 2 12 11 7 15 3 SW D LA A AX D CHROM C SUMIA B
SULLY CAV 08.37 26 10 2 12 12 8 10 7 SW E LA B STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL CAV 09.46 29 13 1 12 11 7 13 1 SW B LA E JILL B SULLY C
SUMIA PEG 08.47 23 11 5 16 17 12 6 9 LA C FREDERICK B
LON'QU MYRM 04.93 20 6 1 12 13 7 7 2 SW C VAIKE C
VAIKE FIGHT 06.42 32 11 2 10 8 4 6 0 AX D LON'QU C
MARIBELLE TROUB 03.70 18 0 5 4 6 5 3 6 ST D
RICKEN MAGE 03.48 20 3 8 6 5 10 6 3 TM D

Bought a bunch of Tonics, and some Javelins.

Heroes: Sumia and Frederick (I actually missed it but hell they deserved it)

Liquid Assets: 4900G

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I've found from my playthrough and now yours as well that it's really easy for Sumia to get a lot of early exp, due to her huge mobility (with Frederick especially), 8 move ignoring terrain with doubling is virtually unmatched in the earlygame. It'll be interesting how she stacks up as the enemies start to hit harder past chapter 16, although that's a long ways away.

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I've found from my playthrough and now yours as well that it's really easy for Sumia to get a lot of early exp, due to her huge mobility (with Frederick especially), 8 move ignoring terrain with doubling is virtually unmatched in the earlygame. It'll be interesting how she stacks up as the enemies start to hit harder past chapter 16, although that's a long ways away.

I'm pretty sure that this was well known..

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[spoiler=Chapter 6 - 4/42]

Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Lon'qu, Vaike, Maribelle, Ricken

Sumia and Fred blitzed the right hand side, with Vaike just behind, picking up kills. Chrom and Sully went left, grabbing Gaius on the way, then having Chrom soak up the Cavalier exp. Stahl and Jill took the middle with a little help from Panne when she showed to keep it under control (she paired with Ricken so she could reach for turn 2.) Stahl tried to reach D lances, and managed it. Sumia and Frederick engaged the boss and took him down with dual strike luck on turn 3, although I still had to mop up the last few enemies. A 3 turn may have been possible, but Chrom wanted his exp and it relied a lot on Javelin+Duals from Sully anyway. Sumia probably could have got tonics to make it a little bit more reliable, but by the time I figured she might need them the map was pretty much over anyway.

Jill and Stahl A, Vaike and Lon'qu B.

CHROM LORD 08.57 25 11 3 10 14 8 9 2 SW C FRED C SULLY A
JILL TACT 12.67 28 10 14 9 12 11 11 8 SW E TM C LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL A
FREDERICK GREAT 02.98 30 14 2 12 11 7 15 3 SW C LA A AX D CHROM C SUMIA B
SULLY CAV 10.01 28 11 2 13 14 10 12 9 SW E LA B STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL CAV 10.85 30 13 1 13 11 7 14 2 SW B LA D JILL A SULLY C
SUMIA PEG 11.12 26 11 5 19 18 14 6 11 LA C FREDERICK B
LON'QU MYRM 04.98 20 6 1 12 13 7 7 2 SW C VAIKE B
VAIKE FIGHT 07.32 33 12 3 10 9 4 6 0 AX D LON'QU B
MARIBELLE TROUB 03.90 18 0 5 4 6 5 3 6 ST D
RICKEN MAGE 03.48 20 3 8 6 5 10 6 3 TM D
PANNE TAGUEL 06.50 28 8 1 9 10 8 7 3 NOPE
GAIUS THIEF 05.00 22 7 0 13 15 6 5 2 SW D

Liquid Assets: 4900G

[spoiler=Chapter 7 - 3/45]

Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Lon'qu, Vaike, Maribelle, Ricken

Threw a strength tonic on Vaike to help him kill things with a Hand Axe, and Sumia for Wyverns.

Sthal ran the show turn 1, ORKOing a fair few enemies with his Javelin and Jill support. Sumia charged the south, taking out all of the Wyverns on that side of the map with ease. Seriously, I can't remember the last time this girl DIDN'T one round something. Jill switched in for turn 2 and 3, since she'd been out of the action for a while and could do with some more levels, including a bossstomp.

Chrom and Sully marry, Sumia and Fred hit A.

CHROM LORD 08.72 25 11 3 10 14 8 9 2 SW C FRED C SULLY S
JILL TACT 14.75 29 10 16 10 13 11 12 9 SW E TM B LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL A
FREDERICK GREAT 03.04 31 14 2 12 12 8 15 4 SW C LA A AX D CHROM C SUMIA A
SULLY CAV 11.02 29 12 2 13 15 11 12 10 SW E LA B STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL CAV 11.69 30 13 1 13 12 8 14 2 SW B LA D JILL A SULLY C
SUMIA PEG 12.56 27 12 6 20 18 15 6 11 LA C FREDERICK A
LON'QU MYRM 05.30 21 6 1 13 14 8 8 2 SW C VAIKE B
VAIKE FIGHT 08.59 34 13 3 11 9 5 6 0 AX C LON'QU B
MARIBELLE TROUB 04.40 19 0 6 4 7 5 4 6 ST D
CORDELIA PEG 07.00 25 9 3 13 12 9 8 8 LA C

Sold the Bullion.

Liquid Assets: 9900G

[spoiler=Paralogue 3 - 4/49]

Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Maribelle, Cordelia, Gaius

Cordelia chugged a Strength Tonic, Sumia took a Defense Tonic.

Base Cordelia with the Killer Lance, Strength Tonic and +5Str Vaike boost can OHKO all of the Peg Knights on the left hand side of the map. In the odd case absolutely none of them procced HP, she could use Steel instead. Avatar and Stahl took the enemies to the back and the left. Sumia and Frederick went to the right with Sully and Chrom, Sumia killing the guys near the boss on turn 2, blowing up a merc afterwards, before going back for the boss. Chrom and Sully hung around and got the village. Ended up missing one of the villagers, but I got the most important item. The Log.

And the Seraph too I guess.

Jill and Stahl got their S. Used the Renown Second Seal to reclass Jill to Pegasus Knight.

CHROM LORD 09.40 26 12 4 11 14 8 9 2 SW C FRED C SULLY S
JILL PEG 01.00 30 11 15 12 17 12 11 12 LA E LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL S
FREDERICK GREAT 03.20 31 14 2 12 12 8 15 4 SW C LA A AX D CHROM C SUMIA A
SULLY CAV 11.56 29 12 2 13 15 11 12 10 SW E LA B STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL CAV 12.66 31 14 1 13 12 8 15 2 SW B LA C JILL S SULLY C
SUMIA PEG 14.34 29 12 7 22 19 16 7 11 LA C FREDERICK A
LON'QU MYRM 05.30 21 6 1 13 14 8 8 2 SW C VAIKE B
VAIKE FIGHT 08.99 34 13 3 11 9 5 6 0 AX C LON'QU B
MARIBELLE TROUB 04.40 19 0 6 4 7 5 4 6 ST D
CORDELIA PEG 08.23 26 9 4 14 12 9 8 8 LA C
GAIUS THIEF 05.00 22 7 0 13 15 6 5 2 SW D

Liquid Assets: 9900G

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Now my draft is all tied up, time to continue this thing.

[spoiler=Chapter 8 - 4/53]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Maribelle, Cordelia, Lon'qu
Nowi and Gregor pair and go left. Since Nowi is so unkillable, she almost dies turn 1, and has to get bailed out by one of my fliers, and Gregor's dual guards. I believe it was Sumia, although I played this a few days ago so it could have been Jill. She and Sumia blitzed the left side, while Cordelia took the right. Sully and Chrom went through the middle but didn't acomplish a whole lot, and Lon'qu fought a guy at the back. Maribelle got the Rescue Staff, Cordelia the Second Seal, and Nowi (with great difficulty, and help from Sumia) got the Master Seal. Cordelia took out mages in the boss area, while Jill took down the 1 rangers with little trouble - including the boss.
Sumia and Fred marry, while Cordelia and Vaike get their C. So did people I don't care about.
CHROM      LORD   09.70 26 12  4 11 14  8  9  2 SW C            FRED C SULLY S
JILL       PEG    04.10 32 12 17 14 20 13 12 12 LA E            LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL S
FREDERICK  GREAT  03.20 31 14  2 12 12  8 15  4 SW C LA A AX D  CHROM C SUMIA S
SULLY      CAV    12.33 29 13  2 13 16 11 12 10 SW E LA B       STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL      CAV    13.02 32 15  1 14 13  9 16  2 SW B LA C       JILL S SULLY C 
SUMIA      PEG    15.41 30 12  7 23 20 17  7 11 LA B            FREDERICK S
LON'QU     MYRM   05.92 21  6  1 13 14  8  8  2 SW C            VAIKE B
VAIKE      FIGHT  09.19 35 14  4 11 10  6  7  0 AX C            LON'QU B CORDELIA C
MARIBELLE  TROUB  04.40 19  0  6  4  7  5  4  6 ST D 
CORDELIA   PEG    10.23 28 10  4 16 13 10  8  8 LA C            VAIKE C     
NOWI       MANA   03.95 18  4  0  2  3  8  2  7 NOPE            GREGOR C    
GREGOR     MERC   10.00 30 12  0 13 11  8 10  2 SW C            NOWI C

Liquid Assets: 9900G

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[spoiler=Chapter 9 - 3/56]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Cordelia
Sully got a Strength Tonic.
Triple flying threat just kind of laughs at the desert. Turn 1 involved everyone pairing up, and then rushing down south. The tonic Sully got allowed her to ORKO Wyverns with the Javelin with only one Chrom dual (at 78%, so it was pretty reliable.) Sumia led the charge, killing a Wyvern and then mages on enemy phase with her Javelin. Jill whacked the Archer, and Cordelia played around with the soldiers nearby. Sumia's goal was to rush for the boss and gank him, switching in Fred turn 2 so that she didn't get mauled by archers. Everyone else cleaned up, while Sumia 2RKOed the boss with the Silver (Fred could've cleanly ORKOed with the Hammer if she was damaged.) Everyone else played cleanup, including killing off Tharja. Oops. Libra didn't get recruited either.
No supports, oddly. Cordelia really needs to get into gaining stats.
CHROM      LORD   10.45 27 13  4 12 14  9  9  2 SW C            FRED C SULLY S
JILL       PEG    04.10 32 12 17 14 20 13 12 12 LA E            LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL S
FREDERICK  GREAT  03.62 31 14  2 12 12  8 15  4 SW C LA A AX D  CHROM C SUMIA S
SULLY      CAV    13.20 29 13  2 14 16 12 12 10 SW E LA A       STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL      CAV    13.12 32 15  1 14 13  9 16  2 SW B LA C       JILL S SULLY C 
SUMIA      PEG    16.91 31 13  8 24 21 17  8 12 LA B            FREDERICK S
VAIKE      FIGHT  09.19 35 14  4 11 10  6  7  0 AX C            LON'QU B CORDELIA C
CORDELIA   PEG    11.89 29 10  4 17 13 10  9  8 LA C            VAIKE C    

Bought some Javelins.

Liquid Assets: 7100G

[spoiler=Paralogue 4 - 4/60]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Cordelia, Maribelle
Frederick is great. The fliers weren't able to get too much combat in on this map, due to it being such close quaters, and with bows flying everywhere. That meant valuable training time for THE VAIKE, since he soloed the lower right hand side of the map with his Hand Axe. I really need to buy more of those now. Frederick cut through the left side of the map, and pretty much stopped any enemy from around that area from attacking Anna. Sully killed the Myrm in the way and Stahl rushed through. I intended to recruit Anna turn 3, only she decided she would be amazing and rush up on her own. Frederick lured the boss and killed all of his cronies, with Jill stealing the kill, and then switched out for Sumia to get her some exp, and the last dude suicided on Anna, who got autorecruited.
Going to make an honest attempt to use Anna. I wish I'd gotten Libra, that Killer Axe would have helped Vaike tremendously. Cordelia and Vaike got their B.
CHROM      LORD   11.00 28 14  4 13 14 10  9  2 SW C            FRED C SULLY S
JILL       PEG    07.10 34 13 18 16 23 16 13 13 LA E            LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL S
FREDERICK  GREAT  05.27 33 16  3 14 13  9 17  5 SW C LA A AX D  CHROM C SUMIA S
SULLY      CAV    13.20 29 13  2 14 16 12 12 10 SW E LA A       STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL      CAV    13.52 32 15  1 14 13  9 16  2 SW B LA C       JILL S SULLY C 
SUMIA      PEG    17.82 32 13  8 25 22 18  8 13 LA B            FREDERICK S
VAIKE      FIGHT  10.78 36 15  4 11 10  6  7  0 AX C            LON'QU B CORDELIA C
CORDELIA   PEG    11.99 29 10  4 17 13 10  9  8 LA C            VAIKE C    
MARIBELLE  TROUB  04.85 19  0  6  4  7  6  4  6 ST D
ANNA       TRICK  01.00 36 12 17 23 22 26  8 10 SW C ST D 
Bought a ton of stuff, namely Steel Weapons, 1-2 Range and Tonics.
Liquid Assets: 2050G

[spoiler=Chapter 10 - 4/64]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Cordelia, Anna
Sumia and Fred flew over to the boss. I knew they'd end up a square short, but I was fine with taking more turns for exp. Jill actually fought alone (mostly) for this one, leaving Stahl with Anna to give him the speed boost he needed. Managed to chase down all of the Thieves, that makes 2 Seraph Robes I'm sitting on with no idea what to do with, and an extra Master Seal. Jill and Chrom/Sully go left, Jill stealing the Cavalier for a minor strength boost at one point and hitting D Lances. Stahl/Anna and Cordelia/Vaike hang around near the start, Cordelia finally getting something that resembles a level, and after failing to double soldiers, she needed it. Sumia kills the boss and hits level 19, no point waiting any longer to promote her.
Cordelia and Vaike B.
CHROM      LORD   12.16 29 15  4 13 15 10  9  2 SW C            FRED C SULLY S
JILL       PEG    08.31 35 14 19 16 24 17 13 13 LA D            LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL S
FREDERICK  GREAT  05.45 33 16  3 14 13  9 17  5 SW C LA A AX D  CHROM C SUMIA S
SULLY      CAV    14.54 30 13  2 15 17 13 12 10 SW E LA A       STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL      CAV    14.66 33 16  1 14 13  9 17  2 SW B LA B       JILL S SULLY C 
SUMIA      PEG    19.17 34 14  8 27 24 19  8 14 LA A            FREDERICK S
VAIKE      FIGHT  10.78 36 15  4 11 10  6  7  0 AX C            LON'QU B CORDELIA C
CORDELIA   PEG    13.06 31 11  5 19 14 10  9  9 LA C            VAIKE C    
ANNA       TRICK  01.21 36 12 17 23 22 26  8 10 SW C ST D 

Liquid Assets: 2050G

So yeah, I'm currently sat on:
-2 Seraph Robes
-1 Energy Drop
-1 Goddess Icon
-1 Dracoshield
-1 Talisman
-2 Master Seals
-1 Second Seal
The Master Seals are likely going on Jill (when she hits level 10, which should hopefully be next chapter) and Sumia. I don't know what promotion she'll be getting though, though on that? I'm thinking the Second Seal can go on Chrom for another Cavalier, but I'm open to opinions on it. All of the rest, I have no idea what I'm doing with. Should I pseudo-bench Cordelia, and just use her as a statstick and +movebot for Vaike? Really, she hasn't been growing well at all. Thoughts?
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Because I'm stubborn.

[spoiler=Chapter 11 - 3/67]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Cordelia, Maribelle, Anna
Vaike to Barbarian, he also got a Talisman and a res tonic. Sumia promoted to Falco when I decided Dark Flier wasn't worth it for her.
Sumia and Frederick are danced go down to kill Gangrel, Vaike managed to take the left side with Cordelia, Jill/Stahl gets rescued by Anna to go left. Chrom and Sully moved between the where they were needed, such as the Bishop on the right side. Jill hits level 10, meaning that she's promoting after this map. There isn't really a lot to say here, hopefully the Levin Sword will give Anna's offense a pick up.
Cordelia Vaike A.
Forgot stats and stuff.

[spoiler=Chapter 12 - 4/71]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Cordelia, Anna, Olivia, Kellam, Lon'qu
Stahl chugs some tonics, Jill promotes to Dark Knight. Welcome back, Tome rank.
One Cav is in a reaaaaaaally annoying spot on the left side of the boat. Stahl was still level 14 when he came into this map, he came out level capped. Stuffed with a few tonics, he could count on the assists from Elthunder Jill to help him kill anything. He took the right hand side, Frederick took the upper left, with a little less success due to not being used that much. Vaike and Cherche hammered dudes at the start (now Vaike cleanly ORKOes Cavs with Steel, his Barbarian reclass fixed him) and Anna took the lower right with a Kellam pair up.
Stahl promotes to Paladin after the chapter, and Chrom reclasses to Cavalier too.
CHROM      CAV   01.00 30 15  4 13 15 10 10  3 SW B            FRED C SULLY S
JILL       D FLY  03.20 41 17 25 19 29 19 15 19 LA D TM B       LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL S
FREDERICK  GREAT  06.94 34 16  3 15 13 10 18  5 SW C LA A AX D  CHROM C SUMIA S
SULLY      CAV    16.29 31 15  6 16 19 14 13 10 SW E LA A       STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL      PALAD  01.00 46 24  2 19 17 13 23  8 SW B LA A       JILL S SULLY C 
SUMIA      FALCO    03.94 40 17  9 31 28 20 10 17 LA A ST E       FREDERICK S
VAIKE      BARB   06.72 43 17  4 12 14  9  9  3 AX B            LON'QU B CORDELIA C
CORDELIA   PEG    13.21 31 11  5 19 14 10  9  9 LA B            VAIKE C    
ANNA       TRICK  03.39 37 13 17 24 22 28  8 11 SW C ST D
OLIVIA     DANCER 02.19 18  4  1  8  9  5  3  2 SW D
CHERCHE    WRIDER 12.93 31 15  1 13 12  9 16  2 AX C
I think I've been forgetting to check Sully's magic, seeing as how she apparently has 6 now.
Liquid Assets: 1900G

[spoiler=Chapter 13 - 2/73]
Deployment: Chrom, Jill, Frederick, Sully, Sumia, Vaike, Cordelia, Anna, Olivia, Cherche
Really easy Chapter, not a lot to say about it really. Jill just went up and blitzed the boss, while Henry jumped on Cherche and tanked things on the fort down south with Ruin. Vaike went up the right side and did some stuff I guess?
Vaike and Cordelia S, while Lucina gets her parent's Cs.
CHROM      CAV    02.97 31 15  4 14 16 10 10  3 SW B            FRED C SULLY S
JILL       D FLY  04.25 42 17 25 19 29 20 15 19 LA D TM B       LISSA/MIRIEL C STAHL S
FREDERICK  GREAT  07.04 35 17  3 15 14 10 19  5 SW C LA A AX D  CHROM C SUMIA S
SULLY      CAV    16.55 31 15  6 16 19 14 13 10 SW E LA A       STAHL C CHROM A
STAHL      PALAD  01.17 46 24  2 19 17 13 23  8 SW B LA A       JILL S SULLY C 
SUMIA      FALCO  03.99 40 17  9 31 28 20 10 17 LA A ST E       FREDERICK S
VAIKE      BARB   07.93 44 18  4 13 15  9  9  3 AX B            LON'QU B CORDELIA C
CORDELIA   PEG    13.26 31 11  5 19 14 10  9  9 LA B            VAIKE C    
ANNA       TRICK  03.73 37 13 17 24 22 28  8 11 SW C ST D
OLIVIA     DANCER 02.36 18  4  1  8  9  5  3  2 SW D
CHERCHE    WRIDER 12.93 31 15  1 13 12  9 16  2 AX C
HENRY      D MAGE 13.59 30  7 15 16  9 11 14  6 TM C
Liquid Assets: 1900G

Gonna wait on my kid paralogues for a bit, since they're mostly pretty chump right now.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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