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Marth Aka the FE chars going in SSB


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They could have him unmounted with all those weapons easily enough haha.

Kinda like Dissidia!Bartz in a way!

Man I suddenly want Leif to be in Smash. His move potential is pretty crazy, now that I think about it lol

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Kinda like Dissidia!Bartz in a way!

Man I suddenly want Leif to be in Smash. His move potential is pretty crazy, now that I think about it lol

Now that you mention it. It does sound like Dissidia Bartz.

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Sakurai went to IS to ask. He wanted to put Leif in originally. But then he saw Roy's design and flame stuff, so he and IS agreed to put him in. Advertising was a 2nd thought

So they added Roy in to contrast with Marth. Makes you wonder how Leif could have turned out huh?

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What? This makes no sense. Wanting Roy to stick out more, yet be a clone? This is completely contradictory.

Sakurai was looking for a character that could be a clone of Marth but still stand out on his own. Roy's fire sword would probably would have made him more unique than Leif, who would probably have just been "Marth but faster and weaker" or "Marth but slower/stronger."


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Sakurai was looking for a character that could be a clone of Marth but still stand out on his own. Roy's fire sword would probably would have made him more unique than Leif, who would probably have just been "Marth but faster and weaker" or "Marth but slower/stronger."


Oh, now I understand. I still think Ike is a much better idea though, simply because he ISN'T a clone and Sakurai doesn't want a bunch of clones anymore. You know, that guy loves changing his mind. xP

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Personally, I really don't care what FE character gets in as long as it makes sense.

Ike I would be fine with but it MIGHT not happen.

Chrom/Lucina would be fine by me, and considering the FE13 craze, likely

Robin would have the most moveset potential and likely because of FE13

Just my opinions

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Oh, now I understand. I still think Ike is a much better idea though, simply because he ISN'T a clone and Sakurai doesn't want a bunch of clones anymore. You know, that guy loves changing his mind. xP

Mewtwo and Snake deconfirmed then

Who says Roy has to stay a clone?

Edited by shinpichu
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Who says Roy has to stay a clone?

Absolutely no one. I mean he has plenty to pull from in terms of his animation alone. He could have wide sweeps, distance flame attacks, Iaido, some regeneration of some kind via his sword [think Project M's Ivysaur's Synthesis]

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Absolutely no one. I mean he has plenty to pull from in terms of his animation alone. He could have wide sweeps, distance flame attacks, Iaido, some regeneration of some kind via his sword [think Project M's Ivysaur's Synthesis]

Shouldn't Marth be able to do the same thing then?

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Shouldn't Marth be able to do the same thing then?

I suppose but it was only 10 HP to the Light Sword's full restore and SoS's 30 HP. But I doubt that would matter. I guess he could if they wanted.

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That's not true at all.

It is true. Roy only gets DLC and Spotpass while Ike gets both of those, a descendant, Owain mentions, and a paralogue named after him.

Edited by Anacybele
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It is true. Roy only gets DLC and Spotpass while Ike gets both of those, a descendant, Owain mentions, and a paralogue named after him.

It doesn't mean Ike is more important to the FE series since he has more references than Roy.

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It doesn't mean Ike is more important to the FE series since he has more references than Roy.

I never meant that that was the ONLY reason Ike was more important. Ike has more titles than Roy as well and storywise, he's the strongest lord right now. Surely these count for something.

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I never meant that that was the ONLY reason Ike was more important. Ike has more titles than Roy as well and storywise, he's the strongest lord right now. Surely these count for something.

Tellius has two games and Elibe has two games. Ike really doesn't have FE10 all to himself since he shares the spotlight with Micaiah, anyway. And where did it state that Ike was the strongest lord (in terms of unit utility or in general)?

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I never meant that that was the ONLY reason Ike was more important. Ike has more titles than Roy as well and storywise, he's the strongest lord right now. Surely these count for something.

@Reason number 1: Basically what ZM said, Ike has one game and shares another.

@Reason number 2:

1. What are you basing this on? It's never been stated that Ike's the strongest, and there quite a few arguments against it.

2. This has nothing to do with importance.

Edited by David the SecondWorld
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I sort of feel that Ike is a bit more important simply because the Tellius titles are more widespread. FE6 wasn't officially released in the West, after all. Though honestly I don't really care for either, so whoever gets in isn't going to bother me.

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Old Hubba states in Awakening that Ike is the strongest and his strongest Einherjar card as well. Someone posted it in the General FE section.

And Ike is a main character in two titles. Roy is only relevant in FE6.

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I see.

Doesn't make Ike more important to FE, though. For both of those reasons. If anything, I'd consider ROY more important since it was because of him and Marth that we even got Fire Emblem localized.

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