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What if we had two Avatars?


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Well for one thing, a lot of my viewers ship me with Annie.

Even though I accidentally only said "pair up all the MUs together" and DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING BY IT.

I hear the sound of ships being sunk. :XD:

Don't worry too much about it, Rey - if people are good at anything, it's taking things out of context.

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Like everyone else, I'll marry them and make a family of Tacticians.

Might as well give their last name 'Silverberg'

Edited by Fairlee
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Ooh, that would be neat if both My Units could be the same gender. 8U I'd have two female My Units and totally be married to both Ricken and Henry at the same time.

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Ooh, that would be neat if both My Units could be the same gender. 8U I'd have two female My Units and totally be married to both Ricken and Henry at the same time.

Polygamy! Not that i'm complaining.

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If this were the case, I wouldn't marry the two to each other. If I could decide the gender of each, I'd make both male and have the first marry Tiki and the second marry Nowi. Why yes, I will take 5 manaketes, thank you very much. Time to replenish the population! :D

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I just realized this would cause a Morgan confession(s) to need to be created.


Oh gods...


.. why does she look like a yandere?

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But yeah, I'd love to have both in game so that it would also fall in with my headcanon, sorta like Sangyul's, where my avatars are twins and both are the vessels. Even it broke the game even more, it would be a glorious show of power; no one can deny that!

Of course, technically I already have both of them and their families in game together on both of my files, but if both were part of the story that'd be cool too.

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I just realized this would cause a Morgan confession(s) to need to be created.


Oh gods...


.. why does she look like a yandere?


"I love you... Let's strive to become the best tacticians... together."

"Tactics"... yeah...

Excuse me while I go throw up now.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Jeez; I'm gone for one weekend, and when I get back we have Avatar x Avatar and Morgan Confession CGs. Whathaveyoudone?

I would marry Avatar (F) to Chrom and Avatar (M) to Lucina, so that I can have a super Lucina, and marry her too.

Basically, with two Avatars, I can have my cake, eat it, and conquer the world to eat everyone else's cakes too.

I understand that this is wasting the opportunity to have 4 Morgans. So sue me.

Of course, technically I already have both of them and their families in game together on both of my files, but if both were part of the story that'd be cool too.

How do you have Morgan (F) and Morgan (M) in the same file? Other Avatars named "Morgan"?

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Jeez; I'm gone for one weekend, and when I get back we have Avatar x Avatar and Morgan Confession CGs. Whathaveyoudone?

I would marry Avatar (F) to Chrom and Avatar (M) to Lucina, so that I can have a super Lucina, and marry her too.

Basically, with two Avatars, I can have my cake, eat it, and conquer the world to eat everyone else's cakes too.

I understand that this is wasting the opportunity to have 4 Morgans. So sue me.

How do you have Morgan (F) and Morgan (M) in the same file? Other Avatars named "Morgan"?

You got it! I did my best to design their looks and stats as closely as possible to the originals, Chrom!Morgan, for my Male file, and Tiki!Morgan, for my Female file; and of course, I simply summon my main avatars to the opposite file. M Morgan avatar can be a Grandmaster like his counterpart, but since F Morgan avatar can't be a manakete, I just use her as a Wyvern Lord, the next closest thing.

And so I don't get them confused with my file's actual real Morgan, I named the male Lucian and the female Sephie, which are the names I would have given the Morgans if we had been able to name them ourselves.

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I just realized this would cause a Morgan confession(s) to need to be created.


Oh gods...


BLOOD AND THUNDER! *gouges eyes and gets a brain bleach*

Honestly, 2 MUs will be a great benefit, but not sure it'll work story-wise. I'd love to see both supports hough, assuming they're fraternal twins. and I could marry MaMU to Cordelia and marry FeMU to Libra

Edited by Noire
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Ephraim and Eirika all over again.

Either way, they should get a paired ending.

The problem with this (twins) in a game like FE13, with children, is that it's much harder to go around telling people, "Hey did you know that in the JP release, Avatar (M) can marry Avatar (F)?" simply because it's much harder to dummy out actual gameplay rather than changing text.

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Either way, they should get a paired ending.

The problem with this (twins) in a game like FE13, with children, is that it's much harder to go around telling people, "Hey did you know that in the JP release, Avatar (M) can marry Avatar (F)?" simply because it's much harder to dummy out actual gameplay rather than changing text.

Use a guest MU.

Dummy edit in that bubble for supports that pop up when you select a unit.

Have "Dual Support+" as equipped skill for Female MU on battle footage (even though you just use different footage on map so it doesn't show) for the other stuff.

Edit in Female MU/Male MU quotes for text on level ups on guest MU.

Get another guest MU and model it similar to the opposite gendered Marc/Morgan.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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