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If male characters had their own children...


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I want to be okay with the pairing too, but all this commotion about it is making it difficult. xP

Haha, Henry is entertaining! Though rather creepy at times too, imo. If you want to make a fanfic, go for it! I'm going to write and draw more FrederickxKelli stuff (Kelli will always be the name of my female Avatar) to add to the FrederickxFemale Avatar stuff that's already there, since it's few and far between. I searched for fics on fanfiction.net with Frederick and Female Avatar as the main characters, but I only got four results, one of which was my wedding oneshot! Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean there aren't fics where they're paired, but NOT selected as main characters, but still.

Of course, Morgan and Antoinette will be part of some of these Frederick and Kelli ideas too. ;D

Edited by Anacybele
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I want to be okay with the pairing too, but all this commotion about it is making it difficult. xP

Haha, Henry is entertaining! Though rather creepy at times too, imo. If you want to make a fanfic, go for it! I'm going to write and draw more FrederickxKelli stuff (Kelli will always be the name of my female Avatar) to add to the FrederickxFemale Avatar stuff that's already there, since it's few and far between. I searched for fics on fanfiction.net with Frederick and Female Avatar as the main characters, but I only got four results, one of which was my wedding oneshot! Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean there aren't fics where they're paired, but NOT selected as main characters, but still.

Of course, Morgan and Antoinette will be part of some of these Frederick and Kelli ideas too. ;D

Yeah... there's not a lot of options for those two. And one of the better ones I read was a Male Avatar and Frederick. It was pretty good, props. And there's a sequel. Squee.

I'm considering it, because one of the main issues with their relationship is Silvia has jealousy issues. While she's trying to ignore her crush on Chrom, she gets so painfully jealous when he's around other girls it kind of wrecks their friendship for a bit. It could be a part of her inner quest to get over that clingy sort of jealousy she has with him and to actually let him make his own decisions. Headcanon is that Chrom is very capable of making good decisions, it's just that he has to weigh EVERY option and it takes him forever. Silvie's much quicker.

Since Henry threatens to hex any male who looks at her, I think they're work out swell. XD

Edited by Vashiane
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You mean a yaoi fic? o.O

I would have thought someone would go yaoi on Chrom and Frederick before the male Avatar and Frederick... But whatever. I totally loved this one story with FrederickxFemale Avatar, though the pairing was only for the first chapter. The rest of it was an entirely different story. But it wrote what the author calls in-between support scenes. The first was Frederick getting ill and the female Avatar forcing him to spar with her to prove that he's too weak and sick to do anything. She beats him and finally convinces him to go back to bed. He thanks her for her help.

Next was Female Avatar getting help from Frederick in picking up some papers and stuff she dropped, then they talk about why they fight for Chrom and all. Female Avatar kisses Freddy's cheek in the end and he seemed to like it. ^^

Third was Frederick discovering Female Avatar screaming and waking from a nightmare (this is implied, not said right out, but I'm positive she had a nightmare). She asks him if he'll protect Chrom no matter what and of course Freddy said he would. He comforts her from her fears that something terrible might happen and all, and hugs her. At the end, they kiss and realize their love for one another. <3

The last one takes place after the gang finds out who the Avatar is and she asks Frederick if he regrets marrying her. He says all that her origins tell him is that she's a princess and that he has a lifetime's worth of knowledge on protecting royalty. Female Avatar tells him not to swear himself to her that way, that she wants a husband, not a knight. Frederick says she's his wife above anything else and they kiss again.

So sweet. x3

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Man, this thread is like, oozing fluff...yay for fellow creative shippers who get along! ^_^

Yeah, I'd like to see more children art when you guys have time, but no rush! Which reminds me, if you don't happen to be too busy Ana, do you think you could draw me a good GaiusxMaribelle or RickenxNowi piece? I think they were both FE13 pairings we shared....and I haven't been able to find any online to add to my art library. Just a thought if you don't have anything to do right now.... :)

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Yeah, those are the only two Awakening pairings we share. XP I'll think about your request when I have nothing to do, but right now, there are a bunch of Frederick and Female Avatar stuff I want to dooo. I already did the wedding pic as well as Antoinette art, so these ideas are what are left:

1. Honeymoon pic of Frederick and Kelli dancing.

2. First anniversary pic where Kelli is showing Fred Chrom and Lissa's present for them, which is a brown teddy bear dressed like Fred and Fred looks a little embarassed. lol

3. Picnic scene where Kelli is pregnant with baby Morgan and Frederick is kissing her belly.

4. Frederick attempts to feed baby Morgan one morning, but the bowl of oatmeal winds up on Fred's head and he just looks at his giggling family while tapping his fingers on the table. XD

5. Beach scene with Fred, Kelli, Morgan, AND Antoinette.

I'd like to do a few stories revolving around these too. And of course, there's the Fred/Antoinette father-daughter moment scene. :3

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You stole my catchphrase


Sharing opinions are allowed on forum, so why not >_>

"Am I the only person who actually like Frederick and Sumia? As in for support reasons, NOT efficiency? (Although, that's a bonus.)"

IMO, while their ending is D'AAAWWWW level of adorable, this is one of many moments where Sumia's "supposedly" good moments is ruined because they need to point it home that, yes Sumia is a ditz so she should always screw up whenever she can

This make the S support rather.... weird to say the least. I mean, im not exactly a fan of a supports which have silly moments that ends up in marriage(see: Vaike x Olivia, Chrom x Fe-MU)

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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You stole my catchphrase


Sharing opinions are allowed on forum, so why not >_>

"Am I the only person who actually like Frederick and Sumia? As in for support reasons, NOT efficiency? (Although, that's a bonus.)"

IMO, while their ending is D'AAAWWWW level of adorable, this is one of many moments where Sumia's "supposedly" good moments is ruined because they need to point it home that, yes Sumia is a ditz so she should always screw up whenever she can

This make the S support rather.... weird to say the least. I mean, im not exactly a fan of a supports which have silly moments that ends up in marriage(see: Vaike x Olivia, Chrom x Fe-MU)

I know... But the way he handles it with such a cool head and patience is so sweet. And his event tiles marriage quotes are so sweet and loving, perfect for someone with a lower self-esteem. It's a match made in heaven... an odd match, but a good one nonetheless.

That's my only gripe about Sumia, they shove her gimmick down your throat to no end. If they let up on it JUST a bit more, I wouldn't have any complaints.

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So, 2 new kids ! Ricken's daughter, Lyra and Stahl's daughter Astrid.

I hope you'll enjoy

Lyra :

Father : Ricken

Class : Dark Mage

Reclass: Cavalier, Archer, Mage.

Lyra have white, mid long messy hair, a Grimleal outfit, a large cloak, and a green scarf. Her scarf is a reminder of her Friendship with Astrid. She have a small stature.

She had a pretty sad life, whith her parents dying early, then being separated from her sister/brother. She refuses to have any relation with anyone except her brother/sister and Astrid, her best friend. She is pretty gloomy, depressed and cynical. She abandons everything pretty easily. When you recruit her, she joined the Grimleal ranks, because she thought their plan failed, and decided to accelerate the events. Her reasoning is since fighting is useless against Grima, the faster everything will be destroyed, the less everyone will have to suffer. She tends to hurt the other easily with her worlds.

If you talk to her with Chrom or Ricken in her recruitment chapter, she'll joined as an aliied unit and you have to protect her until the end of the fight. If you talk to her wuth Astrid she joined immediately.


Father : Stahl

Class : Archer or Myrmidon

Astrid have short brown hair, and wears a green outfit without sleeves. She have a medium size.

She is an extremely cheerfull girl, who enjoy helping the others. When people asked her why, she claimed she is "continuing her father's legacy".

Lyra iis her best friend, which surprised the others because they seem like night and day. She can be more honnest when Lyra is around and express her different concerns. She call herself the "Lighthouse Girl". (This is a reference to the other nicknames who were given by the persons she helped, like "Ray of Hope"...)

She minimizes the help she bring, and says anyonewould have done the same things.

She supports with Lyra, Lucina and Cynthia

One thing I realized is that we tend to forget the siblings relationships...

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I like all the descriptions! :)

And I like FredxSumia too, not just because of efficiency and because everyone else was married off. Definitely better than pies galore, being body switched cursed, or hunting bees....

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I hate Sumia, so I would NEVER pair her with Frederick. Their support is boring too, imo. Frederick is patient with anyone and anything, it's his nature. So nothing about the support was interesting in the least to me. Imo, Cordelia is most deserving of him if I had to pick a girl that wasn't my Avatar. Fred's dedicated and loyal nature would help her constant feelings of loneliness and being unloved. They have a really sweet S support too.

I actually like Stahl a bit more for her though, for similar reasons. XP

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I hate Sumia, so I would NEVER pair her with Frederick. Their support is boring too, imo. Frederick is patient with anyone and anything, it's his nature. So nothing about the support was interesting in the least to me. Imo, Cordelia is most deserving of him if I had to pick a girl that wasn't my Avatar. Fred's dedicated and loyal nature would help her constant feelings of loneliness and being unloved. They have a really sweet S support too.

I actually like Stahl a bit more for her though, for similar reasons. XP

I'm curious why you hate her so much...

I tend to prefer her to Cordelia just because Cordelia either bores me to death or slightly annoys me... (her discussion with Chrom in the DLC was pretty fully though...). I just don't care about Sumia

At least it doesn't stop you to admit Cynthia is the best Pegasus Knight of the game, I hope...

I only tried Fred X Cordelia and Fred X Zelcher as of now (and all the male only support, Scramble discussions)

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I have made a review for each of Fred's support

Because I have nothing better to do other than fanboying Fred, so much that i spent a whole day to complete his support log, and no one else >_>

Put simply, the only convo that IMO pretty crap was like.... Tharja and Cordy A and S >_>

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Haha, I fangirl over Freddy Bear a good bit myself. I love him so much! <3

I'm curious why you hate her so much...

I tend to prefer her to Cordelia just because Cordelia either bores me to death or slightly annoys me... (her discussion with Chrom in the DLC was pretty fully though...). I just don't care about Sumia

At least it doesn't stop you to admit Cynthia is the best Pegasus Knight of the game, I hope...

I only tried Fred X Cordelia and Fred X Zelcher as of now (and all the male only support, Scramble discussions)

I find her character annoying, I find her stupidity annoying, and I hate how she unnecessarily has limited supports. I do like that she references my favorite cartoon ever in DLC, though.

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Sumia usually ends up with one of Frederick or Gaius on my files, because of her limited pairing options. Usually Frederick because I can't be bothered to wait for Gaius that long, usually, and Henry/Cherche is one of my favorite pairings. I have to say, though, the supports between Sumia and Frederick bothered me a little as well because Sumia is constantly screwing up in them and can't do anything right. She has a lot of heart and determination, but sometimes that isn't enough. And in her case it really isn't enough, and I have to wonder why she is even in the Shepherds. I don't hate her or really dislike her, but I don't really like her either. I guess I just don't care about her.

To get back on topic ... I won't even attempt to draw my character because I fail at everything artistic. I'll update his bio later when I am less busy.

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Sumia usually ends up with one of Frederick or Gaius on my files, because of her limited pairing options. Usually Frederick because I can't be bothered to wait for Gaius that long, usually, and Henry/Cherche is one of my favorite pairings. I have to say, though, the supports between Sumia and Frederick bothered me a little as well because Sumia is constantly screwing up in them and can't do anything right. She has a lot of heart and determination, but sometimes that isn't enough. And in her case it really isn't enough, and I have to wonder why she is even in the Shepherds. I don't hate her or really dislike her, but I don't really like her either. I guess I just don't care about her.

This is exactly why I LOVED her support with Chrom


One of few where she actually DID NOT mess up

Although part of them is because Fe-MU x Chrom support is total garbage but eh

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Haha, I fangirl over Freddy Bear a good bit myself. I love him so much! <3

I find her character annoying, I find her stupidity annoying, and I hate how she unnecessarily has limited supports. I do like that she references my favorite cartoon ever in DLC, though.

Fred is pretty cool, but Virion is rapidly becoming my favourite character. This guy is absolutely awesome in every way...

That DLC conversation was pretty good, though...

Try to imagine that she reacts like Florina when she's drunk, and tell me if that makes you like her or hate her even more...

This is exactly why I LOVED her support with Chrom


One of few where she actually DID NOT mess up

Although part of them is because Fe-MU x Chrom support is total garbage but eh

FeMU X Chrom sucks, I agree... Too bad, because it's a pretty interresting pair story wise. MaMU X Chrom is far better. (Which is why I always assume people defending Chrom X Mu really means Chom X MaMU)

Didn't watched Freddy X Sumia or MU X Sumia yet, so Chrom X Sumia is the best I read for now... Besides, Henry X Cynthia support are absolute garbage (The limited options for Sumia doesn't makes a lot of sense. Wouldn't the other Shepherds be a better choice than Gaius and Henry ?)

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Im surprised why Stahl is not one of her option, considering they are SO simmilar in many respect

Although i ship Stahl with Sully because they are perfect with each other

Outside of the fact that Sully can't cook. But hey! One small flaws

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I wasn't too impressed with the support convos for Chrom and Female Avatar either. Sure, it was hilarious as fuck, but it didn't seem like it should've led to marriage of all things at all. It reminded me more of how my little brother and I act towards each other sometimes (not that we walk in on one another in the shower often, but he HAS walked in on me in the bathroom more than once and sometimes I want to throw crap at him too. And of course, we bicker).

And Virion is one of my favorites too, but Frederick just kept making me love him more and more. He's so funny, cute, and charming! And his character is hilarious! I love his obsessiveness with his job and the crazy stuff he does. lol Naked Chrom posters, dusting tents and Avatars, and tossing coins in fountains. XD I find Fred to be incredibly hot too! <3

I love that he gives bear hugs too and cries manly tears of joy! He's such a softie inside that serious, tanky body and I love calling him Freddy Bear because of that and the Female Avatar. :D

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Im surprised why Stahl is not one of her option, considering they are SO simmilar in many respect

Although i ship Stahl with Sully because they are perfect with each other

Outside of the fact that Sully can't cook. But hey! One small flaws

Sumia X Henry absolutely makes no sense at all. I love Henry, and amagic Cynthia is great, but a Ricken!Cynthia would have worked pretty well as well, and you wouldn't have had to have this awfull Henry X Cynthia support where he acts abolutely not like his usual self !

That's just stupid...

...This isn't the best place for this kind of discussion, right ?

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