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The Galeforce Thread


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It's a pretty big deal when you play LTC, but if you aren't LTCing, then it pretty much just exists because you can grind and be forever invincible.

If you have fun one turning every map and putting a lot of strategy into your run, then awesome. Good for you. If you have fun grinding and playing casually, then that's awesome too, and good for you. You're both just as good as each other with this game.

I don't know about you, but I play videogames to validate myself to all the internets people. Fun is for bad players.


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Why don't I just play with the characters who show cleavage for the most fun in my next playthrough? That clearly means I'm better than someone good at playing the harder modes or LTCs.

Wut. Now yer just not making any sense.

I don't know about you, but I play videogames to validate myself to all the internets people. Fun is for bad players.


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Wut. Now yer just not making any sense.


Your argument is this: We all play the game for fun, therefore it's worth discussing in a context about "good skills."

My example is this: I only get fun out of playing with characters who expose their cleavage. Therefore it is worth discussing in a context about "good skills."

Edited by Olwen
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Just because a skill isn't interesting doesn't mean it isn't broken. That's the most stupid argument I've ever heard.

Anyway, I think it's interesting. A free action leads to a lot of potential strategies. Personal opinion.

Except that Galeforce isn't interesting. Olivia is interesting because it forces you to deal with a frail, slow unit that can't deal significant enemy phase damage. But there's no reason not to put Galeforce on your "tank", or your "artillery", or your pet dog, or anyone who has any chance at all of killing something on player phase.

With a valid point behind it. He's basically saying that there's no reason not to use it and no unit that would not benefit from having it. It's basically a free extra action with no downsides, compared to getting an extra action at the cost of fielding a unit who can barely defend herself.


Where did anyone say that Galeforce isn't broken because it isn't interesting? If anything they both said that it isn't interesting precisely because it's broken.

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Where did anyone say that Galeforce isn't broken because it isn't interesting? If anything they both said that it isn't interesting precisely because it's broken.

I wasn't sure what he was claiming in his post, because that seemed to be his reply to Renall's claim that Galeforce was good.

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Galeforce is also good for retreating and healing in case the enemy got lucky and struck you. You don't know how useful this gets on Lunatic.

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Galeforce is also good for retreating and healing in case the enemy got lucky and struck you. You don't know how useful this gets on Lunatic.

Thanks, will edit.

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Your argument is this: We all play the game for fun, therefore it's worth discussing in a context about "good skills."

My example is this: I only get fun out of playing with characters who expose their cleavage. Therefore it is worth discussing in a context about "good skills."

Are you being obtuse on purpose? Its hard to tell. That isnt my argument at all. My argument is basically the same as Red Fox's. Why the hell should we disregard "playing for the funzies" at all? If we want to argue good skills, i would argue Breaker skills above Galeforce. I was saying that i build teams full of Galeforce for the "funzies". In more serious runs, i actually go for Astra and/or Sol.

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Are you being obtuse on purpose? Its hard to tell. That isnt my argument at all. My argument is basically the same as Red Fox's. Why the hell should we disregard "playing for the funzies" at all? If we want to argue good skills, i would argue Breaker skills above Galeforce. I was saying that i build teams full of Galeforce for the "funzies". In more serious runs, i actually go for Astra and/or Sol.

My definition of playing for fun is playing with characters who show cleavage. But you would surely disregard that, wouldn't you?

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Nearly half of the people in this thread just follow Olwen around simply to disagree with him because they "don't like him" or some other childish reason like that.

If he said the grass was green I'm willing to bet money on a few certain people showing up to argue that's wrong too. Sure, he can be a bit of an elitist, but who cares. At least half the people on this fourm act like elitists in some way or another. I honestly don't even get it to begin with. He never trolls, he just posts his genuine opinions. So you may not agree with his tier lists, how he does things, or how good of a skill Galeforce is. Big deal. That doesn't justify following him around in threads just to mock him or argue again him. It's actually harassment and it's kind of alarming the mods haven't done anything about a couple users yet, despite the major flamebait from just a few days ago.

And for the record, he doesn't think that LTCing is the only way to play. How do I know? Because I watch him play Fire Emblem all the time and that isn't the only way that he plays. He messes around and has fun on some playthroughs just like everyone else. He thinks that even in fun playthroughs Galeforce is useful too, and it is. You can use it to help train other units. Say you have a unit that can kill an enemy, but in return ends up with only a couple HP left and still has other enemy units within reach of them. A unit with Galeforce can take out one of the nearby units and rescue/pair up with the unit you're training to prevent them any damage in the next turn. It's also good for helping clear maps when you have those annoying chapters that have multiple new reinforcements show up pretty much every turn. Lastly, it's good for guerilla warfare, as Olwen already mentioned. Sure, the skill is more useful for LTCing, but it is also useful regular playthroughs too.

I'm not an LTCer and I made great use out of Galeforce in my playthroughs. It didn't even take my fliers that long to get it because they are actually quite easy and quick to train.

It's a fantastic skill, so I for the life of me will never comprehend why so many people complain it's "overrated" and things along the line. Perhaps you may not put it to much use personally, but it is definitely a skill worth having.

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My definition of playing for fun is playing with characters who show cleavage. But you would surely disregard that, wouldn't you?

Thats not what your OP is about. Your OP is about how people who claim Galeforce is overrated arent good at the game. And then went on about how playing for fun isnt valid at all. Wtf do i care if you do a Cleavage Only Run? Chances are, theres Galeforce involved in that run. Are you gonna say that because you managed to get all cleavaged characters with Galeforce and roflstomped the game, youre better than the guy who says he rather do a serious run involving Aegis/Pavise tanking?

Edited by Florina Stark
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To be fair, I'm pretty certain that Panne's only as high as she in the regular tier list because she has a nice rack. After all, she doesn't have galeforce.

"bit of an elitist" is a quite an understatement when said person just made a thread criticizing 90% of Awakening players for not loving galeforce as much as these supposedly "good" players do, in an incredibly narcissistic manner.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Thats not what your OP is about. Your OP is about how people who overrate Galeforce arent good at the game. And then went on about how playing for fun isnt valid at all. Wtf do i care if you do a Cleavage Only Run? Chances are, theres Galeforce involved in that run. Are you gonna say that because you managed to get all cleavaged characters with Galeforce and roflstomped the game, youre better than the guy who says he rather do a serious run involving Aegis/Pavise tanking?

You care because you think playing for fun is valid. By rejecting my opinion, you're rejecting your own view.

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You care because you think playing for fun is valid. By rejecting my opinion, you're rejecting your own view.

You are taking this way too far. There is not one way to be good at the game.

When non-tier goers complain that tier lists and the people who discuss them are just SHFGs ruining the game for everyone else, you're the person they are complaining about.


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"bit of an elitist" is a quite an understatement when said person just made a thread criticizing 90% of Awakening players for not loving galeforce as much as these supposedly "good" players do, in an incredibly narcissistic manner.

What he was saying is that he personally thinks that all the better players can at the very least see/acknowledge the diversity of Galeforce, and that he personally thinks that the worse players don't. It's okay if people disagree with him, but they don't have to attack him or mock him over it. He isn't actually trying to insult anyone, but is merely just expressing his honest thoughts on the subject.

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He isn't actually trying to insult anyone, but is merely just expressing his honest thoughts on the subject.

Honestly, though, calling anyone who disagrees that skill X (it doesn't even matter if it's Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Skill +2, or any other skill) is good/bad a "bad player" is insulting and pretty elitist (and not to mention, all sorts of ridiculous). It's an incredibly narrow-minded point of view.

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Oh, good, another Galeforce thread.

I'll just say here what I say in every other Galeforce thread. it's a good skill, broken in many aspects even. But that's exactly why I don't use it. I don't play for LTC and I'd rather play for creating my own personalized team whether or not that is considered to be the 'meta'. It's true, I pass on Galeforce when I can simply because it IS a great skill and passing anything else would be pointless...

Overall, you cannot judge others simply because they don't use a skill you do, or don't play the game in the way you do to consider themselves 'pro'. As far as effectiveness goes I'd rather every character have Sol. *shrugs*

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Nearly half of the people in this thread just follow Olwen around simply to disagree with him because they "don't like him" or some other childish reason like that.

He created this thread. He asked for it.

He never trolls,

I am actually quite unsure about this.

or how good of a skill Galeforce is.

Hardly anyone actually disagrees with Galeforce being a great skill, they just think it's hyped up too much. Yes, that is possible.

Big deal. That doesn't justify following him around in threads just to mock him or argue again him.

Why did he make this thread? Was he expecting to say whatever he wanted to say and get absolutely no one disagreeing with him? Was he expecting to frolic only with people who would stroke his ego?

It's actually harassment and it's kind of alarming the mods haven't done anything about a couple users yet, despite the major flamebait from just a few days ago.

If there was "major flamebait," it wasn't reported and we didn't see it otherwise. There have been reports and we've handled certain things, but we've otherwise agreed that the others were overreacting.

And for the record, he doesn't think that LTCing is the only way to play. How do I know? Because I watch him play Fire Emblem all the time and that isn't the only way that he plays. He messes around and has fun on some playthroughs just like everyone else. He thinks that even in fun playthroughs Galeforce is useful too, and it is. You can use it to help train other units. Say you have a unit that can kill an enemy, but in return ends up with only a couple HP left and still has other enemy units within reach of them. A unit with Galeforce can take out one of the nearby units and rescue/pair up with the unit you're training to prevent them any damage in the next turn. It's also good for helping clear maps when you have those annoying chapters that have multiple new reinforcements show up pretty much every turn. Lastly, it's good for guerilla warfare, as Olwen already mentioned. Sure, the skill is more useful for LTCing, but it is also useful regular playthroughs too.

Yeah, we know what it's good for. Seriously, no one is denying that. The problem is that he (and others like him) loves Galeforce more than his own mother (and you) and he makes sure we know it. Yes, it is good in any context. But we do not need it. Not to have fun, not to be good at the game, not really for anything except the lowest turn counts.

And as has been shown, he has, in fact, stated that he doesn't know ways to play well that don't involve Galeforce.

It's a fantastic skill, so I for the life of me will never comprehend why so many people complain it's "overrated" and things along the line. Perhaps you may not put it to much use personally, but it is definitely a skill worth having.

It could be the best skill in the game (not saying it isn't, either) and still be overrated if it's played up too much. If it's worth a 10/10 and people treat it like a 12, it's overrated.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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to be fair (and this has been mentioned before), you guys can't reasonably call Galeforce overrated when you make a new thread circlejerking about how worthless and/or unnecessary it is every week or so

i mean there's a pretty huge disconnect between saying Galeforce is overrated even though very few people here are actually singing its praises

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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What he was saying is that he personally thinks that all the better players can at the very least see/acknowledge the diversity of Galeforce, and that he personally thinks that the worse players don't. It's okay if people disagree with him, but they don't have to attack him or mock him over it. He isn't actually trying to insult anyone, but is merely just expressing his honest thoughts on the subject.

There's nothing wrong with thinking galeforce is a great skill, the best in the game even. A problem emerges when said person goes to great lengths to hammer this point into everyone's head, and criticizes anyone who doesn't find it as great as him for whatever reason.

If I made a thread stating that Fe12 Catria was the best thing since sliced bread, and, more importantly, that only bad players don't use her in every single possible playthrough, am I free from criticism? After all, Catria being one of the best characters in Fe12 is not untrue.

I love your standards for "merely just expressing... honest thoughts"

Edited by Constable Reggie
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That begs the question... why on earth are there so many galeforce threads around here lately? The other four or five aren't good enough or something? xD

Im curious to that as well. I wonder if it has to do with GameFAQs and lots of fapping involved...

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That begs the question... why on earth are there so many galeforce threads around here lately? The other four or five aren't good enough or something? xD

Because someone feels the need to push his ideas forward onto others.

What he was saying is that he personally thinks that all the better players can at the very least see/acknowledge the diversity of Galeforce, and that he personally thinks that the worse players don't. It's okay if people disagree with him, but they don't have to attack him or mock him over it. He isn't actually trying to insult anyone, but is merely just expressing his honest thoughts on the subject.

Are you absolutely positively sure about this? Just from his OP is enough to steer reasonable people from this thread. Who said there aren't better players who doesn't acknowledge Galeforce, such as Red Fox? Plus, if he REALLY isn't trying to insult anyone, then he needs to do a better job at that. He needs to learn how to express himself and talk on the internet. (No, I'm not trying to hurl insults here.)

Then again, some people (like the creator of the thread and some others) probably see me as one of the worse players because I don't play for LTC, lol!

And just so you know, I'm not trying to INSULT anyone at all. If you saw it as that, well.... then I think someone needs to get off the computer and breathe some real air. I'm repeating myself so that you and Olwen is clear that I'm not trying to accumulate warning points.

Edit: For my own opinion on Galeforce, I completely see the purpose of the skill because I grind for the skill to pass to children and everything, HOWEVER, I do NOT play for LTC. I mean, obviously, right? Considering I based pairings for that skill and grind my butt off for it. But I don't think it was right for the OP to be putting out there that the worse players don't acknowledge the skill. There ARE good players who DO acknowledge the skill.

Honestly, I don't see why this thread needs to exist anyway. Is it for praising it? If it is, then the OP should be edited so it doesn't offend players. I could have done a better job at it and not be biased, but I still don't feel the need to discuss about this skill. Even though I grind for it, I can see why Red Fox sees it as being overhyped. Anyway, with this, I'm heading out of this thread again. Thank god.

Edited by Shirley
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Just because a skill isn't interesting doesn't mean it isn't broken. That's the most stupid argument I've ever heard.

Anyway, I think it's interesting. A free action leads to a lot of potential strategies. Personal opinion.

It's more that it's uninteresting in the sense that it's so much better than most other skills, there's little room for choice or comparison. Also when it comes to efficiently playing the regular game, you have to race for it early, to the point where it is banned in many drafts and restricted in some tier lists. Clearly being able to get an extra turn is interesting (after all, I said Dancers were interesting), but I think that Galeforce is much too easy to proc as well. It really might as well say "you can take two turns". Galeforce also makes very low turn strategies almost trivially easy to set up once Kill Boss chapters start appearing in droves in the middle of the game. Being able to charge the boss and kill him on turn 1 without having to put much thought at all into unit positioning isn't very exciting.
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