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Most hated character


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Validar for being a totally uninspired, bland, laughable, unecessary antagonist. He hijacks Awakening's plot not once, but TWICE, from much better villains (Gangrel, then Walhart--and I hate Walhart so you can see how I feel about Validar by comparison). He has zero personality and zero motivation. His ultimate role in the story could have been filled by Aversa or even by keeping Gangrel around longer. He literally contributes nothing to the plot save a tiny bit of character development for Aversa in her backstory that, again, could easily have been achieved without him. He actually damages the plot and pretty much everything I disliked about Awakening can be traced directly to him.

He is completely redeemed in my eyes for one reason and one reason only. "Darth Validar: MU... I... am your Fauder."

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I can't name any particular characters that I've hated from the games I've played, apart from... LYRE. Godamnit, the only sort of character you have is in two info conversations, and you have the worst godamn stats in RD.

Regarding Tharja; I don't think she's the worst of the lot (I think her hexes are more played for comedy than anything) but I find her personality irking and her outfit (and the dark mage's outfit in general (Micaiah *shudder*)) played just for eye candy.

...wait, I mentioned Micaiah a bit back, didn't I? Yeah, I feel that she and Sothe are also rather generic; their relationship is fine with me, but they both act... so dumb at times, it's just painful to watch.


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She's a hypocrite? Enlighten me, please?

She is considered "perfect", but she can't confess her love to Chrom.

Granted, she's not the one saying she is perfect, but I find this a little hard to swallow, honnestly.

And marrying someone, where they're still the implication she would have prefered Chrom isn't that great.

That's not Kent level of hypocrisy, but it's still there.

I don't hate Severa, because I understand how she became that way. She is not Tharja in any stretch of imagination, but growing up with a mother like that wouldn't be easy. I don't hate, and I'd rate her higher than Tharja (where I hesitate to raise her support with Noire), but I'm certainly not a fan of her.44

I just never understood what's so great about there.It's a character who have zero effect on me. Only a polite boredom, and a slightly uneased/irksomefeeling.

Edited by TendaSlime
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teehee Tharja hate.

I get why but still. She's actually kinda sweet and hilarious due to her mannerisms and her Nowi support is one the sweetest things ever.

I dunno if I actually hate anyone. Maybe dislike quite a bit but that's pretty much it.

I suppose the Avatar falls into that. S/He's one of the worst self-inserts I've ever had the displeasure of controlling in a game.

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Kent is Matt Engarde? The more you know.

I hate, hate, hate Lyn. Also, can't say I like Inigo. What a tool.

Edited by Zeem
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teehee Tharja hate.

I get why but still. She's actually kinda sweet and hilarious due to her mannerisms and her Nowi support is one the sweetest things ever.

I dunno if I actually hate anyone. Maybe dislike quite a bit but that's pretty much it.

I suppose the Avatar falls into that. S/He's one of the worst self-inserts I've ever had the displeasure of controlling in a game.

Agree with the bolded part. That's the reasons why I can't totally hate her.

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Tharja gets more hate than love. Sure, I'm not keen on the way she raised Noire, and I don't like how she completely got away with it, but she pretty much redeemed herself when she had her conversation with future Noire, in my eyes. Also, the way she stalks the Avatar isn't really creepy. It's funny. That's why the creators made it happen. The obssession got a little bit overboard sometimes (like how she tells some of her husbands in their S supports that they're second to the Avatar), but I still liked Tharja's character.

The Avatar, I feel, is a worse character.

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Agree with the bolded part. That's the reasons why I can't totally hate her.

Her Noire supports kinda rectifies some stuff. Besides, she gets lost in revenge to avenge her husband regardless of who it is and she still sacrifices herself to assure Noire lives.

that seems like love to me

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I think that might be going a little too far. I'm no fan of Tharja when the avater or Noire are involved, but she certainly isn't a bloodthirsty psycho like Valter was. Besides I highly doubt she actually raped him when he was out cold.

Like I said she is really distastefull when she talks with MU or Noire, but she's not that terrible when she interacts with other characters. She frequently uses her spells to help other characters like Gregor and Libra and I believe Virion (could be someone else though) figures out most of the things she makes him do with her curses benefit the other people in the army.

Yeah, she is a Yandere. Just because blood isn't involved, doesn't make her any less of a psycho.

And her interactions with... Gregor. Seriously? He is one of the guys where she doesn't just settle for merely threatening him with physical harm. Since her spells didn't work, she dealt with his request because she had no other way to get him to shut up.

And in Libra's case, she is using him as a test subject for her spells and pursues his memories for the purpose of researching spells.

Amd as much as I would like to pretend that actually experiencing other people's pain would cause her to reflect on her own actions, I don't see her questioning herself.

Oh, and the support as her admit that she tests her spells by casting it on something... which given that she was asked how she was going to cast a memory spell, probably means that she doesn't just limit herself to plants and lab rats.

In other news, she also casts spells on Frederick and was going to turn Kellam into a newt. Continuously hurting people is not suddenly evened out by occasionally petting a kitten.

Though I don't like her as a mother, judging solely her actions in the present, I think Tharja's relationship with the Avatar is funny. But then again, I also don't see where anyone is deriving rape aside from "it sounds like something she'd do", so whatever. Sexual harassment, maybe, but I don't think it'd be full-on rape. Hell, when I read it the first time, I just pictured her, like, standing around her and being all up in her personal space focusing on her fine details, maybe animating her body as though she were dark helmet playing with his dolls. :L

Well, I still fail to see the humor about her being "just" sexually harassed.

And the writers wanted it be rapy. Otherwise they wouldn't have added that whole "helpless" and evil laugh bit. Especially by adding a pause before having her say "helpless".

They very deliberately gave that impression, so I don't see a reason why it can't just have happened like it was implied.

Edited by BrightBow
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Catria. Ever since I played Shadow Dragon, I hated her looks, I hated her as a unit and I still hate her a loooot. Well, not hate, but just, extreme dislike.

*Puts on a yandere glare*

On topic: For the moment I'll say Sully. I wouldn't say I hate her, just really dislike her. I don't like her looks and attitude.

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I don't hate any Fire Emblem characters. There are some I rather dislike, and a few I find dull and boring, but no one I outright hate. And either way, most of the characters I ever disliked, such as Sully and Serra, I came to like more through using and seeing supports.

I do still dislike Makalov, though. I really dislike Severa until most of her A and S supports, where I find it kind of hard to not at least understand and tolerate her a bit better.

I'm more likely to like characters a lot of other people hate, such as Micaiah, Sothe, and (apparently) Tharja.

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Yeah, she is a Yandere. Just because blood isn't involved, doesn't make her any less of a psycho.

And her interactions with... Gregor. Seriously? He is one of the guys where she doesn't just settle for merely threatening him with physical harm. Since her spells didn't work, she dealt with his request because she had no other way to get him to shut up.

And in Libra's case, she is using him as a test subject for her spells and pursues his memories for the purpose of researching spells.

Amd as much as I would like to pretend that actually experiencing other people's pain would cause her to reflect on her own actions, I don't see her questioning herself.

Oh, and the support as her admit that she tests her spells by casting it on something... which given that she was asked how she was going to cast a memory spell, probably means that she doesn't just limit herself to plants and lab rats.

In other news, she also casts spells on Frederick and was going to turn Kellam into a newt. Continuously hurting people is not suddenly evened out by occasionally petting a kitten.

I personally interpetated the newt thing as an empty treat and she does offer to help Kellam without any self interest. Besides Henry was also considering to turn MU into a frog in one of his supports.

Her curse on Frederick was pretty harmless as well. I mean she only made herself invisible to him so its not like she actually harmed him.

I believe the quote below shows Tharja is more of a "Jerk with a heart of gold" kind of character who is usually more bark then bite. Unless we're talking about Mu and Noire because in that case she really has no excuse for how she acts.

Virion: Oh? The bridge you had me build was so children could cross the stream in safety. The barracks repairs kept the soldiers dry, and my feast filled their rumbling bellies. You could have used me in any way possible, and yet you chose to benefit others. What is that, if not kindness?

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I don't hate many FE characters, but there are a few that I dislike quite a lot. I can count five so far and I'm sure many people here know which of these characters I hate the most.

First, Tharja. She just creeps me the hell out and I don't like stalker characters. Plus, I also find it cruel that her future self used Noire as a guinea pig for her magic.

Sumia, I don't like her either. In fact, the only thing that makes me rank her above Tharja is her Scooby Doo reference in one of the Awakening DLCs. I just find her character really annoying. But admittedly, I did love her Scooby Doo reference, so I can't literally hate her anymore.

Soren. He's a dick and I often find myself disagreeing with his ideas. I can't believe Ike can put up with him sometimes. I understand why he's as rude as he is sometimes, but it still annoyed me. I don't like his design much either. Never was into girly-looking guys.

Mia. Another character I find annoying. I don't really like her design either. Purple is awful with orange.

And then I come to Geoffrey. He's so friggin boring and he's useless except for like two chapters in RD. It doesn't help that he can marry Elincia while Ike can't either (though, I imagine that getting him to A with Elincia in RD can't be easy at all since Geoffrey has poor availability in the game). I also find him weak in some ways. He's a decent leader, but he's too much of a wimp to speak his mind at times. I swear, sometimes I just want to slap him.

I also find Ninian pretty boring, but I don't really dislike or hate her. Same with Kent (and Kent has made me laugh as well, so yeah).

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Soren. He's a dick and I often find myself disagreeing with his ideas. I can't believe Ike can put up with him sometimes. I understand why he's as rude as he is sometimes, but it still annoyed me. I don't like his design much either. Never was into girly-looking guys.

I'm willing to bet the Ike x Soren shippers have something to do with this too. Hee hee.

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I'm willing to bet the Ike x Soren shippers have something to do with this too. Hee hee.

No. I've disliked Soren since loooong before I knew about the IkexSoren shippers out there.

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Personally, I hate Serra. I hate how her face looks... those eyes with that smile look like they were never meant to be. Also, she's selfish and vain despite her role as a cleric. She basically gets replaced by Priscilla as soon as she shows up, even though Priscilla's whole brother complex is another can of worms.

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That's not Kent level of hypocrisy, but it's still there.

Dude I think you are projecting a shitload onto Kent that might not be there, and definitely isn't certain by any means.

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Yeah, she is a Yandere. Just because blood isn't involved, doesn't make her any less of a psycho.

And her interactions with... Gregor. Seriously? He is one of the guys where she doesn't just settle for merely threatening him with physical harm. Since her spells didn't work, she dealt with his request because she had no other way to get him to shut up.

And in Libra's case, she is using him as a test subject for her spells and pursues his memories for the purpose of researching spells.

Amd as much as I would like to pretend that actually experiencing other people's pain would cause her to reflect on her own actions, I don't see her questioning herself.

Oh, and the support as her admit that she tests her spells by casting it on something... which given that she was asked how she was going to cast a memory spell, probably means that she doesn't just limit herself to plants and lab rats.

In other news, she also casts spells on Frederick and was going to turn Kellam into a newt. Continuously hurting people is not suddenly evened out by occasionally petting a kitten.

Its another reason why I pair her with Henry, other than because its funny. Henry is probably the only person she cannot bully around with hexes; if she was ever able to, it would be because he's yandere for her enough to let her have her way, and even then I doubt it would go beyond a few fairly harmless curses, which are really the only kinds I have seen her cast on her allies, husband and daughter. I don't particularly like her much, but I don't feel she deserves this much hate when the level of hexes she practices on others are at worse pranks (ex: 3 day nose dripping curse....really?), yet everyone seems to be acting like she's literally torturing people. Not a likeable personality or lifestyle to be sure, but by no means deserving as much ire as she gets... :/

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Did you miss the part where her daughter has a murderous split personality entirely because of all the poking and prodding she did?

To actually answer the topic, I'm not sure. It used to be characters like Florina and Mist (ones the fandom gets really creepy about) but after playing Awakening, I'm gonna have to rerun the numbers. Potential characters include Cordelia, Tharja, Olivia and Nowi. And probably more, I'm not sure.

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Did you miss the part where her daughter has a murderous split personality entirely because of all the poking and prodding she did?

To actually answer the topic, I'm not sure. It used to be characters like Florina and Mist (ones the fandom gets really creepy about) but after playing Awakening, I'm gonna have to rerun the numbers. Potential characters include Cordelia, Tharja, Olivia and Nowi. And probably more, I'm not sure.

Did you miss the part where they explained that her other personality is actually a result of a talisman that Tharja gave her to help her get over her meek self? And at least in my playthrough, Henry and Tharja's ending said that she was already born with violent mood swings on account of having two dark mages for parents. At the very least, Henry made a good father for her...

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At the very least, Henry made a good father for her...

Henry is like the cutest father with Noire. He also helps counteract the more unsavoury parts of Tharja's character.

I like to think of them as the Comedy and Tragedy of dark magic, he's always disturbingly happy despite his grusome surroundings and Tharja is brooding and dark.

I've never seen anyone say that hate Henry yet so I guess pairing the most hated Character with quite a likable one can produce a sort of balanced household.

Edited by Talvisota
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I don't see how Tharja is, in any way, comparable to Valter.

At any rate, Florina. Terrible inconsistent personality, and the fandom does get pretty darn creepy about her.

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Oh boy, this is gonna be fun.... let's see... I can't remember much about the earlier games, but I can't say I really hated many of the characters in like FE7 or FE8... I liked most of them, really. And if I didn't like them, I got away with not using them so. Although I guess Lyon was one that I hated / found creepy... but maybe I won't get into details on FE8. I guess there weren't a lot that I liked there.

For FE9, I have to say .. Lethe's sister. She was weird and stupid. I hated her. I also sorta hate Jill, but not that much...

FE10... let's just say... I hate almost everyone from Daein. Like, literally almost every ****ing person in Daein, especially Dawn Brigade. Stupid, gullible, rash. I'm sorry, but that's my own personal bias too. I'm not even talking about the way they perform in battles. But for talking of using them in game, I might hate Micaiah but she turned out alright for me... although that might have required babying and stuff.

For FE13... ooh boy. Let's just say Cordelia reached the list for me. I know that sounds weird considering my username, but, eh, opinions change. And they change fast for me sometimes. Pathetic, sorry excuse for a girl... even if she has to be single to get that conversation with Chrom, the way she is in some S supports are ...ridiculous. Namely speaking, Frederick.

I hate Tiki with a passion too. "Mar-Mar"? Oh fuck. Although I heard it was different in the Japanese copy, but I still hate her. I can't stand her. Not even because she comes in really late in the game. And she spoke too damn much in the FoD1 post-battle that I wanted to chop my hands off after transcribing the script.

There are other characters that I don't like, but I can usually live with their presence. Or I'll just not use them. But the ones listed above are those that I can't stand at all. And as far Tharja, I could care less about her. I can honestly say I never used her so I dunno how she is anyway. But the snippets about her are creepy .... and the hype for her is.... pretty... odd to me.

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I usually find it hard to dislike any Fire Emblem characters in general, but there are a few exceptions to that.

Nergal: He kills Eliwood's father just so he can use Ninian to summon a Fire Dragon. And plots to start a war just so he can summon more Dragons.

Grima: He/She is the reason Avatar/Robin doesn't have any memories prior to meeting Chrom and IS the one who kills him in the Bad Future

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...I'm sorry?

I don't remember any implications like this in either the Japanese or English version.

And you damn well know Japanese is all about implications.

Nah she doesnt rape anyone. She just cackles about Avatar being vulnerable.

but the people who keep hounding me in PMs saying "you're terrible, Tharja's the best waifu" can just please shut up about it.

ewww. People are doing that? Man...

LOL Tharja and Soren hate. I love me some Cranky Mages.

Mia and Severa piss me off.

The hatred i have for Severa has lessened a bit with her Scramble convos but i still dont like her. Shes really horrible to a lot of people due to judging them. Tharja dont judge. lol

Mia is just...really ugh. "Oh i am so spunky and I MUST FIGHT MY ULTIMATE RIVAL RAAAAGH!" shut up... She irritates me. It doesnt help shes not very good in FE9.

Everyone else in the series, i dont have a huge problem with. (except for maybe Sonia but well we are supposed to hate her.)

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