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Does anyone read visual novels?


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I tried to get into Kawata Shoujo. But then I got bored.

Then Morenatsu (NSFW) happened. Shin mai hasubando...

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I just finished Steins Gate (Anime) yesterday. Is the visual novel any good?

Significantly better than the anime, not just because I'm a sucker for huke

It gives you the option to pretty much give up at any point where Okabe "undoes" a D-mail

they lead to several interesting scenarios, my favorite concerning what became of Nae in a certain timeline

Agree that the VN is better than the anime. There's a lot more finer details and they pretty much tie up any loose ends the anime had. However, if you've just seen the anime, chances are you might get bored just because you already know what's going to happen (that's what happened to me at least).

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Do otome games count? Or is that more like a regular dating sim? Because my friend absolutely loves them, and I know a lot of titles get good ratings on the app store. Tried 'Be My Princess' because it was free at one point, and uh...all I can say is that I picked the wrong prince to date. ANYWAY. If those count, then yes I have!

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999 anyone? Pretty much a visual novel with some puzzle game play elements. Man, that game was killer, loved every second of it! (It's for the DS)
The only other VN I think I would consider reading would be FSN I guess. Though now that I think about it, Steins;Gate might be a nice choice too.

(I do enjoy reading though, so I might actually do some research into VN's now)

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Do otome games count? Or is that more like a regular dating sim? Because my friend absolutely loves them, and I know a lot of titles get good ratings on the app store. Tried 'Be My Princess' because it was free at one point, and uh...all I can say is that I picked the wrong prince to date. ANYWAY. If those count, then yes I have!

An otome game, in the usage I'm familiar with, is simply a visual novel marketed toward women where the protagonist is a female choosing from a harem of males, instead of the traditional man choosing from a bunch of women.
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The only one here that I've heard of is Phoenix Wright, but I love playing games with excellent plots. Do you guys have any DS/3Ds/PC titles that you'd recommend?

Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors is also excelent and for the DS. You can find its sequel on the 3DS too. I really recommend giving it a try if you like an excelent plot with well written characters but walls of text (during the non investigation parts, but even there you will see some dialogue).

I'm wondering if I should give Steins;Gate a try or not. It sounds silly to me because of the whole "guys invent an eletronic microwave which sends messages to the past" idea and then wham, conspiration from the government and persecution, but it was made by Nitro+...

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I just finished Remember11. It was really cool working out all of the "hidden" details and I was kind of glad that the game didn't spell out all the answers for me because it made for a chilling (if frustrating) end.

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Pffft, what kind of a retarded shitheel reads visual novels? :smug:

I've read a few. Fate/Stay Night is pretty much my favorite of the ones I've read, and I'm absolutely in love with it (to a far greater extent than I probably should be). Ever17 was okay I guess, it was really good at points but I had a rather lengthy list of issues with it. Umineko was pretty good, though I still haven't bothered to read Chiru. G-Senjou no Maou was also pretty okay. Though, just gonna say, my favorite part of it was the concept of chapter 5 and my least favorite part was the execution of chapter 5. I read Cross Channel, which was... a thing. It's one of those things that I think I like in retrospect because even though the entire thing is shit it feels like that was part of the point and the ending was pretty much perfect, not only as an ending for it, but it was also a really good ending in general. Also Phoenix Wright is pretty good etc.

I have Demonbane and Muv-Luv but still haven't read them because.

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I'm wondering if I should give Steins;Gate a try or not. It sounds silly to me because of the whole "guys invent an eletronic microwave which sends messages to the past" idea and then wham, conspiration from the government and persecution, but it was made by Nitro+...

Try it out. It's really really good. 3rd best VN I've ever read.

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also they have to have a good ending, a bad ending, and a true ending


I've grown jaded about VN's. I only like the ones where everyone dies in the end, those are great. I read a really great one recently, can't remember the title of it (I'm using a rental laptop and I'll look up the title on my own laptop later) but basically it was about a guy and a girl who are in a hospital, both dying of heart failure. They decide to steal the guy's dad's car and go on a wild 2 day long adventure, and then it climaxes with her drowning herself rather than dying of heart failure.

Then he shoots himself in the head out of sorrow. Best ending ever, 10/10.

Edit: Also, turns out thanks to Hika that it's called Narcissu, if anyone's interested. It's short and it's linear, you guys should read it.

Edited by Klok
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Yeah I apparently read that too and forgot about it. That also reminds me I've read Planetarian which is also good. The best part of that one is FIDDLER CRAB though.

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It's short and it's linear, you guys should read it.

...you realize you just spoiled the entire story, including the ending, right?

Anyhow, I didn't particularly like Narcissu. In fact, I liked Narcissu Side 2nd better, but even then, it's not really in my top tier of VNs or anything.

Planetarian was pretty good though.

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Say that to Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night.

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The visual novel is much better than the anime, if you can deal with the walls and walls of text. Also, never read Clannad because it isn't really my type. I've heard good things about it though.

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Oh wow, I wasn't expecting this much discussion. NIce to know there's a bunch of VN readers here.

I'm kinda interested in reading the Steins;Gate VN but for me it would only seem worth it to see what the other non-Kurisu/true routes would be like.

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I hold no opinion for anything I haven't played. I was specifically thinking of Clannad and other tearjerkers though, not action VN's. The FSN anime was really solid though, 9/10.

Kara no Shoujo, I cried but...it killed my night. I couldnt sleep.

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Oh wow, I wasn't expecting this much discussion. NIce to know there's a bunch of VN readers here.

I'm kinda interested in reading the Steins;Gate VN but for me it would only seem worth it to see what the other non-Kurisu/true routes would be like.

The other routes aren't as good as Kurisu's route though. Still though, the VN explains a lot of stuff and it has a few really disturbing scenes that weren't in the anime for some reason. Oh, and the VN gets to fit in a lot more jokes too. Might as well read it if you don't have any other new VN to read.

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