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Any F-Zero Fans Out There?


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So who here has played F-Zero before? I'm sure quite a few of you have Maximum Velocity on your 3DS' from the Ambassador's Program.

I've played all of them except for GX, which is a shame since that one is not only the fastest, but it also gives you an appreciation of how fast you're going with how detailed the tracks look.

In all the F-Zero games (except for GX since I haven't played it), I can at least finish the Standard Difficulty, but I can't do Expert Classes in the Original and X without some sort of cheating like save states. GP Legends and Climax Expert is okay for me and I can only do Maximum Velocity Expert, Master, and Climax Master with certain vehicles without save states.

Regarding mains I main Captain Falcon, Dr. Stewart (even if I haven't gotten his drifting style down), Bio Rex, and Jack Levin. For Maximum Velocity I main the Falcon MK. II, Sly Joker, and Hot Violet. I've been trying to learn the Jet Vermillion, and I think I'm making progress, but I absolutely cannot do 180 turns with it without hitting walls.

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I pretty much 100%'d GX in the span of a few months. Mostly play with Big Fang, Sonic Phantom, Fat Shark and the Acro Cannon G4.

X is pretty fun too but I never was very good at it. Too bad the expansion is JP only. I did try to make a few tracks but I got bored quickly.

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I've played all of them except the first GBA game. I mostly stick with Red Gazelle and Zoda, although in GX, I had my Heat Barrel Z. CAB is too good to pass up, who cares about handling!

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I love the series, but have barely played any of the games. I've played X and GX a few times, and I'm gonna see if I can snag a copy of F-Zero GX on Amazon sometime this summer. Should be fun. I think I've used Death Anchor and Sonic Phantom in the past.

I've actually also played the F-Zero AX arcade machine a few times. Fun game, that one. Very fast-paced, but not a fan of the fact that it's an arcade machine that requires coins. >_>

Edited by Karaszure
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Only own the original on Virtual Console as of yet, and have briefly gotten my ass kicked at the first GBA game and GX. I'd say it's among my favorite racing series, but given I own so few of the games it might just be more accurate to say it's the one I admire the most.

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I own X and GX, I could just emulate the others. I can't beat X on anything but standard difficulty, lul. I beat most of GX's cups on Master. With the Blue Falcon. Get at me. But really, I like using Captain Falcon, Jack Levin, Dr. Stewart, and I sometimes use James McCloud and Super Arrow. That Guitar Hero, man.

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I wish I had saw this earlier.

I've pretty much played all of them(except for the BS F-Zero) while I own the original on my Wii, GX, GP Legend and a Japanese copy of Maximum Velocity. I have a bunch of favorites, but James McCloud/the Little Wyvern will always be my main lul. Sadly, GX's story mode is tearing me apart even though I beat every grand prix on Master.

Obligitory list of mains:

Original: Golden Fox

X: Little Wyvern, Big Fang, Iron Tiger, Red Gazelle

Maximum Velocity: Sly Joker, The Stingray

GX: Little Wyvern, Big Fang, Bunny Flash, Iron Tiger, Red Gazelle

GP Legend: Little Wyvern

Climax: Little Wyvern

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In all the F-Zero games (except for GX since I haven't played it), I can at least finish the Standard Difficulty, but I can't do Expert Classes in the Original and X without some sort of cheating like save states.

This is how I easily win every race in F-Zero X on the hardest difficulty.


The best ships, I find, are the White Cat and Super Piranha.

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F-Zero GX is my favourite racing game ever. Challenging but not impossible, so unlocking the extra ships is really satisfying. Looks beautiful too.

Love playing Dr Stewart and The Skull. Both of them have awesome themes. Did anyone else like playing just for the feeling of knocking other racers off the track?

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Here's a question about your playing style for those that have played any F-Zero: Have you ever found yourself purposely braking and slowing down on energy pads to recover more health, even though other racers will pass you? I've never seen other people do that on youtube, but sometimes I've found myself doing that in emergencies.

This is how I easily win every race in F-Zero X on the hardest difficulty.


The best ships, I find, are the White Cat and Super Piranha.

Hmm... I should try that next time I play F-Zero X. I always keep it as neutral since I keep feeling sacrificing either acceleration or top speed will bite me in the back.

Did anyone else like playing just for the feeling of knocking other racers off the track?

Yeah, I know that feel. It's so bad to the point that I stop focusing on reaching first and just try to destroy as many vehicles as I can and place somewhat badly as a result. I've even fell off the track just because I missed side attacking a vehicle.

f-zero GX is the only one I have.

And I haven't beaten any part of it despite hours of trying.

...it's THAT hard? Not even 1st place in Novice? I heard GX was difficult, but I didn't think it was that bad...

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Here's a question about your playing style for those that have played any F-Zero: Have you ever found yourself purposely braking and slowing down on energy pads to recover more health, even though other racers will pass you? I've never seen other people do that on youtube, but sometimes I've found myself doing that in emergencies.

Nah, I just go through the pit zone as normal, while boosting.

...it's THAT hard? Not even 1st place in Novice? I heard GX was difficult, but I didn't think it was that bad...

The difficulty comes from story mode I think. The difficulties in the Grand Prix mode is just how aggresive the opponents are. In Novice, they let you win, you don't even need to use your boost. While in Master, they'll do spin attacks, boost and are overall jerks. Doable.

Edited by Leafeon
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I forgot to add Lucy Liberty to my list of mains for GP Legends and Climax. BCA stats (B Body, C Boost, and A Grip) is quite overpowered compared to the rest of the cast. I've been trying to avoid using her lately since I find her a bit too cheap and I'm trying to learn harder characters like Blood Falcon, Antonio Guster, and Dr. Stewart.

Nah, I just go through the pit zone as normal, while boosting.

The difficulty comes from story mode I think. The difficulties in the Grand Prix mode is just how aggresive the opponents are. In Novice, they let you win, you don't even need to use your boost. While in Master, they'll do spin attacks, boost and are overall jerks. Doable.

How about when you're really low on energy? Don't you at least avoid boosting on energy pads so you stay on them longer and can recover more energy? Though I guess in F-Zero X, vehicles recover energy really fast and the energy pads are quite long, so I can see why you wouldn't bother even when you're on the verge of dying. I'm guessing GX's energy pads are like that as well.

Well, it's good to hear that Novice is okay. Master, sounds quite brutal since I've never actually seen F-Zero CPU opponents fight back (well, in X I've seen it 2-3 times per cup with spin attacks, but they never fight back in any other F-Zero I played). How are Standard and Expert?

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I forgot to add Lucy Liberty to my list of mains for GP Legends and Climax. BCA stats (B Body, C Boost, and A Grip) is quite overpowered compared to the rest of the cast. I've been trying to avoid using her lately since I find her a bit too cheap and I'm trying to learn harder characters like Blood Falcon, Antonio Guster, and Dr. Stewart.

How about when you're really low on energy? Don't you at least avoid boosting on energy pads so you stay on them longer and can recover more energy? Though I guess in F-Zero X, vehicles recover energy really fast and the energy pads are quite long, so I can see why you wouldn't bother even when you're on the verge of dying. I'm guessing GX's energy pads are like that as well.

Well, it's good to hear that Novice is okay. Master, sounds quite brutal since I've never actually seen F-Zero CPU opponents fight back (well, in X I've seen it 2-3 times per cup with spin attacks, but they never fight back in any other F-Zero I played). How are Standard and Expert?

Of course I avoid boosting, depending on the course. Sometimes I boost until I have no more energy.

Standard is a small step from Novice while Expert feels 'normal'. On GX anyway, X is kind of unfair on higher difficulties.

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I have F-Zero, F-Zero X and F-Zero GX.

Haven't played much of F-Zero, Beat all expert cups on F-Zero X and beat 4/5 F-Zero GX cups on Master mode with James McCloud.

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Well, it's good to hear that Novice is okay. Master, sounds quite brutal since I've never actually seen F-Zero CPU opponents fight back (well, in X I've seen it 2-3 times per cup with spin attacks, but they never fight back in any other F-Zero I played). How are Standard and Expert?

Go max speed most of the time, take a car with a decent top speed and you're set. Most heavy cars do the trick, except the Crazy Bear, the Green Panther and arguably the Iron Tiger. I heard the Great Star's actually quite underrated since it's booster is actually good, unlike things like Red Gazelle. A few lighter cars are surprisingly fast too. The Sonic Phantom is probably one of the best, but the Space Angler and the Mighty Typhoon are pretty good too. Once you get it, you should also fight the AX cup surprisingly easy next to Sapphire and Diamond.

Only a few racers will actually try to spin attack you, and some more than others. Among those I know who do fight :

Fire Stingray

Wild Goose

Wild Boar

Blood Hawk

Big Fang

Iron Tiger

Dark Schneider

Black Bull

Fat Shark

So keep an eye out for them, especially at low health or need a pit. The first two tend to fight the most, but because of that they tend to suck most of the time. Meanwhile, I know the Fat Shark's AI is ridiculous in Diamond cup, but he generally won't fight you as much.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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Standard is a small step from Novice while Expert feels 'normal'. On GX anyway, X is kind of unfair on higher difficulties.

That's a relief to hear. So it's all just Story Mode and Master GP that makes it hard? I'd probably be able to manage (though it seems like such a shame the AX characters are a nightmare to unlock with Master Difficulty Story Mode).

Yeah, I found F-Zero X's higher difficulties quite unfair as well with how fast everyone goes compared to you. It's especially bad on simple tracks, ironically, since there isn't many turns you can take advantage of to catch up with the AI vehicles (Silence 1 I can never get first in on expert or higher, despite it being the simplest track in the game). I got first in Expert Queen, King, and Joker, but not Jack. The best I can scrape up is 7th place with the Astro Robin (Jack Levin).

Go max speed most of the time, take a car with a decent top speed and you're set. Most heavy cars do the trick, except the Crazy Bear, the Green Panther and arguably the Iron Tiger. I heard the Great Star's actually quite underrated since it's booster is actually good, unlike things like Red Gazelle. A few lighter cars are surprisingly fast too. The Sonic Phantom is probably one of the best, but the Space Angler and the Mighty Typhoon are pretty good too. Once you get it, you should also fight the AX cup surprisingly easy next to Sapphire and Diamond.

Only a few racers will actually try to spin attack you, and some more than others. Among those I know who do fight :

Fire Stingray

Wild Goose

Wild Boar

Blood Hawk

Big Fang

Iron Tiger

Dark Schneider

Black Bull

Fat Shark

So keep an eye out for them, especially at low health or need a pit. The first two tend to fight the most, but because of that they tend to suck most of the time. Meanwhile, I know the Fat Shark's AI is ridiculous in Diamond cup, but he generally won't fight you as much.

I don't have a GameCube or GX, but I'll keep your advice in mind when I get to play it. I've usually always played it safe with decent body and good grip characters in other F-Zero games in Grand Prix, and save the top speeders and good boost characters for time trial.

It's quite fitting that the characters that do fight back are the ones with agressive and cocky personalities. That'll sure make it easy to remember which ones will fight back, especially since I've actually memorized which vehicle (by appearance and name) belongs to which driver. I'm not sure if memorizing vehicles by appearance to vehicle name, driver name, and stats is common among F-Zero players or not.

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I don't have a GameCube or GX, but I'll keep your advice in mind when I get to play it. I've usually always played it safe with decent body and good grip characters in other F-Zero games in Grand Prix, and save the top speeders and good boost characters for time trial.

It's quite fitting that the characters that do fight back are the ones with agressive and cocky personalities. That'll sure make it easy to remember which ones will fight back, especially since I've actually memorized which vehicle (by appearance and name) belongs to which driver. I'm not sure if memorizing vehicles by appearance to vehicle name, driver name, and stats is common among F-Zero players or not.

Plenty of cars are durable, fairly easy to control and fast, the Big Fang probably being my favorite among them, but the Fire Stingray and the Hyper Speeder are pretty good too. Meanwhile, fragile boosters tend to suck at both speed (since they tend to be more acceleration focused) and durability (those EAC and EBB cars especially, though the Mighty Hurricane and the Death Anchor are both really good, the latter at the cost of wonky controls),

Once you get it, though, you might want to learn how to use the Fat Shark effectively since it's fast and has amazing acceleration despite its bloated weight, on top of being good at killing things and some fun control quirks. The Black Bull is also a very good advanced machine, since it's the toughest of the bunch but also one of the fastest once you manage to control it well. Just work your way up in the hierarchy of heavy vehicles (Fire Stingray > Wild Boar > Black Bull > Fat Shark) and you should be able to master them easily.

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Iunno, I wouldn't say the Little Wyvern is slow, its top speed is pretty average along with its acceleration and armor.

Also, if you play the games long enough you'll pretty much be able to match who with what.

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The Little Wyvern's alright. A bit faster than the Blue Falcon, especially with the booster, but the armor is a fair amount worse. A good trade off I'd say, especially in the easier races with less hazards.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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