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Skill Vs. Skill thread rounds 5-9


89 members have voted

  1. 1. Even or Odd Rhythm?

    • Even Rhythm
    • Odd Rhythm
    • Neither
  2. 2. Faire skills or Aggressor?

    • -Faire
    • Aggressor
    • Neither
  3. 3. Conquest or Iote's shield?

    • Conquest
    • Iote's shield
    • Neither
  4. 4. Deliverer or Movement+1?

    • Deliverer
    • Movement+1
    • Neither
  5. 5. Duel Strike+ or Duel Guard+?

    • Duel Strike+
    • Duel Guard+
    • Neither

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Rounds 5-9 will be on this thread because of poll question limits. Mods can delete old threads to their heart's content if thread clutter is an issue.


Every day I'll add a new section to the poll, so you will have to delete your original answer and redo the poll including the new question if you wish to vote for it. Sorry if there are any problems to this with mobile devices or something.

Rules: (subject to change)

-The skills are based on the game play of the skill, and which is better in most situations in which they are both usable by the same character. (Don't factor Stahl into Luna-Ignis arguments) Unless I say differently, availability can be used as an argument. I'll say so in the thread if there is an exception.

-Proc. rates ARE factored in, but base it only on the raw numbers, not on a character's skill or luck. (People who use Astra typically have higher skill, but it technically activates as much as Aether)

-Bias can be talked about in the forum, but don't let it influence a decision as much as possible.(Sol looks stupid, and therefore Sol is a stupid skill)

-If a skill "plays nice" with other skills, that can be taken into consideration, but keep the focus on the said skill. (Don't go nuts with X+Galeforce is good stuff)

-Rightful King can be used as an argument point, regardless.

-Skills are based on Fire Emblem: Awakening situations only. (Sol doesn't do 3x damage)

-No general difficulty or game setting such as hard or lunatic mode, but stuff like "Lethality is better in Luna+ Streetpass teams" is kinda iffy.

-Assume all Streetpass and DLC features are available.

081.pngEven Rhythm: Hit rate and Avoid +10 during even numbered Turns. Taguel Lv. 1

083.pngOdd Rhythm: Hit rate and Avoid +10 during odd numbered Turns. Manakete Lv. 1


I vote Even Rhythm mostly because the first round in fighting typically consists of units just running at each other without much actual combat, so the real fighting starts on an Even turn. Still, there could be arguments for both, like higher movement units wanting Odd Rhythm more.

Edited by Melonhead
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This shouldn't be as close as it is.

Odd Rhythm is in principle superior to Even Rhythm if you think about it, though the difference is minuscule: Odd Rhythm is guaranteed to activate at the start of battle, while Even Rhythm needs a turn to catch up. At best, Even Rhythm "ties" with Odd Rhythm (they each activate k times in a fight lasting 2k turns; meanwhile, in a fight that lasts 2k+1 turns, Odd Rhythm activates k+1 times while Even Rhythm activates k times).

If you're clearing a stage in a single turn, then Even Rhythm is useless, while Odd Rhythm has a shot at being useful. The exception would be if you had some stage where the best way of clearing would be to do all the heavy lifting on an even-numbered turn, but I'm not aware of such situations in this game.

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This shouldn't be as close as it is.

Odd Rhythm is in principle superior to Even Rhythm if you think about it, though the difference is minuscule: Odd Rhythm is guaranteed to activate at the start of battle, while Even Rhythm needs a turn to catch up. At best, Even Rhythm "ties" with Odd Rhythm (they each activate k times in a fight lasting 2k turns; meanwhile, in a fight that lasts 2k+1 turns, Odd Rhythm activates k+1 times while Even Rhythm activates k times).

If you're clearing a stage in a single turn, then Even Rhythm is useless, while Odd Rhythm has a shot at being useful. The exception would be if you had some stage where the best way of clearing would be to do all the heavy lifting on an even-numbered turn, but I'm not aware of such situations in this game.

Pretty much this. In an abstract world this is entirely true, and in the actual context of the game, it still seems to stay true. It also helps that Odd Rhythm is available to a better class and to better units.

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Pretty much this. In an abstract world this is entirely true, and in the actual context of the game, it still seems to stay true. It also helps that Odd Rhythm is available to a better class and to better units.

better class? yup

better units? not so fast, Panne is pretty good

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This shouldn't be as close as it is. Odd Rhythm is in principle superior to Even Rhythm if you think about it, though the difference is minuscule: Odd Rhythm is guaranteed to activate at the start of battle, while Even Rhythm needs a turn to catch up. At best, Even Rhythm "ties" with Odd Rhythm (they each activate k times in a fight lasting 2k turns; meanwhile, in a fight that lasts 2k+1 turns, Odd Rhythm activates k+1 times while Even Rhythm activates k times). If you're clearing a stage in a single turn, then Even Rhythm is useless, while Odd Rhythm has a shot at being useful. The exception would be if you had some stage where the best way of clearing would be to do all the heavy lifting on an even-numbered turn, but I'm not aware of such situations in this game.

The arguement I see with this is that in some chapters, it takes more than a single turn to really get fighting going (ie. The skirmishes on Aversa's chapter, 25 I think, on that one, aside from flyers and mire slingers, very few moves hit you on turn 1). An arguement could be made for either one in one honestly, I have no personal preference between the two (lucky seven ftw, mire turreting without fail for a few weeks now)

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Which one is less awful depends on the map; for some maps, it will take until turn 2 for fighting to actually happen, especially since Manakete and Taguel don't have fantastic movement.

Odd Rhythm comes with a better class, though, and collectively Nowi and Tiki are better than Panne (with Nah generally far better than Yarne if you bother to use children.)

The correct answer as to which one you should be using, though, is 'neither', unless there's absolutely nothing else, in which case it doesn't even matter because no character can get both anyway.

Edited by Iridium
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better class? yup

better units? not so fast, Panne is pretty good

Ah, yeah, you're right this time. My last run had no SS, and so I forgot Panne is pretty great after reclassing. As a Taguel vs. a Manakete, not so much.

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day 6 coming soon?

completely skipped my mind, sorry.

022.png-Faire skills: Strength +5 when equipped with a -weapon (Magic +5 when equipped with a magical -weapon) Various classes Lv. 15

093.pngAggressor: Attack +10 during the user's Turn. Dread Fighter Lv. 15


I'd say the faire skills, mostly because they offer damage bonuses on the enemy turn, which is when arguably most of the action is. It doens't help that aggressor is male-only, either.

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-Faire skills get my vote since Aggressor is player phase only, and male only as well - both of which don't do its case any good.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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-faire skills because Aggressor is DLC only, and faires are always on unlike Aggressor (also like Xbox One)

also, only 3-4 characters can use Galeforce+Aggressor, so screw that

Edited by shadykid
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My vote goes to Aggressor since it and Galeforce makes offense relevant.

There are many defensive skills better than -faires.

There are few offensive skills better than Aggressor. Not to mention it applies to all weapons.

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Voted for Aggressor, though this can seriously go either way: Aggressor works for about every weapon, but the -faire skills work anytime, anywhere, so long as you have the right weapon.

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The faires are much less restricted than aggressor, and work better if you're gearing for enemy phase, but aggressor allows for some amazing clearing ability if you're playing an offence based team. I'd narrowly give it to aggressor because of how much it changes what an offensive team can do.

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also, only 3-4 characters can use Galeforce+Aggressor, so screw that

Aggressor works on dual strikes, so you can pair up an Aggressive male with his Galeforce girlfriend and watch the magic happen.

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Aggressor works on dual strikes, so you can pair up an Aggressive male with his Galeforce girlfriend and watch the magic happen.

only on player phase

also, it's still unnecessary (and DLC only, so loldoesn'texist in efficient playthroughs)

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Aggressor. All things being equal, you do attack more people with a higher damage output with a faire, but if you're going up against an oppoent with a very high defensive stat I'd rather have aggressor.

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Even or Odd Rhythm
I'd have to say neither. Both are good, I just don't think any one of the skills are superior.

-Faire or Aggressor
Faire skills win this one, simply because of avaliability to both male and female characters, and it's active through both player and enemy phase.

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