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Good units shouldn't require the rest of the team to conform just to meet their own needs.

Your argument is rejected for putting words in my mouth. Nowi doesn't require a specially built team, she requires that people not eat her lunch. Miriel Nosferatanking in one of of Nowi's best training chapters, for instance, which snowballed into denying her another one due to missing training.

It's fine if people are on the sandbag patrol, as long as it's recognized. Not easy to do a playthrough where you can test multiple things at once without give and take.

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Well, Nowi wasnt exactly reliable in that map (Paralogue 4 is the one you meant right?) vs the mages. She was taking 7 damage vs them out of her 20ish hp. I guess I could have used Ward on her with Libra, but that wouldve meant I wouldnt have recruited Anna earlier and maximize my experience gain elsewhere.

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Well, Nowi wasnt exactly reliable in that map (Paralogue 4 is the one you meant right?) vs the mages. She was taking 7 damage vs them out of her 20ish hp. I guess I could have used Ward on her with Libra, but that wouldve meant I wouldnt have recruited Anna earlier and maximize my experience gain elsewhere.

My chapter 9 strategy is still there.

@Doofina: No unit is going to be good if the team is built against them. Sully will suck if she's your only high move unit because she can't tank and would often be past the rest of your army etc. PKL's team quite literally works against Nowi so she didn't really stand a chance.

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Nowi definatly isn't entitled to all the exp in paralogue 4, and PKL still got her two levels there, which is still quite a bit of exp, only one less than a level 2 Miriel.

I don't see the issue.

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Well, Nowi wasnt exactly reliable in that map (Paralogue 4 is the one you meant right?) vs the mages. She was taking 7 damage vs them out of her 20ish hp. I guess I could have used Ward on her with Libra, but that wouldve meant I wouldnt have recruited Anna earlier and maximize my experience gain elsewhere.

Plus Ward, RES tonics also available at this point, and alternative Pairs.

Nowi definatly isn't entitled to all the exp in paralogue 4, and PKL still got her two levels there, which is still quite a bit of exp, only one less than a level 2 Miriel.

I don't see the issue.

What is this "entitled" you speak of? You have to put units in a position to succeed, otherwise you're just sandbagging them and not getting a good read of their performance. Nobody bats an eyelash at training the earlygame scrub-bags, who need to be fed kills. Here you have Nowi, who is contributing to clears during her training, but has to step aside to let a lesser unit (who ate a Seal and is chomping on Nosferatu) grow instead. Mirel, by the way, was +4 cumulative from the reclass.

Lesson here is one of opportunity cost.

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What is this "entitled" you speak of? You have to put units in a position to succeed, otherwise you're just sandbagging them and not getting a good read of their performance. Nobody bats an eyelash at training the earlygame scrub-bags, who need to be fed kills. Here you have Nowi, who is contributing to clears during her training, but has to step aside to let a lesser unit (who ate a Seal and is chomping on Nosferatu) grow instead. Mirel, by the way, was +4 cumulative from the reclass.

Lesson here is one of opportunity cost.

I'm far to lazy to multiquote, but you said something of the lines of Miriel (or other units) "eating Nowai's lunch" which I understood as her rightful exp, it was a pretty vague statement if you weren't implying that. The earlygame scrubbags get the exp they need because there are no other units to give it to, so I have no idea why you bring that up. While I agree Miriel is a worse unit, there's no doubt she wasn't contributing to the clear just like Nowai did in your log. There's nothing wrong with giving worse units more exp, if it isn't affecting the reliability of the clears of the chapter. She's not going to get 12 levels in 5 chapters like she did in your log every time she's in play.

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It's not her "rightful EXP", but if you are playing her seriously, she's one of the best returns for the investment. A couple boosters and she can handle half the map: this is more than one can say for other in-training units. Giving the kills to a less-efficient unit is literally sandbagging Nowi by denying her resources that she uses well. It's less "this is why Nowi is over-rated" and more "this is why Miriel sucks".

The earlygame units could certainly give their kills to Frederick. There's a reason why you'd avoid doing that, and in fact it's in the same family as this issue.

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In my playlog I favored Stahl over her in the map and she still got a ton of levels.

Her low level makes it extremely easy to level.

Sully usually gets me decent level-ups and is almost a guarantee good unit, while Stahl's level ups and stats depend on how fairly the RNG feels about him.

I'm a bit of a risk-taker, so I prefer Stahl to Sully. It's paid off this playthough, my Stahl is a beautiful, speed-blessed assassin.

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Sully usually gets me decent level-ups and is almost a guarantee good unit, while Stahl's level ups and stats depend on how fairly the RNG feels about him.

I'm a bit of a risk-taker, so I prefer Stahl to Sully. It's paid off this playthough, my Stahl is a beautiful, speed-blessed assassin.

It's the exact opposite for me typically (see soul's latest thread and subtract five from the count to get how many times I've used Sully)...

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Cherche Gaius went for the boss. Sully Chrom trailed close behind and helped Kjelly and took down 1-2 ranged enemies.
The others merely battled for exp.

4 turns out of 88

Chrom      PAL    03.52 51 22  3 24 26 25 22 21 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Lucina C
Jesus      TACT   12.67 29 15 10 12 11 14  8  8 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C Morgan C
Frederick  GREAT  15.81 44 24  4 21 17 11 22  6 SW A LC A AX B  Sumia S
Sully      PAL    04.26 36 16  5 20 19 14 17 13 SW D LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  11.43 35  5 19 17 13 13 11 13 TM B            Jesus S
Sumia      DARKF  06.39 39 21 14 23 27 23 13 19 LC A TM D       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    01.67 31 16  2 22 24  9  9  5 SW B BW D       Cherche C
Nowi       MANA   16.80 31 20  9 12 11 17 22 17                 Gregor S
Gregor     MERC   11.07 31 13  0 14 12  9 10  2 SW C            Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  03.38 20  4  1 10  9 10  4  2 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  02.81 52 26  5 24 24 17 22  7 AX B            Gaius C
Lucina     LORD   11.42 33 13  3 18 19 17 12  9 SW C            Chrom C Sully C
Morgan     MAGE   13.05 30  8 18 14 14 13  7 11 TM C            Jesus C Miriel C
Kjelle     KNIGHT 10.00 33 16  2 15 13 16 20  8 LC C

[spoiler=Laurent Paralogue]

Cherche Gaius go straight for the boss. Miriel recruits her son and he hides like a coward. Morgan and Nowi get thrown and stuff
so they can level up. Gaius used Iron Bow on the boss and Cherche dual'd twice with the Killer Axe.

2 turns out of 90

Chrom      PAL    03.52 51 22  3 24 26 25 22 21 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Lucina C Kjelle C
Jesus      TACT   12.67 29 15 10 12 11 14  8  8 SW E TM C       Miriel S Morgan C
Frederick  PAL    01.12 48 22  5 22 20 11 18 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    04.26 36 16  5 20 19 14 17 13 SW D LC A       Chrom S
Miriel     DARKM  12.02 36  5 19 17 13 13 12 14 TM B            Jesus S Morgan C
Sumia      DARKF  06.56 39 21 14 23 27 23 13 19 LC A TM D       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    02.67 32 17  2 23 25  9 10  5 SW B BW D       Cherche B
Nowi       MANA   17.87 32 20  9 12 12 18 23 17                 Gregor S
Gregor     MERC   11.47 31 13  0 14 12  9 10  2 SW C            Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  03.72 20  4  1 10  9 10  4  2 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  04.67 54 27  6 26 25 18 23  7 AX B            Gaius B
Lucina     LORD   11.61 33 13  3 18 19 17 12  9 SW C            Chrom C Sully C Kjelle C
Morgan     MAGE   14.92 30  8 19 15 15 14  7 11 TM C            Jesus C Miriel C
Kjelle     GREAT  01.00 41 19  2 17 16 16 23  9 SW E LC C AX E  Chrom C sully C Lucina C
Laurent    MAGe   10.63 29  6 15 12 10 12  7  9 TM C

[spoiler=Chapter 14]

Nowi went to the right boat. Cherche Chrom took the left boat.
Morgan got some kills. Miriel took the south boat. Cherche
ORKO'd the boss with hammer.

2 turns out of 92

Chrom      PAL    03.67 51 22  3 24 26 25 22 21 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Lucina C Kjelle C
Jesus      TACT   13.97 30 16 10 13 12 15  8  8 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C
Frederick  PAL    01.26 48 22  5 22 20 11 18 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    04.47 36 16  5 20 19 14 17 13 SW D LC A       Chrom S Lucina C Kjelle C
Miriel     DARKM  13.68 37  6 20 17 13 14 12 14 TM B            Jesus S
Sumia      DARKF  07.05 40 21 15 24 28 23 14 19 LC A TM D       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    03.07 33 18  2 24 26  9 10  5 SW B BW D       Cherche B
Nowi       MANA   19.58 34 22 10 14 12 20 25 18                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   01.00 37 16  0 16 15  9 11  4 SW C BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  04.06 21  4  1 10  9 11  4  2 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  06.43 56 28  6 27 27 20 25  7 AX B            Gaius B
Lucina     LORD   11.67 33 13  3 18 19 17 12  9 SW C            Chrom C Sully C Kjelle C
Morgan     MAGE   17.20 32  9 21 17 17 16  9 13 TM C            Jesus C Miriel C Laurent C

[spoiler=Chapter 15]

Deliverer Cherche and Gaius get 3 villages on their own. Morgan Miriel
kill stuff in the center. Sumia Fred fly to the beach enemies and
own them. Nowi Gregor helped Morgan and Miriel in the center, same with Sully
Chrom. Say'ri was rescued by Jesus!Anna.

3 turns out of 95

Chrom      PAL    04.85 52 22  3 25 27 25 22 21 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Lucina C Kjelle C
Jesus      TACT   15.08 31 17 12 14 12 18  8  9 SW E TM C       Miriel S Chrom C Laurent C Morgan C
Frederick  PAL    01.47 48 22  5 22 20 11 18 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    04.89 36 16  5 20 19 14 17 13 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelle C Lucina C
Miriel     DARKM  13.98 37  6 20 17 13 14 12 14 TM B            Jesus S Laurent C Morgan C
Sumia      DARKF  08.50 41 21 15 24 29 23 14 20 LC A TM D       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    03.25 33 18  2 24 26  9 10  5 SW B BW C       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   21.10 37 23 12 16 13 22 25 19                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   01.15 37 16  0 16 15  9 11  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  04.40 21  4  1 10  9 11  4  2 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  06.73 56 28  6 27 27 20 25 11 AX B            Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 05.41 44 15 23 23 20 17 17 17 SW E TM C       Miriel C Jesus C Laurent C

[spoiler=Chapter 16]

Cherche Gaius went through the left path of the tree where there is only 1 bow knight (which she dodged
anwyay because 30 hit). Deliverer allowed Cherche to get to the boss in Turn 3 and hammer him for
what would've been a ORKO but he proc'd Pavise 2 times, then died in EP anyway. Got all the loot.

3 turns out of 98

Chrom      PAL    05.88 53 22  3 25 28 25 22 21 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Kjelle C Lucina C
Jesus      GRAND  01.11 35 20 15 16 14 16 10 11 SW E TM C       Miriel S Morgan C
Frederick  PAL    01.47 48 22  5 22 20 11 18 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    05.27 37 17  5 20 19 15 17 13 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelle C Lucina C
Miriel     DARKM  15.02 39  6 22 18 15 14 13 14 TM B            Jesus S Morgan C Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  08.85 41 21 15 24 29 23 14 20 LC A TM D       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    03.35 33 18  2 24 26  9 10  5 SW B BW C       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   22.37 38 23 12 17 13 23 26 20                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   01.45 37 16  0 16 15  9 11  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  04.74 21  4  1 10  9 11  4  2 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  08.12 58 29  6 29 28 22 29 11 AX B            Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 06.46 45 16 23 24 21 17 17 18 SW E TM B       Jesus C Miriel C Laurent C

[spoiler=Chapter 17]

Cherche is 3HKO'd by bows, so she took 2 snipers on at the same time like a boss in EP 1
even though she didnt need to. Chrom lured a Rexcalibur valkyrie out of the way and Cherche just pushed through to the boots
chest. Chrom followed her after Anna opened the door nearest to the start and he opened the door so Cherche could switch to Gaius and get the boots.
Sumia and Fred just went straight to the boss.

5 turns out of 103

Chrom      PAL    07.13 55 23  3 26 29 25 23 22 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Kjelle C Lucina C
Jesus      GRAND  01.26 35 20 17 16 16 16 10 11 SW E TM C       Miriel S Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    02.24 49 22  5 23 20 11 19 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    05.82 37 17  5 20 19 15 17 13 SW C LC A       Chrom S Lucina C Kjelle C
Miriel     SORC   02.37 45  7 25 21 17 14 16 17 TM B            Jesus S Morgan C Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  09.80 42 21 16 24 30 24 14 20 LC A TM C       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    03.55 33 18  2 24 26  9 10  5 SW B BW C       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   23.33 39 24 13 17 13 23 26 21                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   01.56 37 16  0 16 15  9 11  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCe  04.91 21  4  1 10  9 11  4  2 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  09.46 59 30  6 29 28 23 29 11 AX A            Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 08.16 46 17 23 25 21 17 18 19 SW E TM B       Jesus C Miriel C Laurent C

[spoiler=Chapter 18]

Deliverer Boots Cherche goes down and kills stuff that goes towards her.
The others fended off enemies near the start. Yen'fay could be doubled
by Cherche because of spd tonic and Gaius pair up but she crit him anyway with Killer Axe.

2 turns out of 105

Chrom      PAL    07.25 55 23  3 26 29 25 23 22 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Kjelle C Lucina C
Jesus      GRAND  01.31 35 20 17 16 16 16 10 11 SW E TM C       Miriel S Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    02.40 49 22  5 23 20 11 19 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    06.22 38 18  5 20 20 15 18 13 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelle C Lucina C
Miriel     SORC   03.60 46  7 25 21 17 14 16 17 TM B            Jesus S Morgan C Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  10.77 43 21 16 25 31 25 14 20 LC A TM C       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    04.25 34 19  2 25 27  9 11  5 SW B BW C       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   23.33 39 24 13 17 13 23 26 21                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   01.56 37 16  0 16 15  9 11  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  05.08 22  4  1 11 10 11  4  3 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  12.33 62 32  7 31 29 24 31 11 AX A            Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 08.86 46 17 23 25 21 17 18 19 SW E TM B       Miriel C Laurent C Jesus C


Hit end turn 5 times after Rescuing Tiki to a more appropriate spot.

6 turns out of 111

Chrom      PAL    08.22 56 23  3 27 30 26 23 23 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Kjelle C Lucina C
Jesus      GRAND  01.67 35 20 17 16 16 16 10 11 SW E TM B       Miriel S Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    02.80 49 22  5 23 20 11 19 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    06.52 38 18  5 20 20 15 18 13 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelly C Lucina C
Miriel     SORC   06.88 48  8 26 24 18 16 17 17 TM A            Jesus S Morgan C Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  12.02 45 22 17 25 33 26 14 20 LC A TM c       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    04.78 34 19  2 25 27  9 11  5 SW B BW C       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   24.92 40 25 13 18 14 24 27 22                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   01.81 37 16  0 16 15  9 11  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCe  06.10 22  4  1 12 11 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    GRIFF  14.03 64 33  8 32 31 25 32 11 AX A            Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 09.60 47 17 23 26 22 18 18 19 SW E TM B       Miriel C Jesus C Laurent C


Cherche gets 3HKO'd by bows at 35% and tinked by everything else/not able to be hit.

Literally, the berserkers had 0 hit and some of the others had like 7 hit too.
She went up and KO'd a sniper then KO'd like everyone in EP and got hit by a 35 hit bow for
24 damage. She then went up and KO'd the dark knight. Sully Chrom took down the boss.
Sumia Fred recruited Cynthia then killed the northwest enemies.

3 turns out of 114

Chrom      PAL    09.27 57 24  3 28 30 27 23 24 SW A LC A       Sully S Kjelly C Morgan C Jesus C
Jesus      GRAND  02.22 36 21 18 17 17 17 10 12 SW E TM B       Miriel S Chrom C Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    03.51 50 22  5 24 21 11 19 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S
Sully      PAL    07.19 39 19  6 21 21 16 19 14 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelly C Lucina C
Miriel     SORC   07.04 49  8 26 25 19 16 17 18 TM A            Jesus S Morgan C Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  12.87 45 22 17 25 33 26 14 20 LC A TM C       Frederick S
Gaius      ASS    05.09 35 19  3 25 28 10 11  5 SW B BW B       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   25.85 41 28 14 21 16 24 30 25                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   02.01 38 17  0 17 15 10 12  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  06.58 22  4  1 12 11 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    WYLORD 01.14 67 35  9 31 30 26 35 11 LC E AX A       Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 09.85 47 17 23 26 22 18 18 19 SW E TM B       Jesus C Miriel C Laurent C
Cynthia    PEGA   10.00 35 15  7 19 24 20 12 13 LC C
Edited by Peekayell
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[spoiler=Chapter 19]

Cherche lures Walhart and is attacked by a single bow knight, whom she dodged
again because 30 hit as usual. They're so threatening man :/. Miriel got attacked
over Cherche by one of the bow knights, it was kinda hilarious. Walhart was weakened by Cherche so
Sumia could kill him.

2 turns out of 116

Chrom      PAL    09.30 57 24  3 28 30 27 23 24 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Kjelle C Lucina C
Jesus      GRANd  02.50 36 21 18 17 17 17 10 12 SW E TM B       Miriel S Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    03.57 50 22  5 24 21 11 19 11 SW A LC A       Sumia S Cynthia C
Sully      PAL    07.49 39 19  6 21 21 16 19 14 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelly C Lucina C
Miriel     SORC   09.66 50  9 27 26 20 17 17 20 TM A            Jesus S Morgan C Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  13.80 46 22 18 25 34 27 14 21 LC A TM C       Frederick S Cynthia C
Gaius      ASS    05.44 35 19  3 25 28 10 11  5 SW A BW A       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   26.37 42 29 14 21 16 24 31 26                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   02.07 38 17  0 17 15 10 12  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCe  06.58 22  4  1 12 11 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    WYLORD 02.17 68 36 10 31 30 26 36 11 LC D AX A       Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 11.60 49 18 24 27 23 20 19 20 SW E TM B       Miriel B Jesus C Laurent C

[spoiler=Chapter 20]

Cherche Gaius went through the left side, where there's no bows. And quickly made their way to
Walhart, who Cherche countered with Hand Axe then killed with Silver Axe. Miriel tanked Cervantes
and a bunch of enemies in EP with nosferatu.

4 turns out of 120

Chrom      PAL    09.30 57 24  3 28 30 27 23 24 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Kjelle C Lucina C
Jesus      GRAND  03.09 37 21 18 18 17 18 10 13 SW E TM B       Chrom C Miriel S Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    04.23 51 23  5 24 22 11 20 12 SW A LC A       Sumia S Cynthia C
Sully      PAL    07.54 39 19  6 21 21 16 19 14 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelle C Lucina C
Miriel     SORC   12.95 53  9 30 27 21 18 19 20 TM A            Jesus S Morgan B Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  14.46 47 22 19 26 35 28 15 21 LC A TM C       Frederick S Cynthia C
Gaius      ASS    06.05 36 19  3 25 29 10 12  5 SW A BW A       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   27.73 43 30 14 21 17 25 32 26                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   02.25 38 17  0 17 15 10 12  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCe  07.06 23  4  2 13 12 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    WYLORD 03.98 69 36 10 31 30 26 36 11 LC D AX A       Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 12.14 50 18 25 28 24 21 19 20 SW E TM B       Miriel B Laurent C Jesus C

[spoiler=Chapter 21]

Cherche received an HP tonic and a Spd Tonic. Olivia got an hp tonic and
a res tonic. Olivia dances Cherche after she Pure Waters and she goes down and kills an assasin.
The others blocked olivia from harm and fended off the enemies near there. Nowi is getting doubled
at this point by the swordmasters and takes like 50% of her health vs berserkers, thankfully, they
dont double her. Cherche is 3HKO'd by silver bows at 50 hit so I didnt let her take
2 at a time. She got Quick Burn in EP 1 though. She then used an elixir in Player Phase and went down.
There's a silver bow and a killer bow there. They don't 2HKO her and the other enemies can't
hit her at all. The hit of the bows is now 41% too. She elixirs again in Player Phase 3 and parks in range of
boss but not in the rexcalibur dude's range. She KOs the boss in EP. Anna got me the Noble Rapier.

3 turns out of 123

Chrom      PAL    09.81 57 24  3 28 30 27 23 24 SW A LC A       Sully S Kjelle C Lucina C Jesus C
Jesus      GRAND  03.15 37 21 18 18 17 18 10 13 SW E TM B       Miriel S Chrom C Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    04.23 51 23  5 24 22 11 20 12 SW A LC A       Sumia S Cynthia C
Sully      PAL    07.64 39 19  6 21 21 16 19 14 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelle C Lucina C
Miriel     SORC   13.34 54  9 30 27 21 19 19 20 TM A            Jesus S Morgan B Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  14.78 47 22 19 26 35 28 15 21 LC A TM C       Frederick S Cynthia C
Gaius      ASS    06.58 36 19  3 25 29 10 12  5 SW A BW S       Cherche A
Nowi       MANA   28.50 44 31 15 21 17 25 33 26                 Gregor S
Gregor     BOWK   02.25 38 17  0 17 15 10 12  4 SW B BW E       Nowi S
Olivia     DANCE  07.54 23  4  2 13 12 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    WYLORD 06.13 72 39 10 34 32 27 39 12 LC D AX A       Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 12.14 50 18 25 28 24 21 19 20 SW E TM B       Jesus C Miriel B Laurent C

[spoiler=Chapter 22]

Miriel Nostank'd Gungnir and Helswath thanks to Vengeance.
Cherche got the Balmung and dropped it the convoy, Chrom retrived it and used it to get
Yewfelle. Sumia got the Valflame with Beastkiller and Galeforce'd to help get Helswath and
gungnir. Gaius used a Silver Bow forge to take down Aversa.

2 turns out of 125

Chrom      PAL    10.41 58 25  3 28 31 28 23 24 SW A LC A       Sully S Lucina C Jesus C Kjelle C
Jesus      GRAND  03.15 37 21 18 18 17 18 10 13 SW E TM B       Miriel S Laurent C Morgan C
Frederick  PAL    04.64 51 23  5 24 22 11 20 12 SW A LC A       Sumia S Cynthia C
Sully      PAL    07.70 39 19  6 21 21 16 19 14 SW C LC A       Chrom S Kjelle C Lucina C
Miriel     SORC   14.91 55  9 31 28 21 19 19 21 TM A            Jesus S Morgan B Laurent C
Sumia      DARKf  15.41 48 23 20 27 36 29 15 21 LC A TM C       Frederick S Cynthia C
Gaius      ASS    07.41 37 20  3 25 30 11 12  5 SW A BW A       Cherche A
Olivia     DANcE  07.70 23  4  2 12 12 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    WYLORD 06.73 72 39 10 34 32 27 39 12 LC D AX A       Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 12.30 50 18 25 28 24 21 19 20 SW E TM B       Miriel B Laurent C Jesus C

[spoiler=Chapter 23]

Cherche's hitrates vs stuff:
0 hit vs Berserkers of all kind.
0 hit vs Sorcerers with Ruin and Nosferatu.
0 hit vs Thoron Sorcerers.
15 hit vs Rexcalibur Sorcerers.
38 hit vs Silver Bow Assasin.
28 hit 4% crit vs Killer Bow Assasin.
0 hit vs Generals (and some of them 0 displayed damage too)
31 hit vs Validar.
Needless to say, she owned the place. Even crit Validar with Helswath for a ORKO o_o.
Chrom was paired with Jesus who was reclassed to thief so make him able to reach
Validar turn 1. Basilio and Flavia took down 2 enemies in their spawn. Sumia Fred
Galeforce'd some enemies here and there. And Miriel Nostank'd everything but assasins.
Tiki Say'ri took like 2 enemies in the south.
Surprisingly, due to the Cherche crit on Validar, could have been a 2 turn but
the hand axe ran out of uses in EP so an enemy berserker survived.

3 turns out of 128

Chrom      PAL    10.58 58 25  3 28 31 28 23 24 SW A LC A       Sully S Kjelle C Lucina C Jesus C
Jesus      THIEF  01.07 33 17 12 17 18 18  5  8 SW E            Miriel S Chrom C Laurent C Morgan C
Frederick  PAL    04.84 51 23  5 24 22 11 20 12 SW A LC A       Sumia S Cynthia C
Miriel     SORC   16.19 57  9 30 30 21 19 19 21 TM A            Jesus S Morgan B Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  16.48 49 23 20 28 37 30 15 21 LC A TM B       Frederick S Cynthia C
Gaius      ASS    08.55 38 20  3 26 30 12 12  5 SW A BW A       Cherche A
Olivia     DANCE  07.70 23  4  2 13 12 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    WYLORD 09.71 75 42 11 37 34 29 41 12 LC D AX A       Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 12.55 50 18 25 28 24 21 19 20 SW E TM B       Miriel B Laurent C Jesus C
Tiki       MANA   21.54 45 32 18 22 24 22 30 24

[spoiler=Chapter 24]

Cherche obliterated everything in the boss area with Helswath. Miriel and Sumia killed enemies in the north. Chrom Flavia and Tiki took the south.

3 turns out of 131

Chrom      PAL    10.85 58 25  3 28 31 28 23 24 SW A LC A       Sully S Jesus C Kjelle C Lucina C
Jesus      THIEF  01.07 33 17 12 17 18 18  5  8 SW E            Miriel S Morgan C Laurent C
Frederick  PAL    05.08 52 23  5 25 23 12 21 13 SW A LC A       Sumia S Cynthia C
Miriel     SORC   16.80 57  9 30 30 21 19 19 21 TM A            Jesus S Morgan B Laurent C
Sumia      DARKF  18.15 50 23 20 29 38 30 16 21 LC A TM B       Frederick S Cynthia C
Gaius      ASS    09.33 39 20  3 27 31 13 12  5 SW A BW A       Cherche A
Olivia     DANCE  07.86 23  4  2 13 12 11  4  4 SW D
Cherche    WYLORD 11.64 77 44 11 37 36 30 42 14 LC D AX A       Gaius A
Morgan     BATMAN 13.10 51 19 25 28 24 22 20 20 SW E TM B       Miriel B Jesus C
Tiki       MANA   23.11 47 33 19 23 26 24 32 25

[spoiler=Chapter 25]

Cherche went up to Aversa and ORKO'd her.

2 turns out of 133

[spoiler=Endgame Grima]

Brave Axe forge Cherche pairs with Chrom. Sumia is danced and she kills a berserker
in the way and gets out of range with galeforce. Cherche Brave Axes Grima and Chrom
gets some Falchion hits in. Grima then suicides in EP.

1 turn ouf of 134


Chrom Silver
Battles: 169
Victories: 118

Quite the lead unit. I've always noticed him getting pretty nice levels and growing
strong in my runs where I use him as pure support so I decided to give him a try
as lead unit and he didn't disappoint.

Battles: 55
Victories: 44

ChromxSully is superoverhyped. If they both go Paladin, they're practically the same unit (except chrom
was way better due to the cavalier reclass and early ownage). I'd rather not pair her with Chrom next time.
They suck together and they make a super bad Lucina.

Battles: 156
Victories: 114

Such a bro unit. Owned stuff in earlygame and was a pretty good unit throughout.
Always had a use with Beastkillers, pocket unit duals, Silver dual strikes and
even killing a lot of enemy types outright.

Battles: 109
Victories: 101

Was always pretty useful. Galeforce allowed her to swoop in, kill something and then retreat or go even further.
Sadly, I kinda neglected her after Cherche came in because Cherche killed everything.

Battles: 24
Victories: 16

Was a pretty nice dual unit. His powerful bow dual strikes were pretty cool and he gave
Cherche str and spd that came in handy. Made her offense pretty brutal. He was also pretty easy to get
to Level 10 before her jointime :D. Pretty underrated I'd say.

Battles: 0
Victories: 0


Battles: 100
Victories: 50

Started bad, got mediocre, got decent, then fell off a cliff.

Battles: 1
Victories: 0


Cherche Gold
Battles: 179
Victories: 150

My. Gooood. Cherche is a lot better than I expected. Naga tear helped her a ton
and she didnt need much babying to get going. Gave her kills in morgan paralogue because
she was pretty capable and then she promoted and started owning everything. Her
offense was downright brutal and her durability was ridiculous. Didnt give any
fucks against bows because they're so few and far between and so avoidable. Even
Chapter 21, she could handle them because they're far away from each other, and
when there were 2, they wouldnt 2HKO and nobody else could actually hit her due to
Quick Burn. Rexcalibur was a legit threat if it hit, but she never had to face any that put her life in danger.
I'll only complain that since giving her the boots, every other unit practically became worse
because she'd usually kill everything before others got there.

Battles: 46
Victories: 38

Miriel made her suck :(. Had high hopes for her because of veteran but she just
refused to get stats, and she came with crappy bases.

Battles: 11
Victories: 6

Better than Nowai/10.

Miriel Bronze
Battles: 153
Victories: 117

Was actually decently useful once she got going. But my God did she take loooong
to get going. Not worth it. She should drop. She's downright painful to train early
on and the payoff is a just worst nostank than Tharja.

Battles: 29
Victories: 19

+Lck -Mag is horrible.

Edited by Peekayell
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