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How many Streetpass Avatars have you recruited

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My point is obviously that I fail to see how would someone of said countries think hardly anyone has a 3DS.

There's the possibility that they had a 3DS but don't take it with them, or that streetpass isn't enabled. But even if this may be the case i've only come across one person with a 3DS that had Streetpass enabled. It's a pretty safe assumption since as far as I can see, Australia is pretty terrible when it comes down to games.

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I've got 25 in my logbook so far. Just going back and forth to work, I pick people up during the bus ride I guess. There's also two people in the floor below me at the building I work in that my 3DS picks up a few times a week. After a while one of them crafted an axe and named it after me!

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Only one... I streetpassed the same guy three times, and I don't know who he is, but at least our Avatars know each other xD

Edited by SniperGYS
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Let's see... I haven't recruited any-- but I've run across maybe seven or so. only one of them actually had maxed skills, and I debated recruiting her-- but I opted to keep her in the logbook. Other than that, it seems like most people start but either forget to update their own team or decide to be shops for others. I've debated going to conventions but I haven't had the time yet.

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i recuited 5 2 cap 2 few cap and 1 horrible state

GGG-very bad state Grandmaster lvl3

luna-swordmaster skill and def cap lvl3

Jason-all stat cap grandmaster lvl1

Raiden-Str,spd,skill cap grandmaster lvl11

Mina-All stat cap falcon knight lvl9

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I really only got one avatar streetpass not counting my significant other. Funny thing is the one i got is almost identical in looks to my avatar.

Leo 20 grandmaster 179 stat rating. Only 4 skills so im guessing the player just did master seal and left it at that. He did have some strong kids iirc. Was a good challenge. When i recruited him his response was "just bench me" XD

Edited by Deshiva
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I got one so far.

I got a Lv. 20 Purple Haired Female Wyvern Rider who came with a Silver Axe when I went somewhere for my birthday with my family around in near at the end of March in an another town.

Edited by King Marth 64
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I dismissed almost all, several spotpass avatars, but all strangely weak.

The only one I got is FeMu with Aegis, Pavis, Veteran, Rally Spectrum, Solidarity

I end up using my own avatar from the hard playthrough and turn him into a armsthift, despoil sniper for more gold.

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