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gods, not that feeling again...


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as you all know, that this week is the last week of DLC (apotheosis, future past 3) too be honest i don't mind much that the extensions of the game has reached its end, but what makes me so saddened is Future past's ending, it basically points that the whole stuff is over.. the story...

the truth is, i haven't played the game yet., but i have watched all chapters of the game from youtube, since the whole story plot and DLC plot is over, i kinda felt a bit lonely. Not that it was everything, just a slight feeling (now i just hope i can enjoy the game when i play it, i'm not that depressed tho..)

sure there are sometimes random things from rei's vid or maybe any other vids from someone, but i still can't help to get depressed this hour..>.<

did anyone also feel the way i am? the feeling that the long great story is finally over, closed book,.. well,, whatever,bummer..

Edited by Pukuriripo
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I feel you amigo, it's a feeling I get when I realize I've just done the last thing keeping me tethered to a game. When I 100%ed ocarina of time, I felt the exact same.

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And that feeling is exactly why fans fill in the rest with the their own work....for the good and the bad. >_>;

Like..fanarts and shippings, And fanfics?

Gosh I see your point there..

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Actually... I don't get it.

How can you feel like it's over when you never played it?

I've never really watched a Let's play for a game I was interrested in.

Watching a game like a movie is not the same thing as actually having played it.

Having your own achievements and failures is what makes a game fun to me.

Yeah, you might have seen the whole game, know the story and everything else but there's much more to a game.

Trying to beat the game again and again, using different combinations of characteres, trying new things.

That's the one thing video games have, that books and movies don't. Books and movies always stay the same, a good video game can be played in almost infinite varities. It's the reason I've played FE games over and over again and clocked in 999:59 hours on several Pokémon games. The game is what you make of it.

The fact that all the DLC is out in the US right now, means that the real game is only just beginning in my opinion.

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As an european, it kinda reassures me. It's just the beginning, I have still on or two months before it ends.

And I'm playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, right now, so it helps me patienting for more DLC...

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Actually... I don't get it.

How can you feel like it's over when you never played it?

I've never really watched a Let's play for a game I was interrested in.

Watching a game like a movie is not the same thing as actually having played it.

Having your own achievements and failures is what makes a game fun to me.

Yeah, you might have seen the whole game, know the story and everything else but there's much more to a game.

Trying to beat the game again and again, using different combinations of characteres, trying new things.

That's the one thing video games have, that books and movies don't. Books and movies always stay the same, a good video game can be played in almost infinite varities. It's the reason I've played FE games over and over again and clocked in 999:59 hours on several Pokémon games. The game is what you make of it.

The fact that all the DLC is out in the US right now, means that the real game is only just beginning in my opinion.

to me, it's a bit like you have finished reading a webcomic or something, basically i was sad not because of the *end of gameplay stuff* it was more to *now there's not so many FE:A videos to look anymore*

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I would suggest actually getting the game if you want more. When you're actually playing, instead of watching, the game only ends when you run out of creative new playthrough ideas.

I've put about 130 hrs into my first Normal/Classic file, and have beaten all the DLC I care to try (i.e. not Apotheosis), but I'm still raring for more. My friend is doing a no-reset Hard/Classic run of the game, where if a character dies he can't reset to save them. I'm doing my ridiculous all-female run of the game where I have to kill off all my male units, so I can use only girls, with the only exception being my male Avatar designed to look like a young version of Old Hubba (and also Libra, hehe). I'm also doing a Hard mode run (you guys who have already beaten Lunatic + are incredible), and am planning my own "canon" run, where I'm pairing up units based not on how much I like the pairing, but how much plot support there is for it. I've also considered doing a run to get as many children with their canonical hair colors as possible (going by their official art). I'm not sure about the logistics for this last idea, but I also thought about doing a Tellius run, where I use only Spotpass Tellius characters when possible, so that by the end of the game I'm using only Spotpass characters from PoR and RD.

The game isn't over 'til you let it be over.

Edited by Ragnell
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I gotta agree with Lexington's post and this line here:

The game isn't over 'til you let it be over.

especially if you haven't gotten the game yet. Sure the DLCs are done and the ending of FoD3 was pretty much showing the end of FE13, but... if you have the game, it's not completely over. In fact, it seems my Hard mode run is never-ending because I'm still on like Chapter 18 or 19 (due to grinding children). So yeah, I can't say I've been all that depressed. I got the FoD chapters first to get the scripts down, but I'm probably still going to play the maps again on Hard mode especially since the children have different parents now.

Either way, it's as Ragnell said: the game isn't over until you let it be over.

It's all good to watch a Let's Play but it's really not the same than actually playing the game. You won't feel the same, because it's not you making those decisions. When you actually play it, you'd feel a lot more as opposed to watching someone else make that decision. Get the game first.

Edited by Shirley
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I still have a support room to fill and SO many stupid builds to experiment with! I have a long way to go before it's "over"!

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