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Do skills trigger in when a char is supporting ?


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Hello, while i was playing i was not sure if "hex" and "Anathema" triggered in when having the character with the corresponding skills being used as a support and not leading character. Cna someone lighten me up ?

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I believe that any of the character's "passive" skills like Avoid +10, Hex, Anathema, Armsthrift and the like still activate if they're the back unit in a Pair-Up. The "active" attack skills don't.

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^ Actually, Armsthrift doesn't work on the unit that is supporting and not attacking, because it's a Luck skill that activates in battle (I wasted a LOT of uses on Balmung that way). I know that any skill that requires Skill or Luck to activate during battle, or any skill that activates after a battle, will not work while the unit in question is supporting another unit. This includes Sol, Luna, Astra, Vengeance, Aether, Lethality, Armsthrift, Vantage, Aegis, Pavise, Counter, Despoil, Ignis, Galeforce, Lifetaker, and Miracle, as the unit with those skills has to be attacking for them to actually work. And obviously, we know that the Rally skills won't work due to the fact that they're command-only skills.

Edited by Karaszure
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^ Actually, Armsthrift doesn't work on the unit that is supporting and not attacking, because it's a Luck skill that activates in battle (I wasted a LOT of uses on Balmung that way). I know that any skill that requires Skill or Luck to activate during battle, or any skill that activates after a battle, will not work while the unit in question is supporting another unit. This includes Sol, Luna, Astra, Vengeance, Aether, Lethality, Armsthrift, Vantage, Aegis, Pavise, Counter, Despoil, Ignis, Galeforce, Lifetaker, and Miracle, as the unit with those skills has to be attacking for them to actually work. And obviously, we know that the Rally skills won't work due to the fact that they're command-only skills.

Just tested it. Armsthrift works. Donny with 48 luck made two kills and Hector's Axe went from 15 to 15 uses.

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^ I dunno, man. I've tested this on a 45 Luck Cordelia (don't have Limit Breaker Manuals yet, will fix that soon) supporting my Avatar (who coincidentally was ALSO sporting Armsthrift), and I tested the Legendary Weapons on both of them: Mystletainn on Avatar (Level 20 Trickster), and Balmung on Cordelia (Level 20 Hero). Avatar would always be in front, and whenever he failed to kill something, Cordelia picked up the slack. Every single time, she lost uses for Balmung, whereas Avatar never lost any uses on Mystletainn at all. I also tested the reverse, with Cordelia attacking and Avatar supporting. Cordelia never lost any uses on Balmung, but Avatar lost uses on Mystletainn ...and I mean A LOT of uses, as he constantly picked up her slack.

I've even tested this on regular weapons, too. Levin Sword, Steel Sword, Glass Sword, Superior Sword, hell, I even tested a Tree Branch. No such luck, I'm afraid.

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I have my 55 luck limit broken MU support a bunch of people I want to train up/do support library completion shit while carrying my only Helswath and Gradivus.

Both of them still has the same exact amount of uses as when I gave them to her.

P sure support partners don't get stat bonuses unless rallies so you've just been getting that unlucky 10%'d, I'm afraid.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I can offer more corroborating testimony to confirm that Armsthrift does indeed work for both units.

'Cause I have a team of Limit Broken Heroes with >50 Lck running around with Ragnells and Helswaths, paired up with each other, and all are still at 25 uses after beating R&R3 a couple dozen times.

And my Avatar has been running around with a 3 use Book of Naga for a long time, and he has occasionally supported Lucina with Dual Strikes, and it's still not broken.

However, using a Gradivus/Hauteclere to heal definitely uses a use, as does using a staff.

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^ Stop spreading misinformation.

Armsthrift definitely works on the Support unit. I just re-verified this with a 47 LCK Sniper using a Longbow in the Support slot: 13 uses before Dual Strike, 13 uses after.

Yeah, Armsthrift works for me too.

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Has anyone managed to figure out whether Wrath works as support? I asked this a long time ago but never got a definite answer.

I never really test it out myself, but I remember seeing someone posted as it works even as a support, as long as the requirement of 50% health fits.

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