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Spriting Decathlon (Jun-Aug)


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Update 6/15: Too complicated, rules scrapped~

Update 6/2: This series is being winged. Themes and records will be hosted as seems appropriate. :)

[spoiler=Pending series format and rules, in flux]

*fanfare as begins the*

Super Spriting Summer Series!!!


The Contest:

Each week for 10 weeks, a theme is announced. The goal is to submit a sprite fulfilling the theme criteria within two weeks. They'll be officially showcased in the contest thread, late submissions will be posted when received. There will be standard poll voting for rounds that have more than 2 attributed entries.

Contestants are free to participate in as many of the challenges that interest them. (Full participation in all 10 themes is not necessary.)


Submissions and theme ideas can be accepted via PM or by posting in the contest thread. Anonymous entries are allowed and will be showcased but will be displayed separate from known-author entries and not be put up for voting.

The Rankings:

Participants will be on an informal points-based system: points for top placing, points for completing by the deadline, points for completing a submission at all (but not past the final round). The way it's styled should reward you for participating but not penalize too severely for missing out on any of the 10 themes.

What happens with the points? If there is enough participation, they will be put in a fun little matrix at the end of the series with the final ranks, maybe a Stahl Award will come up and things like that.

The Prizes:

Glory and Fame!


So would you be interested in participating, anything you want to see/change/etc?

Themes and Timelines:

Round 1 (active) : 6/1-6/15 Summer Beach Theme

Rounds 2-10: TBA

The Merc Challenge: For any of the themes, make it a fullbody*

* Seriously I don't expect anyone to spend every/any week putting feets on mugs. If you want to go further than the standard shoulder-cutoff fer whatever, go ahead and knock yerselves out. ^^

Edited by Lenh
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Doubtful I'll have the time to crank out full-blown pieces, but it might be fun to enter on a whim now and then.

...and I think it's "decathlon."

As far as themes are concerned, I think it'd probably be convenient to incorporate the usual summer-themed contest into this; alternatively, we could also run a winter-themed contest for those who happen to be on the other side of the globe. Did we even get to do a Christmas/non-specific winter holiday themed contest last year?

Edited by · j e a l o u s y ·
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I love this, I'm in.

Theme ideas:
- Take an official mug and change their attire to match their promoted (or demoted) class. and then make it a full body
- Take an official mug and change their attire to reflect a completely different class. and then make it a full body

- Take an official mug and give them summer beach attire. and then make it a full body

- Take your OC mug and gender bend it. and then make it a full body

- Take an official mug and extend it by 30 to 40 pixels tall. and then extend the rest of it to make a full body

- Make a full body.
- Take your OC muc and make it a half body. and then make it a full body

- FB your OC

- Make a Gundam battle sprite.

- Make a character from an anime.

- Make a full body mug.

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I really like Merc's ideas and then make them all full bodies

Official mug editing sounds good. Some of them need the help |D I know some of us were talking about dressing up personal mugs, and I think that sort of thing would totally fit in here with OCs. Instead of having to work on a new mug every time we'd just get to play with clothes/hair whatever *W*

One other idea would be uh, maybe one of themes can be expressions, so we make multiple facial/body expressions for an OC or an official mug

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lol fashion show + Merc challenge confirmed.

@Jelly : Fixed. :P The standard beach-wear theme is probably gonna be the first round just to get things started and keep with tradition. Not sure if there's any more themes than that, but if there are I can add them to the pool. We didn't do a winter theme contest last year probably because of the FEA contest.

Great ideas from everyone so far, hopefully it'll be a good show! Also, for anyone shy at putting their name on their work and just want to participate, anonymous entries are going to be allowed in this series (see how that works out).

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Anonymous entries'll be fun. Even though it'll be pretty easy to guess in most cases.

I was just looking at your av, Lenh, and was thinking it'd be interesting if there maybe was a non-FE-style round. ML's Pokemon comment kind of brought this on, too.

Edited by · j e a l o u s y ·
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Lol okay (and awww)~ We might be able to do that more around the end if enough costumes/entries occur.

I'm leaning towards arranging everything so custom-heavy themes aren't stacked together and closet raiding will be possible (minor backend stuff). Selection's still gonna be random.

And ML whyyyy it hasn't even started :(

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