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Colonel's (Hopeful) Lunatic Playthrough

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I've been itching to do a playthrough of this game that I will publicly blog about, but I'm having a few difficulties on deciding. So what's the best thing to do? Leave it to the people that could potentially be reading it!

I would like to do a Lunatic+ runthrough ASAP, though it appears most tier lists err towards Hard Mode. Hence, a dilemma is reached. I guess I could always make a Lunatic one if I felt like it, but alas. *shrugs*. Int kind of made me lean towards Lunatic, so let's do that instead, shall we?

Also, I am leaving this topic open to suggestions on what to experiment with given an efficient setting. Let's keep the experimenting rather serious and practical if we can. Some that I thought about:

- Fredrick. We all debate how long he can last. Could try the playthrough with Fredrick getting the Second Seal (after Panne).

- Possible different routes of classes for people (i.e. Pegasus Knight Lissa instead of sticking strictly to Cleric).

- Reasonable characters to play with

- Pairings / children?

Stuff like that.


- No access to DLC content (Renown debating on atm). Sorry Anna. :(

- Efficient playthrough based on minimal resets / restarts

- Play any available Paralogues ASAP if possible

- No grinding

- As I am using this playthrough for the sake of possibly building a tier list of my own, I will also refrain from Anna shopping.

So thus far this is what I was thinking of using, though of course it is pending. I will stick with Female MU this time instead of Male as well. Probably +Spd / -Luk.

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Int kind of made me lean towards Lunatic, so let's do that instead, shall we?

Don't blame me, bro.

Seconded the +DEF/-LCK Avatar. -SKL also a potentially good flaw. +HP is a nice asset for the earlygame, but +DEF asset is almost as good and pays off better late.

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Yeah, I second what Olwen said. Use +def, it comes in handy early on.

EDIT: Damn ninjas. I guess I now third what Olwen said.

Edited by Peekayell
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I also think it's good to establish up to where Renown is allowed, if you want to make a tier list. Renown can change things (Second Seal at 100, Energy Drop at 330, Celica's Gale at 550).

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I would probably just assume, for shits and giggles, that Renown would start at 0 (so assuming the player got the game and was a complete and total masochist).

Alternatively, I could assume that one game is completed since it is actually fair, but... alas. I'll go +Def though.

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Haha, fair enough. I guess I will assume the player played the game at least once, so we'll go with that.

SO, let's whip some ideas for characters. I didn't really try any of these guys last playthrough:

- Henry

- Cherche

- Gaius

- Gregor

- Lissa / Maribelle / Libra (pfffffffffft)

- Most of the children not named Yarne / Morgan

- Cavaliers

- lolDonnel

- N.ano O.bliterating W.rath I.mpactor (well that was horrible)

Etc etc. So yeah, just feel free to bounce ideas for shits and giggles on what to try out and experiment with.

Edited by Colonel M
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This one is a simple request, but I'd like to see how well one could train Donnel in an efficient environment. I've always heard mixed answers.

I've also used +DEF Avatar as well, and I absolutely agree it's the best choice. So much in fact, that not using a +DEF Avatar could be imposed as a restriction, since he roflstomps the early chapters.

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LM enemies are numerous and strong enough to create a huge gap between the "efficient" and the inefficient characters, much larger than what exists in HM; for this reason, while using unconventional character setups is certainly viable, it will take a rather large amount of babying. If you plan to use all those guys you've listed in a single playthrough, you'll probably need to visit pretty much every kid Paralogue you can. Alternatively, you can pick just a few of them and play at a somewhat brisker pace, but the pace will nonetheless be much slower than in HM.

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Donnel is damn near impossible to use on lunatic without DLC grinding or spending a massive # of turns feeding him Exp.

And I found Cherche to be very disappointing. Way too many enemies who can 1HKO her due to flying weakness.

Fredrick is a must for the first 10 or so Chapters, and with a second seal he can reasonably stay in the fray for the whole game.

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LM enemies are numerous and strong enough to create a huge gap between the "efficient" and the inefficient characters, much larger than what exists in HM; for this reason, while using unconventional character setups is certainly viable, it will take a rather large amount of babying. If you plan to use all those guys you've listed in a single playthrough, you'll probably need to visit pretty much every kid Paralogue you can. Alternatively, you can pick just a few of them and play at a somewhat brisker pace, but the pace will nonetheless be much slower than in HM.

I assure you that I wouldn't use all of those characters listed in Lunatic Mode at once. Perhaps a couple (Lissa and or Marribelle or Libra for example aren't terrible whatsoever), but to use all at once is a bit inefficient.

I only seek those that have kind of tried somewhat conventional setups (think Panne as Wyvern Rider instead of base class, or Chrom as Cavalier instead of a Lord).

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Fredrick is a must for the first 10 or so Chapters, and with a second seal he can reasonably stay in the fray for the whole game.

With a +DEF Avatar, you can drop Frederick after Chapter 3. This is of course implying you give Avatar every kill in Prologue and Chapter 1, but I don't see a reason not to do this even in efficient play.

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If you're serious about using Henry, you should pair him up with Sumia (since she's one of his best wives). Patches up his Speed and Res with her overkill peg boosts, and he makes her less of a shitty Dark Flier.

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Actually I thought about maybe using a couple children (aside from Morgan). I tried Yarne, who was good, but I was curious about Noire if Tharja paired with Libra (yields the better Mag growth it seems). *shrugs*. Gerome's map is pretty intense as is Severa's, but alas...

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With a +DEF Avatar, you can drop Frederick after Chapter 3. This is of course implying you give Avatar every kill in Prologue and Chapter 1, but I don't see a reason not to do this even in efficient play.

Why would you want to do this anyway? Frederick can contribute to quicker clears and continues to be a great unit well beyond Chapter 3.
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Why would you want to do this anyway? Frederick can contribute to quicker clears and continues to be a great unit well beyond Chapter 3.

I agree, I'm just saying he's not absolutely required, even on Lunatic.

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Premonition: 2/2 Turns

If you can't 2 Turn this... something is horribly wrong with you.

Prologue: 4/6 Turns

Enemies consist of the following


x4 Lv 1 Myrmidon - 26 HP | 9 Str | 0 Mag | 11 Skl | 12 Spd | 10 Lck | 1 Def | 2 Res

Iron Sword - 17 Atk, 116 Hit, 5 Crit, 23 Avoid*

* - May sometimes have Avoid +10, so 33.

x4 L 1 Barbarian - 19 HP | 11 Str | 0 Mag | 5 Skl | 9 Spd | 5 Lck | 1 Def | 0 Res

Iron Axe - 19 Atk, 95 Hit*, 2 Crit*, 16 Avoid

* - May sometimes have Gamble, which makes 90 Hit and 12 Crit. Yeah, pretty dangerous.

x2 Lv 1 Mage - 23 HP | 0 Str | 10 Mag | 8 Skl | 9 Spd | 8 Lck | 0 Def | 4 Res

Elwind - 16 Atk, 116 Hit, 4 Crit, 17 Avoid

Elthunder - 18 Atk, 96 Hit, 9 Crit

Note - They seem to carry Focus, so they gain +10 Crit when no allies are within 3 spaces from them (should only happen to one Mage honestly and it's irrelevant).

Garrick Lv 3 Barbarian - 34 HP | 14 Str | 0 Mag | 8 Skl | 12 Spd | 5 Lck | 3 Def | 0 Res

Short Axe - 22 Atk, 84 Hit*, 14 Crit*, 20 Avo

* - After Gamble is taken into account. Normally has 89 Hit | 4 Crit.

Turn 1 - Fredrick moves 3 R 4 U to KO Myrmidon. Lissa moves 1 D 2 R. End. Enemies should go towards Fredrick. 2 Bandits will be softened up while a Myrmidon should be KOed. Elwind Mage should close in on the LHS.

Turn 2 - Have Lissa heal Fredrick (and give him the Vulnerary), and Fredrick should attack the Elwind Mage on his LHS unless he walked towards the RHS, then attack on his right. Ariella should KO a Bandit that has Gamble while Chrom waits next to Lissa so she isn't KOed on Enemy Phase. Bandit will likely suicide into Chrom as the Myrmidon will suicide into Fredrick. The rest of the group, barring the boss, will move towards Fredrick.

To explain why Chrom sometimes has to (sometimes) wait, your setup should look something like this at the end of Turn 2 Player Phase:


F - Fredrick
- - Empty space
E - Event tile
U - Ariella and Chrom (interchangeable)
L - Lissa

You also would probably want to wait so Lissa gets a turn of extra EXP. It's nice.

Turn 3 - Move Fredrick 2 L and KO Mage. How the enemies should set up is something like this:


B - Bandit
M - Myrmidon
F - Fredrick
* - Sometimes the Bandit will line up here, but it's fine. It doesn't change the end result.

Which should leave a weird pattern when you press X. Have Lissa heal Chrom. Move Chrom 1 U 2 R. Have Ariella move 5 R. Bandits should be left weakened for Chrom and Ariella to KO.

If, however, the pattern is different due to the Mage going to the RHS - move Chrom 1 D 3 R from his current position and Ariella 4 R 1 D from hers. You should still be able to heal Chrom with Lissa (unless both Bandits have Gamble, though I found that usually they set themselves up for KO range anyway).

Turn 4 - Have Lissa move 4 U 1 L to heal Fredrick. Chrom should move 1 L 3 U to KO Bandit. Ariella should stand next to Chrom and Fredrick and KO the Bandit with Thunder. Fredrick should be able to attack the boss and KO him on Turn 4 Enemy Phase if all goes according to plan.

Now of course, due to misses and the like you may have to adjust accordingly, but a 5 turn is no sin either. Remember:

- The enemies can have Gamble, so it's very possible for Fredrick to eat a critical hit.

- His accuracy is a little shaky against the Axe users, so again - don't be surprised about a miss.

I like how the Heroes were Ariella and Lissa. Um... Fredrick did most of the work. Assholes.

Ariella (1.60)
Chrom (1.60)
Fredrick (1.99)
Lissa (1.34) - Sadly Chrom or Ariella dodged on Enemy Phase T2 so no EXP for her that turn. :(


As far as difficulty is concerned, it's not too bad. I tried looking for about every possible scenario for the player, though. I will admit that it's not too easy to figure out at first because even my first instinct was to just Pair Up, but separating Chrom and Ariella turned out for the better. The 4 Turn can be screwed due to RNG, though, so don't feel bad about 5.

Edited by Colonel M
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After some thinking, I might be redoing Prologue. The short hand explanation - a lot of chapters are Routs. I guess the 4 turn might not hurt... But I'm sure future chapters would say otherwise. Sorry for the lack of updates thus far.

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