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Top 10 favorite Fire Emblem music?

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Pretty sure almost everyone here agrees this series have very good/fantastic music so i was wondering what are everyone's favorites (and say why if you want). You can put them in order if you want but that could be hard so it is not necessary.

These are mine (had to choose between 40 or so excellent songs, was really hard for me to choose 10):


(First Fire Emblem music I loved and it will forever remain in my top 10, the melody is extremely beautiful).


(Pure Melancholy)


(I was blown away by this song the first time I heard it, it was Unstoppable foe from fe8 before I heard this)


(The begginning is extremely catchy and gives me the tragedy vibe)


(Perfect fitting song)


(The melody fluctuates so much and hits different emotions)


(Very catchy and fitting)


(No comment)


(Very uplifting)


(So much emotion compared to the other recruitment themes who I find are moslty just very catchy) Edited by Nostalgia
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10) Dark Emperor Hardin (FE12)

Oh man, so awesome.

9) The Prince's Despair (FE8)

Captures Lyon's tradegy well.

8) Recruitment (FE4)

Really nice instruments here.

7) Id (Purpose)

Really upbeat and includes the Fire Emblem theme. What's there to not like?

6) Showdown in Dolhr Keep (FE11)

Ominous Final chapter music. Sets the mood really well. The exact opposite of the above but just as good.

5) Lion King Eltshan or is it Lionheart Eldigan now?

The beginning part is awesome.

4) Come, join us! (FE11)

The most intense and well made version of this iconic theme.

3) Fire Emblem Theme (FE11)

The best version so far

2) Powerful Foe (FE8)

Definitely sets the mood for the more important bosses.

1) Tearing Shadows (FE12)

Best boss music ever. So much intensity.

Had to leave out so many good ones. :(

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Ooh, good call. This'll be a toughie. There's tons of favourites from 6, 8, 9/10 and 11/12, among loads of other tracks among the others. I guess I'll stick to ones that really stick out though. It'd take me all day to work out which of FE4, 6, 8 and 12's map themes are best, for example.

The more I listen to these, the more I remember why I wasn't impressed with FE13's map themes. Wow, we were spoiled.

A ton of Nostalgia's list showed up in my shortlist, too. :D

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKWK_waOHFA'>FE4 - Fellow People. There are a bunch of variants on this one, and there's a good reason why. This is quite possibly my #1 ranked theme in the series, but it's hard to compare and quantify them all.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRV4VuOXkJY'>FE4 - Chapter 10 (Light and Dark). FE4's map themes were really, really good. It was hard to turn down Ch2 and Ch3 as well. I had to give Light and Dark credit for its return later in the series and becoming somewhat iconic.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7Wj8U2W7Eo'>FE7 - Inescapable Fate. You might notice a running theme among my favourite... themes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUbrNKoXWeA'>FE8 - Determination. After the amount of self-afflicted trauma from romhacking, I should really hate this theme for the amount I've heard it. But I don't, I love it despite being a short loop you hear for AGES.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af3eaubyEtI'>FE8 - Truth, Despair and Hope. FE8's map music was outstanding. I also love endgame tracks that incorporate music you've heard along the way.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKzd28mlqGU'>FE9 - A Mighty Foe. FE9 and 10 had a lot of good combat themes, but this one takes the cake.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i1eWtDVEXw'>FE11 - Footsteps of Fate. This one was a no-brainer.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeWCmQWWbJc'>FE11 - Trouble. They must've worked extra hard on the music to supplement the lack of engaging plot/characters.

FE12 - Divine Dragon, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLbJ7tOVsRU'>Old and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3tjPb0PXhM'>New Saga. Cheating here, because these two really shine as a pair. My favourite variant(s) of Tiki's theme in general. New Saga I especially enjoy.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woZEftd0w5o'>FE13 - "Don't speak her name!" Obligatory.

...the funny thing is, if this was a top 20, I'd be adding at least 5 tracks from FE6.

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Obviously there's to many good songs, the top 10 thing is just to avoid people replying with 40+ songs and makes it more fun (in a twisted sense ahah). Also some people might recall/discover new songs with this thread (I did).

I plan on doing a ''Rate these FE songs'' Poll sort of thing eventually where I would just post like 5 Fire Emblem songs every week or so and people will rate them. Not sure if people would like this, just an idea to put more activity around here and I'm also a huge fan of video game music in general.

Edited by Nostalgia
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My list is

. ^^

It was made before I ever heard any Awakening music though. I also haven't heard every track in the game yet, so I haven't decided if any will be added.

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Oh god, so many tracks that I adore... Let's see.

10) Powerful Foe - The first time I heard it, I was totally taken aback. It's so... \m/ XD. Seriously, can you not picture Valter rocking out with a guitar playing this? (Glen on drums, Duessel on bass, Selena on keyboards, btw). Awesome.

9) On Glory's Wings - I dunno what it is about this one, it isn't quite as awesome as the other RD battle songs I have on here, but everytime I hear it I just think of Elincia fighting down Wyverns and Geoffrey being a badass, and that is cool.

8) Dawn Brigade - RD is my favourite FE, and this theme fits so well in part 1. I was super happy to hear it in Awakening's DLC.

7) The Prince's Despair - Reworked Lyon theme? Yes, doing this will often win me over. This one perfectly fits the title and Lyon's character.

6) Softly With Grace - Reworked Black Fang theme, sped up and made even more threatening? Instant love.

5) The Devoted - What needs to be said? When the Greil Mercenaries finally become playable in RD, THIS is how you feel.

4) Battle For Whose Sake - I played 7 before 6 and I found the whole side-plot with the Bern royal family to be one of my favourite arcs. I was super excited when I saw the ending with Zephiel. I was extremely upset when I found out 6 had already been released in Japan and was probably not coming over. When I finally played it, hearing the Bern theme incorporated into a badass battle song (and Zephiel's sprite, so cool) was just...too much to handle.

3) Id (Hope) - Incredible. Might be my favourite boss theme to date in any Fire Emblem, and that is saying a LOT (as evidenced by my list, I am partial to boss themes...). It conveys "ruined future", desperation, hope, so well. Much better than Id (Purpose).

2) Conquest - I actually prefer this to (Ablaze). It's so soothing and it makes me feel a mix of nostalgia (that FE theme) and like...serenity. I just love it. This summer, I will listen to this on a beach. Perfection.

1) Don't Speak Her Name - Just...beautiful music right here. Regardless of what you feel about the story context (trying not to spoil), I think we can all agree this is amazing. I seriously don't think I've heard anything comparable in a video game.

That...was hard. Couldn't find the Awakening tracks on Serenes, apologies for anyone with slower browsers.

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I'm big on video game music but I'm not really big on most songs in the series. Here's my top 5 regardless

1.Rally the Spirit from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance


2.Winning Road - Roy's Hope from Binding Blade

3.Beneath a New Light from Binding Blade

4.Celica Map 1 from Gaiden

5.Eternal Bond from Radiant Dawn

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