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So, what missed chances would you say this game has? (SPOILERS)

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Makes sense I guess, but didn't Lucina say that NAGA sent the kids back in time? and also, how the heck did Morgan's sibling not realize that s/he wasn't from their timeline? WTF?????

Oh, right. She did. I forgot about that completely... It's pretty confusing at times...

Like, where's the Morgan from the children's timeline? Is s/he dead? Missing? Didn't make the trip with them?

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Perhaps Morgan is from the other children's timeline if she's the sibling of one of them (or male Morgan to Lucina). But if Morgan is the child of a spotpass or second generation character (or Say'ri), they're from an alternate timeline. I know what Morgan's single ending says, but perhaps it's possible that Morgan is only from another universe if her non-MU parent is literally impossible in the original timeline?

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Perhaps Morgan is from the other children's timeline if she's the sibling of one of them (or male Morgan to Lucina). But if Morgan is the child of a spotpass or second generation character (or Say'ri), they're from an alternate timeline. I know what Morgan's single ending says, but perhaps it's possible that Morgan is only from another universe if her non-MU parent is literally impossible in the original timeline?

This is what I like to think because I married Cordelia so it makes no difference if Morgan is from the same timeline

Actually, for the exceptions that died early in the Bad Future I like to think Morgan just comes from the current timeline, and so her/his life is just a neverending loop.

Edited by Owain Dark
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Emmeryn IS dead, though. But an Emmeryn from another timeline made it to ours and heard of the events in Plegia, and now she's just trolling Chrom and the others while watching how her brother rules.

Although it costed her mind to permanently be gone.

The story... After Chapter 11, kinda went downhill, felt rushed. And Emmeryn shouldn't have become playable, she should have stayed dead.

Emmeryn's survival. Stupid, unnecessary, though I do give the game some points for having her permanantly disabled from her injuries.

Maybe fewer event but more elaborate one. In my opinion we don't care about Emmeryn as much as we cared about leila... and I get tired really quickly of the "AHA you think he was bad but NO, he knew that you knew that he knew..."

I wish the game were not so grind-based and more equilibrated.

And of course when you're dead, you're dead.

She is dead. The one you get is from the past.

Moreover, what's the point of dressing like Marth in-universe? If her goal is merely to conceal her identity, she could just wear a mask and be anybody because it's not like she has a driver's license or something that can tell anyone who she is. There's no point in pretending to be male (pretty much every society in the game has no issue with this that we know of), and there's no point in pretending to be Marth; no one actually believes she's the Hero King anyway, even as she waves the Falchion around (which of course is a massive attention draw, yet nobody seems to care).

But like... why would anyone recognize that she's supposed to be Marth anyway other than telling people so? I get that Marth is a legendary figure, but it's been thousands of years.

She's Marth's biggest fan and she only hid her identity to not mess up the present more than necessary since she came from the future.

The Camus archetype? Mustafa shows up in the very same chapter that he dies in. And while Camus himself only makes a small cameo before his own chapter, atleast the other characters often take note of his honour and skill. And Yenfay? Alright, he was handled well enough.

Gangrel should have been the focus. He's so much more interesting than Walhart could ever hope to be.

Mustafa was more of a cameo who obviously had nothing left to live for after his family got captured by Gangrel and was following his orders against his will. He's also the first I've seen that would have considered to protect Chrom and his army if they were to lay down their arms and surrender as he was deeply moved by Emmeryn's sacrifice. But Chrom wouldn't give in as his men were armed and should have realized that Mustafa was fighting against his will.

Lol at people who play videogames for the story...

So how are you going to do that if you wanted to marry Aversa, Walhart or Priam, then? You know, seeing as the main story is over by then...

Of course we play for the story. There would be no point in playing them otherwise. And Aversa, Walhart, etc are useless to have if you don't have DLC installed.

The final choice would have been better if Robin actually died, not this 'bonds of friendship bringing you back' stuff which cheapens the whole thing.

Yen'fay's deal would have made a lot more sense with a third sibling involved. It's pretty obvious Say'ri isn't in position to be killed by Excellus after she joins Chrom's army (if Excellus can kill people in Chrom's army, you'd think he would just kill Chrom). Yen'fay just keeps fighting Chrom's army for some reason.

Excellus is a sneaky tactician, but he didn't kill Chrom as he would already be dead at this time period. He got saved countless times as those Assasins that tried to kill him (Chapter 4's end) were probably Validar's men. History has already changed countless times.

I also hated how quickly Lissa got over her death. She got like one line and then she is like: "Let's smash something". Yes, I think that's actually literally what she said.

In the Japanese version she cared. She actually cried.

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This is what I like to think because I married Cordelia so it makes no difference if Morgan is from the same timeline

Actually, for the exceptions that died early in the Bad Future I like to think Morgan just comes from the current timeline, and so her/his life is just a neverending loop.

I'd just like to go with Morgan is a walking Time Paradox and call it a day.

I also found Avatar's "I knew all along" plot twist during Chapter 23 to be a considerable asspull.

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I'd just like to go with Morgan is a walking Time Paradox and call it a day.

I also found Avatar's "I knew all along" plot twist during Chapter 23 to be a considerable asspull.

You know what, I think the plot what have actually benefitted if Chrom had actually died there, and either have the Avatar's family had somehow manage to get him/her to regain control of themselves or just have the Avatar remain possessed and be the final boss.

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You know what, I think the plot what have actually benefitted if Chrom had actually died there, and either have the Avatar's family had somehow manage to get him/her to regain control of themselves or just have the Avatar remain possessed and be the final boss.

I assume that this version of Awakening won't have the Hierophant?

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I assume that this version of Awakening won't have the Hierophant?

If the Avatar remained possessed then yes. (And by that I mean only one of those two options would happen)

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I assume that this version of Awakening won't have the Hierophant?

I've always wondered who that Hierophant shaman was?

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If the Avatar remained possessed then yes. (And by that I mean only one of those two options would happen)

And would he/she become a dragon? Or would it be like Julius from Genealogy of the Holy War?

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In the Japanese version she cared. She actually cried.

She does in the English version too. Doesn't change the problem that she gets quickly over it.

The first three lines after Emmeries death are here:


"*Sob* *sniff* Emm... Oh, Emm..."

And then we are right at:

"You can count me in! I'm tired of crying all the time. It's time to start punchin' stuff!"

Which is the game's way of saying that she will not continue to act like she always had, before she really got the chance to act any differently. Of course, she barely gets any lines at all. So I am wonder why she even is a main character.

Not that I would say that Chrom was handled much better. And he gets plenty of lines.

But either way it compares really poorly to Mist from Path of Radiance.

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And would he/she become a dragon? Or would it be like Julius from Genealogy of the Holy War?

It would be a mix of the two. The dragon would still be brought back to life, but the fight itself would be more life the fight with Julius.

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I wouldn't mind the Chapter 23 plot twist if there was at least some sort of hint of it. D8 Like a moment where My Unit goes "Basilio may I talk to you for a sec" then the screen goes black or something. It would have been awesome if it wasn't such a stupid deus ex machina.

And I do still wish that whoever My Unit married had a part in the story. It shouldn't matter at which point of the game you're at, they should be there somewhere. "OTL I wanted Ricken/Henry/Lucina/Anna to be the one I asked to strike me down, not stupid Chrom. I love him, but I love my virtual husband/wife more. 8U Sigh.

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Also, Mu's waifu/husbando should have different lines during Avatar's Ending. I mean, I married Olivia, and it seemed like Tharja cared more than her.

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Also, Mu's waifu/husbando should have different lines during Avatar's Ending. I mean, I married Olivia, and it seemed like Tharja cared more than her.

Say hello to condition variables hell. Kind of like Cordelia if she married Chrom.

Because it isn't just "if this, trigger this scene".

It's "If this, use this dialogue instead, making sure not to trigger this dialogue."

It doesn't help that in Japanese, Olivia's same line can be taken in two different meanings depending on the tone you feel like reading it, and one's more intimate than the other, which fits if you married her.

Just leave it to the fans to finish it then:


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Say hello to condition variables hell. Kind of like Cordelia if she married Chrom.

Because it isn't just "if this, trigger this scene".

It's "If this, use this dialogue instead, making sure not to trigger this dialogue."

It doesn't help that in Japanese, Olivia's same line can be taken in two different meanings depending on the tone you feel like reading it, and one's more intimate than the other, which fits if you married her.

Just leave it to the fans to finish it then:


Yeah, the amount of trigger programming that would take is substantial... It would be lovely, and it's not impossible, but it's a lengthy process.

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After playing the future past DLC, I'm even more disappointed at how irrelevant the children are to the plot. I kinda wish they had used that for the plot over the Valm filler. Also frustrating that they introduced an entirely new race for no plot-relevant reason. The plot is just rife with missed opportunity. =/

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