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Hard/Casual LTC Run: Rescue Abuse Guaranteed


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Note: this is my first ever LTC run, so don't expect perfection.

HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY LTC RUN. Early game, I'm relying on Frederick's support-bonuses, marrying Libra starting from Chapter 9 (FeMu), and late game using Boots Libra to rescue FeMu-Morgan (both Galeforce) up the maps to 1 turn as many as possible~ plans and rules:

FeMu: +Mag, -Str, class path will be: Tactician-Grandmaster-Dark Flier so that I can maintain magic use throughout. Is marrying Libra.

Libra: Going to marry FeMu, get fed Spirit Dusts and be my Rescue staff abuser. Class path: War Monk-Sage

Morgan: Going to be given Boots and made a Grandmaster with reclass to Sage somewhere for Tomefaire. Class path: Priest-Tactician-Grandmaster-Sage-Grandmaster

Olivia: Will help occasionally.

Anna: Will be used occasionally to get chests.

Chrom: Going to Seed-of-Trust him with Maribelle (since he doesn't deserve Olivia in this run) and have them auto-marry after Chapter 11. Don't care about him, he's pair-up fodder.

Frederick: Pair-up bait.

Rules: Only use SpotPass for items, no grinding, no DLC (can't use it anyway).

Premonition - 2/2

FeMu appropiatle named FeMu.

Easy 2-turn by pairing FeMu+Chrom and having Chrom kill Validar with Silver Sword.

Prologue - 5/7

Honestly, I can't be bothered to write this all down due to how many times I had to reset. Tried to 4 turn it, but after resetting OVER 50 TIMES, the Thunder Mage still didn't get that 22% chance of missing. Bullshit.

Got great level-ups though mostly.

Chapter 1 - 4/11

Turn 1 PP:FeMu-Frederick and Chrom-Lissa paired up. Chrom-Lissa hide in the corner, and FeMu-Frederick go on the fort and get the sparkly tile. Attack the Barbarian as well for convenience.

Turn 1 EP: Everything heads toward FeMu. BRING IT ON~

Turn 2 PP: Sullion hide in the corner. Head into boss range and hope for the best~

Turn 2 EP: Pretty much everything attacks FeMu. Should get a 3 turn clear at this rate! :D

Turn 3 PP: Attack boss. Doesn't look like a 3 turn clear seeing as two enemies headed towards the corner. =/

Turn 3 EP: Everything suicides. Gain a bunch of levels and nice amount of speed.

Turn 4 PP: Yep def 4 turn clear. Attack Mercenary since I can't double it.

Turn 4 EP: 4 turn clear.

Afterwards, FeMu-Frederick C Support.

Chapter 2 - 5/16

Same pairings, everyone but FeMurick hide.

Turn 1 PP: Femurick move forward into the range of everyone and kill a Barb. I'll need Mirel's Fire at this rate~

Turn 1 EP: Stuff heads toward FeMU and Frederick helps kill some.

Turn 2 PP: Mirel trades the Fire to Virion. Virion heads up and gives it to FeMu. Swith to Sully so they can kill the final soldier. FeMu heads up as far as possible and uses a Vulnerary.

Turn 2 EP: Obviously a bunch of stuff heads towards FeMu and lots die. The Soldier and Sully start fighting.

Turn 3 PP: FeMU attacks boss.

Turn 3 EP: Most stuff suicides onto FeMU. Boss and another enemy live to be killed next turn.

Turn 4 PP: dammit the merc headed down. Looks like it's a 5 turn. Kill the boss.

Turn 4 EP: nothing

Turn 5 PP: Kill the merc, end chapter.

Stats at this point:

FeMu Tactician Level 12.72

Str 12

Mag 14

Skill 10

Speed 14

Lck 8

Def 10

Res 10

Chapter 3 - 5/21

Chrom, FeMu and Frederick taken.

Turn 1 PP: Chrom talks to Kellam and pairs up. Kellam unequips his weapon and heads back. Sumia heads to the right to die. FeMU heads to the left.

Turn 1 EP: Everything on the left side dies.

Turn 2 PP: FeMu heads to the door.

Turn 3 PP: Open the door. The left side is near Kellam-Chrom now and they can't get away: eh, they're bulky enough to take it anyway.

Turn 3 EP: Kill the knight.

Turn 4 PP: FeMu heads straight to the left.

Turn 4 EP: Everything suicides onto FeMu.

Turn 5 PP: Attack Raimi.

Turn 5 EP: Kill Raimi.


FeMu Level 14.94 Tactician

Str 13

Mag 15

Skill 11

Spd 16

Lck 10

Def 10

Res 10

Frederick-FeMu B support is activated. I get everything up to Gradivus from Renown, and up to Armads on Bonus items.. I buy a Thunder from a shop and give it to FeMu. I also buy a Master Seal from an Anna shop: very convenient. Paralogue 1 opens up, but we're not doing that.

Just out of interest, what's the normal LTC turn count at this point? I'm interested. ;D

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Ahh k.

Chapter 4 - 3/24

Turn 1 PP: Kellam-Chrom and FeMu-Frederick. Kellam-Chrom hide, FeMu goes up into the left Barbarian's range.

Turn 1 EP: Barbarian dies.

Turn 2 PP: FeMu heads into Masked Marth's range.

Turn 2 EP: Enemies suicide onto FeMu.

Turn 3 PP: Kill Masked Marth.

Turn 3 EP: Everything else dies.

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