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Create your own class

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Topic says it all. Create a class yet to exist in FE13.

Light Mage

Weapons: Tome(w/Light Magic)




Max Stats:




1 - Blessing: +10 Hit/Avoid to adjacent allies

10 - Concentration: +10 attack when no allies within 3 tile radius

Promotes into: Bishop or Sage


Weapons: Tomes(w/Light Magic), Staves




Max Stats:




5 - Nova: Deals (User's Mag+Str-Opponent's Res)/2 extra damage(Activation: Skill*2%)

15 - Radiance: Deals effective damage to opponents wielding Dark Magic

Class set changes:

- Priest -> Bishop, War Monk/Cleric

- Light Mage -> Bishop, Sage

Light Magic has Blessed trait so it's effective against Revenants.

Tome Comparisons:

Shine = Flux

Divine = Ruin

Purge = Mire

Rexaura = Goetia

Judgement = Aversa's Night(Luna+ instead of Sol+)

Unique tomes:

Thani = Rapier

Corona = halves Res(aka Luna+)

Book of Naga

People with class set changes with this class available:

Libra(Dark Mage -> Light Mage), Tiki(Mage -> Light Mage), Brady(Cavalier -> Light Mage)

MUs and DLC/SpotPass characters will automatically have Light Mage added. Micaiah(both DLC and SpotPass) and Linde are now Light Mages. Oliver and Nyna are now Bishops.

Corona/Judgement stacks with Luna like Sol stacks with Nosferatu/Aversa's Night(instead of complete null Res, it reduces Res into 1/4 instead).

Divination - allows the usage of Light Magic(cannot be used by Dark Mage/Sorc). Emmeryn only(can be passed to Morgan).

With this case, Bishops cannot use Shadowgift too(except for Oliver).

Edited by Noire
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Light Mage

Weapons: Tome(w/Light Magic)




I feel like pointing out that this defense growth is higher than the defense growths of any light magic users I've come across...

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You could gives them higher Res nd Res Growth, snce it's actually their main point.

...Is it a topic to discuss just this one class, or to add our own ?

Edited by TendaSlime
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Is there any reason the growths are about 40% higher than most other classes in just about every stat? Were they intentionally meant to be totally broken in game? Also classes never have luck growths, ever.

For comparison:

50 05 15 15 15 10 10 Dark Mage
75 40 55 60 60 25 30 Light Mage

In before Soldier

Aw heck Yes.


A well balanced lance user who helps form the backbone of an army

Wields Lances. 5 MOV. Promotes to Halberdier or Paladin


1 - Obedience: +5 hit/crit when within 3 squares of the army commander

10 - Resolve: +20 hit/avoid when at 50% or less health.


19 HP, 6 STR, 1 MAG, 6 SKL, 6 SPD, 6 DEF, 1 RES


45% HP, 20% STR, 0% MAG, 20% SKL, 20% SPD, 10% DEF, 5% RES


27 STR, 20 MAG, 26 SKL, 25 SPD, 25 DEF, 25 RES


Veteran soldiers whose experience and diligence has earned then a high rank. Wields lances.

Wields Lances. 6 MOV


5 - Phalanx: All lances become effective against beasts/riders if any adjacent unit has a lance equipped

15 - Reliability: Doubles crit, but reduces critical damage to double [note: crit is doubled before factoring in enemy luck]


26 HP, 11 STR, 1 MAG, 9 SKL, 9 SPD, 9 DEF, 3 RES


45% HP, 20% STR, 0% MAG, 25% SKL, 20% SPD, 10% DEF, 5% RES


45 STR, 30 MAG, 43 SKL, 42 SPD, 43 DEF, 36 RES

So some notes from me:

Soliders are a well balanced class, with reasonable HP and good STR, SKL, SPD, DEF - similar to Cavaliers, which is why I decided to share a promotion path to Paladins with them. They're a little worse off RES wise than Paladins, and the lack of an extra weapon means their stats need to compensate a little (but really, it's usually hard to compete with promoted classes).

I guess I should talk about the skills.

Obedience is about Soldiers following orders. The army commander is Chrom for your team and whoever has a shield for the enemy. It's a level 1 skill, so it's not meant to be very good.

Resolve has the same fundamental idea as FE9/10 Resolve - boost avoid and hit when HP gets low. The big difference is this one only boosts those, it doesn't also increase attack speed, and it's a fixed (but large) boost, unlike the +50% SPD/SKL in FE10. It's probably a good skill for an avoid stacking unit, but again, it's an unpromoted level skill, so isn't mean to be great in general.

Phalanx is kind of... well, Soliders fight in lines, right? With their lances out, to stop horses. It's a little niche, but is potentially quite powerful, and gives you a way to get extremely powerful anti-beast weapons, if you invest the effort.

Reliability is another soldier trait. I was debating whether to do this or Impale (being just a skill which would be like an extra critical, I guess), but this seemed like a cool idea. Double crit pre-battle is very powerful - even without killer weapons you could easily have 50%+ critical, but as a result your crits are less powerful (double damage instead of triple). As a top level skill, I would hope this would be one that would at be a great in-game skill, and a viable option for postgame.

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Is there any reason the growths are about 40% higher than most other classes in just about every stat? Were they intentionally meant to be totally broken in game? Also classes never have luck growths, ever.

For comparison:

50 05 15 15 15 10 10 Dark Mage
75 40 55 60 60 25 30 Light Mage

This is mainly what I was wondering about, Noire just made easily the best class in the game... tankier than Generals, faster than Assassins/Swordmasters, stronger than Berserkers (O_o), etc.

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Is there any reason the growths are about 40% higher than most other classes in just about every stat? Were they intentionally meant to be totally broken in game? Also classes never have luck growths, ever.

For comparison:

50 05 15 15 15 10 10 Dark Mage
75 40 55 60 60 25 30 Light Mage
Aw heck Yes.


A well balanced lance user who helps form the backbone of an army

Wields Lances. 5 MOV. Promotes to Halberdier or Paladin


1 - Obedience: +5 hit/crit when within 3 squares of the army commander

10 - Resolve: +20 hit/avoid when at 50% or less health.


19 HP, 6 STR, 1 MAG, 6 SKL, 6 SPD, 6 DEF, 1 RES


45% HP, 20% STR, 0% MAG, 20% SKL, 20% SPD, 10% DEF, 5% RES


27 STR, 20 MAG, 26 SKL, 25 SPD, 25 DEF, 25 RES


Veteran soldiers whose experience and diligence has earned then a high rank. Wields lances.

Wields Lances. 6 MOV


5 - Phalanx: All lances become effective against beasts/riders if any adjacent unit has a lance equipped

15 - Reliability: Doubles crit, but reduces critical damage to double [note: crit is doubled before factoring in enemy luck]


26 HP, 11 STR, 1 MAG, 9 SKL, 9 SPD, 9 DEF, 3 RES


45% HP, 20% STR, 0% MAG, 25% SKL, 20% SPD, 10% DEF, 5% RES


45 STR, 30 MAG, 43 SKL, 42 SPD, 43 DEF, 36 RES

So some notes from me:

Soliders are a well balanced class, with reasonable HP and good STR, SKL, SPD, DEF - similar to Cavaliers, which is why I decided to share a promotion path to Paladins with them. They're a little worse off RES wise than Paladins, and the lack of an extra weapon means their stats need to compensate a little (but really, it's usually hard to compete with promoted classes).

I guess I should talk about the skills.

Obedience is about Soldiers following orders. The army commander is Chrom for your team and whoever has a shield for the enemy. It's a level 1 skill, so it's not meant to be very good.

Resolve has the same fundamental idea as FE9/10 Resolve - boost avoid and hit when HP gets low. The big difference is this one only boosts those, it doesn't also increase attack speed, and it's a fixed (but large) boost, unlike the +50% SPD/SKL in FE10. It's probably a good skill for an avoid stacking unit, but again, it's an unpromoted level skill, so isn't mean to be great in general.

Phalanx is kind of... well, Soliders fight in lines, right? With their lances out, to stop horses. It's a little niche, but is potentially quite powerful, and gives you a way to get extremely powerful anti-beast weapons, if you invest the effort.

Reliability is another soldier trait. I was debating whether to do this or Impale (being just a skill which would be like an extra critical, I guess), but this seemed like a cool idea. Double crit pre-battle is very powerful - even without killer weapons you could easily have 50%+ critical, but as a result your crits are less powerful (double damage instead of triple). As a top level skill, I would hope this would be one that would at be a great in-game skill, and a viable option for postgame.

Excellent job! I like this... should have been one of Donny's reclass options. : ]

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Oh what a fun thread, I love ones that leave such a creative open end to them.

Fledgling: equips lances

A bruiser who fights with precision and deadly aimed lance strikes, high skill


Level 1- Dull: Crit -10, but adds 30 hit

Level 10- Solace: Hit/Avo +10 for each unoccupied square around this unit

Fledgling promotes to Sharpshooter or Hawkeye

Sharpshooter: equips bows and lances

An archer and lanceman with great accuracy and damage output, but not skilled enough to use a longbow.


Level 5- Sure Shot: Attack is guaranteed to land (skill chance)

Level 15- Retreat: Upon killing an enemy, the Sharpshooter can move movement/2 more spaces, but can not attack. Applies pass for duration of second move.

Hawkeye: equips lances and bows (includes longbow)

An assassin with a knack for pinpoint stabs, whether from far or close.


Level 5- Scoped: Adds crit+10 when target has no units adjacent to it (neglect this unit)

Level 15- Headshot: crit damage is lowered to 2x, but chance is doubled (after subtracting luck)

Edit: not posting stats because I know I wouldn't be able to balance them.

Edited by SpikyRtG
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A noble in line for the throne. Balanced stats all around, uses swords.

21 HP, 7 STR, 1 MAG, 5 SKL, 8 SPD, 4 DEF, 2 RES
50% HP, 30% STR, 15% MAG, 35% SKL, 40% SPD, 15% DEF, 10% RES
25 STR, 20 MAG, 26 SKL, 27 SPD, 22 DEF, 21 RES


Level 1:

Reinforce: Using this skill will summon a cavalier with base stats if the unit is unpromoted, and a paladin with base stats if unit is the promoted. Can only be used twice per map.

Level 10:

Fortune: Cuts enemy critcal hit rate in half.

Promotes to either Master Knight or Great Lord.

Now that thats out of the way here is the class I wanted to make, I just felt like making a base class for it.

Master Knight:

A Knight skilled with all weapons. Can use any weapon including dark magic and staves.

28 HP, 12 STR, 5 MAG, 13 SKL, 11 SPD, 8 DEF, 6 RES
50% HP, 30% STR, 15% MAG, 35% SKL, 40% SPD, 15% DEF, 10% RES
42 STR, 35 MAG, 46 SKL, 43 SPD, 40 DEF, 35 RES


Level 5:

Adept: Activation rate is half of the unit's speed. Attacks twice in one attack, but the second attack cannot activate any skills.

Level 15:

Nihil: Nullifies enemy skills.

Edited by Zelos
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copying that Master Knight from another thread, it's a class that goes up to level 30, has no skills, caps are 40 for everything except luck and is mounted with all six weapon types (yes I am aware the last part is physically impossible)

Edited by shadykid
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A wild swordsman who cuts through foes like butter. High Strength, uses Swords.


45% HP, 20% STR, 10% MAG, 15% SKL, 20% SPD, 10% DEF, 5% RES

Max Stats:

60 HP, 29 STR, 20 MAG, 23 SKL, 26 SPD, 30 LCK, 25 DEF, 20 RES

Lvl 1: Compulsion - Enemy units will attack this unit more often.

Lvl 10: Aggravation - Attack +5 during the enemy's turn.

Promotes to either Savage or Swordmaster.


A beast of a man that fights with everything he has and holds nothing back. Uses Swords and Lances.


50% HP, 25% STR, 10% MAG, 15% SKL, 25% SPD, 15% DEF, 10% RES

Max Stats:

80 HP, 49 STR, 29 MAG, 38 SKL, 45 SPD, 45 LCK, 34 DEF, 28 RES

Level 5: Ravage - An attack that renders an enemy unit unable to perform any actions on their next turn. (Skill/2)%

Level 15: Mountbreaker - Hit Rate & Avoid +50 when fighting a mounted enemy.


I based my growth rates off of some of the growth rates in Awakening, so that explains why they're low.

Edited by Karaszure
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Master Knight:

A powerful knight who has mastered every form of combat.

Levels to 30.

HP: 80; STR: 40; MAG: 40; SPD: 40; SKL: 40; LCK: 45; DEF: 40; RES: 40; Mov: 8

Mounted. (Beast Weakness)

L1 Skill: None, L15 Skill: None.


Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Tome, Staff


HP: 50;STR: 15;MAG: 15;SPD: 15;SKL: 15;LCK: 0;DEF: 15;RES: 15

Pair Up bonuses:

Everything: +1

You get it by using a "Master Crown" on any Level 10 or Higher unit.

Which would be gotten out of a very high level DLC map.

In short, it'd make for a solid final class for plenty of units, but wouldn't be an end all, be all final class.

Edited by Airship Canon
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I like Savage~ It's like a strong Swordmaster.

With Lances! *Shot*


Tyrant - Special Class (Lvl. 30 max)

Uses Lances and Bows.


Lvl 1. - Provoke: More chance of being attacked by an enemy.

Lvl 15. - Pierce: Negates all defence of the target, but unable to critical. (Skill% activation) (It wouldn't really matter if you couldn't critical anyway)

Witch - Special Class (Lvl. 30 max)

Uses Magic (+Dark) and Axes


Lvl 1. - Duskbringer: Has a chance to place an enemy to sleep for one turn. (User mag-Enemy res% skill activation)

Lvl 15. - Rewarp: Able to teleport anyone on the map, costs 14 HP.

Edited by Henry
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Create 1 phantom max of (1 in game per summoner) resummon kills the previous.

Phantom will have 1/2 of the stats of summoner and wielding the equipped weapon with -5 mt.

Able to equip Lance and Tome.

lv5 Skill - Sturdy - +5 res/def when attacked

lv15 Skil - Animate - Newly Summoned Phantom can move on the same turn. +10 Strength and Magic to Phantom for that turn.

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OK, some Ideas :

Protector :

An armoured units who calm his allies in battle. Wears Staves

lv 1 Skill : Clear Mind : hit + 20 % Crit + 5 % for every nearly units. Also affect the Pair Up unit.

lv 10 skill : Calm Aura : Crit/2 % for every ennemy units in a 3 square radius

4 move


45% HP, 5% STR, 10% MAG, 20% SKL, 5% SPD, 15% DEF, 15% RES

Max Stats:

60 HP, 20 STR, 25 MAG, 28 SKL, 22 SPD, 30 LCK, 30 DEF, 28 RES

Can evolves into Great Paladin or Guardian

Great Paladin :

Mounted Armor Units protected by the power of Gods. Wears Lance and Staves

Lv 5 Skill : Trust : Support Level + 1 (That is Support Rank, Dual Strike and Dual Guard)

lv 15 Skill : Partisan : Def + 5 and Hit + 20 when a Lance is equipped, but Avoid - 25 %

8 move


40% HP, 15% STR,10% MAG, 15% SKL, 10% SPD, 15% DEF, 10% RES

Max Stats:

80 HP, 44 STR, 35 MAG, 40 SKL, 38 SPD, 45 LCK, 44 DEF, 40 RES

Guardian :

An armoured units whose all life is dedicated to protection. Wears Staves and Tomes

lv 5 skill : Rampart : Def and Res + 5 when in the back of a Pair Up

lv 15 Skill : Last Shield : Dual Guard + 20% when nearly ally have 50% HP or less

5 move


55% HP, 5% STR, 10% MAG, 25% SKL, 5% SPD, 20% DEF, 20% RES

Max Stats:

80 HP, 30 STR, 40 MAG, 45 SKL, 30 SPD, 45 LCK, 50 DEF, 48 RES

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Another for no real reason.

Kunoichi (Basically a female Dread Fighter, too lazy to try for a creative name)
Uses Swords, Axes and Tomes

Lvl 1. - Spd/Skl +5: Speed and Skill +5
Lvl 15. - Scourge: Reduces enemy defence by Str/4 for 3 turns upon hit. (Skill/2% activation)

Edited by Henry
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We really let our imagination run wild with this new game. That's actually pretty fun !

OK, some more classes, related to my precedent post.

Magic Armour :

A mage wearing a big armour. High Defensive power and magic, but the rest of the stats are low. Uses Tomes

lv 1 Skill : Burning Armour : Damage + 5 until the next player turn if targetted by magic (1 per turn)

lv 10 skill : Wall Change : Ennemy Attacks target the higher defensive stats (Luck %)

4 move


40% HP, 10% STR, 15% MAG, 10% SKL, 5% SPD, 15% DEF, 10% RES

Max Stats:

60 HP, 20 STR, 28 MAG, 23 SKL, 20 SPD, 30 LCK, 28 DEF, 28 RES

Can evolves into Dark Baron or Guardian

Dark Baron :

Evil Generals who destroy ennemies with their power alone. Uses Axe and Magic. Can uses Dark Magic

lv 5 skill : Terror : Hit/Avoid/Crit Avoid/Crit - 20% when fighting an ennemy alone (not paired up and no allies nearby)

lv 15 Skill : Overlord : Attack/Magic/Defence/Resistance + 5 if no allies in a 3 square Radius and No Pair Up.

5 move


50% HP, 20% STR, 20% MAG, 20% SKL, 10% SPD, 20% DEF, 15% RES

Max Stats:

80 HP, 50 STR, 48 MAG, 45 SKL, 35 SPD, 45 LCK, 50 DEF, 46 RES

So, now we have a class who can chose to take full advantage of the Pair Up and Support System, or completely disregard it in exchange of more power.

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