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Yet another playlog.

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So I've decided to do a playlog. it's purpose. To give more easily accessible information on the arguments of Cordelia vs. Nowi and Vaike vs. Cherche. I'm currently working a little on the pairings and characters but here's what I have planned. This playthrough is according to the tier list's rules.

Chrom x Sully

Probably one of the best efficiency pairings. This gives them both great stat boosts and Chrom is the best support unit in the game. It also gives me a great Kjelle. As a final boost this grows very quickly.

Chrom is a great all around unit for well known reasons: amazing support bot, balanced stats allows him to have good strength speed and defense at once and he can marry (and thus use his amazing support on) the two highest ranked characters in the game.

Sully is currently ranked as the second best unit in the entire game, while I do think she's a bit higher than she should be there's no denying her usefulness in any sort of run.

Avatar x Tharja

Tharja gives magic and defense. She's like a dream pair up partner for magic users.

Vaike x Panne

Mainly going to pair these two with Vaike always in charge. The main boost of putting these two together is pure stats. Vaike gives Panne strength and defense while Panne gives Vaike speed.

Vaike is an almost amazing unit. Like most fighters he's all about his HP and strength with defense and resistance being pretty weak. Vaike has an additional problem though, his bad speed. A base of six is not exactly wanted and he doesn't have a good growth to back it up. Regardless of this if you can get his speed going and the Vaike is unlikely to disappoint.

I've never been that impressed with Panne. Taguel isn't a very good class and I don't like the near requirement of a second seal. Her purpose in this log is to give Vaike speed and to a lesser extent give me access to 20,00 gold (Yarne's paralogue).

Stahl x Cordelia

Another great pairing no denying it. Like most pairings you should choose as main unit with the backup doing much less than the leader. Like Vaike and Lon'qu they give each other just what they need to be amazing.

Stahl's early join is very nice, his base speed isn't but that change what a great unit he is. He's basically Sully with strength and defense over speed I've always found him to be almost as good as her he definitely deserves his top of A tier. Sadly my plans for him are to be used much until Cordelia comes and then be relegated to the role of support bot with occasional frontline experiences.

Cordelia is also amazing. Being a pegasus knight she has great speed and resistance but lower strength and defense. Her strength and defense are both pretty good though and barring being screwed (extremely unlikely) she will be one of your best units.

Nowi x Lon'qu

Completely one-sided pairing. This don't change how amazing it is.

Nowi is a Manakete. On top of being a frigging Dragon she has great strength and defense okay (nothing special but not bad by any means) speed. She also has reliable 1-2 range and dragonstone bonuses. She does have a rather weak start but she levels very fast and will quickly catch up.

Lon'qu is a great unit for just about anything. If his strength grows than he will quickly become an amazing unit he will serve as a pair up bot during this log but his potential is amazing.

Cherche x Gregor

Gives Cherche speed and to a lesser extent early defense.

Cherche is one of the units I haven't used extensively in the past so I'm interested to see what she can do. Her great HP, strength and defense will hopefully counterbalance her late joining and low level.

Gregor on the other hand has an accent and amazing support utility. His being an average level and only having 10 speed in chapter 8 is kind of sad but he starts in the mercenary class and can quick-promote to Hero top give amazing stats to anyone you like. All in all while he could go up in the tier list but he's good where he is.

tl;dr my team is amazing.

Turn counts will be kept here I will cover strats and stats in separate posts.

Premonition 2(2)

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What about VaikexPanne? Gives you an S-rank possibility, and she is also a strong source of SPD.

You can feel free to borrow/modify the code boxes from my playlog, just hit reply on one of the posts and copy the format. Strongly advise saving your log in a fixed-width text editor like Notepad or Textedit to preserve the spacing.

Save a placeholder post for yourself in case you fill the OP.

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I've already got NowixGregor vs StahlxCordelia covered in my log, so it might be redundant to do that. If you want to provide a second opinion, however, be my guest. As for Cherche... I would say Gaius, but unlike Lon'qu who can wait for Cherche to come around, Gaius starts off pretty terribly without a good support right away. If you want to try that it could be interesting, otherwise Bow Knight Virion might be good since Bows are fine on a support bot and +1 move is not so bad either. Kellam is always an option, and if you decide to break up StahlxCordelia then StahlxCherche could perhaps end up as a tankier version of the same pair, though you loose out on speed support from Cherche to an extent.

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What about VaikexPanne? Gives you an S-rank possibility, and she is also a strong source of SPD.

You can feel free to borrow/modify the code boxes from my playlog, just hit reply on one of the posts and copy the format. Strongly advise saving your log in a fixed-width text editor like Notepad or Textedit to preserve the spacing.

Save a placeholder post for yourself in case you fill the OP.

I'll consider this my placeholder. And thanks I'll be sure to use those boxes.

I've already got NowixGregor vs StahlxCordelia covered in my log, so it might be redundant to do that. If you want to provide a second opinion, however, be my guest. As for Cherche... I would say Gaius, but unlike Lon'qu who can wait for Cherche to come around, Gaius starts off pretty terribly without a good support right away. If you want to try that it could be interesting, otherwise Bow Knight Virion might be good since Bows are fine on a support bot and +1 move is not so bad either. Kellam is always an option, and if you decide to break up StahlxCordelia then StahlxCherche could perhaps end up as a tankier version of the same pair, though you loose out on speed support from Cherche to an extent.

My reason for doing it is people don't seem to be quite convinced by your results so I'm providing another set of results. My main point is Vaike vs. Cherche.

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Gregor Cherche is pretty good (in theory), and Gregor Nowi has been done oodles of times, you could change things up there.

You could toss Gaius or someone else onto Nowi I guess.

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Gregor Cherche is pretty good (in theory), and Gregor Nowi has been done oodles of times, you could change things up there.

You could toss Gaius or someone else onto Nowi I guess.

With all the suggestions I think I'll change to this.

Gregor x Cherche

Lon'qu x Nowi

Vaike x Panne(she will predominantly be a support unit.

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All right went with a male Avatar. Build 2, Face 2, Hair 5, Hair Color 17, Voice 3, Name: Avatar (I'm serious that's the name). Asset: Magic, Flaw: Strength.

[spoiler=Premonition - 2(2) ]

lol, hope I don't have to explain my strategy here.

[spoiler=Prologue - 6(8)]

turn count is high but I was able to give Chrom a bunch of kills while only being 3 turns off the bare minimum. Slowly made my way to the boss then had Chrom 2rko him.

Chrom got boosts from Frederick and Avatar paired with Lissa.

As this is the first chapter stats are really close to base so I'll just give you levels. Chrom: level 3.15, Avatar 2.95

[spoiler=Chapter 1 - 4(12)]

Avatar grabs Frederick and rushes to the side. Chrom heads down on the fort and attacks the fighter killing on EP.

Next turn Sully and Virion join Virion runs off to flirt with Lissa and Sully pairs with Chrom, Chrom then switches to Sully she ORKOs the fighters and kills the mercenary across turns 2 and 3.

meanwhile MU cleans up his area. On turn 4 MU attacks the boss and Frederick dual attacks finishing him. I wanted Sully or Chrom to kill the boss but it didn't happen.



Avatar 5.03 23 9 9 8 8 6 8 5 D tome, E sword C Frederick

Chrom 3.94 21 8 1 9 10 7 9 1 D sword C Frederick, C Sully

Sully 3 21 8 1 8 9 7 7 1 D lance, E sword C Chrom

I somehow managed to wreckish the codebox and now things look actually neater... Sorry for misalignment might fix later.

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So I'm about to write up stats (I hope) and I noticed that my level 5 +magic -strength Avatar has 9 of both attacking stats and 8 skill, speed and defense.

The rng is trolling me so bad right now...

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General Horace, on 03 May 2013 - 7:07 PM, said:

General Horace, on 03 May 2013 - 7:07 PM, said:

Could be worse, really, although without a dedicated +speed support it could be annoying.

I was more commenting on my surprise that I had that much strength and that little magic.

...And chapter 2

[spoiler=Chapter 2 - 7(19)]

This is a funny map. It's rather short which is the reason for it's LTC of 2 turns but if you aren't LTCing then it can take awhile. This count was a good deal longer than I had hoped but my horrible MU and wish to give other units some EXP caused me to take longer than I had hoped. My levels at the end of the map hopefully made up for the delay. MU didn't level up which surprised me a lot he did a good amount of combat.

Pairs we're Stahl with Fred, Vaike and MU, Chrom and Sully.

All in all this map was a major pain but I survived it Sully and Stahl went one side MU went the other for the lower half upper half we rushed up a bit then lured them back to kill while Stahl handled the boss



Avatar 5.03 23 9 9 8 8 6 8 5 D tome, E sword C Frederick, C Vaike

Chrom 4 21 9 1 10 10 7 10 1 D sword C Frederick, C Sully

Sully 4 22 8 1 9 10 7 8 1 D lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 4 24 10 1 8 8 7 10 2 D sword, E lance

Vaike 4 30 9 0 9 6 4 6 0 D axe C Avatar

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I haven't yet so I thought I would thank everyone who helped me change around and fix up my pairings (at least I don't think so..). So I'll do so now. Thanks for all the suggestions and stuff! It helped out.

Also how do my stats look? My lack of notepad (lolwindows8) forces me to use Microsoft office to type it out and I'm wondering if it looks okay?

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Some more chapters! :D

My turn counts seem to be quite a bit higher than those of the other playlogs. This is caused by a few factors.

1. The size of my team: I am using Vaike, Stahl, Sully, Avatar and Chrom. This isn't that huge of a problem others have had similar or bigger teams.

2. Myself: I have a tendency to have higher counts because I'm trying to keep everyone a respectable level. I'm fairly certain this is the main reason, I'm slightly OCD and don't like having weak or outclassed characters on my team.

3. My Avatar is suffering from screwageitis. He isn't contributing much and isn't seeming to level up enough to get past his screwage. Things aren't looking great for my TC..

This is where "Efficiency" gets bothersome. Is the idea of "efficiency" in favor of the LTC with high reliability type runs of others or my "Going through at a slower pace in exchange for a `better` team level-wise. I'm not quite sure but I'm probably not going to change my pace during this log.

[spoiler=chapter 3 - 7(26)] Another chapter that can go pretty low or be very high. Not too powerful enemies and archers that are annoying because my team lacks 1-2 ramge but the main obstacle is the doors. These guys aren't breakable like they were in Tellius and I don't have a thief.. the doors cost me a turn or two turns (out of seven turns that's fairly large). If you're not taking it fast (I'm going fastish) it shouldn't be that big of a problem. Pairs were: Chrom and Sully, Vaike and Sumia, MU and Kellam, Stahl and Frederick. So I had Stahl go to the right and the rest of my team go left. Stahl owned everything in sight but it took him awhile because he doesn't double. Team everyone else struggled there way up taking lots of damage and requiring Lissa to put herself closer to the action then I prefer but in the end we did okay and had Avatar 3rko Raimi. Stahl got the hammer. Stats will be up in the morning probably



Avatar 6 24 10 10 9 8 6 9 6 D tome, D sword C Frederick, C Vaike, C Kellam

Chrom 5 22 10 1 11 11 8 11 1 D sword C Frederick, C Sully

Sully 5 23 8 1 10 11 7 9 2 D lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 6 26 11 1 10 9 8 12 2 D sword, E lance

Vaike 5 30 10 0 10 7 5 7 0 D axe C Avatar

[spoiler=Paralogue 1 - 7(33)]

This is an amazing map. You start out with a few enemies above you to prevent a charge to the boss with all of your strong units and many enemies to the side, some of whom attack immediately and others that will charge as soon as you enter their range. This map also has bonus objectives: Leveling up Donnel and some chests all around this is one of my favorite maps in the entire game.

Pairs were: Chrom x Sully, Vaike x Kellam, Stahl x Frederick and Avatar x Lissa.

Start out by having Stahl rush the barbs on the side with Avatar following while Vaike and Sully take out the enemies up top. Stahl rushed up and Chrom and Avatar took their partners to the side Vaike followed after managing to actually kill the thief by my starting position. I had Stahl weaken stuff while often getting kills as well, Avatar took many kills he didn't and Chrom and Vaike split the rest. I wrapped up by having Chrom open chests while the rest took out the boss. Kill went to Vaike.


Avatar 8 25 10 11 9 10 7 11 8 D tome, D sword C Frederick, C Vaike, C Kellam

Chrom 8 24 12 2 13 11 8 13 1 D sword C Frederick, C Sully, B Sully

Sully 6 24 9 1 10 11 7 10 3 D lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 8 28 13 1 11 10 9 14 3 D sword, E lance

Vaike 6 32 11 1 10 7 6 8 0 D axe C Avatar

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And more..

[spoiler=Chapter 4 - 5(38)]

This map is a shame to the game. Unlike Paralogue 1 it has all of your enemies straight in front of you, the enemies are weaker than those of P1 and there are no sidequests. You just charge enemies, the only threats among these enemies are the mages and the boss both of which are easy enough to deal with. Just take them out with your Avatar.

Pairs were: Fred and Vaike, Avatar and Stahl, Chrom and Sully.

I started out by sending Sully right into "Marth's" range, Avatar to the left taking the mage on EP and 2rkoing the barb across both phases, Vaike goes to the right not attacking anyone because of lacking move he takes a barb on EP. Next turn Sully moves back and switches to Chrom, Avatar finishes the mage inside the hand axe fighter's range. Vaike one-shots the other mage. After this we clean up giving the kills mainly to Sully and Avatar. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support

Avatar 10 27 11 12 11 11 9 11 8 D tome, D sword C Frederick, C Vaike, C Kellam

Chrom 8 24 12 2 13 11 8 13 1 D sword C Frederick, C Sully, B Sully

Sully 7 24 9 1 11 12 7 11 3 D lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 9 29 14 1 11 10 9 15 3 D sword, E lance

Vaike 7 33 12 1 10 7 6 8 0 D axe C Avatar

[spoiler=Chapter 5 - 8(46)]

This is about as close to a seize map as we get in this game.. sadly it's not quite as fun as those typically are. A rout map that you charge up a mountainside to reach the boss and save two frail allies deep in enemy territory. Enemy density is just a bit too thin to make this map challenging instead you get this game's typical "rush and win".

Pairs were Vaike and Avatar, Stahl and Frederick, Lon'qu and Kellam, Sully and Chrom.

I start with having Avatar kill a Dark Mage to the side and Lon'qu clear the fighter blocking my way up. Sully then kills another DM (poor guys are top priority) and Stahl whacks a myrm. EP Sully kills stuff, Avatar kills.one of the fighters by him, Stahl does nothing because no-one is dumb enough to attack Stahl, Lon'qu -kills a myrm. After this Maribelle and Ricken are able to fall back and I lure down dracoknights before ending things. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support

Avatar 12 29 11 13 11 13 11 12 9 D tome, D sword C Frederick, C Vaike, C Kellam

Chrom 6 24 13 3 14 11 11 13 1 D sword C Frederick, C Sully, B Sully

Sully 9 26 10 2 12 14 9 11 3 D lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 9 29 14 1 11 10 9 15 3 D sword, E lance

Vaike 9 35 14 1 11 7 7 9 0 D axe C Avatar

[spoiler=Paralogue 2 - 6(52)]

This map is interesting. Like most maps in this game the enemies themselves are easily dealt with (with the exception of the mages who require a little positioning). This map has the quirk of having to save village, until the village is reached by you it's defense is handled by Anna a trickster that has an sitting tendency to die before I make it. The boss is promoted so that's cool I guess..

Pairs were: Vaike and Avatar, Stahl and Frederick, Sully and Chrom, Lon'qu and Kellam.

Vaike took the enemies immediately above my starting position with a hand axe. My calvary charged the village but Anna messed up big time and let a barb past her.. Lon'qu killed the boss after Avatar weakened his honor guard. Nothing really major happened. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support

Avatar 13 29 11 13 12 14 12 12 9 D tome, D sword C Frederick, BVaike, C Kellam

Chrom 9 24 13 3 14 11 11 13 1 D sword C Frederick, B Sully,

Sully 10 27 10 2 13 14 10 11 3 D lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 10 30 14 1 12 11 9 16 3 D sword, E lance

Vaike 10 37 15 1 12 8 7 9 1 D axe B Avatar

Lon’qu 8 I have misplaced Lon’qu’s stats they will be up come chapter 6

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Also I've been forgetting to put this in the log but everyone has been getting tonics.

And I'm sorry about stats always coming a while after the chapter itself the computer I use for that is normally being used by others.

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And this makes six straight posts... I'm beginning to understand PKL's no responses complaint...

Oh well such is life.

[spoiler=Chapter 6 - 5(57)]

This map is okay it's almost a defend map and almost an escort map. Sadly it's more along the lines of "rout map".. like most of the game. It's still a pretty good map though, just it feels like wasted potential. The goal is simple:hold the comments until the enemies die.

Pairs were: Vaike and Frederick, Stahl and Avatar, Kellam and Lon'qu and Chrom and Sully (who got married at the end of the map).

I do what I said my plan was choke the points that enemies come through. Chrom and Sully went to the left and recruited Gaius, Stahl and Avatar went south and Vaike and Lon'qu took the right. My only problem was Vaike's refusal to dodge mages but that was early surmountable. The boss kill went to Lon'qu and he used it well proccing every stat in the level it have him. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support

Avatar 14 29 12 14 13 15 12 13 9 C tome, D sword B Vaike, C Kellam

Chrom 11 27 14 3 15 12 13 13 1 C sword B Sully,

Sully 10 27 10 2 13 14 10 11 3 B lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 11 31 14 1 12 12 9 16 3 A sword, E lance

Vaike 11 38 15 1 13 9 8 9 1 C axe B Avatar

Lon’qu 11 25 11 4 18 20 13 8 5 C sword

[spoiler=Chapter 7 - 4(61)]

Cordelia's here! Now Stahl's utter dominance will include mages too! Nothing else to say really, the map is kind of fillerish.

Pairs were: Chrom and Sully, Stahl and Fred, Vaike and Panne, Avatar and Cordelia, Kellam and Lon'qu.

I had everyone that's not Avatar rush and they did awesome destroying the enemy without any real problem. Cordelia got some EXP. Lvl HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp Support

Avatar 14 29 12 14 13 15 12 13 9 C tome, D sword B Vaike, C Kellam

Chrom 11 27 14 3 15 12 13 13 1 C sword B Sully, Sully 12 29 10 2 15 15 12 13 4 B lance, E sword C Chrom

Stahl 12 32 15 1 13 12 11 16 3 A sword, E lance

Vaike 12 39 16 1 14 10 8 9 1 C axe B Avatar

Lon’qu 12 26 11 5 19 21 13 8 5 C sword

So I'm wondering.. should I do Paralogue 3 now or use it for leveling Nowi?

Tonics were forgotten in Chapter 6.

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How's Vaike faring?

I'm planning on making a huge summary of each character after Chapter 11 and at other points but here's what Vaike is doing..

The ability to use hand axes and amazing strength means Vaike is 2HKOing everyone with anything... sadly his hp is the only thing saving his fail durability.. he has fail speed that can't double a thing with Panne and is proving harder to train than anyone else on my team. He is currently not paying off my investment in him at all and is easily the weakest unit on my team. His speed is ten at level twelve he's just not keeping up, unless he begins to do well I'm certain that Cherche > Vaike is not only true but I think he belongs lower than he currently is.

Hope that answers your question!

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Try pairing Vaike with someone that gives good SPD in Pair Ups, if no one's taken. Unlike Cherche, though, Vaike's durability, as already stated, still kinda blows.

I'll try to pay more attention to this, and thanks!

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Try pairing Vaike with someone that gives good SPD in Pair Ups, if no one's taken. Unlike Cherche, though, Vaike's durability, as already stated, still kinda blows.

I'll try to pay more attention to this, and thanks!

I just got Panne for that exact reason..

Also what do you think about Paralogue 3?

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That's the one with the three villagers, correct? It's good training for everyone, and I'd save it for Nowi.

The the bottom poster proves a very good point.

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the tier list assumes Paralogues are done as soon as they are available; delaying P3 for Nowi's sake may produce data that predict her tier position to be higher than it should be.

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the tier list assumes Paralogues are done as soon as they are available; delaying P3 for Nowi's sake may produce data that predict her tier position to be higher than it should be.

Hmm.. that's true I guess I'll use it to train Cordelia.

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I honestly don't see it as a huge issue if you're going to delay paralogues for one chapter - I delayed paralogue one to get another unit (Lon'qu) partially because I had free deployment slots, but the tierlist does say ASAP, so it's really your call in the end.

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[spoiler=Paralogue 3 - 7(68)]
This is another great map. Enemies come from the back (all though only two but it still prevents leaving behind healers), the front and below (the main source). The enemies in this map are pretty powerful and you have to protect three villagers from harm. Overall it's a fun map because it does what this game should have done more often: it gives you sidequests!

Pairs were:Chrom and Sully, Vaike and Panne, Stahl and Cordelia, Kellam and Lon'qu, Stahl and Cordelia, Avatar and Frederick.

Cordelia and Sully down, Avatar to deal with fighter and mercenary to the left, Lon'qu and Vaike to the right. I manage to get Vaike his first double all game.. on a knight. Oh well it's progress. Cordelia got lees here than I had hoped because the enemies were stronger than I remembered.. I did get some nice levels for everyone else though and gave Lon'qu the boss kill.

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