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Pairing choices for Nah


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I've been thinking that Kellam or Donnel would make the best Nah, but some places say Gaius is better. I want to have the most tanky Nah possible, so I've been leaning away from Gaius, as I'm not going to be focusing on speed at all. This is mainly for making a streetpass team and taking on the hard DLC. Also, is Gaius only good because he passes on Galeforce?

I was thinking these skills for Donnel!Nah:

Limit Break

All stats +2




Skills for Kellam!Nah:

Limit Break

All stats +2




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Kellam!Nah for tanking purposes, you won't regret it.

But switch one of the breakers for pavise and the other for Deliverer.

Edited by 1% critted
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idk, I like having Ignis, Sol, Armsthrift and Aegis on Nah. I mean, take off Armsthrift for All stats +2 for Streetpass-- but still!

I'd say Kellam just for the defensive boost he presents, but overall his skill set is lackluster compared to Donnel's.




All Stats +2

Armsthrift [Galeforce/Sword Breaker]

Limit Breaker


Limit Breaker

All Stats +2



Sword Breaker

EDIT: no, nah isn't a tank. she's the only unit you need to send out in any given situation. built correctly, she'll solo anything you throw at her. imo, she's one of the strongest children in the game when built correctly.

Edited by Raine
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if you go kellam nah, i like to go kellam!nah!morgan (with +def -lck) for op defenses and you can pass on 2 males skills one from kellam to nah to morgan and one from mu to morgan

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i don't get the hype for Kellam!Nah, those extra few points of defense really don't do much

(besides, even disregarding Galeforce, Donnel still gives Sol at least)

Edited by shadykid
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This is true. Then again, renewal is just gonna heal whatever small damage you take anyway so there's not much difference. *shrugs* The only time you'd take actually heavy damage is if you get hit with an Ignis+Wyrmbane strike from another Manakete. Or perhaps Owain Dark wielding a Forged Wyrmslayer activating Astra... But who uses wyrmslayers anyway?

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Kellam!Nah is overrated. Vaike!Nah is nearly everything Kellam!Nah is but with more STR/SPD and more fun non-Manakete options. You need a "true" tank for like... one Enemy Phase of one part of one Xenologue, and they have to be able to survive one or two Aethers from a character with a high, but not ungodly amount of Attack. It's not that hard to set up.

And Gaius!Nah is probably better if you actually want a Manakete, as she's fast and has Galeforce and Vantage/Sol. Some would argue Vantage is a better defensive skill than Pavise/Renewal/Sol could ever hope to be (they're probably right, but I don't know for sure).

Donnel!Nah is pointless. His class set's not spectacular for her and she already has ridiculous growths so Aptitude is less useful there (and Counter... meh). If you have to give Donnel to somebody give him to Sully or Tharja, not Nowi. Otherwise just use Gaius and pass Sol or Vaike if he's free and you're interested in Nah beyond "throw stack of Dragonstone+ on her, never touch her again."

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Well, the whole point of her being a Manakete is to be able to tank hits as much as possible. If I want to have a fast unit, I'll use an assassin or a swordmaster.

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Gregor and Vaike would be the best options. Both give Sol, which is great for longevity, and Armsthrift, which means you throw Nah into the fray as often as you want and never need to restock her stones. Neither one gives Galeforce, but on a tank, it's not really necessary. These fathers also have some nice defensive skills. Gregor = Renewal/Vantage, and Vaike = Pavise.

Edited by Meteor
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I'm not going to be having both renewal and sol, only one is necessary. And Kellam already gives Pavise. And Armsthrift isn't necessary as I have the Golden Gaffe and don't mind grinding.

Edited by astra knight
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Well, the whole point of her being a Manakete is to be able to tank hits as much as possible. If I want to have a fast unit, I'll use an assassin or a swordmaster.

Gaius!Nah tanks 99% of the game exactly as well as Kellam/Vaike/Gregor!Nah and with Vantage and Sol doesn't really care whether she "tanks hits" any worse. Also, she's less likely to be doubled, so that halves damage if anything would've doubled a different Nah.

Nah is not going to die in one hit with any father. People are making mountains out of molehills and looking at big single numbers (in this case DEF) without asking whether there are much better options for skills or more balanced stat spreads.

The absolute most damage Gaius!Nah takes that Kellam!Nah does not take is 16, assuming a Brave enemy which doubles her (this should never actually happen). 16 damage won't kill her, and the fact that Gaius!Nah has Sol means she is extremely likely to do >32 damage back, meaning that deficit is probably wiped out. What Kellam!Nah has over Gaius!Nah is Luna, which is a better damage skill than Sol or Astra... but Vaike has Luna and a STR and SPD lead on Kellam, can pass Axefaire for Hero/General shenanigans, also has the Thief tree, and swaps Priest (which Nah doesn't need because Renewal isn't that useful and she already has Sage) for Mercenary (enough said about that class).

By the way, Nah makes a not-terrible Dark Flier support because Nowi passes her Sage for Tomefaire. Easy to forget, but interesting. Kellam!Nah can't do that. Kellam!Nah is overrated. I'd go so far as to say it sucks. It's actually not BAD (no pairing is bad 99% of the time), but Kellam is better served on someone who doesn't already get Sage as passing Knight + Priest is his niche.

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idk, I like having Ignis, Sol, Armsthrift and Aegis on Nah. I mean, take off Armsthrift for All stats +2 for Streetpass-- but still!

I'd say Kellam just for the defensive boost he presents, but overall his skill set is lackluster compared to Donnel's.




All Stats +2

Armsthrift [Galeforce/Sword Breaker]

Limit Breaker


Limit Breaker

All Stats +2



Sword Breaker

EDIT: no, nah isn't a tank. she's the only unit you need to send out in any given situation. built correctly, she'll solo anything you throw at her. imo, she's one of the strongest children in the game when built correctly.

You should NEVER place Counter on a tank. If the tank gets little to no damage, the enemy will barely get damaged, and if the enemy gets a decent amount of damage, your unit would be severely damaged for it and would eventually fall to numbers.

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You should NEVER place Counter on a tank. If the tank gets little to no damage, the enemy will barely get damaged, and if the enemy gets a decent amount of damage, your unit would be severely damaged for it and would eventually fall to numbers.

Except that Dragonstones have a 1-2 range and the same build that has counter also has Sol... in essence whatever damage she takes she'll just heal on her next attack anyway. The whole point of having counter isn't to do damage to everyone, but to do damage to the people who decide it'd be a good idea to run up to her with a forged brave weapon to start chipping away at her. No one is gonna be able to do as much damage with ranged weapons (other than mages) and since you don't have Ignis on Nah she doesn't have such a great offense anyway meaning that you'll need to get damage coming from another source. However, as it was pointed out going Vaike!Nah solves that issue.

EDIT: JSND, MU Nah > the rest

Edited by Raine
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Except that Dragonstones have a 1-2 range and the same build that has counter also has Sol... in essence whatever damage she takes she'll just heal on her next attack anyway. The whole point of having counter isn't to do damage to everyone, but to do damage to the people who decide it'd be a good idea to run up to her with a forged brave weapon to start chipping away at her.

The problem here is that, of all the people to have Counter, Nah is likely to get the least out of it because she takes the least damage from both physical and magical attacks, generally speaking. Giving her even STR+2 is probably more valuable from a damage standpoint.

However Manaketes have a pretty large number of available skill slots so if she has nothing better I guess it can't hurt. Certainly Donnel!Nah is lacking in options as a Manakete.

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Except that Dragonstones have a 1-2 range and the same build that has counter also has Sol... in essence whatever damage she takes she'll just heal on her next attack anyway. The whole point of having counter isn't to do damage to everyone, but to do damage to the people who decide it'd be a good idea to run up to her with a forged brave weapon to start chipping away at her. No one is gonna be able to do as much damage with ranged weapons (other than mages) and since you don't have Ignis on Nah she doesn't have such a great offense anyway meaning that you'll need to get damage coming from another source. However, as it was pointed out going Vaike!Nah solves that issue.

EDIT: JSND, MU Nah > the rest

What I meant is that if a character would receive little to no damage, having Counter is not a goov investment, since the enemy would be dealt about the same damage you'd have dealt with some other passive skill. Donnel!Nah as a manakete tank should get LB, AS+2, Sol and a couple of breaker skills or Wyrmsbane to counter other streetpass manaketes or destroy wyvern riders (dealing them way more damage than Counter).

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