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Do You Personally Think The 20 Melee Veterans Will All Be in SSB4?


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I'm asking this because some people think characters like Ness, Jigglypuff, and Falco aren't safe.

I think they are. I mean, if they kept a character for 2-3 games already, I don't see why they'd want to remove them for SSB4. I also don't think they'd go compromising veterans from 2 or more games for new characters.

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I think any character that has already been in 2 games of the series will stay. I mean none of the characters from the original have been dropped so far, and it's doubtful that they will right now.

Just please don't nerf my precious Snake.

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They better be, dammit. Actually, nevermind, there's a 99% chance they'll be putting Mewthree in place of Mewtwo. I'm mostly concerned that they'll drop Ike. That would make me astronomically angry.

Edited by Mr. Haar
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I wouldn't mind Ike being dropped for Lucina, but not for Chrom. Seeing as all the Melee characters they left in Brawl were the ones that made sense and weren't clones, (Mewtwo is technically a clone, not in a gameplay sense though) I think they'll keep all the Melee ones, and just trim off some of the Brawl newcomers that have outstayed their time. (Ike, Toon Link, Lucario, and maybe Wolf). I think Mewtwo is set to make a return, either in his new form, or his new form as a final smash. I hope Ganondorf gets a new move set that works, and makes sense with his character.

Old characters may return as DLC, that'd be nice.

Edited by Knight
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I hope Ganondorf gets a new move set that works, and makes sense with his character.

Oh God no what are you talking about, he's perfect.

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Oh God no what are you talking about, he's perfect.

I think he mostly means from a gameplay standpoint, as Brawl's Ganon was pretty underpowered. Smashboard's tier list even has him at dead last.

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I wish Melee's overpowered N64-Zelda-Ganondorf would be in SSB4, but eh. Beggars can't choose.

Melee Ganon, overpowered?

maybe if you mained Ice Climbers, but he wasn't that good (I guess he is in comparison to his brawl self, but that's because Brawl Ganon is just shit)

also Ike should go, but if they put Roy in for him and nobody new from Fire Emblem shows up, I will be extremely pissed off

Edited by shadykid
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What are you talking about? Melee's Ganondorf was amazing. By "overpowered", I meant I can easily kick ass with him, not that I always got my ass kicked by him.

Also, anyone who mains the Ice Climbers would be tough as nails. I don't think you know much about this game.

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No, I mean I'd rather have Ganon have his own move set rather than copy paste Captain Falcon's. Maybe he could use magic or a trident or sword or anything.

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It's not about him being a clone or not, it's about his strength and speed in general. He was a little slower than average, but he had attacks that were easy to hit with and a good variety of execution speed in his attacks. It'd be great to have him with a fresh new moveset, but not if he's as useless as he was in Brawl.

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All the original 12 are safe IMO. As fro Melee vets, IDK. I think Marth, Ganondorf, Zelda/Sheik, Peach, Bowser, the ICs, Falco, and G&W are all safe as well, though I'm less sure on Sheik. so the answer is...yes?

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