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Chapter 21

Assasination Chapter. Against someone with Bolt Axe


Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor


Cynthia + Lucina

Tiki + Say'Ri




- Tonics:


- Overview:

Sumia killed 2 stuff, Cordelia and Tiki gets some kills. Rescue shenanigans with Anna, Cherche + Libra, Panne + Olivia, and Cynthia + Lucina goes for the boss kil

1 Turn.

- Turncount:


Chapter 22

Kill Aversa who has 36 SPD and collect some Legendaries, namely

Balmung: 43 SPD

Gugnir: 30 SPD

Helswath: 26 SPD

Yewfelle: 35 SPD

Valflame: 32 SPD

Skip Yewfelle for obvious reason

Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia



Cynthia + Lucina







Promotes Gerome into Wyvern Lord

- Tonics:

Mag to Maribelle

- Overview:

Anna rescued Sumia, who killed Valflame. Rescue Sumia with Libra, now kill Helswath. Kill Gugnir with +3 Beastkiller Cordelia. Now, rush forward to Aversa with Cynthia/Lucina + Gerome/Olivia. Cynthia ORKOes both Balmung and Aversa.

1 Turn.

- Turncount:


Chapter 23

This chapter is somewhat more threatening than the other because it has several Assassin. And by more threatening, I mean Sumia can’t ROFLSTOMP the entire stage because Chrom is….. there

Team Set Up:




Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Panne + Virion

Cynthia + Lucina

Tiki + Say'Ri



- Tonics:

HP, STR, DEF, SPD to Cynthia

- Overview:

This chapter is stil a joke, while there are some 40-ish hit rate from Bows, everything else stayed at like… 15% Hit Rate against Cynthia

Chrom and Sumia take a rest in this chapter because of lolgimmick and Chrom need 2 Turn to reach Validar.

Cordelia get some Galeforce for some 3 turn shenanigans

Give 3 set of Javelin to Cynthia. Send her forward. She Soloed everything after getting Lancefaire in the process.

Bonus points for ORKOing Validar with Double Aether and a Crit with Luna part of the second Aether

- Turncount:


Chapter 24

Kill em all chapter again. Or really, a filler because thats what this chapter really is.

Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Panne + Virion

Cynthia + Lucina

Tiki + Say'Ri




- Tonics

HP, STR, DEF, SPD to Cordelia

- Overview:

Cherche and Panne get some kills, Cordelia cleans up some stuff, while Cynthia and Sumia soloed stuff on the North and South. Everything basically suicides to both of them. Sumia ORKOes the boss with Valflame. What a dastard

- Turncount:


Chapter 25

Assasination chapter again, and against Aversa. Obvious Ishtar reference is obvious, if not for the fact that Aversa is F4IL

Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia

Cherche + Gregor

Panne + Virion

Cynthia + Lucina

Tiki + Say'Ri




- Tonics

HP, STR, DEF, SPD to Cordelia

- Overview:

Feed some kills on Cordelia. Cynthia moves in, gets a kill and Galeforce. Give Olivia to Cynthia and move Sumia to Aversa in one go. Beaskiller for the win.

- Turncount:



Worst Final Level in FE history? Sure.

Team Set Up:

Chrom + Sumia

Frederick + Cordelia



Cynthia + Lucina

Sully + Stahl







- Tonics:

STR, SKL. SPD, DEF, RES for Frederick and Lucina

- Overview:

Rally Mov and Rally STR away

All Galeforce Unit get Rescued and kill stuff and weaknes Grima

Frederick with Lucina as his pair up fodder gets the kill because I can

- Turncount:


Final Stats:


Chrom PALA 15.22 67 34 11 37 38 29 29 21 SW A LC A

Sumia DRFL 8.95 52 27 26 42 44 33 21 27 LC A TM A

Frederick PALA 5.33 47 24 4 22 23 13 22 13 SW A LC A

Cordelia DRFL 17.44 55 24 11 29 34 22 21 20 LC A TM E

Sully PALA 1.00 44 24 4 24 24 16 18 13 SW E LC A

Stahl PALA 1.00 44 23 1 15 16 12 23 8 SW A LC D

Virion BOWK 4.40 34 15 4 20 17 10 13 6 SW E BW B

Panne GRFK 5.47 51 29 3 28 30 15 21 9 AX C

Gregor BOWK 2.89 37 16 0 16 14 8 11 4 SW C BW D

Cherche GRFK 12.39 53 29 5 31 27 19 23 5 AX A

Libra SAGE 4.14 57 16 28 25 31 23 14 25 TM E ST A

Olivia DNCR 10.49 27 6 3 14 16 10 6 5 SW D

Anna TRCK 8.78 41 14 20 29 27 32 9 12 SW C ST D

Lucina PALA 3.64 60 26 7 33 32 32 25 20 SW A LC E

Kjelle KNGT 14.49 36 20 2 16 12 15 20 6 LC B

Cynthia FALC 20.00 62 33 19 44 48 39 28 27 LC A ST E

Tiki MANA 30.00 58 25 18 23 25 31 22 19

Say'Ri SWDM 2.32 42 18 7 25 27 21 13 11 SW B

- Support Ranks:


- Sumia S

- Harken C

- Vaike C

- Frederick C

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Chrom S

- Frederick A

- Lucina C

- Cynthia C


- Sumia A

- Cordelia S

- Chrom C

- Lissa C

- Sully C

- Severa C

- Lucina S


- Frederick S

- Severa C


- Stahl S

- Frederick C

- Kjelle C


- Sully S

- Kjelle C


- Panne S

- Yarne C


- Virion S

- Yarne C


- Cherche S

- Gerome C


- Gregor S

- Gerome C


- Olivia S

- Inigo C


- Libra S

- Inigo C



- Cynthia A

- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Kjelle B

- Frederick S


- Sully C

- Stahl C

- Lucina B


- Chrom C

- Sumia C

- Lucina A


- Say'ri A


- Tiki A

Kills and Overview:

Chrom Bronze

Battles: 135

Victories: 96

Pretty useful for his Tag Ins against Bows user and Beastkiller Dual Striker. He started rather weak-ish because of his lolstr, but after promotion into Paladin, or rather, after Sumia gets Galeforce, he’s gold. Also Sumia can take off random stuff from Convoy thanks to him, which is pretty useful.

Sumia Gold

Battles: 216

Victories: 186

Godlike. Started out amazing, thanks to Frederick, and after promotion into DF, and training some of that Tome Ranks, Sumia is just better than everyone on the team and one of few units who can easilly stand against the dreaded chapter that is 14 and 15. Gets Galeforce early and is essentially my key combat character up until the last 2 – 3 chapters before Cynthia takes off. Even then, she has dominance over variety of Tomes that I get over the course of the game, which is worthy of note.

For tmoving to Henry for Dark Flier Magic user, Chrom does fine for her, if not better because of Beast Killer Acess. Chrom’s boost towards Physical attacks are pretty useful at times. Overall, they just synergize well together being Paladin + DF and whatnot

Frederick Silver

Battles: 175

Victories: 110

Frederick is the best out of the Pair Up Fodder(Virion, Gregor, Say’ri), and for a good reason. Hold his own really well even when underlevelled at the end of the game, Dual Guard+ is pro, wields any kind of amazing weapon(namely Slayers, Wyrmslayers, and Silvers) as a Dual Striker for Cordelia to use against some ridiculous stuff, which is pretty amazing. His Tag Ins are very useful and his weapon ranks goes a long way to make him amazing up util the endgame, such as Inigo’s paralogue.

Also he killed Grima and has S support with Lucina. Frederick for God Tier!


Battles: 102

Victories: 75

Cordelia can be summed up as Sumia who needs to catch up with some durability, since she started and kinda ended that way and Frederick make her pretty amazing, and for enemies who actually have a chance to outdo her, Frederick can tags in. Her late Galeforce is a bummer though, although its pretty good when I can use them. Overall, my only prolem with her is I kinda neglected her during the early parts of the Valm arc


Battles: 33

Victories: 17

I feed him some stuff and resource during early game, where his offense is fine(he started ORKOing stuff pretty soon). As a result, he has fine offense in mid game, and his Dual Strike is stuff of LEGEND especially against Fliers. Way better than Gregor, to be honest.


Battles: 62

Victories: 41

While her stats is pretty cool and she does fine in combat, she is stuck on the group of people who get outclassed by Sumia and stayed that way until endgame, mostly thanks to her lack of weapon rank early, and unit slot issue later on. As far as utility goes, she is a good Delivery bot so that’s a plus.


Battles: 60

Victories: 30

Performs fine, and has nice stats. I don’t like his speed a bit, but its okay he Tags in just fine when you need some durability. He is essentially a Frederick who does not get Dual Guard+. I can see him performing well if Frederick and Chrom is any indication. Overall, Sully + Stahl is pretty amazing for their showtime and is a really good pairing.


Battles: 66

Victories: 45

Amazing offense and good durability sums up Sully, and she, without Second Seals is, in fact my third - fourth best unit during the earlier parts of the game, below Frederick, Sumia, and Cordelia. My only complaints is because I am way too focused to use a child character and she and Stahl gets ignored as a result


Battles: 3

Victories: 0

Terrible fodder/10. Does almost nothing outside the speed boost, and is dropped when Cherche become a reliable supporter comes endgame. I can see him being better if I feed him Arms Scrolls though, since he turns Cherche’s attacks against Dark Fliers in Inigo’s Paralogue into an OHKO.


Battles: 77

Victories: 57

Her stats progression surprised me because of how good it is, and Hammer is amazing during the timespan of her jointime, and is a significant advantage over the otherwise superior Panne(note that I did not use Renown and statsboosters for this run, so that can change easilly). Overall Cherche is pretty good, has good combat and she played a significant role as a Deliverer ferry bot. Now if only Gregor is any better…..


Battles: 11

Victories: 1

Libra is a badass when he joined because of his manly base stats. Comes mid game, and he aids the team with his top notch staff botting capability, and Rescue Spam make sure that his stats stayed competitive even in the endgame. 13 Range Rescue FTW.


Battles: 1

Victories: 0

Dancer/10. Way more useful during late game, namely after the end of the dreaded Valm Arc.


Battles: 0

Victories: 0

Tiki’s speed bot/10


Battles: 0

Victories: 0

Rally STR/10


Battles: 18

Victories: 14

Levin Sword chip is amazing and she is a pretty decent staffbot. As you can see, I have little usage for thief utility in my playthrough and she has like no support partner, which is pretty sad since she is a pretty cool unit.


Battles: 56

Victories: 34

Cool chick, Rapier is not as useful as I hope to be(mainly because unforged) and she started pretty weak overall. Quickly grows as a unit, and my only problem with her is because her sibling outclass her completely and she lacked 1-2 ranges, mostly because im too lazy to train Lances and Parallel Falchion is W1n. Basically, think Chrom, make her join later but give her WTFAMAZING Prf weapon. Of course, Javelins are better than anything in this game, because I say so


Battles: 12

Victories: 5

She is essentially Lucina who did not manage to grow out of her magikarp stage, because I dropped her. Being a Knight is a bummer. However, 4 good base skills and solid stats sums her up. Pretty cool, if you ask me. Definitely a child worth using, maybe reclass Cavalier and whatnot.


Battles: 76

Victories: 67

Its funny how the child of Sumia and Chrom turns out to be exactly like their parents. And in Cynthia’s case, she is just as amazing as Sumia, and outdoes Sumia comes late game. WTF base stats, WTF skillset(Galeforce at base? Hell yeah) and sadly C Lucina instead of instant A Lucina. Basically, she need to catch up in support rank and thats it.


Battles: 0

Victories: 0

Rally Mov/10


Battles: 0

Victories: 0



Battles: 46

Victories: 32

Pretty cool chick who trivializes stuff when I need a strong combat unit with WTF durability. The problem is, such level does not exist, outside maybe Severa and Inigo paralogue because post Walhart. 1, the game turns into Assassination fest with some Cynthia/Sumia Solo.

And as a final note, the reason why I forces Tiki to stay at 30 Manakete is to reclass her to Sage. Safe to say, I forgot this when I played the last chapters


Battles: 9

Victories: 5

Bangs Isadora offscreen because I recruited Karel


"I wanna see a no avatar run."

Replace Avatar with Sumia.... I guess?

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