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Did I download a faulty Chapter Unit Editor NM for FE8


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...Or is it just really inaccurate when it comes to positioning characters on a map making event hacking neccessary?

Or is there some sort of code that I'm supposed to know?

Like, if I put a unit at say

X Coordinate 2

Y coordinate 19

they do not show up there.

what gives?


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Here's a small section of the document I created when I solved the hex values that determine the X and Y coordinates of REDAs (which happens to be the same numbers you put in Nightmare):

For [XX,YY] coordinates for REDA

00 00

A = XX + YY*0x40 - int.floor((XX + YY*0x40)/0x100)*0x100
B = int.floor((XX + YY*0x40)/0x100)
Z = Seems to be either 0 or 8 -- not sure what it controls. Only saw 8 here on Seth's REDAs in prologue map. Putting 0 here works fine.

[9,0]: 09 00
[20,15]: D4 03
[40,40]: 28 0A

It works.


These values I came up with are in hex and are put into the hex editor that way. Nightmare, IIRC, has you put them in decimal, so you will have to solve for A and B and then convert both numbers from base 16 (hexadecimal) to base 10 (decimal) using either the google calculator or the MS calculator.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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the 8 is a bit flag that determines something else that i don't know

incidentally if you want to do it in decimal (for [xx,yy])

"X" coord = XX + 64*YY - "Y"; this is an int divide so truncate the remainder

"Y" coord = (XX + 64*YY)/256

Edited by CT075
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the 8 is a bit flag that determines something else that i don't know

incidentally if you want to do it in decimal (for [xx,yy])

"X" coord = XX + 64*YY - "Y"; this is an int divide so truncate the remainder

"Y" coord = (XX + 64*YY)/256

I figured that it was something like that, but like you, I found nothing that it controls. I decided to leave well enough alone, mainly since I got it to work.

I figure it has to be important somehow, since they built this new way of storing X and Y coordinates around this bit flag.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have as similar problem. I made a thread to be more specific about it, but in short, my Y-coordinate doesn't work when placing units. My X-coordinate moves them just fine, but for the Y-coordinate, I can't get any unit to be placed higher than 3. If I go any higher than 3, then it resets to 1 and when it gets back up to 3 it just resets again, I can put a unit at [2,130] and they will end up being placed at [2,2] when i run the game.

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