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Are the Spotpass paralogues cannon?

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So I've been thinking about the spotpass paralogues, and I've just been wondering, are they cannon? I mean whilst they are truly fun maps and the ability to fight with Walhart and Aversa in your army is simply badass but I've just got to wonder, due to their downloadable nature are they an actual part of Awakening lore? The sudden heel face turns of many truly cruel characters and, worst of all, the miraculous revival of Emmeryn just feel a bit too flimsy and weak as plot elements to be taken with any degree of seriousness, and the fact that the Avatar is the only one who can support with them also seems a touch suspicious if the events did truly happen. In any case, I shall conclude this rant in the same way that I began it, does anybody know, or have any theories, on whether the spotpass paralgues are truly cannon?

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Hmm IMO Gangrel and Aversa seem highly unlikely since you know we kinda "killed them" and SOMEHOW they survived (no real explanation). Walhart resurrected himself somehow and Emmeryn, by miracle, somehow survived her fall so they're plausible. Yen'fay is an alternate version and Priam is an original character so they are canon in my opinion.

But whatever, they're alive, we can use them so they're canon enough for me

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Cheating death isn't new to Fire Emblem, characters have escaped death since Zeke in Fire Emblem Gaiden. I would say that they are canon. I would also say that the reason the chapters are download only is to keep people playing while the DLC rolled out.

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Hmm. Well, Priam, maybe, but I would like to know how some of the others miraculously survived after losing fights against Chrom, or gravity. I mean, I thought Gangrel was going to make an example out of Emmeryn's corpse. Display it or whatever. So, if she somehow survived...wouldn't he have known, or had something to say about it for that matter? And with Walhart...he blatantly said his heart "no longer beats"... So... Is he like, a risen...? Does he smell funny to the rest of the army? There's not much elaboration, or sense, so I think these guys being playable we're thought up after the fact... Not planned from beginning. So I guess, no, to most of these.

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The way I see it, these characters are an evolution of the trial map characters from the previous Fire Emblem games. IS decided to give them some story instead of simply allowing players to control dead or otherwise unrecruitable characters. It's for this reason that I consider them canon. If they weren't then why would IS go through the trouble of contriving ways for them to exist?

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Priam CANNON ftw :P:

but seriously, given the time travel shenanigans with the kids, it's quite feasible for it to be canon

(also Walhart is too hardcore to die, you had to realize the quote was meant metaphorically)

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I like to believe that Emmeryn's revival was caused with the Aum/Valkyrie staff which is why neither appears in this game. I mean, honestly, if someone from that era was going to revive someone else, she'd be pretty much the first choice for anyone from the east continent and probably half of Valm.

Zero HP doesn't always mean death, so I'll just assume Gangrel and Aversa were playing on casual mode. Gangrel looks like he'd rather be dead so I'm able to forgive his survival pretty easily, although Aversa doesn't work too much beyond the parity of Validar also being revived a few times.

And Walhart's just too POWERFUL to let this game end without him being alive. If he were to just disappear, then between the loss of him and Cervantes' mustache the world would forever become prettyboy utopia because, aside from Gregor's genes, there would be no remaining sources of MANLY on the continent.

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Priam CANNON ftw :P:

but seriously, given the time travel shenanigans with the kids, it's quite feasible for it to be canon

(also Walhart is too hardcore to die, you had to realize the quote was meant metaphorically)

Eh. Never said I was smart. Although....then again, he WAS leading a bunch of risen. I guess seein' him say that, and his army of dead guys is what got me. Ah well.
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With the possible exception of Priam, I feel like, if IS were to create a sequel or something, the Spotpass Paralogues would not be considered canon, the characters would still be dead, etc. So I believe they are not canon and are more like "what if?" scenarios.

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I like to believe that Emmeryn's revival was caused with the Aum/Valkyrie staff which is why neither appears in this game. I mean, honestly, if someone from that era was going to revive someone else, she'd be pretty much the first choice for anyone from the east continent and probably half of Valm.

Zero HP doesn't always mean death, so I'll just assume Gangrel and Aversa were playing on casual mode. Gangrel looks like he'd rather be dead so I'm able to forgive his survival pretty easily, although Aversa doesn't work too much beyond the parity of Validar also being revived a few times.

And Walhart's just too POWERFUL to let this game end without him being alive. If he were to just disappear, then between the loss of him and Cervantes' mustache the world would forever become prettyboy utopia because, aside from Gregor's genes, there would be no remaining sources of MANLY on the continent.

of course, Aversa (and Walhart) get killed twice

dunno man Basilio still exists

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You know, a thought came to me, and since I don't have the chance to check right now, but does when playing with animations on, any enemy that dies does that disappearing effect? If they do... I do remember that the Ch4 boss just remains lying on the floor since there's no death there, so I was wondering if any of the others, barring Yen'fay of course, also disappeared...

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With the possible exception of Priam, I feel like, if IS were to create a sequel or something, the Spotpass Paralogues would not be considered canon, the characters would still be dead, etc. So I believe they are not canon and are more like "what if?" scenarios.

...Good luck making a freaking sequel with all those MARRIAGE possibilities...

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...Good luck making a freaking sequel with all those MARRIAGE possibilities...

I feel like if there were a sequel, Chrom would be with Sumia. I feel like they dropped some slight hints as to who they wanted me to marry him to. Just a little.
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Did Tiki really fight? We're there really other children? And did Donnel really leave his village? Who really ended the final battle Chrom or MU? Is Walhart really a vegetarian? (Bullsh**)

The paralogues are what you make of them. The way this game was made was so that there wouldn't be a sequel because there are so many version of the story and those versions are made by us the players. If I disliked Emmeryn, which is an understatement, and I never wanted to see her again then it's my choice to erase he from my story, making her not canon :P

But if I felt a hot piece of a$$ like Aversa deserves to be my wife that's my choice. Making that canon.

My answer to the question... I think they are canon!

BTW... I hate Emmeryn!

Edited by JosefLior
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I think so. I mean Aversa could've thought she was dying and just blacked out, eventually waking up and being like, "Phew". And I'm pretty sure she just retreated after the first encounter. Emmeryn does have the skill miracle when she's recruited, and Gangrel just says his body can't die. Not sure where Walhart came from, but if I were to assume one spotpass character not to be canon I would say Priam just cause he came out of nowhere. I think they threw him in for the Ike lovers or for the sake of adding another character.

The only legitimately story-significant female character to die was Phila.... I miss her....

Edited by Saint
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Hey uhh wellspring of truth makes me think that multiple Aversa's may actually have existed

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Zero HP doesn't always mean death, so I'll just assume Gangrel and Aversa were playing on casual mode.

And Walhart's just too POWERFUL to let this game end without him being alive. If he were to just disappear, then between the loss of him and Cervantes' mustache the world would forever become prettyboy utopia because, aside from Gregor's genes, there would be no remaining sources of MANLY on the continent.


Did Tiki really fight? We're there really other children? And did Donnel really leave his village? Who really ended the final battle Chrom or MU? Is Walhart really a vegetarian? (Bullsh**)

The paralogues are what you make of them. The way this game was made was so that there wouldn't be a sequel because there are so many version of the story and those versions are made by us the players. If I disliked Emmeryn, which is an understatement, and I never wanted to see her again then it's my choice to erase he from my story, making her not canon :P

But if I felt a hot piece of a$$ like Aversa deserves to be my wife that's my choice. Making that canon.

My answer to the question... I think they are canon!

BTW... I hate Emmeryn!

Bingo! You hit the nail on the nail! You decide who marries who, etc, making the game into your own story. And since the game uses alternate universes as a plot element, it is possible that anyone's FE:A story is just another universe. So everything canon no matter what, regardless of how implausible it may be. Problem solved.

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They are not "Cannon" Except Priam, who has yonderVTUw9ys.png

They, are, on the other hand, Canon.

Well at least as much as any other Paralogue.

I like to think Naga resurrected Em.

Anyway, yeah. More ridiculous things have happened. Like Oliver's existence.

I'd say less Naga, and more "Concerned Plegian Dissident with the Valkyrie Staff". (Look, the Fortify in this game and the Valkyrie... have the same graphical design. Valkyrie, being a Rez is useless gameplaywise thanks to Casual Mode, so it makes sense to leave it out, but they kept it around spiritually. Now, all of the rest of the 12 Holy weapons got nerfed to hell because THEY OLD-- and you can't really nerf a rez in FE-- but... look Emm is all ****ed up. That could be explained by the Valkyrie Staff getting.... Nerfed. (How to nerf a rez: Make the target come back... wrong in someway.) ... Guess what? You get a Fortify for clearing Emmeryn's Paralogue.

Edited by Airship Canon
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