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Autocursor problems

God of Humility

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So my problem is that in Eliwood mode the cursor doesn't go to the character in Eliwood's slot at the beggining of each turn. (Yes I checked the options, autocursor is on). What it does instead is go to the tile at 0,0 (so in the top left corner).

I did some testing, and I figured out why its doing this. Basically, I have the character in Eliwood's slot appear during Lyn's mode and somehow, this makes the game not recognize him as the main hero as far as autocursor is concerned. (If I edit my events so he's not loaded in LM, the autocursor works fine in EM). However, the game still seems to recognize Eliwod as main character for everything else (Seizing and giving items to main character).

Also, the game seems to interpret the first character that is loaded next as main character for cursor purpose, provided the unit wasn't loaded during Lyn's mode.

Something that seems to work is to go to battle preparation. There the game recognizes Eliwwod is the MC, forces him to every chapter and the autocursor works as it should. The thing is I don't really want to use this since it also lets the player see and choose several units from Lyn's mode that shouldn't be available (because the game only eliminates the units with a _t and I don't use them nor could I since I have too many units for the limited _t unit slots). I could just make it so all the character's from Lyn mode are banned, but they could still be seen and that isn't really ideal.

Do any of you know if there is a workaround? There doesn't seem to be but I figured I might as well ask. Either way, its not a very important problem and there are many easy but not ideal solutions to this (like not loading Eliwood in Lyn's mode or having a battle prep).

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Why not just create an identical character to the unit deployed in Eliwood mode for deployment in Lyn Mode?

I guess stat transfers would be an issue, but otherwise it fulfills most of your requirements right?

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I'm thinking of simply using an identical character, but as you said stat transfers will be a problem as well as item transfer. Eliwood is actually playable in Lyn mode so that's a problem.

The reason I use Lyn mode is because I need to have 2 parts to the hack. The first part has a different main character in the Lyn_t slot and the second part has the main character in the Eliwood slot.

Which makes me wonder, is there any way to change modes mid-game, like going from LM to EM to HM and back in the same playthrough so multiple characters could be the main character in different chapters?Or even better, a way to change who the main character is? I haven't encountered such an event anywhere and the only time it happens in FE7 is the end of Lyn's mode but that's only one way.

Either way, I'll probably end up creating an identical character to replace Eliwood and limit him to cutscenes if there's no other way.

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The "main character" or leader is decided by whoever is the first entry in the memory. You can use ASM to essentially make this unit not be an actual unit (i.e. make them "invisible") but change their coordinates which are likely being used for the sake of autocursor to match those of the character who you actually want to be the leader.

the event that goes from Lyn's Mode to Eliwood's Mode also changes who is the leader. There is also an ASM hack that changes the mode to Hector's Hard Mode and it can be easily edited to change it to any other mode at any time you can use events though I don't know how useful this will be to you.

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Well, I really only need 2 different main characters and I only need to switch once between the two, so that's why I used Lyn's mode (though it would be nice to have more freedom for special chapters or something like that). The game still seems to recognize Eliwood as main character for everything but the cursor. I never tried to do ASM hacking since I never really needed it. Would it be very complicated to make it so Eliwood can appear in LM and still get the autocursor?

Or maybe I could get the game to start in EM and make my first main character replace Eliwood's unit slot and then mid-game switch it to HM and replace Hector's slot for the rest of the game. Though I noticed that ASM hack to force Hector Mode is actually forcing Hector Hard Mode. Does that change anything? I know enemy units get a stat bonus in HHM but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible. Also I see the exp calculations are quite different in Hard Mode. This might be a bit off-topic, but it seems the Hard Mode calculation for exp is preferable since it doesn't give very large amounts for killing weaker units with stronger units. Any way to force Hard Mode without the stat bonus to every enemy unit?

Either way, I can certainly make-do with not having Eliwood appear in Lyn Mode. I'm not sure that idea is worth trying to do ASM which I hear is probably one of the hardest things in hacking.

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