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What difficulty level do you like playing?


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It depends on the genre. For example, I tend to play on the hardest difficulty on any type of RPG or turn based systems. Ex: maniac mode on P3P

Things like shooters though, not so much. I suck at fighters and shooters so no.

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I really personally dislike massive difficulty, but if there's none whatsoever, then I'm just watching a very fragmented movie. Or worse, it could just be some kind of time sink.

So I prefer something in the middle. Sometimes though, I do enjoy playing a game easier just to play around with the system. I.e. bringing in the legendary cheat soldiers in XCOM, using the map editor in Civ V, etc.

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Time to break the monotony of the same post subject over and over again.

I break games and turn them into easy mode. Well, certain ones where its possible. What fun is there in playing OoT anymore when you know all those fancy glitches to get around.

even better, Pokemon Green glitch

because why would I play through it legitimately

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Unless it's a genre I'm very familiar with, I start on normal difficulty. If it's a game based around kicking ass and not much else (like God of War), I'll play them on easier difficulties.

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I try to find a setting that makes me get better at whatever the game wants me to do in order to go on. If I'm almost totally new to the genre, as I am/was (even moreso than now) for awhile with strategy games, that might not mean taking the highest setting offered, if I feel so overwhelmed that I can't identify my mistakes, but starting on the Hard equivalent is a safe enough bet with most games, particularly recent ones as mentioned.

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Always the hardest difficulty available at the start, regardless of the game. If I'm getting game overs/dying a lot then I am happy.

It's when I'm not really presented with any kind of challenge that I lose interest, if I'm taking a long time to make progress it feels more rewarding to play. Assuming it's entirely my fault that it's happening and not some unbalanced crap.

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Always the hardest difficulty available at the start, regardless of the game. If I'm getting game overs/dying a lot then I am happy.

It's when I'm not really presented with any kind of challenge that I lose interest, if I'm taking a long time to make progress it feels more rewarding to play. Assuming it's entirely my fault that it's happening and not some unbalanced crap.

so, what do you think of Lunatic+ :B):

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