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If male characters had their own children...


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Just wanted to let you guys know, I'll have to start on them -next- week. Things have been going a little "mhr" for us, so I'll start working on them then.

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Heh, don't worry, I haven't started on mine yet either cause there's another piece I want to do for a friend first. Plus, I'm working on getting out a chapter of an FE fic I haven't updated in awhile as well.

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Kellam has a Cavalier son who is very noticeable for some reason.


Onlooker: He's talking to himself again... ;;

For some reason, he also does a lot of energetic hand movements when he talks.

Despite being Kellam's son, even he's not immune to Kellam's disappearing powers. So when Despair Kellam didn't return from fighting Grima, he assumed that his dad simply got better at being unnoticed. He developed a habit of talking to himself, assuming that his dad was just there. Somewhere.

Man. That just made me really sad

Libra should have a jaded, cynical, atheist Dark Mage for a son. Who's also an anarchist and thinks his father is a wuss.


(He's as pretty as, if not more than, Libra. Because really. All the girls in the army are pretty xD)

Edit: Oh shoot! I didn't noticed people volunteered to draw some of them. I hope I didn't encroach on anyone's drawing assignment. Sorry about that D:

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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Onlooker: He's talking to himself again...

For some reason, he also does a lot of energetic hand movements when he talks.

Despite being Kellam's son, even he's not immune to Kellam's disappearing powers. So when Despair Kellam didn't return from fighting Grima, he assumed that his dad simply got better at being unnoticed. He developed a habit of talking to himself, assuming that his dad was just there. Somewhere.

Man. That just made me really sad ;;

Oh my Gosh, agh. Poor kid. :(

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I want to make one for Gaius's daughter will have it up soon


Base class:Lv 10 thief

Classes: Pegasus knight instead of fighter rest same as Gaius and Mother

Has hair in a ponytail and has it a bit longer than Gaius’s and has same style of clothes and has headband like her dad’s but green. Personality is also like her father’s but she is a very avid nutritionist/ environmentalist likening vegetables and un-candied fruit for than candy. Most picky eater in the army

In her paralogue she is part of a group of thieves/ruffians trying to raid and vandalize and loot a hunting club, when Chrom& Co. are hired by the club owners to protect there building. You may chose to either go through with your deal and fight the eco terrorists and paid gold or MU agrees to fight with the eco terrorists who claim than the club is illegal and are given some less gold but some rare items. Jerrica is one of the enimies and if Chrom or Gaius talks to her than you can recruit her by talking some sense into her.

Supports: Severa Cynthia Kjelle and all 2nd gen males (sorry for bad grammar/punctuation)


“Hey some trash, gods do some people just not care about the environment?”(Item)

“Did a bit of training and I burnt some calories!”(Weapon exp)

“Score! Some one left a grape fruit unattended!”(Exp)

“I sure have had a lot carbs today and I have crap loads of energy!”(Surge)

“Maybe if I find a super sweet fruit dad would eat better…” (Misc)

Battle Quotes


“You’ll make fine fertilizer!”

“How about these apples!”

“Go suck a lemon!

“Bodies are decomposable!”

Edited by FeFish
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Hmmmmm, well I've got an idea, so here goes nothing.

Name: Atlas
Base Class: Barbarian
Set: Myrmidon, Cavalier, Priest
Weapon Rank: C in Axes
Starting Equip: Steel Axe, Vulnerary
Father: Gregor
(You think he's an odd unit yet?)

Atlas's appearance is one of a big muscle-bound mid-to-late-teen years guy. His clothes are a patchwork of clothing bits with a fur collar with shoulder armor. His pants are rather ragged as well and are also patchwork, but less so than his shirt, he wears armored boots similar to Gregor's, but shorter.

Atlas, despite his looks, is actually quite eloquent and well-spoken. In fact, he actually goes out of his way to use words that seem to be beyond his dull looks. He is actually slightly exasperated by his father's speech pattern, who is, in turn, confused how his son turned out like this. The reason for this is that Gregor vanished when Atlas was about 3, he was picked up by a bandit who had a reputation for being vicious. He was treated like a slave by the guy. After stealing his axe and running away, he taught himself how speak in such an eloquent manner, he also learned how to read and write and loves to write. He later learns his dad isn't dead in that universe. This leads to a resentment of sorts after Gregor dies for real in that universe, he has abandonment issues after losing his own father twice.

In his paralogue, he's wearing the generic bandit skull-helm as a disguise. He only works for the bandits because they have a keepsake of his dad, the small arm shield Gregor uses. When recruited by Chrom, he explains that he is actually not a bandit but is Gregor's kid and readily joins him, hoping to see his dad in his prime. If recruited by Gregor, he's confused for a bandit, when he explains the situation, a confused Gregor allows him to fight with him, convinced after Atlas tells him about how Gregor isn't his real name, as he would only tell two people, his kid and his wife.

His Fun Fact: The easiest to offend.

Supports: Laurent, Gerome, Gregor, Mother, 2nd Gen girls


"What is this? Well, whatever it is, it may be usefull" (item)

"Since no one is looking, then t'is a good time to sneak in a few swings" (weapon exp)

"Since the action here has lulled, then it is best to write a few pages" (exp)

Dual Support:

"Worry not"

"I am here"

"They have no chance"

"Shall we?

"Let the battle begin"

Well, I hope that goes over well with you guys. If you have any constructive criticisms/suggestions feel free to speak them.

Edited by Persoon56
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Onlooker: He's talking to himself again... ;;

For some reason, he also does a lot of energetic hand movements when he talks.

Despite being Kellam's son, even he's not immune to Kellam's disappearing powers. So when Despair Kellam didn't return from fighting Grima, he assumed that his dad simply got better at being unnoticed. He developed a habit of talking to himself, assuming that his dad was just there. Somewhere.

Man. That just made me really sad

That sad headcanon :cry:

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Priam' son should be a Myrmidon named Janus(Cool name I thought of off the top of my head)

He would be arrogant and straightforward, and have an odd knack for attracting people, despite his rudeness.

He'd also be best friends with Owain and think of actual moves to match the rediculous names Owain makes.

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Hmm, I dunno but somehow I hate the idea of Libra's kid being a Dark Mage.

Sure, most kids are pretty opposed to their parents personality-wise but it won't hurt that we have another Miriel-Laurent relationship(aka being a bit similar to the parent). And Libra's kid is probably the best example of this.

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Hmm, I dunno but somehow I hate the idea of Libra's kid being a Dark Mage.

Sure, most kids are pretty opposed to their parents personality-wise but it won't hurt that we have another Miriel-Laurent relationship(aka being a bit similar to the parent). And Libra's kid is probably the best example of this.

Gaius and Vaikes daughters are like there parents

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@Tiaramaki(and possible other artists):Are you really going to draw every kids including mine?

Yup! It's just been a really, REALLY bad and busy week for me and my family (grandmother died Wednesday, more work days than I thought, plus my birthday on Sunday! And that's just with me). I'll just get the extra bios and everything on this little list of mine. I'll be doing these with color, too, so they'll be done with (hopefully) the best accuracy. ( ' w')/ Lined artwork doesn't take too much time (especially concepts.)

Actually, 3P/Pega-Pony Princess (is it okay that I call you that? Or is Pega-Pony Princess your preferred name? I feel like Gaius, right now, hah.), I was really interested in your Libra's child bio. The rosary, in fact, was something I had to chuckle at. ... Okay, I'll admit that I like this version better than the mirror personality of the parents. But what can I do? NOA and their policies 'n stawff make me cry sometimes. ; ;

Anyway, I'll do everyone's kids, and all different interpretations, if possible. So I will be doing Pega-Pony Princess' Libra child, and the Dark Mage Libra child. I need some more practice on this tablet of mine, and more practice in general.

...I should add this to my Drawing Projects list.

[/wall of thinking]

Edited by Tiaramaki
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Damn, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, Tiara. That really sucks. :(

But nice that you're going to attempt everyone's characters! I'm interested in how you interpret Antoinette myself. ^^ Oh, which reminds me, since I had stated that she'd get the hair color of her mother, you can give her Frederick's hair color for the purpose of your pic.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yup! It's just been a really, REALLY bad and busy week for (grandmother died Wednesday, more work days than I thought, plus my birthday on Sunday!). I'll just get the extra bios and everything on this little list of mine. I'll be doing these with color, too, so they'll be done with (hopefully) the best accuracy. ( ' w')/ Lined artwork doesn't take too much time (especially concepts.)

Actually, 3P/Pega-Pony Princess (is it okay that I call you that? Or is Pega-Pony Princess your preferred name? I feel like Gaius, right now, hah.), I was really interested in your Libra's child bio. The rosary, in fact, was something I had to chuckle at. ... Okay, I'll admit that I like this version better than the mirror personality of the parents. But what can I do? NOA and their policies 'n stawff make me cry sometimes. ; ;

Anyway, I'll do everyone's kids, and all different interpretations, if possible. So I will be doing Pega-Pony Princess' Libra child, and the Dark Mage Libra child. I need some more practice on this tablet of mine, and more practice in general.

...I should add this to my Drawing Projects list.

[/wall of thinking]

My condolences. And 3P is actually pretty fine though if you want to call me that

I guess you can say she's a bit different but not polar opposites. She still inherits her father's religious traits. But that's what I think she'll be.

I want to make her relationship with Gerome sort of interesting, with a dash of Cynthia's suspections on it

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Was my attempt at Gaius's daughter any good? of so I could do Libra's cynical atheist son who... looks like a girl

I think that your attempt was a pretty good one I think that she is an interesting character. Out of curiosity, what do you think of my attempt to craft Gregor's child?

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I think that your attempt was a pretty good one I think that she is an interesting character. Out of curiosity, what do you think of my attempt to craft Gregor's child?

dunno maybe change the fact to: Easiest to offend or Uses the most paper. But also it's a little weird to have a civilized barbarian so maybe make him a Mrym who doesn't want to be takin for someone who is super serious killer guy

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Thanks, I like that first fact idea. The reason I did a civilized barbarian is twofold. The first reason is that there is no character in the game that can join your army as a Barbarian/Berserker, if I'm not mistaken, it is the only class in Awakening in this predicament. The second is that a civilized Barbarian/Brigand has never been part of a Fire Emblem playable cast, Marty and Gonzalez were kind of simple minded, Garret was essentially a bandit who had a conscience, Dagda follows that line as well. One thing about him being weird, to me it's no weirder than an Armor Knight that not only isn't part of any official army at the start of the game. The myrmidon idea could make an interesting angle, but it reminds me a bit too much of Karel in FE6. The main reason I made him like that was for uniqueness that he would bring. One other thing, I don't want to add the 5th default Myrmidon to the game, 4's enough for me.

Thank you for being honest.

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dunno maybe change the fact to: Easiest to offend or Uses the most paper. But also it's a little weird to have a civilized barbarian so maybe make him a Mrym who doesn't want to be takin for someone who is super serious killer guy

Then again, after some thought, I think you might be onto something. I'll give it a little time an then compare the Myrmidon idea against my current Barbarian idea and see which seems better. Oh, and I mean to say Swordmaster, not myrmidon in my initial reply. Thank you again.

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