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2 hours isn't too bad for a double post is it?

At any rate what's up with all the people giving Virion scores above like 1/10? He's just about the worst unit in the game. All of these 5-6/10s reek of bias.

Wrong topic... of all the

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Ehhh it also Involve some Virion, although being a bottom tier, what he can do is rather limited

Im going to enjoy the heck out of this one

Eww. Virion.

No I mean you and me over in the debate subforum.

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Time for a real update

Paralogue 17

Yup, I say this is one of the best chapter in the game, from design perspective, since you need to defend Tiki from all sides from flying stuff, forcing you to form a defensive wall and whatnot, although that’s not stopping me from breaking it wide open like a can of Pringles.

Its FE Baby.

Anyway, heres the pic for a quick reminder:


Special note that the pics is a rather unoptimal position, but you can do pull it off regardless

Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Lucina + Cynthia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Panne + Virion




No Tonics

Reclass Sumia into level 1 Dark Flier

Forge a Silver Bow at +1

From the Picture above heres the steps:

1. Pair Chrom into Sumia, Virion into Panne, Gregor into Cherche, Frederick into Cordelia, and Cynthia into Lucina.

2. Sumia moves 5 squares below Olivia. Dance her, and Nuke the Risen Chief with Elwind + Falchion. Chrom needs a Sword to minimize missing chance.

Galeforce procs, now murder the Silver Axe Griffon, 3 squares on the right of the Risen Chief.

3. Cordelia flied down as far as she can.

4. Panne move 9 squares to the left, and drop Virion on the right side.

5. Move Cherche to the Shiny Tiles on the left.

6. Move Anna, one square up, and then one square right from Cherche.

7. Move Lucina to the right 4 panels, up 1 panel.

8. Move Libra, Right 5 panels, up 1 panel. Rescue Olivia.

End Phase.

9. Your phase again, have Cynthia kill any of the Wyvern Rider, with Lucina with Parallel Falchion doing Dual Strike. Galeforce Activates, Move to another Wyvern Lord, Switch to Lucina and kill another one. Dance on Lucina with Olivia, and kill the last one.

10. Sumia flies up, and killed the Griffon Rider on the right. Galeforce activates, kill the Tomahawk Griffon Rider.

11. Attack the last Griffon Rider with Cordelia. Need a S Rank DS Procs to ORKO with Silver Lance

12. Have Panne attack a Falcon Knight, with a neccesary S Rank DS Procs support attack from Virion for an ORKO.

13. Move Anna Up one Panel. Now, Have Virion OHKO another one, at 91% Chance of hitting

14. ORKO the last Falcon Knight with Cherche and Gregor

Completed in 2 Turns

Say’Ri: Are you unharmed Lady Tiki?

Tiki: Yes, the freaking chapter is 2 Turned

-Stats Update


Chrom PALA 6.05 59 28 9 32 33 26 22 19 SW A LC A

Sumia DRFL 1.69 46 24 23 38 39 28 20 25 LC A TM A

Frederick PALA 1.63 43 21 4 20 21 10 20 12 SW B LC A

Cordelia DRFL 5.53 44 18 10 24 27 19 17 16 LC A TM E

Sully PALA 1.00 44 24 4 24 24 16 18 13 SW E LC A

Stahl PALA 1.00 44 23 1 15 16 12 23 8 SW A LC D

Virion BOWK 3.74 33 15 3 19 16 10 12 6 SW E BW B

Panne GRFK 1.97 47 26 2 25 27 13 20 8 AX D

Gregor BOWK 2.11 37 16 0 16 14 8 11 4 SW C BW E

Cherche GRFK 7.34 48 25 4 27 24 17 21 5 AX B

Libra WARM 15.63 53 18 21 19 23 18 13 23 AX C ST B

Anna TRCK 06.35 40 14 19 27 25 30 9 11 SW C ST D

Lucina CAVA 07.29 42 21 6 28 27 24 18 8 SW B LC E

Kjelle KNGT 14.49 36 20 2 16 12 15 20 6 LC B

Cynthia PEGA 14.97 39 20 10 27 29 16 17 6 LC C

- Supports Update


- Sumia S

- Frederick C

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Chrom S

- Frederick A

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Sumia A

- Cordelia S

- Chrom C

- Sully C

- Lucina S


- Frederick S


- Stahl S

- Frederick C

- Kjelle C


- Sully S

- Kjelle C


- Panne S


- Virion S


- Cherche S


- Olivia B


- Gregor S



- Cynthia B

- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Kjelle B

- Frederick S


- Sully C

- Stahl C

- Lucina B


- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Lucina B

- Turncount



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Sleeping is lame dude, just inject yourself with drugs caffeine and stay on the internet. Also I replied to your challenge in the debate subforum. I would be glad to crush debate you.

I prefer waiting it out for the EXP.

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So, yeah space issue, so Im going to make small updates for now on

The next stats update would be after Valm Arc ended, which is ONE more chapter, not includin paralogues.

Chapter 19

Silly Walmart, Carefour and Hero is better because this is Indonesia.


Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Virion + Panne

Lucina + Cynthia

Olivia + Libra

Tiki + Say'Ri



HP, STR, DEF, SPD: Cherche, Tiki, Lucina

- Overview:

Don't you just love it when a character who just joined about one chapters ago can potentially trivializes this chapter? Just statsboost Tiki, tonic her and send her alone.

Anyway, Tiki is sent left, everyone right except for Chrom and Lucina who rushes forward with Galeforce. In the end, Sumia and Chrom, equipped with Silver and Killer respectively 2 rounded Walmart.

Frederick surprised me, to say the least since DG+ helped him survive and he can deal with the mooks quite well. Now if only I feed him all of that statsboosters......

Overall, simple chapter. As a sidenote, enemies float around 21 SPD while Wallmart is 30 SPD. Just in case eh.....

- Supports Update:

Say'Ri and Tiki gets C Rank.

- Turncount


Paralogue 11

Children Paralogue, and a particularly annoying one, especially for my turncounts.


Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Virion + Panne

Lucina + Cynthia



Tiki + Say'Ri


HP, DEF, SPD: Tiki

SPD: Frederick

- Overview:

I love how Cherche is capable of taking 1 bow hits here. She recruited Gerome and goes to the left.

Anyway, Sumia and Chrom rush against the boss. Cynthia, Lucina, Tiki, Say'Ri, Panne, and Virion on the middle. Libra supported alongside Olivia, while Frederick and Cordelia handled the left. The fact that Frederick is capable of surviving Astra, and having Dual Guard+ is amazing.

Anyway, the 6th turn reinforcement turned this into a 6 turn clear.

I love me some Seraph Robes. I have like 3 around. Lol

- Supports Update:

Gerome gets C Gregor and C Cherche of course

Libra and Olivia FINALLY gets A Rank



Wait wrong game

- Turncount


Last but not least



Wyvern Rider

LV: 10.00

HP: 36

STR: 18

MAG: 1

SKL: 15

SPD: 15

LCK: 10

DEF: 16

RES: 1


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Lets Update:

Paralogue 10

Children Paralogue, and a particularly annoying one, especially for my turncounts.

Yes, yet again. Anyway, this might be the last children's paralogue before Inigo

Its much easier that I think it would be, thanks to 2 certain units


Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Lucina + Cynthia




Tiki + Say'Ri


HP, DEF, SPD, Res: Tiki, Frederick

- Overview:

Tiki and Cordelia goes on the left, with Cordelia taking the first 2 Zerker. Anna goes left, while the rest of the group goes on the right.

Second turn, Cordelia goes to the boss, while Tiki, after rescued by Anna goes forward to clean up. The others protected Severa while she goes to Holland.

Turn 3, Tags in Frederick and watch as the underlevelled Frederick with unoptimal pair soloed the hell out of the mooks. Cynthia gets a kill, Galeforce, and promote into Falcon Knight

The rest of the chapter, Libra rescued Anna to get both chest, and Severa to save her from an Assassin. Cynthia rushes forward to solo everything around Holland with a Javelin throwing session.

Can actually be finished faster, namely like 4 - 5 turns, but I want to recruit everyone I can, so......




Anyway, Frederick and Cordelia is the MVP.

More like Frederick and Tiki, to be honest

- Promotion Notes:

Reclass Tiki into Manakete again(or maybe I can consider Wyvern Lord)

Promote Cynthia and Lucina into Falcon Knight and Paladin respectively(Cynthia's 40 Speed is not enough to Double Aversa with +3 from Great Knight)

Libra will be reclassed of course

- Supports Update:

Severa gives C Rank for Frederick and Cordelia

Lucina and Cynthia gets A Rank

Tiki and Say'Ri gets B Rank

- Turncount






LV: 10.00

HP: 36

STR: 15

MAG: 2

SKL: 20

SPD: 20

LCK: 12

DEF: 15

RES: 6


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Chapter 20

Another Walmart to demolish

And Excellus

And Cervantes

And The End of Valm Arc

Is it just me, or this chapter seems to be pretty simmilar to that one FE7 stages where Isadora joined?

Too bad Harken is benched

Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Panne + Virion

Cynthia + Lucina

Tiki + Say'Ri




- Pre Chapter class change:

As a follow up to the previous chapter notes, heres my decisions:

Libra -> Sage

Lucina still Cavalier

Tiki still Level 30 Manakete

- Tonics

STR - Chrom

MAG - Sumia

- Overview

Cynthia killed the Hero with Steel Lance on the center, Galeforce, and the Warrior with Javelin. Sumia rushes forward, ORKOed Cervantes, Galeforce, move as far as she can, and tags in Javelin Chrom. Javelin Chrom ORKOes a General

On the left, Libra, after Danced with Olivia 2RKOes a General, followed by Tiki who weakened the general for Panne.

On the right, Anna weakened a General with Levin Sword, and said general is killed by Cherche. Cordelia moves in

Enemy phase, Chrom ORKOes everything around him except for the Snipers, including the generals and Excellus, Cynthia soloes everything around her except a generl, Cordelia and Panne killed everything that attacked them except some Sages and whatnot

After that, clean up, and have Sumia 1-2RKO Walmart. So long, and thanks for the Bolganone

Walmart used to uses Axes like Libra, and then Walmart takes a Sumia trips on the knee

-Stats Update


Chrom PALA 12.11 64 32 11 35 36 29 27 21 SW A LC A

Sumia DRFL 5.18 50 25 24 41 43 31 20 26 LC A TM A

Frederick PALA 4.42 46 23 4 21 22 12 22 13 SW A LC A

Cordelia DRFL 12.86 50 22 10 28 31 21 20 18 LC A TM E

Sully PALA 1.00 44 24 4 24 24 16 18 13 SW E LC A

Stahl PALA 1.00 44 23 1 15 16 12 23 8 SW A LC D

Virion BOWK 4.40 34 15 4 20 17 10 13 6 SW E BW B

Panne GRFK 5.47 51 29 2 28 30 15 21 9 AX C

Gregor BOWK 2.23 37 16 0 16 14 8 11 4 SW C BW D

Cherche GRFK 10.21 51 27 4 29 26 18 22 5 AX A

Libra SAGE 1.40 54 16 27 23 29 20 13 25 TM E ST A

Anna TRCK 07.82 40 14 19 28 26 31 9 11 SW C ST D

Lucina CAVA 15.93 49 22 6 29 30 30 21 12 SW A LC E

Kjelle KNGT 14.49 36 20 2 16 12 15 20 6 LC B

Cynthia FALC 7.62 51 27 15 37 39 30 23 22 LC B ST E

Tiki MANA 30.00 58 25 18 23 25 31 22 19

Say'Ri SWDM 2.02 42 18 7 25 27 21 13 11 SW B

- Supports Update

Eh, I better re-include the dropped units on the list

The previous chapters Update, and S Libra and Olivia.



- Sumia S

- Harken C

- Vaike C

- Frederick C

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Chrom S

- Frederick A

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Sumia A

- Cordelia S

- Chrom C

- Lissa C

- Sully C

- Severa C

- Lucina S


- Frederick S

- Severa C


- Stahl S

- Frederick C

- Kjelle C


- Sully S

- Kjelle C


- Panne S

- Yarne C


- Virion S

- Yarne C


- Cherche S

- Gerome C


- Gregor S

- Gerome C


- Olivia S



- Cynthia A

- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Kjelle B

- Frederick S


- Sully C

- Stahl C

- Lucina B


- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Lucina A


- Say'ri B


- Tiki B

- Turncount


Small overview:

Chrom started to pick up the slack, weapon ranks and stats is pretty amazing. In general, having Sumia as a wife helped him to get EXP a lot, for example ORKOing Generals with a Javelin.

Sumia steamrolled the game

Frederick is still pretty competitive compared to the rest of the team, tagging in rather well and having DG+. As far as the Pair Up Fodders goes, hes definitely the best, and by far.

Tiki rocks

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Final Paralogue, for the best children ever

My name is Inigo, you killed my fa-


To Quote Lucina: MONKWITHAXES will never die!

Paralogue 6

Inigo with Blonde hair is pretty sexy. However, his bases..... ROFL. 5 enemies my ass

Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Cynthia + Lucina

Tiki + Say'Ri




- Tonics

STR, SPD, DEF, HP, RES - Lucina, Frederick

- Overview

Chrom and Sumia rushes to the boss from below, Frederick takes the northern Flier Squad, while Cherche takes the south. Cynthia and Tiki handled the middle and the upper side. You know, those who are fortunate enough not to be ORKOed by Javelin Chrom.....

4 Turns

-Stats Update


Chrom PALA 14.09 66 34 11 36 37 29 29 21 SW A LC A

Sumia DRFL 5.90 50 25 24 41 43 31 20 26 LC A TM A

Frederick PALA 5.05 47 24 4 22 23 13 22 13 SW A LC A

Cordelia DRFL 13.53 51 23 10 28 31 21 20 18 LC A TM E

Sully PALA 1.00 44 24 4 24 24 16 18 13 SW E LC A

Stahl PALA 1.00 44 23 1 15 16 12 23 8 SW A LC D

Virion BOWK 4.40 34 15 4 20 17 10 13 6 SW E BW B

Panne GRFK 5.47 51 29 2 28 30 15 21 9 AX C

Gregor BOWK 2.89 37 16 0 16 14 8 11 4 SW C BW D

Cherche GRFK 12.02 53 29 5 31 27 19 23 5 AX A

Libra SAGE 2.22 55 16 27 24 29 21 13 25 TM E ST A

Anna TRCK 08.14 41 14 20 29 27 32 9 12 SW C ST D

Lucina CAVA 18.65 51 23 6 29 30 31 22 14 SW A LC E

Kjelle KNGT 14.49 36 20 2 16 12 15 20 6 LC B

Cynthia FALC 8.75 52 28 15 37 39 31 24 22 LC B ST E

Tiki MANA 30.00 58 25 18 23 25 31 22 19

Say'Ri SWDM 2.32 42 18 7 25 27 21 13 11 SW B

- Supports Update

Inigo, C Libra, C Olivia


- Sumia S

- Harken C

- Vaike C

- Frederick C

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Chrom S

- Frederick A

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Sumia A

- Cordelia S

- Chrom C

- Lissa C

- Sully C

- Severa C

- Lucina S


- Frederick S

- Severa C


- Stahl S

- Frederick C

- Kjelle C


- Sully S

- Kjelle C


- Panne S

- Yarne C


- Virion S

- Yarne C


- Cherche S

- Gerome C


- Gregor S

- Gerome C


- Olivia S

- Inigo C


- Libra S

- Inigo C



- Cynthia A

- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Kjelle B

- Frederick S


- Sully C

- Stahl C

- Lucina B


- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Lucina A


- Say'ri B


- Tiki B

- Turncount


God..... 141 Turns. WRYYYY?




LV: 10.00

HP: 36

STR: 13

MAG: 8

SKL: 17

SPD: 20

LCK: 14

DEF: 10

RES: 9



So, yeah Cynthia hits 41 Speed.

Whelp, here we go gaiz

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