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Which Characters Do You Suck Against?


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I don't really suck against a particular character. It feels like the only reason I usually lose is people stealing my prey. I can relate with Falco when he says "Hands off my prey". Well, this is when it's a four person brawl, with points. Personally, I prefer the stocks.

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I don't really suck against a particular character. It feels like the only reason I usually lose is people stealing my prey. I can relate with Falco when he says "Hands off my prey". Well, this is when it's a four person brawl, with points. Personally, I prefer the stocks.

"Hands of my Bread"

Well anyways MA worst character to go up against is anyone by the name of Mac (It's a joke)

Well I really don't know

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l am not good vs. Kirby

what u main toon link. the matchup is in your favor

well for me DDD and snake ike's worst matchup's damn penguin.

well DDD has projectiles and out ranges ike so yea gay. he can chain grab me gay again and te waddles stop quick draw recovery and its hard to aether spike him

and snake is stronger than ike and his recovery isnt very gimpalbe so thats gay plus he has projectiles up the wazoo. he can KO ike easy and ike is easily punished by snake so yea very gay

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Olimar, because his Final Smash is fail.

Snake, because his Final Smash always gets me. :(

For Human opponents...anyone better than me (my main is Toon Link and my others are Ike, ZSS, Wolf, and Marth).

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Olimar, because his Final Smash is fail.

Snake, because his Final Smash always gets me. :(

For Human opponents...anyone better than me (my main is Toon Link and my others are Ike, ZSS, Wolf, and Marth).

Hey I main TL as well, we need to have a ditto match sometime

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You suck against Olimar because his Final Smash is bad?

Because it's cheap.

I also officially suck against tag-teaming Ike, Link, and ZSS.

Today online I faced 3 people in Basic Brawl. They overwhoredly spammed attacks all on me. I lost every time. And they spammed Final Destination, my worst stage.

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Because it's cheap.

I also officially suck against tag-teaming Ike, Link, and ZSS.

Today online I faced 3 people in Basic Brawl. They overwhoredly spammed attacks all on me. I lost every time. And they spammed Final Destination, my worst stage.

Then you are gonna love Sonic's final smash.

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You could call any Final Smash cheap, anyway.

Except, I dunno, ROB's, I guess.

Edited by Mac
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