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[FE6] Nightmare 2 won't save?


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Oh whoa wait I'm hacking again? Welp, now I remember why I stopped <_<"

For a while I was trying to use Nightmare then FEditor, but FE6 would crash whenever I tried to edit the text on a Nightmared ROM.

So I figured Nightmare 2.0 is made to be compatible with FEditor, so I may as well give that a go. Except it won't save. I can hit Save or Save as, and I'll specify the name as, like, fe6 or fe6.gba, but no file is created. I don't want to close out of NM2 and mess around with stuff because I've already lost my progress twice DX I'm using version 20111218 of NM2, which should be the latest version.

So, like, help?

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well nightmare 2 is generally a nightmare to deal with unless you know what you're doing (and literally nobody who isn't hextator knows what they're doing with that thing...)

as for your feditor problem, feditor is bugged on FE6 roms, this is a known problem but nobody with the know-how wants to fix it and nobody who wants to fix it has the know-how

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When using Nightmare 2 with FE6 always go to "Save As" if not, eventually SOMETHING and I have no idea what will cause a glitch with weapon level ups and promotion. At least that has been my experience with it. always going "Save-As" has never caused a problem.

As for the FEditor thing, as Cam said, it's broken. You can either sit down, hope someone will fix it. Hope Nightmare 3 which I believe will be able to do animation and text will be able to work with FE6, or go hack FE7, which doesn't have some of the things FE6 has, but has other stuff, more hacking support, and wont drive you insane.

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