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Good pairings?

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I'm doing a Hard Classic playthrough, and plan to max stats.


Kellam/Nowi --> MU/Nah










How does that all look?

Edited by BroJommel
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Pretty good for the most part.

I'd swap Vaike and Stahl though so Owain can get sol and Gerome can get vantage (which works well in combination with the sol skill he inherits from his mother's side). The modifiers of Stahl/Cherche and Vaike/Lissa are still pretty similar to Vaike/Cherche and Stahl/Lissa if it's that you're focusing on.

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Decent but some of them are pretty... questionable

Namely, the placement for Ricken and maybe Stahl

I suggest MU going with Sumia. This is actually a pretty nice choice since Sumia is arguably the best of the wife candidate

This frees up Frederick to go with Cherche for IMO the best Gerome.

Vaike can then go with Nowi for basically the same advantage as Kellam, in having not only Pavise, but also Sol.

Edited by JSND
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DonnelxSully is good. I used this and Kjelle turned out great.

Remember to pass down Aptitude, because Villager is a male only class.

StahlxCordelia has a pretty balanced out Severa i'd say.

GaiusxNowi has a faster Nah with Galeforce & Counter, which I like because Manaketes are slow by nature. So any extra speed for Nah is fine by me.

You got the ChromxOlivia. Inigo has some good options with Rightful King, and makes an outright Amazing Swordmaster (Is what I made him, does not dissapoint) Lucina his a higher strength cap than if Sumia was the mom, so that is good.

Speaking of Sumia, I like HenryxSumia because Cynthis becomes a magic beast (If you want a Dark Flier/Sorcorer Cynthia, that is). I call her Aversa 2.0.

For Miriel, I have 2 suggestions. You can go Mirielx Ricken if you want pure magic power Laurent, but you'll be frail on the physical defense side. REALLY frail. Or you can go MirielxKellam for a less powerful Laurent, but one that can take some hits.

Either way he can grab both Dual Support+, Dual Guard+, and get Hex/Anathema, making him an amazing support unit with aforementioned Cynthia.

Thats all I can think of for now. Hope it helps!

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I'm gonna say one that was said in my own thread... of Frederick/Cordelia for a Severa who can learn all breaker skills. And then Henry/Sumia probably due to lack of other options for her and Gaius could pass Pegasus Knight down to other daughters.

As for passing down Aptitude... I guess it'll help you on getting to the max stats but that's it. I personally didn't know what skill to pass down but got convinced to give Underdog.

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I'm gonna say one that was said in my own thread... of Frederick/Cordelia for a Severa who can learn all breaker skills. And then Henry/Sumia probably due to lack of other options for her and Gaius could pass Pegasus Knight down to other daughters.

As for passing down Aptitude... I guess it'll help you on getting to the max stats but that's it. I personally didn't know what skill to pass down but got convinced to give Underdog.

Lon'qu/Cordelia gets the same result.

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Frederick gets PGS AND Luna over Lon'Qu

Lon'Qu has speed, allowing 46 speed Sorcerer, and 50 speed Dark Flier, but the real reason to use Lon'Qu!Severa is because Lon'Qu is pretty shitty otherwise which thankfully, one of them is not Maribelle

A rather simple stuff to consider is Stahl on Miriel. Stahl offers Myrmiddon which means Vantage for Laurent, who liked to have Vantage. Owain will still get Luna. This resulted in Owain and Laurent having complete acess to Luna, Vantage, and Dual Guard+, which is amazing

So, heres an alternative path that allowed gen 3 Morgan as a Manakete, although IMHO, MU x Nowi is >>>>> MU x Nah

Variants 1:

Chrom x Olivia

Kellam x Nowi --> MU x Nah

Henry x Sumia

Frederick x Cherche

Ricken/Stahl x Lissa

Gaius x Maribelle

Donnel/Vaike x Tharja

Stahl/Ricken x Miriel

Vaike/Donnel x Sully

Gregor x Panne

Lon'Qu x Cordelia

This set up net -1 Galeforce, but gives a better Gerome

Chrom x Olivia

Kellam x Nowi --> MU x Nah

Frederick x Sumia

Henry x Cherche

Ricken/Stahl x Lissa

Vaike x Maribelle

Gaius x Tharja

Stahl/Ricken x Miriel

Donnel x Sully

Gregor x Panne

Lon'Qu x Cordelia

I rather liked this set up. Vaike gives Knight for Brady, and a healthy speed boost, alongside Thief and Hero.

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Frederick gets PGS AND Luna over Lon'Qu

But the real reason to use Lon'Qu!Severa is because Lon'Qu is pretty shitty otherwise

O_O Not true. Granted, he's a bit delicate, but proper training and some decent level-ups will do him wonders.

I love working with Fragile Speedsters, so I love him.

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Assuming min maxing, Lon'Qu problem as a father generally comes from the amount of Children who did not really get a full set up from Vantage alone. The fact that even the popular Lon'Qu X Cordelia has a holes in its lack of Luna is a good enough indication. Hes a bit simmilar to Virion in this regards

For main game, Lon'Qu is pretty cool

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Assuming min maxing, Lon'Qu problem as a father generally comes from the amount of Children who did not really get a full set up from Vantage alone. The fact that even the popular Lon'Qu X Cordelia has a holes in its lack of Luna is a good enough indication. Hes a bit simmilar to Virion in this regards

For main game, Lon'Qu is pretty cool

Oh, yeah. On Normal mode (which I play due to my normal playstyle being similar to Virion's), Luna isn't THAT effective unless it's against a boss or something, but in harder modes Luna becomes a prized skill indeed.

Since I'm in Normal, I usually prefer Astra to Luna, because x2.5 damage is always lovely, so Lon'qu is one of my favorite fathers due to easy-access Astra get.

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Lon'qu/Cordelia gets the same result.

whoops. I see that now. I guess it's just because I paired Lon'qu up with Olivia lol.

Lon'qu might be a bit fragile at first but once you train him a bit carefully and when he promotes (to Swordmaster for me), he dodges really well.

And I sorta responded to your post, Luminous Dharc. But there's no reason to be asking for some kinda attention/response in a thread that's...made by someone else.

Edited by Cordelia
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Actually pretty good >_>

Although generally, Gregor is a better Laurent, so Stahl can go with Panne that way, and Vaike is pretty cool with Sully

Also I did not bring up Gaius X Nowi(outside my first messed up post) because this is using a 3rd gen ManaKellam Morgan

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I sorta responded to your post, Luminous Dharc. But there's no reason to be asking for some kinda attention/response in a thread that's...made by someone else.

I'm sorry about that. I had decent advice that I didnt want people to overlook.

Didn't mean to come off as an attention whore.

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